OpenCPN Partial API docs
No Matches

Retrieves a platform-normalized font scaled for consistent physical size.

Retrieves a platform-normalized font scaled for consistent physical size.Provides a font that maintains perceptually consistent size across different platforms, screen densities, and display characteristics. The scaling ensures that a specified font size appears similar in physical dimensions regardless of:

TextElementIdentifies the UI context (e.g., "AISTargetAlert", "StatusBar")
default_sizeBase font size in points. When 0, uses system default. When non-zero (e.g., 12), applies cross-platform scaling to maintain consistent physical font size.
Pointer to a wxFont with platform-normalized scaling
Scaling mechanism:
  • Adjusts point size based on system DPI
  • Applies platform-specific scaling factors
  • Ensures readable text across diverse display environments
Returned font is managed by OpenCPN's font cache
Pointer should not be deleted by the caller

// A 12-point font will look similar on: // - Windows laptop // - MacBook Retina display // - Android tablet wxFont* font = GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn("StatusBar", 12);

* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2024 by David S. Register *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#ifndef _PLUGIN_H_
#define _PLUGIN_H_
#ifndef DECL_EXP
#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define DECL_EXP __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
#define DECL_EXP __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#elif defined __WXOSX__
#define DECL_EXP __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define DECL_EXP
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(MAKING_PLUGIN)
#define DECL_IMP __declspec(dllimport)
#define DECL_IMP
#include <wx/xml/xml.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/menuitem.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#ifdef ocpnUSE_SVG
#include <wx/bitmap.h>
#endif // ocpnUSE_SVG
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
class wxGLContext;
// This is the most modern API Version number
// It is expected that the API will remain downward compatible, meaning that
// PlugIns conforming to API Version less than the most modern will also
// be correctly supported.
// Fwd Definitions
class wxFileConfig;
class wxNotebook;
class wxFont;
class wxAuiManager;
class wxScrolledWindow;
class wxGLCanvas;
// Bitfield PlugIn Capabilites flag definition
#define WANTS_OVERLAY_CALLBACK 0x00000001
#define WANTS_CURSOR_LATLON 0x00000002
#define WANTS_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK 0x00000004
#define INSTALLS_TOOLBAR_TOOL 0x00000008
#define WANTS_CONFIG 0x00000010
#define INSTALLS_TOOLBOX_PAGE 0x00000020
#define WANTS_NMEA_SENTENCES 0x00000080
#define WANTS_NMEA_EVENTS 0x00000100
#define WANTS_AIS_SENTENCES 0x00000200
#define USES_AUI_MANAGER 0x00000400
#define WANTS_PREFERENCES 0x00000800
#define INSTALLS_PLUGIN_CHART 0x00001000
#define WANTS_ONPAINT_VIEWPORT 0x00002000
#define WANTS_PLUGIN_MESSAGING 0x00004000
#define WANTS_LATE_INIT 0x00020000
#define INSTALLS_PLUGIN_CHART_GL 0x00040000
#define WANTS_MOUSE_EVENTS 0x00080000
#define WANTS_KEYBOARD_EVENTS 0x00200000
#define WANTS_PRESHUTDOWN_HOOK 0x00400000
// Overlay priorities
#define OVERLAY_OVER_UI 128
// Some PlugIn API interface object class definitions
enum PI_ColorScheme {
double clat; // center point
double clon;
double view_scale_ppm;
double skew;
double rotation;
float chart_scale; // conventional chart displayed scale
int pix_width;
int pix_height;
wxRect rv_rect;
bool b_quilt;
int m_projection_type;
double lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max;
bool bValid; // This VP is valid
double Lat;
double Lon;
double Cog;
double Sog;
double Var; // Variation, typically from RMC message
time_t FixTime;
int nSats;
double Lat;
double Lon;
double Cog;
double Sog;
double Var; // Variation, typically from RMC message
double Hdm;
double Hdt;
// The time obtained from the most recent GNSS message, or the system time if
// the GNSS watchdog has expired.
time_t FixTime;
int nSats;
double Xte; // Left side of the track -> negative XTE
double Btw;
double Dtw;
wxString wp_name; // Name of destination waypoint for active leg
bool arrival; // True when within arrival circle
// Describe AIS Alarm state
enum plugin_ais_alarm_type {
int MMSI;
int Class;
int NavStatus;
double SOG;
double COG;
double HDG;
double Lon;
double Lat;
char CallSign[8]; // includes terminator
char ShipName[21];
unsigned char ShipType;
int IMO;
double Range_NM;
double Brg;
// Per target collision parameters
bool bCPA_Valid;
double TCPA; // Minutes
double CPA; // Nautical Miles
plugin_ais_alarm_type alarm_state;
// ChartType constants
typedef enum ChartTypeEnumPI {
} _ChartTypeEnumPI;
// ChartFamily constants
typedef enum ChartFamilyEnumPI {
} _ChartFamilyEnumPI;
// Depth unit type enum
typedef enum ChartDepthUnitTypePI {
} _ChartDepthUnitTypePI;
// Projection type enum
typedef enum OcpnProjTypePI {
} _OcpnProjTypePI;
typedef struct _ExtentPI {
double SLAT;
double WLON;
double NLAT;
double ELON;
// PlugInChartBase::Init() init_flags constants
#define PI_FULL_INIT 0
#define PI_HEADER_ONLY 1
#define PI_THUMB_ONLY 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlugInChartBase
// This class is the base class for Plug-able chart types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DECL_EXP PlugInChartBase : public wxObject {
// These methods Must be overriden in any derived class
virtual ~PlugInChartBase();
virtual wxString GetFileSearchMask(void);
virtual int Init(const wxString &full_path, int init_flags);
virtual void SetColorScheme(int cs, bool bApplyImmediate);
virtual double GetNormalScaleMin(double canvas_scale_factor,
bool b_allow_overzoom);
virtual double GetNormalScaleMax(double canvas_scale_factor,
int canvas_width);
virtual double GetNearestPreferredScalePPM(double target_scale_ppm);
virtual bool GetChartExtent(ExtentPI *pext);
virtual wxBitmap &RenderRegionView(const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region);
virtual bool AdjustVP(PlugIn_ViewPort &vp_last, PlugIn_ViewPort &vp_proposed);
virtual void GetValidCanvasRegion(const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
wxRegion *pValidRegion);
virtual int GetCOVREntries() { return 0; }
virtual int GetCOVRTablePoints(int iTable) { return 0; }
virtual int GetCOVRTablenPoints(int iTable) { return 0; }
virtual float *GetCOVRTableHead(int iTable) { return (float *)NULL; }
virtual wxBitmap *GetThumbnail(int tnx, int tny, int cs);
// Accessors, need not be overridden in derived class if the member
// variables are maintained
virtual wxString GetFullPath() const { return m_FullPath; }
virtual ChartTypeEnumPI GetChartType() { return m_ChartType; }
virtual ChartFamilyEnumPI GetChartFamily() { return m_ChartFamily; }
virtual OcpnProjTypePI GetChartProjection() { return m_projection; }
virtual wxString GetName() { return m_Name; }
virtual wxString GetDescription() { return m_Description; }
virtual wxString GetID() { return m_ID; }
virtual wxString GetSE() { return m_SE; }
virtual wxString GetDepthUnits() { return m_DepthUnits; }
virtual wxString GetSoundingsDatum() { return m_SoundingsDatum; }
virtual wxString GetDatumString() { return m_datum_str; }
virtual wxString GetExtraInfo() { return m_ExtraInfo; }
virtual wxString GetPubDate() { return m_PubYear; }
virtual double GetChartErrorFactor() { return m_Chart_Error_Factor; }
virtual ChartDepthUnitTypePI GetDepthUnitId() { return m_depth_unit_id; }
virtual bool IsReadyToRender() { return m_bReadyToRender; }
virtual int GetNativeScale() { return m_Chart_Scale; };
virtual double GetChartSkew() { return m_Chart_Skew; }
virtual wxDateTime GetEditionDate(void) { return m_EdDate; }
// Methods pertaining to CHART_FAMILY_RASTER type PlugIn charts only
virtual void ComputeSourceRectangle(const PlugIn_ViewPort &vp,
wxRect *pSourceRect);
virtual double GetRasterScaleFactor();
virtual bool GetChartBits(wxRect &source, unsigned char *pPix, int sub_samp);
virtual int GetSize_X();
virtual int GetSize_Y();
virtual void latlong_to_chartpix(double lat, double lon, double &pixx,
double &pixy);
virtual void chartpix_to_latlong(double pixx, double pixy, double *plat,
double *plon);
ChartTypeEnumPI m_ChartType;
ChartFamilyEnumPI m_ChartFamily;
wxString m_FullPath;
OcpnProjTypePI m_projection;
int m_Chart_Scale;
double m_Chart_Skew;
wxDateTime m_EdDate;
bool m_bReadyToRender;
wxString m_Name;
wxString m_Description;
wxString m_ID;
wxString m_SE;
wxString m_SoundingsDatum;
wxString m_datum_str;
wxString m_PubYear;
wxString m_DepthUnits;
wxString m_ExtraInfo;
ChartDepthUnitTypePI m_depth_unit_id;
double m_Chart_Error_Factor;
// Declare an array of PlugIn_AIS_Targets
WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR(PlugIn_AIS_Target *, ArrayOfPlugIn_AIS_Targets);
// The Generic PlugIn Interface Class Definition
// This is a virtual class.
// opencpn PlugIns must derive from this class.
// There are two types of methods in this class
// a. Required...must be overridden and implemented by PlugIns
// b. Optional..may be overridden by PlugIns
// PlugIns must implement optional method overrides consistent with their
// declared capabilities flag as returned by Init().
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin {
opencpn_plugin(void *pmgr) {}
virtual ~opencpn_plugin();
// Public API to the PlugIn class
// This group of methods is required, and will be called by the opencpn
// host opencpn PlugIns must implement this group
virtual int Init(void); // Return the PlugIn Capabilites flag
virtual bool DeInit(void);
virtual int GetAPIVersionMajor();
virtual int GetAPIVersionMinor();
virtual int GetPlugInVersionMajor();
virtual int GetPlugInVersionMinor();
virtual wxBitmap *GetPlugInBitmap();
// These three methods should produce valid, meaningful strings always
// ---EVEN IF--- the PlugIn has not (yet) been initialized.
// They are used by the PlugInManager GUI
virtual wxString GetCommonName();
virtual wxString GetShortDescription();
virtual wxString GetLongDescription();
// This group is optional.
// PlugIns may override any of these methods as required
virtual void SetDefaults(
void); // This will be called upon enabling a PlugIn via the user Dialog
// It gives a chance to setup any default options and behavior
virtual int GetToolbarToolCount(void);
virtual int GetToolboxPanelCount(void);
virtual void SetupToolboxPanel(int page_sel, wxNotebook *pnotebook);
virtual void OnCloseToolboxPanel(int page_sel, int ok_apply_cancel);
virtual void ShowPreferencesDialog(wxWindow *parent);
virtual bool RenderOverlay(wxMemoryDC *pmdc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual void SetCursorLatLon(double lat, double lon);
virtual void SetCurrentViewPort(PlugIn_ViewPort &vp);
virtual void SetPositionFix(PlugIn_Position_Fix &pfix);
virtual void SetNMEASentence(wxString &sentence);
virtual void SetAISSentence(wxString &sentence);
virtual void ProcessParentResize(int x, int y);
virtual void SetColorScheme(PI_ColorScheme cs);
virtual void OnToolbarToolCallback(int id);
virtual void OnContextMenuItemCallback(int id);
virtual void UpdateAuiStatus(void);
virtual wxArrayString GetDynamicChartClassNameArray(void);
// the types of the class factories used to create PlugIn instances
typedef opencpn_plugin *create_t(void *);
typedef void destroy_t(opencpn_plugin *);
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual"
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_16 : public opencpn_plugin {
opencpn_plugin_16(void *pmgr);
virtual ~opencpn_plugin_16();
using opencpn_plugin::RenderOverlay;
virtual bool RenderOverlay(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual void SetPluginMessage(wxString &message_id, wxString &message_body);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_17 : public opencpn_plugin {
opencpn_plugin_17(void *pmgr);
virtual ~opencpn_plugin_17();
using opencpn_plugin::RenderOverlay;
virtual bool RenderOverlay(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual bool RenderGLOverlay(wxGLContext *pcontext, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual void SetPluginMessage(wxString &message_id, wxString &message_body);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_18 : public opencpn_plugin {
opencpn_plugin_18(void *pmgr);
virtual ~opencpn_plugin_18();
using opencpn_plugin::RenderOverlay;
virtual bool RenderOverlay(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual bool RenderGLOverlay(wxGLContext *pcontext, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
virtual void SetPluginMessage(wxString &message_id, wxString &message_body);
virtual void SetPositionFixEx(PlugIn_Position_Fix_Ex &pfix);
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_19 : public opencpn_plugin_18 {
opencpn_plugin_19(void *pmgr);
virtual ~opencpn_plugin_19();
virtual void OnSetupOptions(void);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_110 : public opencpn_plugin_19 {
opencpn_plugin_110(void *pmgr);
virtual void LateInit(void); // If WANTS_LATE_INIT is returned by Init()
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_111 : public opencpn_plugin_110 {
opencpn_plugin_111(void *pmgr);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_112 : public opencpn_plugin_111 {
opencpn_plugin_112(void *pmgr);
virtual bool MouseEventHook(wxMouseEvent &event);
virtual void SendVectorChartObjectInfo(wxString &chart, wxString &feature,
wxString &objname, double lat,
double lon, double scale,
int nativescale);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_113 : public opencpn_plugin_112 {
opencpn_plugin_113(void *pmgr);
virtual bool KeyboardEventHook(wxKeyEvent &event);
virtual void OnToolbarToolDownCallback(int id);
virtual void OnToolbarToolUpCallback(int id);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_114 : public opencpn_plugin_113 {
opencpn_plugin_114(void *pmgr);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_115 : public opencpn_plugin_114 {
opencpn_plugin_115(void *pmgr);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_116 : public opencpn_plugin_115 {
opencpn_plugin_116(void *pmgr);
virtual bool RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas(wxGLContext *pcontext,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, int canvasIndex);
virtual bool RenderOverlayMultiCanvas(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
int canvasIndex);
virtual void PrepareContextMenu(int canvasIndex);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_117 : public opencpn_plugin_116 {
opencpn_plugin_117(void *pmgr);
* Forms a semantic version together with GetPlugInVersionMajor() and
* GetPlugInVersionMinor(), see
virtual int GetPlugInVersionPatch();
virtual int GetPlugInVersionPost();
virtual const char *GetPlugInVersionPre();
virtual const char *GetPlugInVersionBuild();
/*Provide active leg data to plugins*/
virtual void SetActiveLegInfo(Plugin_Active_Leg_Info &leg_info);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_118 : public opencpn_plugin_117 {
opencpn_plugin_118(void *pmgr);
using opencpn_plugin_116::RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas;
using opencpn_plugin_116::RenderOverlayMultiCanvas;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
virtual bool RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas(wxGLContext *pcontext,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, int canvasIndex,
int priority = -1);
virtual bool RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas(wxGLContext *pcontext,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, int canvasIndex,
int priority);
bool RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas(wxGLContext *pcontext, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
int canvas_ix) override {
return RenderGLOverlayMultiCanvas(pcontext, vp, canvas_ix, -1);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
virtual bool RenderOverlayMultiCanvas(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
int canvasIndex, int priority = -1);
virtual bool RenderOverlayMultiCanvas(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
int canvas_ix, int priority);
bool RenderOverlayMultiCanvas(wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
int canvas_ix) override {
return RenderOverlayMultiCanvas(dc, vp, canvas_ix, -1);
class DECL_EXP opencpn_plugin_119 : public opencpn_plugin_118 {
opencpn_plugin_119(void *pmgr);
virtual void PreShutdownHook();
// Route and Waypoint PlugIn support
class DECL_EXP Plugin_Hyperlink {
wxString DescrText;
wxString Link;
wxString Type;
WX_DECLARE_LIST(Plugin_Hyperlink, Plugin_HyperlinkList);
class DECL_EXP PlugIn_Waypoint {
PlugIn_Waypoint(double lat, double lon, const wxString &icon_ident,
const wxString &wp_name, const wxString &GUID = _T(""));
double m_lat;
double m_lon;
wxString m_GUID;
wxString m_MarkName;
wxString m_MarkDescription;
wxDateTime m_CreateTime;
bool m_IsVisible;
wxString m_IconName;
Plugin_HyperlinkList *m_HyperlinkList;
WX_DECLARE_LIST(PlugIn_Waypoint, Plugin_WaypointList);
class DECL_EXP PlugIn_Route {
wxString m_NameString;
wxString m_StartString;
wxString m_EndString;
wxString m_GUID;
Plugin_WaypointList *pWaypointList;
class DECL_EXP PlugIn_Track {
wxString m_NameString;
wxString m_StartString;
wxString m_EndString;
wxString m_GUID;
Plugin_WaypointList *pWaypointList;
// The PlugIn CallBack API Definition
// The API back up to the PlugIn Manager
// PlugIns may call these static functions as necessary for system services
extern "C" DECL_EXP int InsertPlugInTool(wxString label, wxBitmap *bitmap,
wxBitmap *bmpRollover, wxItemKind kind,
wxString shortHelp, wxString longHelp,
wxObject *clientData, int position,
int tool_sel, opencpn_plugin *pplugin);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void RemovePlugInTool(int tool_id);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetToolbarToolViz(
int item, bool viz); // Temporarily change toolbar tool viz
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetToolbarItemState(int item, bool toggle);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetToolbarToolBitmaps(int item, wxBitmap *bitmap,
wxBitmap *bmpRollover);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int InsertPlugInToolSVG(
wxString label, wxString SVGfile, wxString SVGfileRollover,
wxString SVGfileToggled, wxItemKind kind, wxString shortHelp,
wxString longHelp, wxObject *clientData, int position, int tool_sel,
opencpn_plugin *pplugin);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetToolbarToolBitmapsSVG(int item, wxString SVGfile,
wxString SVGfileRollover,
wxString SVGfileToggled);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int AddCanvasContextMenuItem(wxMenuItem *pitem,
opencpn_plugin *pplugin);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void RemoveCanvasContextMenuItem(
int item); // Fully remove this item
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetCanvasContextMenuItemViz(
int item, bool viz); // Temporarily change context menu ptions
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetCanvasContextMenuItemGrey(int item, bool grey);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxFileConfig *GetOCPNConfigObject(void);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void RequestRefresh(wxWindow *);
extern "C" DECL_EXP bool GetGlobalColor(wxString colorName, wxColour *pcolour);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void GetCanvasPixLL(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxPoint *pp,
double lat, double lon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void GetCanvasLLPix(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxPoint p,
double *plat, double *plon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxWindow *GetOCPNCanvasWindow();
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxFont *OCPNGetFont(wxString TextElement, int default_size);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxString *GetpSharedDataLocation();
extern "C" DECL_EXP ArrayOfPlugIn_AIS_Targets *GetAISTargetArray(void);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxAuiManager *GetFrameAuiManager(void);
extern "C" DECL_EXP bool AddLocaleCatalog(wxString catalog);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void PushNMEABuffer(wxString str);
extern DECL_EXP wxXmlDocument GetChartDatabaseEntryXML(int dbIndex,
bool b_getGeom);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdateChartDBInplace(wxArrayString dir_array,
bool b_force_update,
bool b_ProgressDialog);
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetChartDBDirArrayString();
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SendPluginMessage(wxString message_id,
wxString message_body);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void DimeWindow(wxWindow *);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void JumpToPosition(double lat, double lon, double scale);
/* API 1.9 adds some common cartographic functions to avoid unnecessary code
* duplication */
/* Study the original OpenCPN source (georef.c) for functional definitions */
extern "C" DECL_EXP void PositionBearingDistanceMercator_Plugin(
double lat, double lon, double brg, double dist, double *dlat,
double *dlon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void DistanceBearingMercator_Plugin(
double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1, double *brg,
double *dist);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double DistGreatCircle_Plugin(double slat, double slon,
double dlat, double dlon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void toTM_Plugin(float lat, float lon, float lat0,
float lon0, double *x, double *y);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void fromTM_Plugin(double x, double y, double lat0,
double lon0, double *lat, double *lon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void toSM_Plugin(double lat, double lon, double lat0,
double lon0, double *x, double *y);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void fromSM_Plugin(double x, double y, double lat0,
double lon0, double *lat, double *lon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void toSM_ECC_Plugin(double lat, double lon, double lat0,
double lon0, double *x, double *y);
extern "C" DECL_EXP void fromSM_ECC_Plugin(double x, double y, double lat0,
double lon0, double *lat,
double *lon);
extern "C" DECL_EXP bool DecodeSingleVDOMessage(const wxString &str,
wxString *acc);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int GetChartbarHeight(void);
extern "C" DECL_EXP bool GetActiveRoutepointGPX(char *buffer,
unsigned int buffer_length);
/* API 1.9 */
typedef enum OptionsParentPI {
} _OptionsParentPI;
extern DECL_EXP wxScrolledWindow *AddOptionsPage(OptionsParentPI parent,
wxString title);
extern DECL_EXP bool DeleteOptionsPage(wxScrolledWindow *page);
/* API 1.10 */
/* API 1.10 adds some common functions to avoid unnecessary code duplication */
/* Study the original OpenCPN source for functional definitions */
extern "C" DECL_EXP double toUsrDistance_Plugin(double nm_distance,
int unit = -1);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double fromUsrDistance_Plugin(double usr_distance,
int unit = -1);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double toUsrSpeed_Plugin(double kts_speed, int unit = -1);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double fromUsrSpeed_Plugin(double usr_speed, int unit = -1);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double toUsrTemp_Plugin(double cel_temp, int unit = -1);
extern "C" DECL_EXP double fromUsrTemp_Plugin(double usr_temp, int unit = -1);
extern DECL_EXP wxString getUsrDistanceUnit_Plugin(int unit = -1);
extern DECL_EXP wxString getUsrSpeedUnit_Plugin(int unit = -1);
extern DECL_EXP wxString getUsrTempUnit_Plugin(int unit = -1);
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetNewGUID();
extern "C" DECL_EXP bool PlugIn_GSHHS_CrossesLand(double lat1, double lon1,
double lat2, double lon2);
extern DECL_EXP void PlugInPlaySound(wxString &sound_file);
// API 1.10 Route and Waypoint Support
extern DECL_EXP wxBitmap *FindSystemWaypointIcon(wxString &icon_name);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddCustomWaypointIcon(wxBitmap *pimage, wxString key,
wxString description);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddSingleWaypoint(PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint,
bool b_permanent = true);
extern DECL_EXP bool DeleteSingleWaypoint(wxString &GUID);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdateSingleWaypoint(PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddPlugInRoute(PlugIn_Route *proute,
bool b_permanent = true);
extern DECL_EXP bool DeletePlugInRoute(wxString &GUID);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdatePlugInRoute(PlugIn_Route *proute);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddPlugInTrack(PlugIn_Track *ptrack,
bool b_permanent = true);
extern DECL_EXP bool DeletePlugInTrack(wxString &GUID);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdatePlugInTrack(PlugIn_Track *ptrack);
/* API 1.11 */
/* API 1.11 adds some more common functions to avoid unnecessary code
* duplication */
wxColour DECL_EXP GetBaseGlobalColor(wxString colorName);
int DECL_EXP OCPNMessageBox_PlugIn(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &message,
const wxString &caption = _T("Message"),
int style = wxOK, int x = -1, int y = -1);
extern DECL_EXP wxString toSDMM_PlugIn(int NEflag, double a,
bool hi_precision = true);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxString *GetpPrivateApplicationDataLocation();
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetOCPN_ExePath(void);
extern "C" DECL_EXP wxString *GetpPlugInLocation();
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetPlugInPath(opencpn_plugin *pplugin);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int AddChartToDBInPlace(wxString &full_path,
bool b_RefreshCanvas);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int RemoveChartFromDBInPlace(wxString &full_path);
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetLocaleCanonicalName();
// API 1.11 adds access to S52 Presentation library
// Types
// A flag field that defines the object capabilities passed by a chart to
// the S52 PLIB
#define PLIB_CAPS_LINE_BUFFER 1 << 1
class PI_S57Obj;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlugInChartBaseGL
// Derived from PlugInChartBase, add OpenGL Vector chart support
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DECL_EXP PlugInChartBaseGL : public PlugInChartBase {
virtual ~PlugInChartBaseGL();
virtual int RenderRegionViewOnGL(const wxGLContext &glc,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region, bool b_use_stencil);
virtual ListOfPI_S57Obj *GetObjRuleListAtLatLon(float lat, float lon,
float select_radius,
PlugIn_ViewPort *VPoint);
virtual wxString CreateObjDescriptions(ListOfPI_S57Obj *obj_list);
virtual int GetNoCOVREntries();
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablePoints(int iTable);
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablenPoints(int iTable);
virtual float *GetNoCOVRTableHead(int iTable);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlugInChartBaseGLPlus2
// Derived from PlugInChartBaseGL, add additional chart management methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DECL_EXP PlugInChartBaseGLPlus2 : public PlugInChartBaseGL {
virtual ListOfPI_S57Obj *GetLightsObjRuleListVisibleAtLatLon(
float lat, float lon, PlugIn_ViewPort *VPoint);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlugInChartBaseExtended
// Derived from PlugInChartBase, add extended chart support methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DECL_EXP PlugInChartBaseExtended : public PlugInChartBase {
virtual int RenderRegionViewOnGL(const wxGLContext &glc,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region, bool b_use_stencil);
virtual wxBitmap &RenderRegionViewOnDCNoText(const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region);
virtual bool RenderRegionViewOnDCTextOnly(wxMemoryDC &dc,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region);
virtual int RenderRegionViewOnGLNoText(const wxGLContext &glc,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region,
bool b_use_stencil);
virtual int RenderRegionViewOnGLTextOnly(const wxGLContext &glc,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &VPoint,
const wxRegion &Region,
bool b_use_stencil);
virtual ListOfPI_S57Obj *GetObjRuleListAtLatLon(float lat, float lon,
float select_radius,
PlugIn_ViewPort *VPoint);
virtual wxString CreateObjDescriptions(ListOfPI_S57Obj *obj_list);
virtual int GetNoCOVREntries();
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablePoints(int iTable);
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablenPoints(int iTable);
virtual float *GetNoCOVRTableHead(int iTable);
virtual void ClearPLIBTextList();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlugInChartBaseExtendedPlus2
// Derived from PlugInChartBaseExtended, add additional extended chart support
// methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ListOfPI_S57Obj *GetLightsObjRuleListVisibleAtLatLon(
float lat, float lon, PlugIn_ViewPort *VPoint);
class wxArrayOfS57attVal;
// name of the addressed look up table set (fifth letter)
typedef enum _PI_LUPname {
PI_SIMPLIFIED = 'L', // points
PI_PAPER_CHART = 'R', // points
PI_LINES = 'S', // lines
} PI_LUPname;
// display category type
typedef enum _PI_DisCat {
PI_OTHER = 'O', // O for OTHER
PI_MARINERS_STANDARD = 'M', // Mariner specified
PI_MARINERS_OTHER, // value not defined
PI_DISP_CAT_NUM, // value not defined
} PI_DisCat;
// Display Priority
typedef enum _PI_DisPrio {
PI_PRIO_NODATA = '0', // no data fill area pattern
PI_PRIO_GROUP1 = '1', // S57 group 1 filled areas
PI_PRIO_AREA_1 = '2', // superimposed areas
PI_PRIO_AREA_2 = '3', // superimposed areas also water features
PI_PRIO_SYMB_POINT = '4', // point symbol also land features
PI_PRIO_SYMB_LINE = '5', // line symbol also restricted areas
PI_PRIO_SYMB_AREA = '6', // area symbol also traffic areas
PI_PRIO_ROUTEING = '7', // routeing lines
PI_PRIO_HAZARDS = '8', // hazards
PI_PRIO_MARINERS = '9', // VRM, EBL, own ship
PI_PRIO_NUM = 10 // number of priority levels
} PI_DisPrio;
typedef enum PI_InitReturn {
PI_INIT_FAIL_RETRY, // Init failed, retry suggested
PI_INIT_FAIL_REMOVE, // Init failed, suggest remove from further use
PI_INIT_FAIL_NOERROR // Init failed, request no explicit error message
} _PI_InitReturn;
size_t vbo_offset;
size_t n_points;
int priority;
float lat_max; // segment bounding box
float lat_min;
float lon_max;
float lon_min;
int type;
void *private0;
class DECL_EXP PI_S57Obj {
// Public Methods
// Instance Data
char FeatureName[8];
int Primitive_type;
char *att_array;
wxArrayOfS57attVal *attVal;
int n_attr;
int iOBJL;
int Index;
double x; // for POINT
double y;
double z;
int npt; // number of points as needed by arrays
void *geoPt; // for LINE & AREA not described by PolyTessGeo
double *geoPtz; // an array[3] for MultiPoint, SM with Z, i.e. depth
double *geoPtMulti; // an array[2] for MultiPoint, lat/lon to make bbox
// of decomposed points
void *pPolyTessGeo;
double m_lat; // The lat/lon of the object's "reference" point
double m_lon;
double chart_ref_lat;
double chart_ref_lon;
double lat_min;
double lat_max;
double lon_min;
double lon_max;
int Scamin; // SCAMIN attribute decoded during load
bool bIsClone;
int nRef; // Reference counter, to signal OK for deletion
bool bIsAton; // This object is an aid-to-navigation
bool bIsAssociable; // This object is DRGARE or DEPARE
int m_n_lsindex;
int *m_lsindex_array;
int m_n_edge_max_points;
void *m_chart_context;
PI_DisCat m_DisplayCat;
void *S52_Context;
PI_S57Obj *child; // child list, used only for MultiPoint Soundings
PI_S57Obj *next; // List linkage
// This transform converts from object geometry
// to SM coordinates.
double x_rate; // These auxiliary transform coefficients are
double y_rate; // to be used in GetPointPix() and friends
double x_origin; // on a per-object basis if necessary
double y_origin;
int auxParm0; // some per-object auxiliary parameters, used for OpenGL
int auxParm1;
int auxParm2;
int auxParm3;
bool m_bcategory_mutable;
int m_DPRI;
wxString DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBColorScheme();
int DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBDepthUnitInt();
int DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBSymbolStyle();
int DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBBoundaryStyle();
int DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBStateHash();
double DECL_EXP PI_GetPLIBMarinerSafetyContour();
bool DECL_EXP PI_GetObjectRenderBox(PI_S57Obj *pObj, double *lat_min,
double *lat_max, double *lon_min,
double *lon_max);
void DECL_EXP PI_UpdateContext(PI_S57Obj *pObj);
bool DECL_EXP PI_PLIBObjectRenderCheck(PI_S57Obj *pObj, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
PI_LUPname DECL_EXP PI_GetObjectLUPName(PI_S57Obj *pObj);
PI_DisPrio DECL_EXP PI_GetObjectDisplayPriority(PI_S57Obj *pObj);
PI_DisCat DECL_EXP PI_GetObjectDisplayCategory(PI_S57Obj *pObj);
void DECL_EXP PI_PLIBSetLineFeaturePriority(PI_S57Obj *pObj, int prio);
void DECL_EXP PI_PLIBPrepareForNewRender(void);
void DECL_EXP PI_PLIBFreeContext(void *pContext);
void DECL_EXP PI_PLIBSetRenderCaps(unsigned int flags);
bool DECL_EXP PI_PLIBSetContext(PI_S57Obj *pObj);
int DECL_EXP PI_PLIBRenderObjectToDC(wxDC *pdc, PI_S57Obj *pObj,
int DECL_EXP PI_PLIBRenderAreaToDC(wxDC *pdc, PI_S57Obj *pObj,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxRect rect,
unsigned char *pixbuf);
int DECL_EXP PI_PLIBRenderAreaToGL(const wxGLContext &glcc, PI_S57Obj *pObj,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxRect &render_rect);
int DECL_EXP PI_PLIBRenderObjectToGL(const wxGLContext &glcc, PI_S57Obj *pObj,
PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, wxRect &render_rect);
/* API 1.11 OpenGL Display List and vertex buffer object routines
Effectively these two routines cancel each other so all
of the translation, scaling and rotation can be done by opengl.
Display lists need only be built infrequently, but used in each frame
greatly accelerates the speed of rendering. This avoids costly calculations,
and also allows the vertexes to be stored in graphics memory.
static int dl = 0;
else {
dl = glGenLists(1);
PlugInViewPort norm_viewport = current_viewport;
... // use norm_viewport with GetCanvasLLPix here
... // use current_viewport with GetCanvasLLPix again
extern DECL_EXP bool PlugInHasNormalizedViewPort(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp);
extern DECL_EXP void PlugInMultMatrixViewport(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
float lat = 0, float lon = 0);
extern DECL_EXP void PlugInNormalizeViewport(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, float lat = 0,
float lon = 0);
class wxPoint2DDouble;
extern "C" DECL_EXP void GetDoubleCanvasPixLL(PlugIn_ViewPort *vp,
wxPoint2DDouble *pp, double lat,
double lon);
/* API 1.13 */
/* API 1.13 adds some more common functions to avoid unnecessary code
* duplication */
extern DECL_EXP double fromDMM_Plugin(wxString sdms);
extern DECL_EXP void SetCanvasRotation(double rotation);
extern DECL_EXP void SetCanvasProjection(int projection);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetSingleWaypoint(wxString GUID,
PlugIn_Waypoint *pwaypoint);
extern DECL_EXP bool CheckEdgePan_PlugIn(int x, int y, bool dragging,
int margin, int delta);
extern DECL_EXP wxBitmap GetIcon_PlugIn(const wxString &name);
extern DECL_EXP void SetCursor_PlugIn(wxCursor *pPlugin_Cursor = NULL);
extern DECL_EXP wxFont *GetOCPNScaledFont_PlugIn(wxString TextElement,
int default_size = 0);
extern DECL_EXP wxFont GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn(wxString item);
extern DECL_EXP double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn(int GUIScaledFactor);
extern DECL_EXP double GetOCPNGUIToolScaleFactor_PlugIn();
extern DECL_EXP float GetOCPNChartScaleFactor_Plugin();
extern DECL_EXP wxColour GetFontColour_PlugIn(wxString TextElement);
extern DECL_EXP double GetCanvasTilt();
extern DECL_EXP void SetCanvasTilt(double tilt);
extern DECL_EXP bool PlugInPlaySoundEx(wxString &sound_file,
int deviceIndex = -1);
extern DECL_EXP void AddChartDirectory(wxString &path);
extern DECL_EXP void ForceChartDBUpdate();
extern DECL_EXP void ForceChartDBRebuild();
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetWritableDocumentsDir(void);
extern DECL_EXP wxDialog *GetActiveOptionsDialog();
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray(void);
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetIconNameArray(void);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddPersistentFontKey(wxString TextElement);
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetActiveStyleName();
extern DECL_EXP wxBitmap GetBitmapFromSVGFile(wxString filename,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height);
extern DECL_EXP bool IsTouchInterface_PlugIn(void);
/* Platform optimized File/Dir selector dialogs */
extern DECL_EXP int PlatformDirSelectorDialog(wxWindow *parent,
wxString *file_spec,
wxString Title, wxString initDir);
extern DECL_EXP int PlatformFileSelectorDialog(wxWindow *parent,
wxString *file_spec,
wxString Title, wxString initDir,
wxString suggestedName,
wxString wildcard);
/* OpenCPN HTTP File Download PlugIn Interface */
/* Various method Return Codes, etc */
typedef enum _OCPN_DLStatus {
} OCPN_DLStatus;
typedef enum _OCPN_DLCondition {
} OCPN_DLCondition;
// Style definitions for Synchronous file download modal dialogs, if
// desired. Abstracted from wxCURL package
OCPN_DLDS_SIZE = 0x0010,
// styles related to the use of wxCurlConnectionSettingsDialog:
// by default all available features are enabled:
30 // Recheck the Internet connection availability every ONLINE_CHECK_RETRY s
/* Synchronous (Blocking) download of a single file */
extern DECL_EXP _OCPN_DLStatus OCPN_downloadFile(
const wxString &url, const wxString &outputFile, const wxString &title,
const wxString &message, const wxBitmap &bitmap, wxWindow *parent,
long style, int timeout_secs);
/* Asynchronous (Background) download of a single file */
extern DECL_EXP _OCPN_DLStatus
OCPN_downloadFileBackground(const wxString &url, const wxString &outputFile,
wxEvtHandler *handler, long *handle);
extern DECL_EXP void OCPN_cancelDownloadFileBackground(long handle);
/* Synchronous (Blocking) HTTP POST operation for small amounts of data */
extern DECL_EXP _OCPN_DLStatus OCPN_postDataHttp(const wxString &url,
const wxString &parameters,
wxString &result,
int timeout_secs);
/* Check whether connection to the Internet is working */
extern DECL_EXP bool OCPN_isOnline();
/* Supporting Event for Background downloading */
/* OCPN_downloadEvent Definition */
/* PlugIn should be ready/able to handle this event after initiating a
* background file transfer
* The event as received should be parsed primarily by the getDLEventCondition()
* method. This will allow identification of download start, progress, and end
* states.
* Other accessor methods contain status, byte counts, etc.
* A PlugIn may safely destroy its EvtHandler after receipt of an
* OCPN_downloadEvent with getDLEventCondition == OCPN_DL_EVENT_TYPE_END
class DECL_EXP OCPN_downloadEvent : public wxEvent {
OCPN_downloadEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, int id = 0);
// accessors
_OCPN_DLStatus getDLEventStatus() { return m_stat; }
OCPN_DLCondition getDLEventCondition() { return m_condition; }
void setDLEventStatus(_OCPN_DLStatus stat) { m_stat = stat; }
void setDLEventCondition(OCPN_DLCondition cond) { m_condition = cond; }
void setTotal(long bytes) { m_totalBytes = bytes; }
void setTransferred(long bytes) { m_sofarBytes = bytes; }
long getTotal() { return m_totalBytes; }
long getTransferred() { return m_sofarBytes; }
void setComplete(bool b_complete) { m_b_complete = b_complete; }
bool getComplete() { return m_b_complete; }
// required for sending with wxPostEvent()
wxEvent *Clone() const;
OCPN_DLStatus m_stat;
OCPN_DLCondition m_condition;
long m_totalBytes;
long m_sofarBytes;
bool m_b_complete;
// extern WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE const wxEventType wxEVT_DOWNLOAD_EVENT;
/* API 1.14 */
/* API 1.14 adds some more common functions to avoid unnecessary code
* duplication */
bool LaunchDefaultBrowser_Plugin(wxString url);
// API 1.14 Extra canvas Support
/* Allow drawing of objects onto other OpenGL canvases */
extern DECL_EXP void PlugInAISDrawGL(wxGLCanvas *glcanvas,
const PlugIn_ViewPort &vp);
extern DECL_EXP bool PlugInSetFontColor(const wxString TextElement,
const wxColour color);
// API 1.15
extern DECL_EXP double PlugInGetDisplaySizeMM();
extern DECL_EXP wxFont *FindOrCreateFont_PlugIn(
int point_size, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style, wxFontWeight weight,
bool underline = false, const wxString &facename = wxEmptyString,
wxFontEncoding encoding = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
extern DECL_EXP int PlugInGetMinAvailableGshhgQuality();
extern DECL_EXP int PlugInGetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality();
extern DECL_EXP void PlugInHandleAutopilotRoute(bool enable);
// API 1.16
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetPluginDataDir(const char *plugin_name);
extern DECL_EXP bool ShuttingDown(void);
// Support for MUI MultiCanvas model
extern DECL_EXP wxWindow *PluginGetFocusCanvas();
extern DECL_EXP wxWindow *PluginGetOverlayRenderCanvas();
extern "C" DECL_EXP void CanvasJumpToPosition(wxWindow *canvas, double lat,
double lon, double scale);
extern "C" DECL_EXP int AddCanvasMenuItem(wxMenuItem *pitem,
opencpn_plugin *pplugin,
const char *name = "");
extern "C" DECL_EXP void RemoveCanvasMenuItem(
int item, const char *name = ""); // Fully remove this item
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetCanvasMenuItemViz(
int item, bool viz,
const char *name = ""); // Temporarily change context menu options
extern "C" DECL_EXP void SetCanvasMenuItemGrey(int item, bool grey,
const char *name = "");
// Extract waypoints, routes and tracks
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetSelectedWaypointGUID_Plugin();
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetSelectedRouteGUID_Plugin();
extern DECL_EXP wxString GetSelectedTrackGUID_Plugin();
extern DECL_EXP std::unique_ptr<PlugIn_Waypoint> GetWaypoint_Plugin(
const wxString &); // doublon with GetSingleWaypoint
extern DECL_EXP std::unique_ptr<PlugIn_Route> GetRoute_Plugin(const wxString &);
extern DECL_EXP std::unique_ptr<PlugIn_Track> GetTrack_Plugin(const wxString &);
extern DECL_EXP wxWindow *GetCanvasUnderMouse();
extern DECL_EXP int GetCanvasIndexUnderMouse();
// extern DECL_EXP std::vector<wxWindow *> GetCanvasArray();
extern DECL_EXP wxWindow *GetCanvasByIndex(int canvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP int GetCanvasCount();
extern DECL_EXP bool CheckMUIEdgePan_PlugIn(int x, int y, bool dragging,
int margin, int delta,
int canvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void SetMUICursor_PlugIn(wxCursor *pCursor, int canvasIndex);
// API 1.17
extern DECL_EXP wxRect GetMasterToolbarRect();
extern DECL_EXP int GetLatLonFormat(void);
// API 1.17
extern "C" DECL_EXP void ZeroXTE();
// Extended Waypoint manipulation API
class DECL_EXP PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex {
PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex(double lat, double lon, const wxString &icon_ident,
const wxString &wp_name, const wxString &GUID = "",
const double ScaMin = 1e9, const bool bNameVisible = false,
const int nRanges = 0, const double RangeDistance = 1.0,
const wxColor RangeColor = wxColor(255, 0, 0));
void InitDefaults();
bool GetFSStatus(); // return "free standing" status
// To be a "free standing waypoint"(FSWP),
// the RoutePoint will have been created by GUI dropping
// a point; by importing a waypoint in a GPX file or by
// the AddSingleWaypoint API.
int GetRouteMembershipCount(); // Return the number of routes to which this
// WP belongs
double m_lat;
double m_lon;
wxString m_GUID;
wxString m_MarkName;
wxString m_MarkDescription;
wxDateTime m_CreateTime;
bool IsVisible;
bool IsActive;
double scamin;
bool b_useScamin;
bool IsNameVisible;
int nrange_rings;
double RangeRingSpace;
wxColour RangeRingColor;
wxString IconName;
wxString IconDescription;
Plugin_HyperlinkList *m_HyperlinkList;
WX_DECLARE_LIST(PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex, Plugin_WaypointExList);
class DECL_EXP PlugIn_Route_Ex {
wxString m_NameString;
wxString m_StartString;
wxString m_EndString;
wxString m_GUID;
bool m_isActive;
bool m_isVisible;
wxString m_Description;
Plugin_WaypointExList *pWaypointList;
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray(void);
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray(void);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetSingleWaypointEx(wxString GUID,
PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypoint);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddSingleWaypointEx(PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypoint,
bool b_permanent = true);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdateSingleWaypointEx(PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex *pwaypoint);
extern DECL_EXP bool AddPlugInRouteEx(PlugIn_Route_Ex *proute,
bool b_permanent = true);
extern DECL_EXP bool UpdatePlugInRouteEx(PlugIn_Route_Ex *proute);
extern DECL_EXP std::unique_ptr<PlugIn_Waypoint_Ex> GetWaypointEx_Plugin(
const wxString &);
extern DECL_EXP std::unique_ptr<PlugIn_Route_Ex> GetRouteEx_Plugin(
const wxString &);
extern DECL_EXP wxString
GetActiveWaypointGUID(void); // if no active waypoint, returns wxEmptyString
extern DECL_EXP wxString
GetActiveRouteGUID(void); // if no active route, returns wxEmptyString
// API 1.18
// Scaled display support, as on some GTK3 and Mac Retina devices
extern DECL_EXP double OCPN_GetDisplayContentScaleFactor();
// Scaled display support, on Windows devices
extern DECL_EXP double OCPN_GetWinDIPScaleFactor();
// Comm Priority query support
extern DECL_EXP std::vector<std::string> GetPriorityMaps();
extern DECL_EXP std::vector<std::string> GetActivePriorityIdentifiers();
extern DECL_EXP int GetGlobalWatchdogTimoutSeconds();
typedef enum _OBJECT_LAYER_REQ {
// FIXME (dave) Implement these
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetRouteGUIDArray(OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req);
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetTrackGUIDArray(OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req);
extern DECL_EXP wxArrayString GetWaypointGUIDArray(OBJECT_LAYER_REQ req);
/* Listening to messages. */
// This is a verbatim copy from observable_evt.h, don't define twice.
wxDECLARE_EVENT(obsNOTIFY, ObservedEvt);
class ObservedEvt : public wxCommandEvent {
ObservedEvt(wxEventType commandType = obsNOTIFY, int id = 0)
: wxCommandEvent(commandType, id) {}
ObservedEvt(const ObservedEvt &event) : wxCommandEvent(event) {
this->m_shared_ptr = event.m_shared_ptr;
wxEvent *Clone() const { return new ObservedEvt(*this); }
std::shared_ptr<const void> GetSharedPtr() const { return m_shared_ptr; }
void SetSharedPtr(std::shared_ptr<const void> p) { m_shared_ptr = p; }
std::shared_ptr<const void> m_shared_ptr;
struct NMEA2000Id {
const uint64_t id;
NMEA2000Id(int value) : id(static_cast<uint64_t>(value)) {};
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<ObservableListener> GetListener(
NMEA2000Id id, wxEventType ev, wxEvtHandler *handler);
struct NMEA0183Id {
const std::string id;
NMEA0183Id(const std::string &s) : id(s) {};
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<ObservableListener> GetListener(
NMEA0183Id id, wxEventType ev, wxEvtHandler *handler);
struct SignalkId {
const std::string id;
SignalkId(const std::string &s) : id(s) {};
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<ObservableListener> GetListener(
SignalkId id, wxEventType ev, wxEvtHandler *handler);
extern DECL_EXP std::vector<uint8_t> GetN2000Payload(NMEA2000Id id,
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<void> GetSignalkPayload(ObservedEvt ev);
extern DECL_EXP std::string GetN2000Source(NMEA2000Id id, ObservedEvt ev);
extern DECL_EXP std::string GetN0183Payload(NMEA0183Id id, ObservedEvt ev);
struct NavDataId {
const int type;
NavDataId() : type(0) {}
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<ObservableListener> GetListener(
NavDataId id, wxEventType ev, wxEvtHandler *handler);
struct PluginNavdata {
double lat;
double lon;
double sog;
double cog;
double var;
double hdt;
time_t time;
* Plugins may access comm ports for direct output.
* The general program flow for a plugin may look something like this
* pseudo-code:
* 1. Plugin will query OCPN core for a list of active comm drivers.
* 2. Plugin will inspect the list, and query OCPN core for driver
* attributes.
* 3. Plugin will select a comm driver with appropriate attributes for output.
* 4. Plugin will register a list of PGNs expected to be transmitted
* (N2K specific)
* 5. Plugin may then send a payload buffer to a specific comm driver for
* output as soon as possible.
* The mechanism for specifying a particular comm driver uses the notion of
* "handles". Each active comm driver has an associated opaque handle, managed
* by OCPN core. All references by a plugin to a driver are by means of its
* handle. Handles should be considered to be "opaque", meaning that the exact
* contents of the handle are of no specific value to the plugin, and only
* have meaning to the OCPN core management of drivers.
typedef std::string DriverHandle;
typedef enum CommDriverResult {
extern DECL_EXP std::vector<DriverHandle> GetActiveDrivers();
/* Driver attributes are available from OCPN core as a hash map of
* tag->attribute pairs. There is a defined set of common tags guaranteed
* for every driver. Both tags and attributes are defined as std::string.
* Here is the list of common tag-attribute pairs.
* Tag Attribute definition
* ---------- --------------------
* "protocol" Comm bus device protocol, such as "NMEA0183", "NMEA2000"
extern DECL_EXP const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>
/* Writing to a specific driver */
DriverHandle handle, const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> &payload);
DriverHandle handle, int PGN, int destinationCANAddress, int priority,
const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> &payload);
std::vector<int> &pgn_list);
// API 1.19
// Navigation mode
typedef enum _PI_NavMode {
} PI_NavMode;
struct PluginMsgId {
const std::string id;
PluginMsgId(const std::string &s) : id(s) {};
extern DECL_EXP std::shared_ptr<ObservableListener> GetListener(
PluginMsgId id, wxEventType ev, wxEvtHandler *handler);
extern DECL_EXP std::string GetPluginMsgPayload(PluginMsgId id, ObservedEvt ev);
// Assorted GUI utility functions
extern DECL_EXP void ExitOCPN();
extern "C" DECL_EXP void RequestWindowRefresh(wxWindow *win,
bool eraseBackground);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetFullScreen();
extern DECL_EXP void SetFullScreen(bool full_screen_on);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableTouchMode(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetTouchMode();
extern DECL_EXP void SetGlobalColor(std::string table, std::string name,
wxColor color);
extern DECL_EXP wxColor GetGlobalColorD(std::string map_name, std::string name);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableStatusBar(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableMenu(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableStatusBar();
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableMenu();
extern DECL_EXP void SetNavigationMode(PI_NavMode mode, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP PI_NavMode GetNavigationMode(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableLookaheadMode(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableLookaheadMode(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableMUIBar(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableCompassGPSIcon(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableChartBar(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableMUIBar(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableCompassGPSIcon(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableChartBar(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableCanvasFocusBar(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableCanvasFocusBar(int CanvasIndex);
* Allow plugin control of "Chart Panel Options" dialog
extern DECL_EXP void EnableLatLonGrid(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableChartOutlines(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableDepthUnitDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableAisTargetDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableTideStationsDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableCurrentStationsDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableENCTextDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay(bool enable,
int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableLightsDisplay(bool enable, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void EnableLightDescriptionsDisplay(bool enable,
int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void SetENCDisplayCategory(PI_DisCat cat, int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableLatLonGrid(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableChartOutlines(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableDepthUnitDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableAisTargetDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableTideStationsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableCurrentStationsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableENCTextDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableENCDepthSoundingsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableBuoyLightLabelsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableLightsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableLightDescriptionsDisplay(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP PI_DisCat GetENCDisplayCategory(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void PluginSetFollowMode(int CanvasIndex, bool enable_follow);
extern DECL_EXP bool PluginGetFollowMode(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP void SetTrackingMode(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetTrackingMode();
extern DECL_EXP void SetAppColorScheme(PI_ColorScheme cs);
extern DECL_EXP PI_ColorScheme GetAppColorScheme();
// Control core split-screen mode
extern DECL_EXP void EnableSplitScreenLayout(bool enable = true);
// ChartCanvas control utilities
extern DECL_EXP void PluginZoomCanvas(int CanvasIndex, double factor);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableMainToolbar();
extern DECL_EXP void SetEnableMainToolbar(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP void ShowGlobalSettingsDialog();
extern DECL_EXP void PluginCenterOwnship(int CanvasIndex);
extern DECL_EXP bool GetEnableTenHertzUpdate();
extern DECL_EXP void EnableTenHertzUpdate(bool enable);
extern DECL_EXP void ConfigFlushAndReload();
#endif //_PLUGIN_H_
Keeps listening over it's lifespan, removes itself on destruction.
Definition observable.h:131
Adds a std::shared<void> element to wxCommandEvent.
Error return values
The dialog allows the user to change the authentication settings.
The transfer won't start automatically.
The dialog shows the URL involved in the transfer.
The dialog auto closes when transfer is complete.
The transfer can be aborted by the user.
The dialog shows the estimated total time.
The dialog shows the size of the resource to download/upload.
The dialog allows the user to change the proxy settings.
The dialog shows the remaining time.
The dialog shows the transfer speed.
The dialog shows the elapsed time.
The transfer can be paused.
The dialog allows the user to change the port for the transfer.
std::string DriverHandle
Plugin API supporting direct access to comm drivers for output purposes.
enum CommDriverResult _CommDriverResult
Error return values
wxFont * OCPNGetFont(wxString TextElement, int default_size)
Gets a font for UI elements.
wxFont GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn(wxString item)
Gets a uniquely scaled font copy for responsive UI elements.
wxFont * FindOrCreateFont_PlugIn(int point_size, wxFontFamily family, wxFontStyle style, wxFontWeight weight, bool underline, const wxString &facename, wxFontEncoding encoding)
Creates or finds a font in the font cache.
int GetGlobalWatchdogTimoutSeconds()
Comm Global Watchdog Query
wxColour GetFontColour_PlugIn(wxString TextElement)
Gets color configured for a UI text element.
bool PlugInPlaySoundEx(wxString &sound_file, int deviceIndex)
Start playing a sound file asynchronously.
bool PlugInSetFontColor(const wxString TextElement, const wxColour color)
Sets text color for a UI element.
std::vector< std::string > GetPriorityMaps()
Comm Priority query support methods
bool AddPersistentFontKey(wxString TextElement)
Registers a new font configuration element.
void PlugInPlaySound(wxString &sound_file)
Start playing a sound file asynchronously.
std::string GetPluginMsgPayload(PluginMsgId id, ObservedEvt ev)
Retrieve the string in a plugin message, internal or received on the REST insterface.
std::string GetN0183Payload(NMEA0183Id id, ObservedEvt ev)
Return payload in a received n0183 message of type id in ev.
PluginNavdata GetEventNavdata(ObservedEvt ev)
Return BasicNavDataMsg decoded data available in ev.
CommDriverResult WriteCommDriverN2K(DriverHandle handle, int PGN, int destinationCANAddress, int priority, const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< uint8_t > > &payload)
Send a PGN message to an NMEA2000 address.
std::vector< DriverHandle > GetActiveDrivers()
Comm port plugin TX support methods
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > GetAttributes(DriverHandle handle)
Query a specific driver for attributes
std::string GetN2000Source(NMEA2000Id id, ObservedEvt ev)
Return source identifier (iface) of a received n2000 message of type id in ev.
vector< uint8_t > GetN2000Payload(NMEA2000Id id, ObservedEvt ev)
Return N2K payload for a received n2000 message of type id in ev.
std::shared_ptr< void > GetSignalkPayload(ObservedEvt ev)
Get SignalK status payload after receiving a message.
CommDriverResult WriteCommDriver(DriverHandle handle, const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< uint8_t > > &payload)
Send a non-NMEA2000 message.
CommDriverResult RegisterTXPGNs(DriverHandle handle, std::vector< int > &pgn_list)
Register PGNs that this application intends to transmit for some NMEA 2000 adapters like Actisense NG...
Facade for NavAddr0183.
Facade for NavAddr2000.
Facade for BasicNavDataMsg.
Facade for NavAddrPluginMsg.
Available decoded data for plugins.
Facade for NavAddrSignalK.