
This program can work alongside an OpenCPN plugin called ge2kap to capture the OpenCPN chart display.

sat2chart ge2kap

Note 1: Windows only.

Note 2: It can be run on MacOSX >= V10.5 or Linux/Gtk >= V2.6 if running Windows in a virtual machine.

Source: Not available.


At , select “Sat2Chart_Install.exe”. Download and install.

Some zip files in the Downloads require a password to unzip which is: phiggins

Use of ooREX Language

Paul Higgins uses the ooRexx language in creating Sat2Chart. For Sat2Chart to run it needs the ooRexx interpreter installed on the machine (Paul used to work for IBM). Sat2Chart intallation checks if ooRexx has been downloaded and installed. If not you are prompted to do so.

ooRexx is an interpreter language. That means the human readable source code is not compiled to machine code to an executable and this executable is started but the ooRexx code is given to the interpreter which translate it to machine code during startup. That is nice for small programs and test them on the fly.

Description & Process

This is a technique for putting charts into OpenCPN with a minimum number of steps and/or geeky user interfaces. Some processes involve using the ge2kap plugin, which is installed in OpenCPN as part of the installation of sat2chart. Remember to enable the ge2kap plugin in OpenCPN.

Follow the instructions in the help file or use the tutorials in the program.

Gilletarom’s Guide

This describes the old GE2KAP program but it includes details of the OpenCPN plugin (ge2kap_pi.dll) that works with Sat2Chart. Use in conjunction with the Sat2Chart help file and tutorials.

Jon Hocking’s mbtiles File Page

Jon Hocking’s mbtiles page includes information about OpenCPN and sat2chart.

Additional downloads from that may be of interest

  1. Some zip file require a password to unzip which is: phiggins

  2. GERoute - V3.0.0 New Jun.06 2020 Follows a route to load the Google earth cache.

  3. AISTTM - V2.0.0 New Nov. 17,2014 Converts AIS/NMEA into TTM messages for non-AIS radars. Can be used as an AIS/NMEA simulator.

  4. Fix_GE_API - V4 Aug 23,2015 04, Fixes the Google Earth API