OpenCPN Partial API docs
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 Global state for AIS decoder.
 Plugin catalog management: Build the runtime catalog, handling downloads as required.
 Datatypes and methods to parse ocpn-plugins.xml XML data, either complete catalog or a single plugin.
 Global variables reflecting command line options and arguments.
 Line-oriented input/output buffers.
 Communication driver layer.
 Internal send-only driver, send to plugins.
 NMEA0183 drivers common base.
 NMEA0183 over IP driver.
 NMEA0183 serial driver.
 Driver registration container, a singleton.
 Communication statistics infrastructure.
 Raw, undecoded messages definitions.
 Raw messages layer, supports sending and recieving navmsg messages.
 Runtime connection/driver state definitions.
 DBus interface header file.
 Hooks into gui available in model.
 Server and client CLI api implementations.
 Low level udev usb device management.
 Linux specific hardware events DBus interface.
 The local API has a server side handling commands and a client part issuing commands.
 Enhanced logging interface on top of wx/log.h.
 MdnsCache mDNS host lookups cache.
 mDNS lookup wrappers.
 Start/stop mdns service routines.
 Pure C++17 periodic timer.
 Tools to send data to plugins.
 Abstract N0183 serial communications interface.
 Suspend/resume and new devices events exchange point.
 ThreadCtrl mixin class definition.
 Generic hardware events interface.
 Basic synchronization primitive.
 Windows specific hardware events interface.