Creating a Debian/Ubuntu package

This is provisionary docs, these things are far from stable. You have been warned!


This page describes how to create .deb packages usable on Debian based distros like vanilla Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Mint, etc.

Work is done on a Debian or Ubuntu host. The big picture

  1. Install necessary tools.

  2. Make a fresh OpenCPN clone.

  3. Update at least debian/changelog to create a new version

  4. Import the current master branch into upstream/latest

  5. Install build dependencies

  6. Create testable packages

  7. (Optional) Upload packages to an Ubuntu PPA.

Install tools

$ sudo apt install devscripts git-buildpackage equivs

Make a fresh OpenCPN clone.

The Debian tools creates things in the parent directory. To handle this, create new, empty directory and put the OpenCPN tree there. Then, get all necessary three branches:

$ mkdir OpenCPN
$ cd OpenCPN
$ git clone --origin upstream
$ cd OpenCPN
$ git fetch upstream upstream/latest:upstream/latest
$ git fetch upstream pristine-tar:pristine-tar
$ git fetch upstream ubuntu/numbat:ubuntu/numbat
$ git checkout ubuntu/numbat

ubuntu/numbat is the branch to use when building Ubuntu Numbat (24.04) packages. Other alternatives are ubuntu/jammy, ubuntu/focal and debian/master. The latter builds packages for the rolling Sid distribution.

Update debian/changelog with a new version

debian/changelog is picky about the format. Editing by hand is hard. Instead, use the dch tool. It has a multitude of options. The simplest is to create a new, minor release using dch -i.

dch throws you in an editor loaded with debian/changelog. Complete the entry as you consider best (there are many conventions here, but for a local build it’s not that important).

Import the current master branch into upstream/latest

For now, the debian directory needs to be removed. After that, create a tarball based on HEAD:

$ git checkout master
$ git switch -c tmp-build
$ git rm -r debian
$ git commit -m "Remove unused debian/ dir"
$ git archive --prefix opencpn-1.2.3/ --output ../opencpn.tar.gz HEAD

The --prefix part should be modified to reflect current version, but is not critical. Note the trailing slash!

Next step is to convert the tarball to a formal debian source tarball. This is about renaming and stripping files not used in the Debian build. Do:

$ git checkout ubuntu/numbat.
$ mk-origtargz ../opencpn.tar.gz

Where ../opencpn.tar.gz is the file created by git archive above. This creates something like ../opencpn.5.10.920.orig.tar.gz_. The version in the filename is taken from debian/changelog.

ubuntu/numbat is just an example, see Make a fresh clone above.

The final step is to import this tarball into upstream/latest. Using the above do:

$ gbp import-orig ../opencpn_.5.10.920.orig.tar.gz

Install build dependencies

$ mk-build-deps
$ sudo dpkg -i *deb     # Expect error messages, ignore them
$ sudo apt install -f
$ git clean -fxd

Build packages

The step above creates a tag named like upstream/5.10.920 or so. Use git tag -l | grep upstream/ to find out the tag name. Then do

$ git clean -fxd; git checkout .
$ gbp buildpackage --git-upstream-tag=upstream/whatever

This builds testable .deb packages in ...

Upload to PPA

The artifact uploaded to an Ubuntu ppa is a .source.changes file. This is created using

$ debuild -S

This requires that gpg signing keys is configured which is outside the scope of this document. The command creates something like ../opencpn.1.2.3.source.changes. Upload to a PPA using something like

$ dput ppa:leamas-alec/opencpn ../opencpn.1.2.3.source.changes