OpenCPN Partial API docs
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ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp File Reference

PlugIn GUI API Functions. More...

#include "dychart.h"
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/arrstr.h>
#include <wx/dc.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/glcanvas.h>
#include <wx/notebook.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#include "model/ais_decoder.h"
#include "model/comm_navmsg_bus.h"
#include "model/idents.h"
#include "model/multiplexer.h"
#include "model/own_ship.h"
#include "model/plugin_comm.h"
#include "model/route.h"
#include "model/track.h"
#include "ais.h"
#include "chartdb.h"
#include "chcanv.h"
#include "ConfigMgr.h"
#include "FontMgr.h"
#include "glChartCanvas.h"
#include "gui_lib.h"
#include "navutil.h"
#include "ocpn_app.h"
#include "OCPN_AUIManager.h"
#include "ocpn_frame.h"
#include "OCPNPlatform.h"
#include "ocpn_plugin.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "piano.h"
#include "pluginmanager.h"
#include "routemanagerdialog.h"
#include "routeman_gui.h"
#include "s52plib.h"
#include "SoundFactory.h"
#include "svg_utils.h"
#include "SystemCmdSound.h"
#include "toolbar.h"
#include "waypointman_gui.h"
#include <wx/listimpl.cpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


 WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR (ChartCanvas *, arrayofCanvasPtr)
void NotifySetupOptionsPlugin (const PlugInData *pic)
int InsertPlugInTool (wxString label, wxBitmap *bitmap, wxBitmap *bmpRollover, wxItemKind kind, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp, wxObject *clientData, int position, int tool_sel, opencpn_plugin *pplugin)
void RemovePlugInTool (int tool_id)
void SetToolbarToolViz (int item, bool viz)
void SetToolbarItemState (int item, bool toggle)
void SetToolbarToolBitmaps (int item, wxBitmap *bitmap, wxBitmap *bmpRollover)
int InsertPlugInToolSVG (wxString label, wxString SVGfile, wxString SVGfileRollover, wxString SVGfileToggled, wxItemKind kind, wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp, wxObject *clientData, int position, int tool_sel, opencpn_plugin *pplugin)
void SetToolbarToolBitmapsSVG (int item, wxString SVGfile, wxString SVGfileRollover, wxString SVGfileToggled)
int AddCanvasMenuItem (wxMenuItem *pitem, opencpn_plugin *pplugin, const char *name)
void SetCanvasMenuItemViz (int item, bool viz, const char *name)
void SetCanvasMenuItemGrey (int item, bool grey, const char *name)
void RemoveCanvasMenuItem (int item, const char *name)
int AddCanvasContextMenuItem (wxMenuItem *pitem, opencpn_plugin *pplugin)
void SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz (int item, bool viz)
void SetCanvasContextMenuItemGrey (int item, bool grey)
void RemoveCanvasContextMenuItem (int item)
wxFileConfig * GetOCPNConfigObject (void)
wxWindow * GetOCPNCanvasWindow ()
void RequestRefresh (wxWindow *win)
void GetCanvasPixLL (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxPoint *pp, double lat, double lon)
void GetDoubleCanvasPixLL (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxPoint2DDouble *pp, double lat, double lon)
void GetCanvasLLPix (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxPoint p, double *plat, double *plon)
bool GetGlobalColor (wxString colorName, wxColour *pcolour)
wxFont * OCPNGetFont (wxString TextElement, int default_size)
 Gets a font for UI elements.
wxFont * GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn (wxString TextElement, int default_size)
double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn (int GUIScaleFactor)
double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn ()
float GetOCPNChartScaleFactor_Plugin ()
wxFont GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn (wxString item)
 Gets a uniquely scaled font copy for responsive UI elements.
bool AddPersistentFontKey (wxString TextElement)
 Registers a new font configuration element.
wxString GetActiveStyleName ()
wxBitmap GetBitmapFromSVGFile (wxString filename, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
bool IsTouchInterface_PlugIn (void)
wxColour GetFontColour_PlugIn (wxString TextElement)
 Gets color configured for a UI text element.
wxString * GetpSharedDataLocation (void)
ArrayOfPlugIn_AIS_Targets * GetAISTargetArray (void)
wxAuiManager * GetFrameAuiManager (void)
void SendPluginMessage (wxString message_id, wxString message_body)
void DimeWindow (wxWindow *win)
void JumpToPosition (double lat, double lon, double scale)
bool AddLocaleCatalog (wxString catalog)
wxString GetLocaleCanonicalName ()
void PushNMEABuffer (wxString buf)
wxXmlDocument GetChartDatabaseEntryXML (int dbIndex, bool b_getGeom)
bool UpdateChartDBInplace (wxArrayString dir_array, bool b_force_update, bool b_ProgressDialog)
wxArrayString GetChartDBDirArrayString ()
int AddChartToDBInPlace (wxString &full_path, bool b_RefreshCanvas)
int RemoveChartFromDBInPlace (wxString &full_path)
wxScrolledWindow * AddOptionsPage (OptionsParentPI parent, wxString title)
bool DeleteOptionsPage (wxScrolledWindow *page)
bool DecodeSingleVDOMessage (const wxString &str, PlugIn_Position_Fix_Ex *pos, wxString *accumulator)
int GetChartbarHeight (void)
bool GetRoutepointGPX (RoutePoint *pRoutePoint, char *buffer, unsigned int buffer_length)
bool GetActiveRoutepointGPX (char *buffer, unsigned int buffer_length)
void PositionBearingDistanceMercator_Plugin (double lat, double lon, double brg, double dist, double *dlat, double *dlon)
void DistanceBearingMercator_Plugin (double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1, double *brg, double *dist)
double DistGreatCircle_Plugin (double slat, double slon, double dlat, double dlon)
void toTM_Plugin (float lat, float lon, float lat0, float lon0, double *x, double *y)
void fromTM_Plugin (double x, double y, double lat0, double lon0, double *lat, double *lon)
void toSM_Plugin (double lat, double lon, double lat0, double lon0, double *x, double *y)
void fromSM_Plugin (double x, double y, double lat0, double lon0, double *lat, double *lon)
void toSM_ECC_Plugin (double lat, double lon, double lat0, double lon0, double *x, double *y)
void fromSM_ECC_Plugin (double x, double y, double lat0, double lon0, double *lat, double *lon)
double toUsrDistance_Plugin (double nm_distance, int unit)
double fromUsrDistance_Plugin (double usr_distance, int unit)
double toUsrSpeed_Plugin (double kts_speed, int unit)
double toUsrWindSpeed_Plugin (double kts_speed, int unit)
double fromUsrSpeed_Plugin (double usr_speed, int unit)
double fromUsrWindSpeed_Plugin (double usr_wspeed, int unit)
double toUsrTemp_Plugin (double cel_temp, int unit)
double fromUsrTemp_Plugin (double usr_temp, int unit)
wxString getUsrDistanceUnit_Plugin (int unit)
wxString getUsrSpeedUnit_Plugin (int unit)
wxString getUsrWindSpeedUnit_Plugin (int unit)
wxString getUsrTempUnit_Plugin (int unit)
bool PlugIn_GSHHS_CrossesLand (double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
void PlugInPlaySound (wxString &sound_file)
 Start playing a sound file asynchronously.
wxString GetNewGUID (void)
bool AddCustomWaypointIcon (wxBitmap *pimage, wxString key, wxString description)
bool AddSingleWaypoint (PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint, bool b_permanent)
bool DeleteSingleWaypoint (wxString &GUID)
bool UpdateSingleWaypoint (PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint)
bool GetSingleWaypoint (wxString GUID, PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint)
wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray (void)
wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray (void)
wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray (void)
wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray (OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req)
wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray (OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req)
wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray (OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req)
wxArrayString GetIconNameArray (void)
bool AddPlugInRoute (PlugIn_Route *proute, bool b_permanent)
bool DeletePlugInRoute (wxString &GUID)
bool UpdatePlugInRoute (PlugIn_Route *proute)
bool AddPlugInTrack (PlugIn_Track *ptrack, bool b_permanent)
bool DeletePlugInTrack (wxString &GUID)
bool UpdatePlugInTrack (PlugIn_Track *ptrack)
bool PlugInHasNormalizedViewPort (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp)
void PlugInMultMatrixViewport (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, float lat, float lon)
void PlugInNormalizeViewport (PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, float lat, float lon)
PlugIn_AIS_TargetCreate_PI_AIS_Target (AisTargetData *ptarget)
double fromDMM_Plugin (wxString sdms)
void SetCanvasRotation (double rotation)
double GetCanvasTilt ()
void SetCanvasTilt (double tilt)
void SetCanvasProjection (int projection)
bool PlugInPlaySoundEx (wxString &sound_file, int deviceIndex)
 Start playing a sound file asynchronously.
bool CheckEdgePan_PlugIn (int x, int y, bool dragging, int margin, int delta)
wxBitmap GetIcon_PlugIn (const wxString &name)
void SetCursor_PlugIn (wxCursor *pCursor)
void AddChartDirectory (wxString &path)
void ForceChartDBUpdate ()
void ForceChartDBRebuild ()
wxDialog * GetActiveOptionsDialog ()
int PlatformDirSelectorDialog (wxWindow *parent, wxString *file_spec, wxString Title, wxString initDir)
int PlatformFileSelectorDialog (wxWindow *parent, wxString *file_spec, wxString Title, wxString initDir, wxString suggestedName, wxString wildcard)
ViewPort CreateCompatibleViewportEx (const PlugIn_ViewPort &pivp)
void PlugInAISDrawGL (wxGLCanvas *glcanvas, const PlugIn_ViewPort &vp)
bool PlugInSetFontColor (const wxString TextElement, const wxColour color)
 Sets text color for a UI element.
double PlugInGetDisplaySizeMM ()
wxFont * FindOrCreateFont_PlugIn (int point_size, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style, wxFontWeight weight, bool underline, const wxString &facename, wxFontEncoding encoding)
 Creates or finds a font in the font cache.
int PluginGetMinAvailableGshhgQuality ()
int PluginGetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality ()
void PlugInHandleAutopilotRoute (bool enable)
bool LaunchDefaultBrowser_Plugin (wxString url)
wxString GetSelectedWaypointGUID_Plugin ()
wxString GetSelectedRouteGUID_Plugin ()
wxString GetSelectedTrackGUID_Plugin ()
std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_WaypointGetWaypoint_Plugin (const wxString &GUID)
std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_RouteGetRoute_Plugin (const wxString &GUID)
std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_TrackGetTrack_Plugin (const wxString &GUID)
wxWindow * PluginGetFocusCanvas ()
wxWindow * PluginGetOverlayRenderCanvas ()
void CanvasJumpToPosition (wxWindow *canvas, double lat, double lon, double scale)
bool ShuttingDown (void)
wxWindow * GetCanvasUnderMouse (void)
int GetCanvasIndexUnderMouse (void)
wxWindow * GetCanvasByIndex (int canvasIndex)
bool CheckMUIEdgePan_PlugIn (int x, int y, bool dragging, int margin, int delta, int canvasIndex)
void SetMUICursor_PlugIn (wxCursor *pCursor, int canvasIndex)
int GetCanvasCount ()
int GetLatLonFormat ()
wxRect GetMasterToolbarRect ()
void ZeroXTE ()
RoutePointCreateNewPoint (const PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *src, bool b_permanent)
bool GetSingleWaypointEx (wxString GUID, PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypoint)
bool AddSingleWaypointEx (PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypointex, bool b_permanent)
bool UpdateSingleWaypointEx (PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypoint)
bool AddPlugInRouteEx (PlugIn_Route_Ex *proute, bool b_permanent)
bool UpdatePlugInRouteEx (PlugIn_Route_Ex *proute)
std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Waypoint_ExGetWaypointEx_Plugin (const wxString &GUID)
std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Route_ExGetRouteEx_Plugin (const wxString &GUID)
wxString GetActiveWaypointGUID (void)
wxString GetActiveRouteGUID (void)
int GetGlobalWatchdogTimoutSeconds ()
 Comm Global Watchdog Query

std::vector< std::string > GetPriorityMaps ()
 Comm Priority query support methods

std::vector< std::string > GetActivePriorityIdentifiers ()
double OCPN_GetDisplayContentScaleFactor ()
double OCPN_GetWinDIPScaleFactor ()
void ExitOCPN ()
bool GetFullScreen ()
void SetFullScreen (bool set_full_screen_on)
void EnableMUIBar (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableMUIBar (int CanvasIndex)
void EnableCompassGPSIcon (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableCompassGPSIcon (int CanvasIndex)
void EnableStatusBar (bool enable)
bool GetEnableStatusBar ()
void EnableChartBar (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableChartBar (int CanvasIndex)
void EnableMenu (bool enable)
bool GetEnableMenu ()
void SetGlobalColor (std::string table, std::string name, wxColor color)
wxColor GetGlobalColorD (std::string map_name, std::string name)
void EnableLatLonGrid (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableChartOutlines (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableDepthUnitDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableAisTargetDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableTideStationsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableCurrentStationsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableENCTextDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableLightsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void EnableLightDescriptionsDisplay (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
void SetENCDisplayCategory (PI_DisCat cat, int CanvasIndex)
PI_DisCat GetENCDisplayCategory (int CanvasIndex)
void SetNavigationMode (PI_NavMode mode, int CanvasIndex)
PI_NavMode GetNavigationMode (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableLatLonGrid (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableChartOutlines (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableDepthUnitDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableAisTargetDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableTideStationsDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableCurrentStationsDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableENCTextDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableLightsDisplay (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetShowENCLightDesc (int CanvasIndex)
void EnableTouchMode (bool enable)
bool GetTouchMode ()
void EnableLookaheadMode (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableLookaheadMode (int CanvasIndex)
void SetTrackingMode (bool enable)
bool GetTrackingMode ()
void SetAppColorScheme (PI_ColorScheme cs)
PI_ColorScheme GetAppColorScheme ()
void RequestWindowRefresh (wxWindow *win, bool eraseBackground)
void EnableSplitScreenLayout (bool enable)
void PluginZoomCanvas (int CanvasIndex, double factor)
bool GetEnableMainToolbar ()
void SetEnableMainToolbar (bool enable)
void ShowGlobalSettingsDialog ()
void PluginCenterOwnship (int CanvasIndex)
void PluginSetFollowMode (int CanvasIndex, bool enable_follow)
bool PluginGetFollowMode (int CanvasIndex)
void EnableCanvasFocusBar (bool enable, int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableCanvasFocusBar (int CanvasIndex)
bool GetEnableTenHertzUpdate ()
void EnableTenHertzUpdate (bool enable)
void ConfigFlushAndReload ()


wxLocale * plocale_def_lang
bool g_bShowChartBar
RouteList * pRouteList
std::vector< Track * > g_TrackList
s52plib * ps52plib
wxString ChartListFileName
ColorScheme global_color_scheme
wxArrayString g_locale_catalog_array
int g_GUIScaleFactor
int g_ChartScaleFactor
wxString g_locale
 Global locale setting for OpenCPN UI.
int g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster
int g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector
double g_display_size_mm
 The width of the physical screen in millimeters.
bool g_bopengl
ChartGroupArray * g_pGroupArray
unsigned int g_canvasConfig
wxString g_CmdSoundString
unsigned int gs_plib_flags
bool g_bquiting
bool g_disable_main_toolbar
bool g_btenhertz
arrayofCanvasPtr g_canvasArray
OcpnSound * g_PluginSound = SoundFactory()
bool g_useMUI
bool g_bShowStatusBar
bool g_bShowMenuBar
bool g_bTrackActive

Detailed Description

PlugIn GUI API Functions.

Definition in file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AddCanvasContextMenuItem()

int AddCanvasContextMenuItem ( wxMenuItem *  pitem,
opencpn_plugin pplugin 

Definition at line 208 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddCanvasMenuItem()

int AddCanvasMenuItem ( wxMenuItem *  pitem,
opencpn_plugin pplugin,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 188 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddChartDirectory()

void AddChartDirectory ( wxString &  path)

Definition at line 1426 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddChartToDBInPlace()

int AddChartToDBInPlace ( wxString &  full_path,
bool  b_RefreshCanvas 

Definition at line 480 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddCustomWaypointIcon()

bool AddCustomWaypointIcon ( wxBitmap *  pimage,
wxString  key,
wxString  description 

Definition at line 805 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddLocaleCatalog()

bool AddLocaleCatalog ( wxString  catalog)

Definition at line 413 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddOptionsPage()

wxScrolledWindow * AddOptionsPage ( OptionsParentPI  parent,
wxString  title 

Definition at line 546 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddPersistentFontKey()

bool AddPersistentFontKey ( wxString  TextElement)

Registers a new font configuration element.

Allows plugins to define custom UI elements needing font configuration, beyond the standard elements defined in OCPNGetFont().

TextElementNew UI element identifier to register
True if element was registered, false if already exists
See also

Definition at line 325 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddPlugInRoute()

bool AddPlugInRoute ( PlugIn_Route proute,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 1125 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddPlugInRouteEx()

bool AddPlugInRouteEx ( PlugIn_Route_Ex proute,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 2090 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddPlugInTrack()

bool AddPlugInTrack ( PlugIn_Track ptrack,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 1211 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddSingleWaypoint()

bool AddSingleWaypoint ( PlugIn_Waypoint pwaypoint,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 833 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ AddSingleWaypointEx()

bool AddSingleWaypointEx ( PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex pwaypointex,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 1985 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ CanvasJumpToPosition()

void CanvasJumpToPosition ( wxWindow *  canvas,
double  lat,
double  lon,
double  scale 

Definition at line 1635 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ CheckEdgePan_PlugIn()

bool CheckEdgePan_PlugIn ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  dragging,
int  margin,
int  delta 

Definition at line 1412 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ CheckMUIEdgePan_PlugIn()

bool CheckMUIEdgePan_PlugIn ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  dragging,
int  margin,
int  delta,
int  canvasIndex 

Definition at line 1677 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ConfigFlushAndReload()

void ConfigFlushAndReload ( )

Definition at line 2733 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ Create_PI_AIS_Target()

PlugIn_AIS_Target * Create_PI_AIS_Target ( AisTargetData ptarget)

Definition at line 1333 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ CreateCompatibleViewportEx()

ViewPort CreateCompatibleViewportEx ( const PlugIn_ViewPort pivp)

Definition at line 1463 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ CreateNewPoint()

RoutePoint * CreateNewPoint ( const PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex src,
bool  b_permanent 

Definition at line 1943 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DecodeSingleVDOMessage()

bool DecodeSingleVDOMessage ( const wxString &  str,
PlugIn_Position_Fix_Ex pos,
wxString *  accumulator 

Definition at line 584 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DeleteOptionsPage()

bool DeleteOptionsPage ( wxScrolledWindow *  page)

Definition at line 579 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DeletePlugInRoute()

bool DeletePlugInRoute ( wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 1182 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DeletePlugInTrack()

bool DeletePlugInTrack ( wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 1253 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DeleteSingleWaypoint()

bool DeleteSingleWaypoint ( wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 880 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DimeWindow()

void DimeWindow ( wxWindow *  win)

Definition at line 406 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DistanceBearingMercator_Plugin()

void DistanceBearingMercator_Plugin ( double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double  lat1,
double  lon1,
double *  brg,
double *  dist 

Definition at line 660 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ DistGreatCircle_Plugin()

double DistGreatCircle_Plugin ( double  slat,
double  slon,
double  dlat,
double  dlon 

Definition at line 665 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableAisTargetDisplay()

void EnableAisTargetDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2410 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay()

void EnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2445 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableCanvasFocusBar()

void EnableCanvasFocusBar ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2715 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableChartBar()

void EnableChartBar ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2340 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableChartOutlines()

void EnableChartOutlines ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2396 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableCompassGPSIcon()

void EnableCompassGPSIcon ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2314 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableCurrentStationsDisplay()

void EnableCurrentStationsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2424 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableDepthUnitDisplay()

void EnableDepthUnitDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2403 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay()

void EnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2438 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableENCTextDisplay()

void EnableENCTextDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2431 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableLatLonGrid()

void EnableLatLonGrid ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2389 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableLightDescriptionsDisplay()

void EnableLightDescriptionsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2459 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableLightsDisplay()

void EnableLightsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2452 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableLookaheadMode()

void EnableLookaheadMode ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2610 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableMenu()

void EnableMenu ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2358 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableMUIBar()

void EnableMUIBar ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2293 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableSplitScreenLayout()

void EnableSplitScreenLayout ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2645 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableStatusBar()

void EnableStatusBar ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2333 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableTenHertzUpdate()

void EnableTenHertzUpdate ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2731 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableTideStationsDisplay()

void EnableTideStationsDisplay ( bool  enable,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2417 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ EnableTouchMode()

void EnableTouchMode ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2606 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ExitOCPN()

void ExitOCPN ( )

Definition at line 2280 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ FindOrCreateFont_PlugIn()

wxFont * FindOrCreateFont_PlugIn ( int  point_size,
wxFontFamily  family,
wxFontStyle  style,
wxFontWeight  weight,
bool  underline = false,
const wxString &  facename = wxEmptyString,
wxFontEncoding  encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT 

Creates or finds a font in the font cache.

point_sizeFont size in points
familyFont family (wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS etc)
styleStyle flags (wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL etc)
weightWeight flags (wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL etc)
underlineTrue for underlined font
facenameFont face name, empty for default
encodingFont encoding, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT for default
Pointer to cached wxFont, do not delete

Definition at line 1509 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ForceChartDBRebuild()

void ForceChartDBRebuild ( )

Definition at line 1439 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ForceChartDBUpdate()

void ForceChartDBUpdate ( )

Definition at line 1432 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromDMM_Plugin()

double fromDMM_Plugin ( wxString  sdms)

Definition at line 1375 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromSM_ECC_Plugin()

void fromSM_ECC_Plugin ( double  x,
double  y,
double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double *  lat,
double *  lon 

Definition at line 695 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromSM_Plugin()

void fromSM_Plugin ( double  x,
double  y,
double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double *  lat,
double *  lon 

Definition at line 685 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromTM_Plugin()

void fromTM_Plugin ( double  x,
double  y,
double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double *  lat,
double *  lon 

Definition at line 675 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromUsrDistance_Plugin()

double fromUsrDistance_Plugin ( double  usr_distance,
int  unit 

Definition at line 704 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromUsrSpeed_Plugin()

double fromUsrSpeed_Plugin ( double  usr_speed,
int  unit 

Definition at line 716 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromUsrTemp_Plugin()

double fromUsrTemp_Plugin ( double  usr_temp,
int  unit 

Definition at line 728 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ fromUsrWindSpeed_Plugin()

double fromUsrWindSpeed_Plugin ( double  usr_wspeed,
int  unit 

Definition at line 720 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActiveOptionsDialog()

wxDialog * GetActiveOptionsDialog ( )

Definition at line 1445 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActivePriorityIdentifiers()

std::vector< std::string > GetActivePriorityIdentifiers ( )

Definition at line 2237 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActiveRouteGUID()

wxString GetActiveRouteGUID ( void  )

Definition at line 2219 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActiveRoutepointGPX()

bool GetActiveRoutepointGPX ( char *  buffer,
unsigned int  buffer_length 

Definition at line 646 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActiveStyleName()

wxString GetActiveStyleName ( )

Definition at line 329 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetActiveWaypointGUID()

wxString GetActiveWaypointGUID ( void  )

Definition at line 2210 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetAISTargetArray()

ArrayOfPlugIn_AIS_Targets * GetAISTargetArray ( void  )

Definition at line 368 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetAppColorScheme()

PI_ColorScheme GetAppColorScheme ( )

Definition at line 2637 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapFromSVGFile()

wxBitmap GetBitmapFromSVGFile ( wxString  filename,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Definition at line 336 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasByIndex()

wxWindow * GetCanvasByIndex ( int  canvasIndex)

Definition at line 1666 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasCount()

int GetCanvasCount ( )

Definition at line 1702 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasIndexUnderMouse()

int GetCanvasIndexUnderMouse ( void  )

Definition at line 1645 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasLLPix()

void GetCanvasLLPix ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp,
wxPoint  p,
double *  plat,
double *  plon 

Definition at line 278 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasPixLL()

void GetCanvasPixLL ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp,
wxPoint *  pp,
double  lat,
double  lon 

Definition at line 245 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasTilt()

double GetCanvasTilt ( )

Definition at line 1381 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasUnderMouse()

wxWindow * GetCanvasUnderMouse ( void  )

Definition at line 1643 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetChartbarHeight()

int GetChartbarHeight ( void  )

Definition at line 610 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetChartDatabaseEntryXML()

wxXmlDocument GetChartDatabaseEntryXML ( int  dbIndex,
bool  b_getGeom 

Definition at line 452 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetChartDBDirArrayString()

wxArrayString GetChartDBDirArrayString ( )

Definition at line 476 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetDoubleCanvasPixLL()

void GetDoubleCanvasPixLL ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp,
wxPoint2DDouble *  pp,
double  lat,
double  lon 

Definition at line 262 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableAisTargetDisplay()

bool GetEnableAisTargetDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2542 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay()

bool GetEnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2582 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableCanvasFocusBar()

bool GetEnableCanvasFocusBar ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2721 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableChartBar()

bool GetEnableChartBar ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2355 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableChartOutlines()

bool GetEnableChartOutlines ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2526 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableCompassGPSIcon()

bool GetEnableCompassGPSIcon ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2321 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableCurrentStationsDisplay()

bool GetEnableCurrentStationsDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2558 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableDepthUnitDisplay()

bool GetEnableDepthUnitDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2534 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay()

bool GetEnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2574 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableENCTextDisplay()

bool GetEnableENCTextDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2566 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableLatLonGrid()

bool GetEnableLatLonGrid ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2518 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableLightsDisplay()

bool GetEnableLightsDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2590 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableLookaheadMode()

bool GetEnableLookaheadMode ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2617 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableMainToolbar()

bool GetEnableMainToolbar ( )

Definition at line 2674 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableMenu()

bool GetEnableMenu ( )

Definition at line 2374 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableMUIBar()

bool GetEnableMUIBar ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2312 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableStatusBar()

bool GetEnableStatusBar ( )

Definition at line 2338 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableTenHertzUpdate()

bool GetEnableTenHertzUpdate ( )

Definition at line 2729 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetEnableTideStationsDisplay()

bool GetEnableTideStationsDisplay ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2550 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetENCDisplayCategory()

PI_DisCat GetENCDisplayCategory ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2490 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetFontColour_PlugIn()

wxColour GetFontColour_PlugIn ( wxString  TextElement)

Gets color configured for a UI text element.

TextElementUI element ID like "AISTargetAlert"
Color configured for element, defaults to system window text color
See also
OCPNGetFont() for supported TextElement values

Definition at line 360 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetFrameAuiManager()

wxAuiManager * GetFrameAuiManager ( void  )

Definition at line 390 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetFullScreen()

bool GetFullScreen ( )

Definition at line 2282 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetGlobalColor()

bool GetGlobalColor ( wxString  colorName,
wxColour *  pcolour 

Definition at line 294 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetGlobalColorD()

wxColor GetGlobalColorD ( std::string  map_name,
std::string  name 

Definition at line 2380 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetGlobalWatchdogTimoutSeconds()

int GetGlobalWatchdogTimoutSeconds ( )

Comm Global Watchdog Query


Definition at line 2229 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetIcon_PlugIn()

wxBitmap GetIcon_PlugIn ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 1417 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetIconNameArray()

wxArrayString GetIconNameArray ( void  )

Definition at line 1115 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetLatLonFormat()

int GetLatLonFormat ( void  )

Definition at line 1708 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetLocaleCanonicalName()

wxString GetLocaleCanonicalName ( )

Definition at line 426 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetMasterToolbarRect()

wxRect GetMasterToolbarRect ( )

Definition at line 1710 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetNavigationMode()

PI_NavMode GetNavigationMode ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2510 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetNewGUID()

wxString GetNewGUID ( void  )

Definition at line 803 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNCanvasWindow()

wxWindow * GetOCPNCanvasWindow ( )

Definition at line 232 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNChartScaleFactor_Plugin()

float GetOCPNChartScaleFactor_Plugin ( )

Definition at line 317 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNConfigObject()

wxFileConfig * GetOCPNConfigObject ( void  )

Definition at line 224 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn()

wxFont GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn ( wxString  item)

Gets a uniquely scaled font copy for responsive UI elements.

Like GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn() but scales font size more aggressively based on OpenCPN's responsive/touchscreen mode settings. Used by GUI tools and windows that need larger fonts for touch usability. Always ensures minimum 3mm physical size regardless of configured point size.

itemUI element name to get font for
Scaled wxFont object
See also
OCPNGetFont() for supported TextElement values

Definition at line 321 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn() [1/2]

double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn ( )

Definition at line 313 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn() [2/2]

double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn ( int  GUIScaleFactor)

Definition at line 309 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn()

wxFont * GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn ( wxString  TextElement,
int  default_size 

Definition at line 305 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetPriorityMaps()

std::vector< std::string > GetPriorityMaps ( )

Comm Priority query support methods


Definition at line 2232 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetpSharedDataLocation()

wxString * GetpSharedDataLocation ( void  )

Definition at line 364 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetRoute_Plugin()

std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Route > GetRoute_Plugin ( const wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 1568 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetRouteEx_Plugin()

std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Route_Ex > GetRouteEx_Plugin ( const wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 2177 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetRouteGUIDArray() [1/2]

wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray ( OBJECT_LAYER_REQ  req)

Definition at line 1071 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetRouteGUIDArray() [2/2]

wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray ( void  )

Definition at line 1022 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetRoutepointGPX()

bool GetRoutepointGPX ( RoutePoint pRoutePoint,
char *  buffer,
unsigned int  buffer_length 

Definition at line 621 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetSelectedRouteGUID_Plugin()

wxString GetSelectedRouteGUID_Plugin ( )

Definition at line 1546 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetSelectedTrackGUID_Plugin()

wxString GetSelectedTrackGUID_Plugin ( )

Definition at line 1554 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetSelectedWaypointGUID_Plugin()

wxString GetSelectedWaypointGUID_Plugin ( )

Definition at line 1538 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetShowENCLightDesc()

bool GetShowENCLightDesc ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2598 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetSingleWaypoint()

bool GetSingleWaypoint ( wxString  GUID,
PlugIn_Waypoint pwaypoint 

Definition at line 996 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetSingleWaypointEx()

bool GetSingleWaypointEx ( wxString  GUID,
PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex pwaypoint 

Definition at line 1974 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTouchMode()

bool GetTouchMode ( )

Definition at line 2608 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTrack_Plugin()

std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Track > GetTrack_Plugin ( const wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 1598 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTrackGUIDArray() [1/2]

wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray ( OBJECT_LAYER_REQ  req)

Definition at line 1096 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTrackGUIDArray() [2/2]

wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray ( void  )

Definition at line 1037 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTrackingMode()

bool GetTrackingMode ( )

Definition at line 2632 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ getUsrDistanceUnit_Plugin()

wxString getUsrDistanceUnit_Plugin ( int  unit)

Definition at line 732 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ getUsrSpeedUnit_Plugin()

wxString getUsrSpeedUnit_Plugin ( int  unit)

Definition at line 736 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ getUsrTempUnit_Plugin()

wxString getUsrTempUnit_Plugin ( int  unit)

Definition at line 742 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ getUsrWindSpeedUnit_Plugin()

wxString getUsrWindSpeedUnit_Plugin ( int  unit)

Definition at line 738 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetWaypoint_Plugin()

std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Waypoint > GetWaypoint_Plugin ( const wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 1562 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetWaypointEx_Plugin()

std::unique_ptr< PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex > GetWaypointEx_Plugin ( const wxString &  GUID)

Definition at line 2171 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetWaypointGUIDArray() [1/2]

wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray ( OBJECT_LAYER_REQ  req)

Definition at line 1046 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ GetWaypointGUIDArray() [2/2]

wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray ( void  )

Definition at line 1007 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ InsertPlugInTool()

int InsertPlugInTool ( wxString  label,
wxBitmap *  bitmap,
wxBitmap *  bmpRollover,
wxItemKind  kind,
wxString  shortHelp,
wxString  longHelp,
wxObject *  clientData,
int  position,
int  tool_sel,
opencpn_plugin pplugin 

Definition at line 138 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ InsertPlugInToolSVG()

int InsertPlugInToolSVG ( wxString  label,
wxString  SVGfile,
wxString  SVGfileRollover,
wxString  SVGfileToggled,
wxItemKind  kind,
wxString  shortHelp,
wxString  longHelp,
wxObject *  clientData,
int  position,
int  tool_sel,
opencpn_plugin pplugin 

Definition at line 166 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ IsTouchInterface_PlugIn()

bool IsTouchInterface_PlugIn ( void  )

Definition at line 358 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ JumpToPosition()

void JumpToPosition ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  scale 

Definition at line 408 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ LaunchDefaultBrowser_Plugin()

bool LaunchDefaultBrowser_Plugin ( wxString  url)

Definition at line 1529 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ NotifySetupOptionsPlugin()

void NotifySetupOptionsPlugin ( const PlugInData pic)

Definition at line 1589 of file pluginmanager.cpp.

◆ OCPN_GetDisplayContentScaleFactor()

double OCPN_GetDisplayContentScaleFactor ( )

Definition at line 2257 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ OCPN_GetWinDIPScaleFactor()

double OCPN_GetWinDIPScaleFactor ( )

Definition at line 2265 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ OCPNGetFont()

wxFont * OCPNGetFont ( wxString  TextElement,
int  default_size 

Gets a font for UI elements.

Plugins can use this to access OpenCPN's font management system which supports locale-dependent fonts and colors. Font configurations are cached and shared to minimize memory usage.

TextElementUI element identifier. Supported values:
  • "AISTargetAlert": AIS alert messages
  • "AISTargetQuery": AIS information dialogs
  • "StatusBar": Main status bar text
  • "AIS Target Name": Labels for AIS targets
  • "ObjectQuery": Chart object information text
  • "RouteLegInfoRollover": Route information hover windows
  • "ExtendedTideIcon": Text on extended tide icons
  • "CurrentValue": Current measurement values
  • "Console Legend": Console text labels (e.g. "XTE", "BRG")
  • "Console Value": Console numeric values
  • "AISRollover": AIS target rollover text
  • "TideCurrentGraphRollover": Tide and current graph hover text
  • "Marks": Waypoint label text
  • "ChartTexts": Text rendered directly on charts
  • "ToolTips": Tooltip text
  • "Dialog": Dialog box and control panel text
  • "Menu": Menu item text
  • "GridText": Grid annotation text
default_sizeFont size in points, 0 to use system default size
Pointer to configured wxFont, do not delete it
Each UI element can have different fonts per locale to support language-specific fonts. Color is also managed - use OCPNGetFontColor() to get the configured color.
The "console" in OpenCPN displays key navigation data such as Cross Track Error (XTE), Bearing (BRG), Velocity Made Good (VMG), Range (RNG), and Time to Go (TTG). By default, the text is large and green, optimized for visibility.

Definition at line 301 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlatformDirSelectorDialog()

int PlatformDirSelectorDialog ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxString *  file_spec,
wxString  Title,
wxString  initDir 

Definition at line 1447 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlatformFileSelectorDialog()

int PlatformFileSelectorDialog ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxString *  file_spec,
wxString  Title,
wxString  initDir,
wxString  suggestedName,
wxString  wildcard 

Definition at line 1452 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugIn_GSHHS_CrossesLand()

bool PlugIn_GSHHS_CrossesLand ( double  lat1,
double  lon1,
double  lat2,
double  lon2 

Definition at line 744 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInAISDrawGL()

void PlugInAISDrawGL ( wxGLCanvas *  glcanvas,
const PlugIn_ViewPort vp 

Definition at line 1490 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginCenterOwnship()

void PluginCenterOwnship ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2684 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInGetDisplaySizeMM()

double PlugInGetDisplaySizeMM ( )

Definition at line 1507 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginGetFocusCanvas()

wxWindow * PluginGetFocusCanvas ( )

Definition at line 1627 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginGetFollowMode()

bool PluginGetFollowMode ( int  CanvasIndex)

Definition at line 2707 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginGetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality()

int PluginGetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality ( )

Definition at line 1520 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginGetMinAvailableGshhgQuality()

int PluginGetMinAvailableGshhgQuality ( )

Definition at line 1517 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginGetOverlayRenderCanvas()

wxWindow * PluginGetOverlayRenderCanvas ( )

Definition at line 1629 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInHandleAutopilotRoute()

void PlugInHandleAutopilotRoute ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 1525 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInHasNormalizedViewPort()

bool PlugInHasNormalizedViewPort ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp)

Definition at line 1286 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInMultMatrixViewport()

void PlugInMultMatrixViewport ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp,
float  lat,
float  lon 

Definition at line 1297 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInNormalizeViewport()

void PlugInNormalizeViewport ( PlugIn_ViewPort vp,
float  lat,
float  lon 

Definition at line 1314 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInPlaySound()

void PlugInPlaySound ( wxString &  sound_file)

Start playing a sound file asynchronously.

Supported formats depends on sound backend.


Definition at line 755 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInPlaySoundEx()

bool PlugInPlaySoundEx ( wxString &  sound_file,
int  deviceIndex = -1 

Start playing a sound file asynchronously.

Supported formats depends on sound backend. The deviceIx is only used on platforms using the portaudio sound backend where -1 indicates the default device.


Definition at line 1395 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginSetFollowMode()

void PluginSetFollowMode ( int  CanvasIndex,
bool  enable_follow 

Definition at line 2698 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PlugInSetFontColor()

bool PlugInSetFontColor ( const wxString  TextElement,
const wxColour  color 

Sets text color for a UI element.

TextElementUI element ID. See OCPNGetFont()
colorNew text color to use
True if element found and color was set, false if not found
Changes are held in memory only and not persisted to config
See also

Definition at line 1499 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PluginZoomCanvas()

void PluginZoomCanvas ( int  CanvasIndex,
double  factor 

Definition at line 2667 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PositionBearingDistanceMercator_Plugin()

void PositionBearingDistanceMercator_Plugin ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  brg,
double  dist,
double *  dlat,
double *  dlon 

Definition at line 654 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ PushNMEABuffer()

void PushNMEABuffer ( wxString  buf)

Definition at line 429 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RemoveCanvasContextMenuItem()

void RemoveCanvasContextMenuItem ( int  item)

Definition at line 221 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RemoveCanvasMenuItem()

void RemoveCanvasMenuItem ( int  item,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 204 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RemoveChartFromDBInPlace()

int RemoveChartFromDBInPlace ( wxString &  full_path)

Definition at line 515 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RemovePlugInTool()

void RemovePlugInTool ( int  tool_id)

Definition at line 150 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RequestRefresh()

void RequestRefresh ( wxWindow *  win)

Definition at line 241 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ RequestWindowRefresh()

void RequestWindowRefresh ( wxWindow *  win,
bool  eraseBackground 

Definition at line 2641 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SendPluginMessage()

void SendPluginMessage ( wxString  message_id,
wxString  message_body 

Definition at line 392 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetAppColorScheme()

void SetAppColorScheme ( PI_ColorScheme  cs)

Definition at line 2634 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasContextMenuItemGrey()

void SetCanvasContextMenuItemGrey ( int  item,
bool  grey 

Definition at line 217 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz()

void SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz ( int  item,
bool  viz 

Definition at line 213 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasMenuItemGrey()

void SetCanvasMenuItemGrey ( int  item,
bool  grey,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 200 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasMenuItemViz()

void SetCanvasMenuItemViz ( int  item,
bool  viz,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 196 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasProjection()

void SetCanvasProjection ( int  projection)

Definition at line 1387 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasRotation()

void SetCanvasRotation ( double  rotation)

Definition at line 1377 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasTilt()

void SetCanvasTilt ( double  tilt)

Definition at line 1383 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetCursor_PlugIn()

void SetCursor_PlugIn ( wxCursor *  pCursor)

Definition at line 1422 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetEnableMainToolbar()

void SetEnableMainToolbar ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2675 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetENCDisplayCategory()

void SetENCDisplayCategory ( PI_DisCat  cat,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2466 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetFullScreen()

void SetFullScreen ( bool  set_full_screen_on)

Definition at line 2284 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetGlobalColor()

void SetGlobalColor ( std::string  table,
std::string  name,
wxColor  color 

Definition at line 2376 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetMUICursor_PlugIn()

void SetMUICursor_PlugIn ( wxCursor *  pCursor,
int  canvasIndex 

Definition at line 1692 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetNavigationMode()

void SetNavigationMode ( PI_NavMode  mode,
int  CanvasIndex 

Definition at line 2498 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetToolbarItemState()

void SetToolbarItemState ( int  item,
bool  toggle 

Definition at line 158 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetToolbarToolBitmaps()

void SetToolbarToolBitmaps ( int  item,
wxBitmap *  bitmap,
wxBitmap *  bmpRollover 

Definition at line 162 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetToolbarToolBitmapsSVG()

void SetToolbarToolBitmapsSVG ( int  item,
wxString  SVGfile,
wxString  SVGfileRollover,
wxString  SVGfileToggled 

Definition at line 179 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetToolbarToolViz()

void SetToolbarToolViz ( int  item,
bool  viz 

Definition at line 154 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ SetTrackingMode()

void SetTrackingMode ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 2626 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ShowGlobalSettingsDialog()

void ShowGlobalSettingsDialog ( )

Definition at line 2680 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ShuttingDown()

bool ShuttingDown ( void  )

Definition at line 1641 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toSM_ECC_Plugin()

void toSM_ECC_Plugin ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 690 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toSM_Plugin()

void toSM_Plugin ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  lat0,
double  lon0,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 680 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toTM_Plugin()

void toTM_Plugin ( float  lat,
float  lon,
float  lat0,
float  lon0,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 670 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toUsrDistance_Plugin()

double toUsrDistance_Plugin ( double  nm_distance,
int  unit 

Definition at line 700 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toUsrSpeed_Plugin()

double toUsrSpeed_Plugin ( double  kts_speed,
int  unit 

Definition at line 708 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toUsrTemp_Plugin()

double toUsrTemp_Plugin ( double  cel_temp,
int  unit 

Definition at line 724 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ toUsrWindSpeed_Plugin()

double toUsrWindSpeed_Plugin ( double  kts_speed,
int  unit 

Definition at line 712 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdateChartDBInplace()

bool UpdateChartDBInplace ( wxArrayString  dir_array,
bool  b_force_update,
bool  b_ProgressDialog 

Definition at line 458 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdatePlugInRoute()

bool UpdatePlugInRoute ( PlugIn_Route proute)

Definition at line 1194 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdatePlugInRouteEx()

bool UpdatePlugInRouteEx ( PlugIn_Route_Ex proute)

Definition at line 2146 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdatePlugInTrack()

bool UpdatePlugInTrack ( PlugIn_Track ptrack)

Definition at line 1269 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdateSingleWaypoint()

bool UpdateSingleWaypoint ( PlugIn_Waypoint pwaypoint)

Definition at line 896 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ UpdateSingleWaypointEx()

bool UpdateSingleWaypointEx ( PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex pwaypoint)

Definition at line 2017 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ ZeroXTE()

void ZeroXTE ( )

Definition at line 1721 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ ChartData

ChartDB* ChartData

Definition at line 268 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ ChartListFileName

wxString ChartListFileName

Definition at line 298 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bopengl

bool g_bopengl

Definition at line 481 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bquiting

bool g_bquiting

Definition at line 606 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bShowChartBar

bool g_bShowChartBar

Definition at line 352 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bShowMenuBar

bool g_bShowMenuBar

Definition at line 627 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bShowStatusBar

bool g_bShowStatusBar

Definition at line 604 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_btenhertz

bool g_btenhertz

Definition at line 704 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_bTrackActive

bool g_bTrackActive

Definition at line 548 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_canvasArray

arrayofCanvasPtr g_canvasArray

Definition at line 696 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_canvasConfig

unsigned int g_canvasConfig

Definition at line 685 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster

int g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster

Definition at line 674 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector

int g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector

Definition at line 675 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_ChartScaleFactor

int g_ChartScaleFactor

Definition at line 404 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_CmdSoundString

wxString g_CmdSoundString

Definition at line 652 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_disable_main_toolbar

bool g_disable_main_toolbar

Definition at line 703 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_display_size_mm

double g_display_size_mm

The width of the physical screen in millimeters.

Definition at line 399 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_focusCanvas

ChartCanvas* g_focusCanvas

Definition at line 699 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_GUIScaleFactor

int g_GUIScaleFactor

Definition at line 403 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_locale

wxString g_locale

Global locale setting for OpenCPN UI.

If not set in config (empty string), uses system default locale. Stores the language/locale name in format "en_US", "fr_FR", etc. A valid setting triggers loading the corresponding .mo translation files from the appropriate locale directory.

Definition at line 596 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_locale_catalog_array

wxArrayString g_locale_catalog_array

Definition at line 681 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_MainToolbar

ocpnFloatingToolbarDialog* g_MainToolbar

Definition at line 620 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_options

options* g_options

Definition at line 528 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_overlayCanvas

ChartCanvas* g_overlayCanvas

Definition at line 700 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_pAIS

AisDecoder* g_pAIS

Definition at line 81 of file ais_decoder.cpp.

◆ g_pauimgr

OCPN_AUIManager* g_pauimgr

Definition at line 615 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_pGroupArray

ChartGroupArray* g_pGroupArray

Definition at line 521 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_pi_manager

PlugInManager* g_pi_manager

Definition at line 513 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_Platform

OCPNPlatform* g_Platform

Definition at line 254 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_PluginSound

OcpnSound* g_PluginSound = SoundFactory()

Definition at line 1391 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ g_pMUX

Multiplexer* g_pMUX

Definition at line 62 of file multiplexer.cpp.

◆ g_pOptions

options* g_pOptions

Definition at line 258 of file options.cpp.

◆ g_pRouteMan

Routeman* g_pRouteMan

Definition at line 63 of file routeman.cpp.

◆ g_StyleManager

ocpnStyle::StyleManager* g_StyleManager

Definition at line 340 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ g_TrackList

std::vector<Track*> g_TrackList

Definition at line 99 of file track.cpp.

◆ g_useMUI

bool g_useMUI

Definition at line 686 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ gFrame

MyFrame* gFrame

Definition at line 263 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ global_color_scheme

ColorScheme global_color_scheme

Definition at line 377 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ gs_plib_flags

unsigned int gs_plib_flags

Definition at line 114 of file ocpn_plugin_gui.cpp.

◆ pConfig

MyConfig* pConfig

Definition at line 267 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ plocale_def_lang

wxLocale* plocale_def_lang

Definition at line 585 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ pRouteList

RouteList* pRouteList

Definition at line 69 of file routeman.cpp.

◆ pRouteManagerDialog

RouteManagerDialog* pRouteManagerDialog

Definition at line 280 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ ps52plib

s52plib* ps52plib

Definition at line 415 of file ocpn_app.cpp.

◆ pSelect

Select* pSelect

Definition at line 37 of file select.cpp.

◆ s_ppim

PlugInManager* s_ppim

Definition at line 864 of file pluginmanager.cpp.