How can errors in the manual be reported?

For issues in the overall manual, please use https://github.com/opencpn-manuals/plugins/issues.

For minor edit for specific plugins, please use the Edit This Page link which is available top-right in every manual page. This leads to a GUI dialog where it is possible to propose changes directly.

For other problems with specific plugins, please file the issue against the plugin. The github repository link is usually on top of the manual page.

How could images be displayed in Firefox/Chrome using the asciidoc plugin?

Asciidoctor Firefox extension

  • Add the Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension


  • In the options→custom attributes add "imagesdir=../images/".


Asciidoctor Chrome extension

  • Add the Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension


  • Enable the extension and allow access to file URLs


  • In extension options→custom attributes add "imagesdir=../images/".


Where is the latest build of the OpenCPN Plugins Manual?

Latest build is at https://opencpn-manuals.github.io/plugins.

How can the manual be edited?
  1. Top right of your pages you will see `Edit this page'. Using this allows edits of the manual on Github. On the next build of your plugin the edits will be seen in the manual (after the main manual is updated).

  2. Using the manual pages in your plugin repository.

Are there tools that converts markdown to asciidoc?

Are there tools that ``automagically'' converts markdown e.g., the README.md file in the github repo) to asciidocs? Yes pandoc does this. It’s not perfect, but usable.

BTW if you need HTML for a help button you can create it by using a local build of the manual. The HTML could be placed in a folder in your plugin data directory and referenced by the plugin.