Prerequisite Cloud Services

Needed for Build and Deployment.

Github --> CircleCI  --> Cloudsmith --> Library
 Code       Build        Deploy to       Catalog

Cloud Services

We assume you have or are able to configure the following free opensource accounts/services:

  1. Code Repository GitHub

  2. Deployment Repository Cloudsmith

  3. Build Tool CircleCI Needs authorizations from Code & Deploy repositories.

  4. Build Tool Appveyor Needs authorizations from Code & Deploy repositories.

  5. Note: is no longer free Opensource and therefore is not used.

If you do not have these accounts, register as a free opensource account and save your passwords. Use your github account to register and sign in to Circleci and Cloudsmith if possible.

Authorization Keys

There are two essential authorization keys needed to establish secure workflow communications between your cloud services. It is a good idea to record these and keep them readily available for reference.

Github Personal Authorization Token #1

 Code          Build    Auth-Key
Github  <--  CircleCI (Github Key #1)
Github  <--  Appveyor (Github Key #1)

Github OpenSource accounts/repositories are Public and readily accessible for download by BUILD services, however

  1. Appveyor needs a Github auth key to communicate build status to github.

  2. CircleCI does not need a key because your github account was used to register, so the keys can be created and registered from within circleci.

A. Create a Github Personal Authorization Token (Git PAToken)

  1. In your Github account:[username]

  2. Settings > Developer Settings > Pick Personal Access Settings

  3. For each Plugin and each Service a separate Github Personal Access Token is required.

  4. Suggest entry of 'git-ptoken-[plugin]-into-appveyor' or 'git-ptoken-[plugin]-into-circleci' or similar

  5. Save the 'number' for future use in the appropriate service.

B. Authorize communication with Github

  • CircleCI

    1. Enter your key into CircleCI as follows:

    2. Projects - plugin > Project Settings > Environment Variables

    3. Enter "Name" = [Unique Git PAToken Name] and "Variable" = [Enter your number key from Github]

  • Appveyor

    1. Enter your key into CircleCI as follows:

    2. Projects - Plugin > Setting (top right) > Environment (left) > Environment variables.

    3. Pick Add Variable. Add a new key if you see an existing one.

    4. Enter "Name" = [Unique Git PAToken Name] and "Variable" = [Enter your number key from Github]

    5. Pick SAVE at the bottom.

A Git PAToken #1 is needed to PUSH the build status back to your public Github Repository.

Cloudsmith API Key #2

  Deploy to       Build      Auth-Key
Cloudsmith <-- CircleCI (Cloudsmith Key #2)
Cloudsmith <-- Appveyor (Cloudsmith Key #2)
  1. CircleCI requires your CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY to push build files to Cloudsmith.

  2. Appveyor requires one too.


  1. Login into your account and use upper right dropdown menu.

  2. Settings > API and copy the API key for later reuse.

  3. Do not hit refesh unless you must replace it.

B. Authorize workflow deployment to Cloudsmith

  • CircleCI

    1. Enter your key into CircleCI as follows:

    2. Projects (or plugin) > Project Settings > Environment Variables

    3. Enter "Name" = CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY and "Variable" = [Enter your number key from Cloudsmith]

  • Appveyor

    1. Enter your key into CircleCI as follows:

    2. Add a new key if you see an existing one.

    3. Projects - Plugin > Setting (top right) > Environment (left) > Environment variables.

    4. Enter "Name" = CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY and "Variable" = [Enter your Cloudsmith number key]

    5. Pick SAVE at the bottom.

Other Useful Settings

CircleCI Settings

Project - Plugin > Settings > Advanced Turn on Github status updates and Build Forked Pull Requests

Setup Cloudsmith Repositories next


If some part of the workflow does not seem to be working during first setup of these services, it is probably associated with these keys or your service dashboard settings.

  • There are times when a new key is needed for it to work. Once it works, it is generally good.

  • Cloudsmith uses a single key for multiple plugins, but a separate Git Personal Autorization Token is needed for each plugin and each service.

  • If the workflow stops a new plugin requires similar dashboard settings and enabling, and perhaps use of the same or different key depending on what service setup.