Useful Hints found during compilation

1. Removing obsolete links from a github repository:

Note: For Windows Use Git Bash

As an example for removing any tags which include the name `v3':

git push origin –delete $(git tag -l ``v3'')

2. Windows, changing file permissions:

Using Git Bash…

git update-index –chmod=+x `name-of-shell-script' (e.g. ./ci/ wildcards are allowed e.g. ./ci/*.sh)

git commit -m ``made a file executable''

git push

This is needed when copying files from ./ci/ in ShipDriver to another plugin that is being upgraded. Windows does not retain the file permissions for the copied scripts.

3. Using wxMemoryDC:

`wxMemoryDC mdc(wxNullBitmap);
mdc.SetFont( *pTCFont);

int w, h;
mdc.GetTextExtent(labels, &w, &h);

int label_offset = 10;

wxBitmap bm(w +  label_offset*2, h + 1);

wxPen penText(m_text_color);

//mdc.SetTextBackground(wxTRANSPARENT);`  ******* Removed this line to get openGL working in otcurrent_pi

4. Empty commit:

$ git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger notification"