OpenCPN Partial API docs
No Matches
options Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for options:

Public Member Functions

 options (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=SYMBOL_OPTIONS_IDNAME, const wxString &caption=SYMBOL_OPTIONS_TITLE, const wxPoint &pos=SYMBOL_OPTIONS_POSITION, const wxSize &size=SYMBOL_OPTIONS_SIZE, long style=SYMBOL_OPTIONS_STYLE)
void SetInitialPage (int page_sel, int sub_page=-1)
void Finish (void)
void OnClose (wxCloseEvent &event)
void CreateListbookIcons ()
void CreateControls (void)
size_t CreatePanel (const wxString &title)
wxScrolledWindow * AddPage (size_t parent, const wxString &title)
bool DeletePluginPage (wxScrolledWindow *page)
void SetColorScheme (ColorScheme cs)
void RecalculateSize (int hint_x, int hint_y)
void SetInitChartDir (const wxString &dir)
void SetInitialSettings (void)
void SetInitialVectorSettings (void)
void SetCurrentDirList (ArrayOfCDI p)
void SetWorkDirListPtr (ArrayOfCDI *p)
ArrayOfCDI * GetWorkDirListPtr (void)
void AddChartDir (const wxString &dir)
void UpdateDisplayedChartDirList (ArrayOfCDI p)
void UpdateOptionsUnits (void)
void SetConfigPtr (MyConfig *p)
void OnDebugcheckbox1Click (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnDirctrlSelChanged (wxTreeEvent &event)
void OnButtonaddClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtondeleteClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonParseENC (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtoncompressClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonmigrateClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonEcdisHelp (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnRadioboxSelected (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnApplyClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnXidOkClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnCancelClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnChooseFont (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnFontChoice (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnCPAWarnClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSyncCogPredClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSizeAutoButton (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnSizeManualButton (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnGLClicked (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnOpenGLOptions (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnDisplayCategoryRadioButton (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonClearClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonSelectClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonSetStd (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnPageChange (wxListbookEvent &event)
void OnTopNBPageChange (wxNotebookEvent &event)
void OnSubNBPageChange (wxNotebookEvent &event)
void DoOnPageChange (size_t page)
wxString SelectSoundFile ()
void OnButtonSelectSound (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonTestSound (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnShowGpsWindowCheckboxClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnZTCCheckboxClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnRadarringSelect (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnWaypointRangeRingSelect (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnShipTypeSelect (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnButtonGroups (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnInsertTideDataLocation (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnRemoveTideDataLocation (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnCharHook (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnChartsPageChange (wxListbookEvent &event)
void OnChartDirListSelect (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnUnitsChoice (wxCommandEvent &event)
void UpdateWorkArrayFromDisplayPanel (void)
ArrayOfCDI GetSelectedChartDirs ()
ArrayOfCDI GetUnSelectedChartDirs ()
void SetDirActionButtons ()
void OnCreateConfig (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnEditConfig (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnDeleteConfig (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnApplyConfig (wxCommandEvent &event)
void SetConfigButtonState ()
void ClearConfigList ()
void BuildConfigList ()
void OnConfigMouseSelected (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnDialogInit (wxInitDialogEvent &event)
bool GetNeedNew ()
void SetNeedNew (bool bnew)
int GetScrollRate ()
void SetForceNewToolbarOnCancel (bool val)
wxArrayString * GetSerialArray ()
void OnAISRolloverClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void UpdateChartDirList ()
void OnCanvasConfigSelectClick (int ID, bool selected)
void OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickAIS (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickSART (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickDSC (wxCommandEvent &event)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool ShowToolTips (void)

Public Attributes

wxListbook * m_pListbook
size_t m_pageDisplay
size_t m_pageConnections
size_t m_pageCharts
size_t m_pageShips
size_t m_pageUI
size_t m_pagePlugins
int lastPage
int lastSubPage
wxPoint lastWindowPos
wxSize lastWindowSize
wxButton * m_ApplyButton
wxButton * m_OKButton
wxButton * m_CancelButton
ChartGroupArray * m_pGroupArray
int m_groups_changed
wxSizerFlags inputFlags
wxSizerFlags verticleInputFlags
wxSizerFlags labelFlags
wxSizerFlags groupInputFlags
wxSizerFlags groupLabelFlags
wxSizerFlags groupLabelFlagsHoriz
wxScrolledWindow * pDisplayPanel
wxCheckBox * pShowStatusBar
wxCheckBox * pShowMenuBar
wxCheckBox * pShowChartBar
wxCheckBox * pShowCompassWin
wxCheckBox * pPrintShowIcon
wxCheckBox * pCDOOutlines
wxCheckBox * pSDepthUnits
wxCheckBox * pSDisplayGrid
wxCheckBox * pAutoAnchorMark
wxCheckBox * pCDOQuilting
wxCheckBox * pCBRaster
wxCheckBox * pCBVector
wxCheckBox * pCBCM93
wxCheckBox * pCBLookAhead
wxCheckBox * pSkewComp
wxCheckBox * pOpenGL
wxCheckBox * pSmoothPanZoom
wxCheckBox * pFullScreenQuilt
wxCheckBox * pMobile
wxCheckBox * pResponsive
wxCheckBox * pOverzoomEmphasis
wxCheckBox * pOZScaleVector
wxCheckBox * pToolbarAutoHideCB
wxCheckBox * pInlandEcdis
wxCheckBox * pRollover
wxCheckBox * pZoomButtons
wxCheckBox * pChartBarEX
wxTextCtrl * pCOGUPUpdateSecs
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_OSCOG_Predictor
wxTextCtrl * pScreenMM
wxTextCtrl * pToolbarHideSecs
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_OSHDT_Predictor
wxTextCtrl * pCmdSoundString
wxChoice * m_pShipIconType
wxChoice * m_pcTCDatasets
wxSlider * m_pSlider_Zoom_Raster
wxSlider * m_pSlider_GUI_Factor
wxSlider * m_pSlider_Chart_Factor
wxSlider * m_pSlider_Ship_Factor
wxSlider * m_pSlider_Text_Factor
wxSlider * m_pSlider_ENCText_Factor
wxSlider * m_pMouse_Zoom_Slider
wxSlider * m_pSlider_Zoom_Vector
wxSlider * m_pSlider_CM93_Zoom
wxCheckBox * pSLiveETA
wxTextCtrl * pSDefaultBoatSpeed
wxRadioButton * pCBCourseUp
wxRadioButton * pCBNorthUp
wxRadioButton * pRBSizeAuto
wxRadioButton * pRBSizeManual
int k_tides
wxStaticText * itemStaticTextUserVar
wxStaticText * itemStaticTextUserVar2
wxButton * m_configDeleteButton
wxButton * m_configApplyButton
bool b_haveWMM
bool b_oldhaveWMM
ColorScheme m_cs
wxBoxSizer * vectorPanel
wxScrolledWindow * ps57Ctl
wxChoice * pDispCat
wxChoice * pPointStyle
wxChoice * pBoundStyle
wxChoice * p24Color
wxButton * itemButtonClearList
wxButton * itemButtonSelectList
wxButton * itemButtonSetStd
wxCheckBox * pCheck_SOUNDG
wxCheckBox * pCheck_META
wxCheckBox * pCheck_SHOWIMPTEXT
wxCheckBox * pCheck_SCAMIN
wxCheckBox * pCheck_SuperSCAMIN
wxCheckBox * pCheck_ATONTEXT
wxCheckBox * pCheck_LDISTEXT
wxCheckBox * pCheck_XLSECTTEXT
wxCheckBox * pCheck_DECLTEXT
wxCheckBox * pCheck_NATIONALTEXT
wxCheckBox * pSEnableCM93Offset
wxTextCtrl * m_ShallowCtl
wxTextCtrl * m_SafetyCtl
wxTextCtrl * m_DeepCtl
wxStaticText * m_depthUnitsShal
wxStaticText * m_depthUnitsSafe
wxStaticText * m_depthUnitsDeep
int k_vectorcharts
wxChoice * pSDMMFormat
wxChoice * pDistanceFormat
wxChoice * pSpeedFormat
wxChoice * pDepthUnitSelect
wxChoice * pTempFormat
wxChoice * pWindSpeedFormat
wxCheckBox * pCBTrueShow
wxCheckBox * pCBMagShow
wxTextCtrl * pMagVar
wxStaticBoxSizer * activeSizer
wxBoxSizer * chartPanel
wxTextCtrl * pSelCtl
ArrayOfCDI ActiveChartArray
wxStaticBox * itemActiveChartStaticBox
wxCheckBox * pUpdateCheckBox
wxCheckBox * pScanCheckBox
wxButton * pParseENCButton
wxButton * m_removeBtn
wxButton * m_compressBtn
wxButton * m_migrateBtn
int k_charts
int m_nCharWidthMax
wxBoxSizer * boxSizerCharts
wxScrolledWindow * m_scrollWinChartList
wxScrolledWindow * chartPanelWin
wxBoxSizer * cmdButtonSizer
wxStaticBox * loadedBox
std::vector< OCPNChartDirPanel * > panelVector
wxArrayString activeChartList
wxScrolledWindow * m_ChartDisplayPage
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_CPA_Max
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_CPA_Warn
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_CPA_WarnT
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Mark_Lost
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Remove_Lost
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Show_COG
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Sync_OCOG_ACOG
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Show_Tracks
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Hide_Moored
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Scale_Priority
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_AlertDialog
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_AlertAudio
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Alert_Moored
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Rollover_Class
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Rollover_COG
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Rollover_CPA
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Ack_Timout
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Show_Area_Notices
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Draw_Target_Size
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Draw_Realtime_Prediction
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_Show_Target_Name
wxChoice * m_pWplAction
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_use_Wpl
wxCheckBox * m_pCheck_ShowAllCPA
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_CPA_Max
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_CPA_Warn
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_CPA_WarnT
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Mark_Lost
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Remove_Lost
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_COG_Predictor
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Track_Length
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Moored_Speed
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Scale_Priority
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_ACK_Timeout
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_Show_Target_Name_Scale
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_RealtPred_Speed
wxScrolledWindow * m_DisplayConfigsPage
wxStaticText * m_Text_def_boat_speed
wxScrolledWindow * m_scrollWinConfigList
wxStaticText * m_templateTitleText
wxStaticText * m_staticTextLastAppled
wxStaticBoxSizer * m_templateStatusBoxSizer
wxFlexGridSizer * realSizes
wxTextCtrl * m_pOSLength
wxTextCtrl * m_pOSWidth
wxTextCtrl * m_pOSGPSOffsetX
wxTextCtrl * m_pOSGPSOffsetY
wxTextCtrl * m_pOSMinSize
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_ACRadius
wxStaticBoxSizer * dispOptions
wxStaticBoxSizer * dispWaypointOptions
wxScrolledWindow * itemPanelShip
wxScrolledWindow * itemPanelRoutes
wxBoxSizer * ownShip
wxBoxSizer * Routes
wxCheckBox * pShowshipToActive
wxChoice * m_shipToActiveStyle
wxChoice * m_shipToActiveColor
wxCheckBox * pScaMinChckB
wxCheckBox * pScaMinOverruleChckB
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_ScaMin
wxBoxSizer * m_itemBoxSizerFontPanel
wxChoice * m_itemFontElementListBox
wxChoice * m_itemStyleListBox
wxChoice * m_itemLangListBox
wxStaticText * m_textSample
bool m_bVisitLang
wxComboBox * m_itemAISListBox
wxScrolledWindow * itemPanelPlugins
wxBoxSizer * itemBoxSizerPanelPlugins
wxFlexGridSizer * radarGrid
wxFlexGridSizer * waypointradarGrid
wxChoice * pNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible
wxChoice * pWaypointRangeRingsNumber
wxChoice * m_itemRadarRingsUnits
wxChoice * m_itemWaypointRangeRingsUnits
wxChoice * pTrackPrecision
wxTextCtrl * pNavAidRadarRingsStep
wxTextCtrl * pWaypointRangeRingsStep
wxCheckBox * pSogCogFromLLCheckBox
wxSpinCtrl * pSogCogFromLLDampInterval
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_TP_Secs
wxTextCtrl * m_pText_TP_Dist
wxCheckBox * pWayPointPreventDragging
wxCheckBox * pConfirmObjectDeletion
wxCheckBox * pEnableZoomToCursor
wxCheckBox * pPreserveScale
wxCheckBox * pPlayShipsBells
wxCheckBox * pTransparentToolbar
wxCheckBox * pAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly
wxCheckBox * pTrackShowIcon
wxCheckBox * pTrackDaily
wxCheckBox * pTrackHighlite
wxStaticText * pStatic_CallSign
wxRadioButton * pTrackRotateComputerTime
wxRadioButton * pTrackRotateUTC
wxRadioButton * pTrackRotateLMT
wxChoice * pSoundDeviceIndex
wxStaticText * stSoundDeviceIndex
wxArrayPtrVoid OBJLBoxArray
wxString m_init_chart_dir
wxArrayString * m_pSerialArray
ArrayOfCDI m_CurrentDirList
ArrayOfCDI * m_pWorkDirList
wxWindow * pParent
int k_plugins
bool m_bForceNewToolbaronCancel
EventVar m_on_sound_done
 Notified with a OCPN_Sound* pointer when sound has completed.
ObsListener m_sound_done_listener

Detailed Description

Definition at line 267 of file options.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ options()

options::options ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = SYMBOL_OPTIONS_TITLE,
const wxPoint &  pos = SYMBOL_OPTIONS_POSITION,
const wxSize &  size = SYMBOL_OPTIONS_SIZE,

Definition at line 1501 of file options.cpp.

◆ ~options()

options::~options ( void  )

Definition at line 1530 of file options.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddChartDir()

void options::AddChartDir ( const wxString &  dir)

Definition at line 6759 of file options.cpp.

◆ AddPage()

wxScrolledWindow * options::AddPage ( size_t  parent,
const wxString &  title 

Definition at line 1771 of file options.cpp.

◆ BuildConfigList()

void options::BuildConfigList ( )

Definition at line 2727 of file options.cpp.

◆ ClearConfigList()

void options::ClearConfigList ( )

Definition at line 2709 of file options.cpp.

◆ CreateControls()

void options::CreateControls ( void  )

Definition at line 5697 of file options.cpp.

◆ CreateListbookIcons()

void options::CreateListbookIcons ( )

Definition at line 5589 of file options.cpp.

◆ CreatePanel()

size_t options::CreatePanel ( const wxString &  title)

Definition at line 1761 of file options.cpp.

◆ DeletePluginPage()

bool options::DeletePluginPage ( wxScrolledWindow *  page)

Definition at line 1829 of file options.cpp.

◆ DoOnPageChange()

void options::DoOnPageChange ( size_t  page)

Definition at line 8213 of file options.cpp.

◆ Finish()

void options::Finish ( void  )

Definition at line 7518 of file options.cpp.

◆ GetNeedNew()

bool options::GetNeedNew ( )

Definition at line 378 of file options.h.

◆ GetScrollRate()

int options::GetScrollRate ( )

Definition at line 380 of file options.h.

◆ GetSelectedChartDirs()

ArrayOfCDI options::GetSelectedChartDirs ( )

Definition at line 7535 of file options.cpp.

◆ GetSerialArray()

wxArrayString * options::GetSerialArray ( )

Definition at line 385 of file options.h.

◆ GetUnSelectedChartDirs()

ArrayOfCDI options::GetUnSelectedChartDirs ( )

Definition at line 7546 of file options.cpp.

◆ GetWorkDirListPtr()

ArrayOfCDI * options::GetWorkDirListPtr ( void  )

Definition at line 304 of file options.h.

◆ OnAISRolloverClick()

void options::OnAISRolloverClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 5948 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnApplyClick()

void options::OnApplyClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6837 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnApplyConfig()

void options::OnApplyConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2798 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonaddClick()

void options::OnButtonaddClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6748 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonClearClick()

void options::OnButtonClearClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6712 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtoncompressClick()

void options::OnButtoncompressClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7822 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtondeleteClick()

void options::OnButtondeleteClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7565 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonEcdisHelp()

void options::OnButtonEcdisHelp ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7799 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonmigrateClick()

void options::OnButtonmigrateClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7786 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonParseENC()

void options::OnButtonParseENC ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7598 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonSelectClick()

void options::OnButtonSelectClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6722 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonSelectSound()

void options::OnButtonSelectSound ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8423 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonSetStd()

void options::OnButtonSetStd ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6729 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnButtonTestSound()

void options::OnButtonTestSound ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8431 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnCancelClick()

void options::OnCancelClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7956 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnCanvasConfigSelectClick()

void options::OnCanvasConfigSelectClick ( int  ID,
bool  selected 

Definition at line 5955 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnCharHook()

void options::OnCharHook ( wxKeyEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6737 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnChartDirListSelect()

void options::OnChartDirListSelect ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6691 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnChartsPageChange()

void options::OnChartsPageChange ( wxListbookEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8151 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnChooseFont()

void options::OnChooseFont ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8002 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnClose()

void options::OnClose ( wxCloseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7972 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnConfigMouseSelected()

void options::OnConfigMouseSelected ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2849 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnCPAWarnClick()

void options::OnCPAWarnClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6588 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnCreateConfig()

void options::OnCreateConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2766 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnDebugcheckbox1Click()

void options::OnDebugcheckbox1Click ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7954 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnDeleteConfig()

void options::OnDeleteConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2785 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnDialogInit()

void options::OnDialogInit ( wxInitDialogEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1757 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnDisplayCategoryRadioButton()

void options::OnDisplayCategoryRadioButton ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6699 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnEditConfig()

void options::OnEditConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2783 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnFontChoice()

void options::OnFontChoice ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7989 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnGLClicked()

void options::OnGLClicked ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6636 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnInsertTideDataLocation()

void options::OnInsertTideDataLocation ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 9028 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnOpenGLOptions()

void options::OnOpenGLOptions ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6641 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnPageChange()

void options::OnPageChange ( wxListbookEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8186 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnRadarringSelect()

void options::OnRadarringSelect ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6618 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnRemoveTideDataLocation()

void options::OnRemoveTideDataLocation ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 9067 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnShipTypeSelect()

void options::OnShipTypeSelect ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6609 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnSizeAutoButton()

void options::OnSizeAutoButton ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6558 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnSizeManualButton()

void options::OnSizeManualButton ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6569 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnSubNBPageChange()

void options::OnSubNBPageChange ( wxNotebookEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8190 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnSyncCogPredClick()

void options::OnSyncCogPredClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6597 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnTopNBPageChange()

void options::OnTopNBPageChange ( wxNotebookEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8209 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnUnitsChoice()

void options::OnUnitsChoice ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6586 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickAIS()

void options::OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickAIS ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 4815 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickDSC()

void options::OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickDSC ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 4835 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickSART()

void options::OnUXAudioEnableButtonClickSART ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 4825 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnWaypointRangeRingSelect()

void options::OnWaypointRangeRingSelect ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 6627 of file options.cpp.

◆ OnXidOkClick()

void options::OnXidOkClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7495 of file options.cpp.

◆ RecalculateSize()

void options::RecalculateSize ( int  hint_x,
int  hint_y 

Definition at line 1559 of file options.cpp.

◆ SelectSoundFile()

wxString options::SelectSoundFile ( )

Definition at line 8394 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetColorScheme()

void options::SetColorScheme ( ColorScheme  cs)

Definition at line 5930 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetConfigButtonState()

void options::SetConfigButtonState ( )

Definition at line 2758 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetConfigPtr()

void options::SetConfigPtr ( MyConfig p)

Definition at line 311 of file options.h.

◆ SetCurrentDirList()

void options::SetCurrentDirList ( ArrayOfCDI  p)

Definition at line 302 of file options.h.

◆ SetDirActionButtons()

void options::SetDirActionButtons ( )

Definition at line 7557 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetForceNewToolbarOnCancel()

void options::SetForceNewToolbarOnCancel ( bool  val)

Definition at line 381 of file options.h.

◆ SetInitChartDir()

void options::SetInitChartDir ( const wxString &  dir)

Definition at line 298 of file options.h.

◆ SetInitialPage()

void options::SetInitialPage ( int  page_sel,
int  sub_page = -1 

Definition at line 5907 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetInitialSettings()

void options::SetInitialSettings ( void  )

Definition at line 5970 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetInitialVectorSettings()

void options::SetInitialVectorSettings ( void  )

Definition at line 6405 of file options.cpp.

◆ SetNeedNew()

void options::SetNeedNew ( bool  bnew)

Definition at line 379 of file options.h.

◆ SetWorkDirListPtr()

void options::SetWorkDirListPtr ( ArrayOfCDI *  p)

Definition at line 303 of file options.h.

◆ ShowToolTips()

bool options::ShowToolTips ( void  )

Definition at line 6735 of file options.cpp.

◆ UpdateChartDirList()

void options::UpdateChartDirList ( )

Definition at line 2554 of file options.cpp.

◆ UpdateDisplayedChartDirList()

void options::UpdateDisplayedChartDirList ( ArrayOfCDI  p)

Definition at line 6784 of file options.cpp.

◆ UpdateOptionsUnits()

void options::UpdateOptionsUnits ( void  )

Definition at line 6495 of file options.cpp.

◆ UpdateWorkArrayFromDisplayPanel()

void options::UpdateWorkArrayFromDisplayPanel ( void  )

Definition at line 6795 of file options.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActiveChartArray

ArrayOfCDI options::ActiveChartArray

Definition at line 480 of file options.h.

◆ activeChartList

wxArrayString options::activeChartList

Definition at line 495 of file options.h.

◆ activeSizer

wxStaticBoxSizer* options::activeSizer

Definition at line 476 of file options.h.

◆ b_haveWMM

bool options::b_haveWMM

Definition at line 448 of file options.h.

◆ b_oldhaveWMM

bool options::b_oldhaveWMM

Definition at line 449 of file options.h.

◆ boxSizerCharts

wxBoxSizer* options::boxSizerCharts

Definition at line 489 of file options.h.

◆ chartPanel

wxBoxSizer* options::chartPanel

Definition at line 477 of file options.h.

◆ chartPanelWin

wxScrolledWindow* options::chartPanelWin

Definition at line 491 of file options.h.

◆ cmdButtonSizer

wxBoxSizer* options::cmdButtonSizer

Definition at line 492 of file options.h.

◆ dispOptions

wxStaticBoxSizer* options::dispOptions

Definition at line 538 of file options.h.

◆ dispWaypointOptions

wxStaticBoxSizer * options::dispWaypointOptions

Definition at line 538 of file options.h.

◆ groupInputFlags

wxSizerFlags options::groupInputFlags

Definition at line 407 of file options.h.

◆ groupLabelFlags

wxSizerFlags options::groupLabelFlags

Definition at line 408 of file options.h.

◆ groupLabelFlagsHoriz

wxSizerFlags options::groupLabelFlagsHoriz

Definition at line 408 of file options.h.

◆ inputFlags

wxSizerFlags options::inputFlags

Definition at line 407 of file options.h.

◆ itemActiveChartStaticBox

wxStaticBox* options::itemActiveChartStaticBox

Definition at line 482 of file options.h.

◆ itemBoxSizerPanelPlugins

wxBoxSizer* options::itemBoxSizerPanelPlugins

Definition at line 563 of file options.h.

◆ itemButtonClearList

wxButton* options::itemButtonClearList

Definition at line 459 of file options.h.

◆ itemButtonSelectList

wxButton * options::itemButtonSelectList

Definition at line 459 of file options.h.

◆ itemButtonSetStd

wxButton * options::itemButtonSetStd

Definition at line 459 of file options.h.

◆ itemPanelPlugins

wxScrolledWindow* options::itemPanelPlugins

Definition at line 562 of file options.h.

◆ itemPanelRoutes

wxScrolledWindow * options::itemPanelRoutes

Definition at line 539 of file options.h.

◆ itemPanelShip

wxScrolledWindow* options::itemPanelShip

Definition at line 539 of file options.h.

◆ itemStaticTextUserVar

wxStaticText* options::itemStaticTextUserVar

Definition at line 439 of file options.h.

◆ itemStaticTextUserVar2

wxStaticText* options::itemStaticTextUserVar2

Definition at line 440 of file options.h.

◆ k_charts

int options::k_charts

Definition at line 487 of file options.h.

◆ k_plugins

int options::k_plugins

Definition at line 604 of file options.h.

◆ k_tides

int options::k_tides

Definition at line 436 of file options.h.

◆ k_vectorcharts

int options::k_vectorcharts

Definition at line 467 of file options.h.

◆ labelFlags

wxSizerFlags options::labelFlags

Definition at line 407 of file options.h.

◆ lastPage

int options::lastPage

Definition at line 398 of file options.h.

◆ lastSubPage

int options::lastSubPage

Definition at line 398 of file options.h.

◆ lastWindowPos

wxPoint options::lastWindowPos

Definition at line 399 of file options.h.

◆ lastWindowSize

wxSize options::lastWindowSize

Definition at line 400 of file options.h.

◆ loadedBox

wxStaticBox* options::loadedBox

Definition at line 493 of file options.h.

◆ m_AddPluginPanel

AddPluginPanel* options::m_AddPluginPanel

Definition at line 560 of file options.h.

◆ m_ApplyButton

wxButton* options::m_ApplyButton

Definition at line 401 of file options.h.

◆ m_bForceNewToolbaronCancel

bool options::m_bForceNewToolbaronCancel

Definition at line 605 of file options.h.

◆ m_bVisitLang

bool options::m_bVisitLang

Definition at line 553 of file options.h.

◆ m_CancelButton

wxButton * options::m_CancelButton

Definition at line 401 of file options.h.

◆ m_ChartDisplayPage

wxScrolledWindow* options::m_ChartDisplayPage

Definition at line 498 of file options.h.

◆ m_colourOwnshipRangeRingColour

OCPNColourPickerCtrl* options::m_colourOwnshipRangeRingColour

Definition at line 566 of file options.h.

◆ m_colourTrackLineColour

OCPNColourPickerCtrl* options::m_colourTrackLineColour

Definition at line 568 of file options.h.

◆ m_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour

OCPNColourPickerCtrl* options::m_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour

Definition at line 592 of file options.h.

◆ m_compressBtn

wxButton * options::m_compressBtn

Definition at line 485 of file options.h.

◆ m_configApplyButton

wxButton * options::m_configApplyButton

Definition at line 441 of file options.h.

◆ m_configDeleteButton

wxButton* options::m_configDeleteButton

Definition at line 441 of file options.h.

◆ m_cs

ColorScheme options::m_cs

Definition at line 450 of file options.h.

◆ m_CurrentDirList

ArrayOfCDI options::m_CurrentDirList

Definition at line 600 of file options.h.

◆ m_DeepCtl

wxTextCtrl * options::m_DeepCtl

Definition at line 465 of file options.h.

◆ m_depthUnitsDeep

wxStaticText * options::m_depthUnitsDeep

Definition at line 466 of file options.h.

◆ m_depthUnitsSafe

wxStaticText * options::m_depthUnitsSafe

Definition at line 466 of file options.h.

◆ m_depthUnitsShal

wxStaticText* options::m_depthUnitsShal

Definition at line 466 of file options.h.

◆ m_DisplayConfigsPage

wxScrolledWindow* options::m_DisplayConfigsPage

Definition at line 522 of file options.h.

◆ m_groups_changed

int options::m_groups_changed

Definition at line 404 of file options.h.

◆ m_init_chart_dir

wxString options::m_init_chart_dir

Definition at line 597 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemAISListBox

wxComboBox* options::m_itemAISListBox

Definition at line 556 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemBoxSizerFontPanel

wxBoxSizer* options::m_itemBoxSizerFontPanel

Definition at line 550 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemFontElementListBox

wxChoice* options::m_itemFontElementListBox

Definition at line 551 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemLangListBox

wxChoice * options::m_itemLangListBox

Definition at line 551 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemRadarRingsUnits

wxChoice* options::m_itemRadarRingsUnits

Definition at line 567 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemStyleListBox

wxChoice * options::m_itemStyleListBox

Definition at line 551 of file options.h.

◆ m_itemWaypointRangeRingsUnits

wxChoice * options::m_itemWaypointRangeRingsUnits

Definition at line 567 of file options.h.

◆ m_migrateBtn

wxButton* options::m_migrateBtn

Definition at line 486 of file options.h.

◆ m_nCharWidthMax

int options::m_nCharWidthMax

Definition at line 488 of file options.h.

◆ m_OKButton

wxButton * options::m_OKButton

Definition at line 401 of file options.h.

◆ m_on_sound_done

EventVar options::m_on_sound_done

Notified with a OCPN_Sound* pointer when sound has completed.

Definition at line 618 of file options.h.

◆ m_pageCharts

size_t options::m_pageCharts

Definition at line 396 of file options.h.

◆ m_pageConnections

size_t options::m_pageConnections

Definition at line 396 of file options.h.

◆ m_pageDisplay

size_t options::m_pageDisplay

Definition at line 396 of file options.h.

◆ m_pagePlugins

size_t options::m_pagePlugins

Definition at line 397 of file options.h.

◆ m_pageShips

size_t options::m_pageShips

Definition at line 396 of file options.h.

◆ m_pageUI

size_t options::m_pageUI

Definition at line 397 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Ack_Timout

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Ack_Timout

Definition at line 509 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Alert_Moored

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Alert_Moored

Definition at line 507 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_AlertAudio

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_AlertAudio

Definition at line 506 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_AlertDialog

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_AlertDialog

Definition at line 506 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_CPA_Max

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_CPA_Max

Definition at line 501 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_CPA_Warn

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_CPA_Warn

Definition at line 501 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_CPA_WarnT

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_CPA_WarnT

Definition at line 501 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Draw_Realtime_Prediction

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Draw_Realtime_Prediction

Definition at line 510 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Draw_Target_Size

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Draw_Target_Size

Definition at line 510 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Hide_Moored

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Hide_Moored

Definition at line 504 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Mark_Lost

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Mark_Lost

Definition at line 502 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Remove_Lost

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Remove_Lost

Definition at line 502 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Rollover_Class

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Rollover_Class

Definition at line 507 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Rollover_COG

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Rollover_COG

Definition at line 508 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Rollover_CPA

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Rollover_CPA

Definition at line 508 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Scale_Priority

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Scale_Priority

Definition at line 505 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Show_Area_Notices

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Show_Area_Notices

Definition at line 509 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Show_COG

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Show_COG

Definition at line 503 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Show_Target_Name

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Show_Target_Name

Definition at line 511 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Show_Tracks

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_Show_Tracks

Definition at line 504 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_ShowAllCPA

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_ShowAllCPA

Definition at line 513 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_Sync_OCOG_ACOG

wxCheckBox * options::m_pCheck_Sync_OCOG_ACOG

Definition at line 503 of file options.h.

◆ m_pCheck_use_Wpl

wxCheckBox* options::m_pCheck_use_Wpl

Definition at line 513 of file options.h.

◆ m_pConfig

MyConfig* options::m_pConfig

Definition at line 601 of file options.h.

◆ m_pcTCDatasets

wxChoice * options::m_pcTCDatasets

Definition at line 424 of file options.h.

◆ m_pGroupArray

ChartGroupArray* options::m_pGroupArray

Definition at line 403 of file options.h.

◆ m_pListbook

wxListbook* options::m_pListbook

Definition at line 391 of file options.h.

◆ m_PluginCatalogMgrPanel

CatalogMgrPanel* options::m_PluginCatalogMgrPanel

Definition at line 561 of file options.h.

◆ m_pMouse_Zoom_Slider

wxSlider* options::m_pMouse_Zoom_Slider

Definition at line 428 of file options.h.

◆ m_pOSGPSOffsetX

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pOSGPSOffsetX

Definition at line 536 of file options.h.

◆ m_pOSGPSOffsetY

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pOSGPSOffsetY

Definition at line 536 of file options.h.

◆ m_pOSLength

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pOSLength

Definition at line 536 of file options.h.

◆ m_pOSMinSize

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pOSMinSize

Definition at line 537 of file options.h.

◆ m_pOSWidth

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pOSWidth

Definition at line 536 of file options.h.

◆ m_pPlugInCtrl

PluginListPanel* options::m_pPlugInCtrl

Definition at line 559 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSerialArray

wxArrayString* options::m_pSerialArray

Definition at line 598 of file options.h.

◆ m_pShipIconType

wxChoice* options::m_pShipIconType

Definition at line 424 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_Chart_Factor

wxSlider * options::m_pSlider_Chart_Factor

Definition at line 426 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_CM93_Zoom

wxSlider* options::m_pSlider_CM93_Zoom

Definition at line 430 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_ENCText_Factor

wxSlider * options::m_pSlider_ENCText_Factor

Definition at line 427 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_GUI_Factor

wxSlider * options::m_pSlider_GUI_Factor

Definition at line 425 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_Ship_Factor

wxSlider * options::m_pSlider_Ship_Factor

Definition at line 426 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_Text_Factor

wxSlider * options::m_pSlider_Text_Factor

Definition at line 426 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_Zoom_Raster

wxSlider* options::m_pSlider_Zoom_Raster

Definition at line 425 of file options.h.

◆ m_pSlider_Zoom_Vector

wxSlider* options::m_pSlider_Zoom_Vector

Definition at line 429 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_ACK_Timeout

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_ACK_Timeout

Definition at line 518 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_ACRadius

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_ACRadius

Definition at line 537 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_COG_Predictor

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_COG_Predictor

Definition at line 515 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_CPA_Max

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_CPA_Max

Definition at line 514 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_CPA_Warn

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_CPA_Warn

Definition at line 514 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_CPA_WarnT

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_CPA_WarnT

Definition at line 514 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Mark_Lost

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_Mark_Lost

Definition at line 515 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Moored_Speed

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_Moored_Speed

Definition at line 516 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_OSCOG_Predictor

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_OSCOG_Predictor

Definition at line 419 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_OSHDT_Predictor

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_OSHDT_Predictor

Definition at line 420 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_RealtPred_Speed

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_RealtPred_Speed

Definition at line 519 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Remove_Lost

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_Remove_Lost

Definition at line 515 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Scale_Priority

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_Scale_Priority

Definition at line 517 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_ScaMin

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_ScaMin

Definition at line 547 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Show_Target_Name_Scale

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_Show_Target_Name_Scale

Definition at line 518 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_TP_Dist

wxTextCtrl * options::m_pText_TP_Dist

Definition at line 574 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_TP_Secs

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_TP_Secs

Definition at line 574 of file options.h.

◆ m_pText_Track_Length

wxTextCtrl* options::m_pText_Track_Length

Definition at line 516 of file options.h.

◆ m_pWorkDirList

ArrayOfCDI * options::m_pWorkDirList

Definition at line 600 of file options.h.

◆ m_pWplAction

wxChoice* options::m_pWplAction

Definition at line 512 of file options.h.

◆ m_removeBtn

wxButton* options::m_removeBtn

Definition at line 485 of file options.h.

◆ m_SafetyCtl

wxTextCtrl * options::m_SafetyCtl

Definition at line 465 of file options.h.

◆ m_sconfigSelect_single

CanvasConfigSelect* options::m_sconfigSelect_single

Definition at line 524 of file options.h.

◆ m_sconfigSelect_twovertical

CanvasConfigSelect* options::m_sconfigSelect_twovertical

Definition at line 525 of file options.h.

◆ m_scrollWinChartList

wxScrolledWindow* options::m_scrollWinChartList

Definition at line 490 of file options.h.

◆ m_scrollWinConfigList

wxScrolledWindow* options::m_scrollWinConfigList

Definition at line 529 of file options.h.

◆ m_ShallowCtl

wxTextCtrl* options::m_ShallowCtl

Definition at line 465 of file options.h.

◆ m_shipToActiveColor

wxChoice * options::m_shipToActiveColor

Definition at line 542 of file options.h.

◆ m_shipToActiveStyle

wxChoice* options::m_shipToActiveStyle

Definition at line 542 of file options.h.

◆ m_sound_done_listener

ObsListener options::m_sound_done_listener

Definition at line 619 of file options.h.

◆ m_soundPanelAIS

OCPNSoundPanel* options::m_soundPanelAIS

Definition at line 610 of file options.h.

◆ m_soundPanelAnchor

OCPNSoundPanel* options::m_soundPanelAnchor

Definition at line 609 of file options.h.

◆ m_soundPanelDSC

OCPNSoundPanel* options::m_soundPanelDSC

Definition at line 612 of file options.h.

◆ m_soundPanelSART

OCPNSoundPanel* options::m_soundPanelSART

Definition at line 611 of file options.h.

◆ m_staticTextLastAppled

wxStaticText* options::m_staticTextLastAppled

Definition at line 531 of file options.h.

◆ m_templateStatusBoxSizer

wxStaticBoxSizer* options::m_templateStatusBoxSizer

Definition at line 532 of file options.h.

◆ m_templateTitleText

wxStaticText* options::m_templateTitleText

Definition at line 530 of file options.h.

◆ m_Text_def_boat_speed

wxStaticText* options::m_Text_def_boat_speed

Definition at line 526 of file options.h.

◆ m_textSample

wxStaticText* options::m_textSample

Definition at line 552 of file options.h.

◆ OBJLBoxArray

wxArrayPtrVoid options::OBJLBoxArray

Definition at line 596 of file options.h.

◆ ownShip

wxBoxSizer* options::ownShip

Definition at line 540 of file options.h.

◆ p24Color

wxChoice * options::p24Color

Definition at line 458 of file options.h.

◆ pAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly

wxCheckBox* options::pAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly

Definition at line 578 of file options.h.

◆ panelVector

std::vector<OCPNChartDirPanel *> options::panelVector

Definition at line 494 of file options.h.

◆ pAutoAnchorMark

wxCheckBox* options::pAutoAnchorMark

Definition at line 414 of file options.h.

◆ pBoundStyle

wxChoice * options::pBoundStyle

Definition at line 458 of file options.h.

◆ pCBCM93

wxCheckBox* options::pCBCM93

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

◆ pCBCourseUp

wxRadioButton* options::pCBCourseUp

Definition at line 435 of file options.h.

◆ pCBLookAhead

wxCheckBox * options::pCBLookAhead

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

◆ pCBMagShow

wxCheckBox * options::pCBMagShow

Definition at line 472 of file options.h.

◆ pCBNorthUp

wxRadioButton * options::pCBNorthUp

Definition at line 435 of file options.h.

◆ pCBRaster

wxCheckBox * options::pCBRaster

Definition at line 414 of file options.h.

◆ pCBTrueShow

wxCheckBox* options::pCBTrueShow

Definition at line 472 of file options.h.

◆ pCBVector

wxCheckBox * options::pCBVector

Definition at line 414 of file options.h.

◆ pCDOOutlines

wxCheckBox * options::pCDOOutlines

Definition at line 413 of file options.h.

◆ pCDOQuilting

wxCheckBox * options::pCDOQuilting

Definition at line 414 of file options.h.

◆ pChartBarEX

wxCheckBox * options::pChartBarEX

Definition at line 418 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox* options::pCheck_ATONTEXT

Definition at line 462 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_DECLTEXT

Definition at line 463 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_LDISTEXT

Definition at line 462 of file options.h.

◆ pCheck_META

wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_META

Definition at line 460 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_NATIONALTEXT

Definition at line 463 of file options.h.

◆ pCheck_SCAMIN

wxCheckBox* options::pCheck_SCAMIN

Definition at line 461 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_SHOWIMPTEXT

Definition at line 460 of file options.h.

◆ pCheck_SOUNDG

wxCheckBox* options::pCheck_SOUNDG

Definition at line 460 of file options.h.

◆ pCheck_SuperSCAMIN

wxCheckBox * options::pCheck_SuperSCAMIN

Definition at line 461 of file options.h.


wxCheckBox* options::pCheck_XLSECTTEXT

Definition at line 463 of file options.h.

◆ pCmdSoundString

wxTextCtrl* options::pCmdSoundString

Definition at line 422 of file options.h.

◆ pCOGUPUpdateSecs

wxTextCtrl* options::pCOGUPUpdateSecs

Definition at line 419 of file options.h.

◆ pConfirmObjectDeletion

wxCheckBox * options::pConfirmObjectDeletion

Definition at line 575 of file options.h.

◆ pDepthUnitSelect

wxChoice * options::pDepthUnitSelect

Definition at line 470 of file options.h.

◆ pDispCat

wxChoice* options::pDispCat

Definition at line 458 of file options.h.

◆ pDisplayPanel

wxScrolledWindow* options::pDisplayPanel

Definition at line 411 of file options.h.

◆ pDistanceFormat

wxChoice * options::pDistanceFormat

Definition at line 470 of file options.h.

◆ pEnableZoomToCursor

wxCheckBox* options::pEnableZoomToCursor

Definition at line 576 of file options.h.

◆ pFullScreenQuilt

wxCheckBox* options::pFullScreenQuilt

Definition at line 416 of file options.h.

◆ pInlandEcdis

wxCheckBox * options::pInlandEcdis

Definition at line 417 of file options.h.

◆ pMagVar

wxTextCtrl* options::pMagVar

Definition at line 473 of file options.h.

◆ pMobile

wxCheckBox * options::pMobile

Definition at line 416 of file options.h.

◆ pNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible

wxChoice* options::pNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible

Definition at line 565 of file options.h.

◆ pNavAidRadarRingsStep

wxTextCtrl* options::pNavAidRadarRingsStep

Definition at line 571 of file options.h.

◆ pOpenGL

wxCheckBox * options::pOpenGL

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

◆ pOverzoomEmphasis

wxCheckBox * options::pOverzoomEmphasis

Definition at line 416 of file options.h.

◆ pOZScaleVector

wxCheckBox* options::pOZScaleVector

Definition at line 417 of file options.h.

◆ pParent

wxWindow* options::pParent

Definition at line 602 of file options.h.

◆ pParseENCButton

wxButton* options::pParseENCButton

Definition at line 484 of file options.h.

◆ pPlayShipsBells

wxCheckBox * options::pPlayShipsBells

Definition at line 576 of file options.h.

◆ pPointStyle

wxChoice * options::pPointStyle

Definition at line 458 of file options.h.

◆ pPreserveScale

wxCheckBox * options::pPreserveScale

Definition at line 576 of file options.h.

◆ pPrintShowIcon

wxCheckBox* options::pPrintShowIcon

Definition at line 413 of file options.h.

◆ pRBSizeAuto

wxRadioButton * options::pRBSizeAuto

Definition at line 435 of file options.h.

◆ pRBSizeManual

wxRadioButton * options::pRBSizeManual

Definition at line 435 of file options.h.

◆ pResponsive

wxCheckBox * options::pResponsive

Definition at line 416 of file options.h.

◆ pRollover

wxCheckBox * options::pRollover

Definition at line 417 of file options.h.

◆ pRoutepointDefaultIconChoice

OCPNIconCombo* options::pRoutepointDefaultIconChoice

Definition at line 545 of file options.h.

◆ ps57Ctl

wxScrolledWindow* options::ps57Ctl

Definition at line 454 of file options.h.

◆ ps57CtlListBox

OCPNCheckedListCtrl* options::ps57CtlListBox

Definition at line 456 of file options.h.

◆ pScaMinChckB

wxCheckBox* options::pScaMinChckB

Definition at line 546 of file options.h.

◆ pScaMinOverruleChckB

wxCheckBox * options::pScaMinOverruleChckB

Definition at line 546 of file options.h.

◆ pScanCheckBox

wxCheckBox * options::pScanCheckBox

Definition at line 483 of file options.h.

◆ pScreenMM

wxTextCtrl * options::pScreenMM

Definition at line 419 of file options.h.

◆ pSDefaultBoatSpeed

wxTextCtrl* options::pSDefaultBoatSpeed

Definition at line 433 of file options.h.

◆ pSDepthUnits

wxCheckBox * options::pSDepthUnits

Definition at line 413 of file options.h.

◆ pSDisplayGrid

wxCheckBox * options::pSDisplayGrid

Definition at line 413 of file options.h.

◆ pSDMMFormat

wxChoice* options::pSDMMFormat

Definition at line 470 of file options.h.

◆ pSelCtl

wxTextCtrl* options::pSelCtl

Definition at line 478 of file options.h.

◆ pSEnableCM93Offset

wxCheckBox* options::pSEnableCM93Offset

Definition at line 464 of file options.h.

◆ pShowChartBar

wxCheckBox * options::pShowChartBar

Definition at line 412 of file options.h.

◆ pShowCompassWin

wxCheckBox * options::pShowCompassWin

Definition at line 412 of file options.h.

◆ pShowMenuBar

wxCheckBox * options::pShowMenuBar

Definition at line 412 of file options.h.

◆ pShowshipToActive

wxCheckBox* options::pShowshipToActive

Definition at line 541 of file options.h.

◆ pShowStatusBar

wxCheckBox* options::pShowStatusBar

Definition at line 412 of file options.h.

◆ pSkewComp

wxCheckBox * options::pSkewComp

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

◆ pSLiveETA

wxCheckBox* options::pSLiveETA

Definition at line 432 of file options.h.

◆ pSmoothPanZoom

wxCheckBox * options::pSmoothPanZoom

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

◆ pSogCogFromLLCheckBox

wxCheckBox* options::pSogCogFromLLCheckBox

Definition at line 572 of file options.h.

◆ pSogCogFromLLDampInterval

wxSpinCtrl* options::pSogCogFromLLDampInterval

Definition at line 573 of file options.h.

◆ pSoundDeviceIndex

wxChoice* options::pSoundDeviceIndex

Definition at line 593 of file options.h.

◆ pSpeedFormat

wxChoice * options::pSpeedFormat

Definition at line 470 of file options.h.

◆ pStatic_CallSign

wxStaticText* options::pStatic_CallSign

Definition at line 580 of file options.h.

◆ pTempFormat

wxChoice * options::pTempFormat

Definition at line 471 of file options.h.

◆ pToolbarAutoHideCB

wxCheckBox * options::pToolbarAutoHideCB

Definition at line 417 of file options.h.

◆ pToolbarHideSecs

wxTextCtrl* options::pToolbarHideSecs

Definition at line 420 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackDaily

wxCheckBox* options::pTrackDaily

Definition at line 579 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackHighlite

wxCheckBox * options::pTrackHighlite

Definition at line 579 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackPrecision

wxChoice* options::pTrackPrecision

Definition at line 570 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackRotateComputerTime

wxRadioButton* options::pTrackRotateComputerTime

Definition at line 591 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackRotateLMT

wxRadioButton * options::pTrackRotateLMT

Definition at line 591 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackRotateUTC

wxRadioButton * options::pTrackRotateUTC

Definition at line 591 of file options.h.

◆ pTrackShowIcon

wxCheckBox * options::pTrackShowIcon

Definition at line 578 of file options.h.

◆ pTransparentToolbar

wxCheckBox* options::pTransparentToolbar

Definition at line 577 of file options.h.

◆ pUpdateCheckBox

wxCheckBox* options::pUpdateCheckBox

Definition at line 483 of file options.h.

◆ pWaypointDefaultIconChoice

OCPNIconCombo* options::pWaypointDefaultIconChoice

Definition at line 544 of file options.h.

◆ pWayPointPreventDragging

wxCheckBox* options::pWayPointPreventDragging

Definition at line 575 of file options.h.

◆ pWaypointRangeRingsNumber

wxChoice * options::pWaypointRangeRingsNumber

Definition at line 565 of file options.h.

◆ pWaypointRangeRingsStep

wxTextCtrl * options::pWaypointRangeRingsStep

Definition at line 571 of file options.h.

◆ pWindSpeedFormat

wxChoice * options::pWindSpeedFormat

Definition at line 471 of file options.h.

◆ pZoomButtons

wxCheckBox* options::pZoomButtons

Definition at line 418 of file options.h.

◆ radarGrid

wxFlexGridSizer* options::radarGrid

Definition at line 564 of file options.h.

◆ realSizes

wxFlexGridSizer* options::realSizes

Definition at line 535 of file options.h.

◆ Routes

wxBoxSizer * options::Routes

Definition at line 540 of file options.h.

◆ stSoundDeviceIndex

wxStaticText* options::stSoundDeviceIndex

Definition at line 594 of file options.h.

◆ vectorPanel

wxBoxSizer* options::vectorPanel

Definition at line 453 of file options.h.

◆ verticleInputFlags

wxSizerFlags options::verticleInputFlags

Definition at line 407 of file options.h.

◆ waypointradarGrid

wxFlexGridSizer * options::waypointradarGrid

Definition at line 564 of file options.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: