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ChartCanvas Class Reference

Chart display canvas. More...

#include <chcanv.h>

Inheritance diagram for ChartCanvas:

Public Member Functions

 ChartCanvas (wxFrame *frame, int canvasIndex)
void SetupGlCanvas ()
void OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnKeyUp (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnKeyChar (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event)
void PaintCleanup ()
void Scroll (int dx, int dy)
void OnToolLeftClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
bool MouseEventOverlayWindows (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventChartBar (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventMUIBar (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventToolbar (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventIENCBar (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventSetup (wxMouseEvent &event, bool b_handle_dclick=true)
bool MouseEventProcessObjects (wxMouseEvent &event)
bool MouseEventProcessCanvas (wxMouseEvent &event)
 Processes mouse events for core chart panning and zooming operations.
void SetCanvasCursor (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnKillFocus (wxFocusEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnSetFocus (wxFocusEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void PopupMenuHandler (wxCommandEvent &event)
bool IsPrimaryCanvas ()
bool SetUserOwnship ()
double GetCanvasRangeMeters ()
void SetCanvasRangeMeters (double range)
void EnablePaint (bool b_enable)
virtual bool SetCursor (const wxCursor &c)
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=(const wxRect *) NULL)
virtual void Update ()
void LostMouseCapture (wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &event)
void CancelMouseRoute ()
void SetDisplaySizeMM (double size)
 Set the width of the screen in millimeters.
double GetDisplaySizeMM ()
 Get the width of the screen in millimeters.
bool SetVPScale (double sc, bool b_refresh=true)
 Sets the viewport scale while maintaining the center point.
bool SetVPProjection (int projection)
bool SetViewPoint (double lat, double lon)
 Set the viewport center point.
bool SetViewPointByCorners (double latSW, double lonSW, double latNE, double lonNE)
bool SetViewPoint (double lat, double lon, double scale_ppm, double skew, double rotation, int projection=0, bool b_adjust=true, bool b_refresh=true)
 Set the viewport center point, scale, skew, rotation and projection.
void ReloadVP (bool b_adjust=true)
void LoadVP (ViewPort &vp, bool b_adjust=true)
ChartStackGetpCurrentStack ()
void SetGroupIndex (int index, bool autoswitch=false)
bool CheckGroup (int igroup)
void canvasRefreshGroupIndex (void)
void canvasChartsRefresh (int dbi_hint)
void CheckGroupValid (bool showMessage=true, bool switchGroup0=true)
void UpdateCanvasS52PLIBConfig ()
void TriggerDeferredFocus ()
void OnDeferredFocusTimerEvent (wxTimerEvent &event)
void OnRouteFinishTimerEvent (wxTimerEvent &event)
void ClearS52PLIBStateHash ()
void SetupCanvasQuiltMode (void)
void ApplyCanvasConfig (canvasConfig *pcc)
bool SetVPRotation (double angle)
double GetVPRotation (void)
double GetVPSkew (void)
double GetVPTilt (void)
void ClearbFollow (void)
void SetbFollow (void)
void TogglebFollow (void)
bool GetbFollow ()
void JumpToPosition (double lat, double lon, double scale)
void SetFirstAuto (bool b_auto)
void GetDoubleCanvasPointPix (double rlat, double rlon, wxPoint2DDouble *r)
 Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) with double precision.
void GetDoubleCanvasPointPixVP (ViewPort &vp, double rlat, double rlon, wxPoint2DDouble *r)
 Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) with double precision, using specified viewport.
bool GetCanvasPointPix (double rlat, double rlon, wxPoint *r)
 Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) rounded to nearest integer.
bool GetCanvasPointPixVP (ViewPort &vp, double rlat, double rlon, wxPoint *r)
 Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates rounded to nearest integer using specified viewport.
void GetCanvasPixPoint (double x, double y, double &lat, double &lon)
 Convert canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) to latitude/longitude.
void WarpPointerDeferred (int x, int y)
void UpdateShips ()
void UpdateAIS ()
void UpdateAlerts ()
void ToggleCPAWarn ()
bool IsMeasureActive ()
wxBitmap & GetTideBitmap ()
int GetUpMode ()
bool GetLookahead ()
void UnlockQuilt ()
void SetQuiltMode (bool b_quilt)
bool GetQuiltMode (void)
std::vector< int > GetQuiltIndexArray (void)
bool IsQuiltDelta (void)
void SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndex (int dbIndex)
void SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray (std::vector< int > hilite_array)
void ClearQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray ()
int GetQuiltReferenceChartIndex (void)
double GetBestStartScale (int dbi_hint, const ViewPort &vp)
void ConfigureChartBar ()
int GetNextContextMenuId ()
TCWingetTCWin ()
bool StartTimedMovement (bool stoptimer=true)
void DoTimedMovement ()
void DoMovement (long dt)
void StopMovement ()
void StartTimedMovementVP (double target_lat, double target_lon, int nstep)
void DoTimedMovementVP ()
void StopMovementVP ()
void StartTimedMovementTarget ()
void DoTimedMovementTarget ()
void StopMovementTarget ()
void SetColorScheme (ColorScheme cs)
ColorScheme GetColorScheme ()
void CanvasApplyLocale ()
void RebuildCursors ()
int GetCanvasWidth ()
int GetCanvasHeight ()
float GetVPScale ()
 Return the ViewPort scale factor, in physical pixels per meter.
float GetVPChartScale ()
 Return the ViewPort chart scale denominator (e.g., 50000 for a 1:50000 scale).
double GetCanvasScaleFactor ()
 Return the number of logical pixels per meter for the screen.
double GetCanvasTrueScale ()
 Return the physical pixels per meter at chart center, accounting for latitude distortion.
double GetAbsoluteMinScalePpm ()
ViewPortGetpVP ()
void SetVP (ViewPort &)
ChartBaseGetChartAtCursor ()
ChartBaseGetOverlayChartAtCursor ()
PianoGetPiano ()
int GetPianoHeight ()
bool isRouteEditing (void)
bool isMarkEditing (void)
GSHHSChartGetWorldBackgroundChart ()
void ResetWorldBackgroundChart ()
void SetbTCUpdate (bool f)
bool GetbTCUpdate ()
void SetbShowCurrent (bool f)
bool GetbShowCurrent ()
void SetbShowTide (bool f)
bool GetbShowTide ()
void SetShowVisibleSectors (bool val)
bool GetShowVisibleSectors ()
double GetPixPerMM ()
 Get the number of logical pixels per millimeter on the screen.
void SetOwnShipState (ownship_state_t state)
void SetCursorStatus (double cursor_lat, double cursor_lon)
void GetCursorLatLon (double *lat, double *lon)
bool PanCanvas (double dx, double dy)
 Pans (moves) the canvas by the specified physical pixels in x and y directions.
void StopAutoPan (void)
void ZoomCanvas (double factor, bool can_zoom_to_cursor=true, bool stoptimer=true)
 Perform a smooth zoom operation on the chart canvas by the specified factor.
void ZoomCanvasSimple (double factor)
 Perform an immediate zoom operation without smooth transitions.
void DoZoomCanvas (double factor, bool can_zoom_to_cursor=true)
 Internal function that implements the actual zoom operation.
void RotateCanvas (double dir)
void DoRotateCanvas (double rotation)
void DoTiltCanvas (double tilt)
void ShowAISTargetList (void)
void ShowGoToPosition (void)
void HideGlobalToolbar ()
void ShowGlobalToolbar ()
bool GetShowDepthUnits ()
void SetShowDepthUnits (bool show)
bool GetShowGrid ()
void SetShowGrid (bool show)
bool GetShowOutlines ()
void SetShowOutlines (bool show)
bool GetShowChartbar ()
wxRect GetMUIBarRect ()
void SetMUIBarPosition ()
void DestroyMuiBar ()
void CreateMUIBar ()
void ToggleChartOutlines (void)
void ToggleCanvasQuiltMode (void)
wxString GetScaleText ()
double GetScaleValue ()
bool GetShowAIS ()
void SetShowAIS (bool show)
bool GetAttenAIS ()
void SetAttenAIS (bool show)
void SetShowFocusBar (bool enable)
bool GetShowFocusBar ()
MUIBarGetMUIBar ()
void SetAlertString (wxString str)
wxString GetAlertString ()
bool GetShowENCText ()
void SetShowENCText (bool show)
bool GetShowENCDepth ()
void SetShowENCDepth (bool show)
bool GetShowENCLightDesc ()
void SetShowENCLightDesc (bool show)
bool GetShowENCBuoyLabels ()
void SetShowENCBuoyLabels (bool show)
bool GetShowENCLights ()
void SetShowENCLights (bool show)
int GetENCDisplayCategory ()
void SetENCDisplayCategory (int category)
bool GetShowENCAnchor ()
void SetShowENCAnchor (bool show)
bool GetShowENCDataQual ()
void SetShowENCDataQual (bool show)
void JaggyCircle (ocpnDC &dc, wxPen pen, int x, int y, int radius)
void ShowTides (bool bShow)
void ShowCurrents (bool bShow)
void SetUpMode (int mode)
void ToggleLookahead ()
void SetShowGPS (bool show)
void UpdateFollowButtonState (void)
void InvalidateGL ()
bool IsTileOverlayIndexInYesShow (int index)
bool IsTileOverlayIndexInNoShow (int index)
void AddTileOverlayIndexToNoShow (int index)
ViewPortGetVP ()
wxString FindValidUploadPort ()
ChartBaseGetLargestScaleQuiltChart ()
ChartBaseGetFirstQuiltChart ()
ChartBaseGetNextQuiltChart ()
int GetQuiltChartCount ()
void InvalidateAllQuiltPatchs (void)
void SetQuiltRefChart (int dbIndex)
std::vector< int > GetQuiltCandidatedbIndexArray (bool flag1=true, bool flag2=true)
std::vector< int > & GetQuiltExtendedStackdbIndexArray ()
std::vector< int > & GetQuiltFullScreendbIndexArray ()
std::vector< int > GetQuiltEclipsedStackdbIndexArray ()
int GetQuiltRefChartdbIndex (void)
void InvalidateQuilt (void)
double GetQuiltMaxErrorFactor ()
bool IsChartQuiltableRef (int db_index)
bool IsChartLargeEnoughToRender (ChartBase *chart, ViewPort &vp)
int GetCanvasChartNativeScale ()
int FindClosestCanvasChartdbIndex (int scale)
void UpdateCanvasOnGroupChange (void)
void ShowObjectQueryWindow (int x, int y, float zlat, float zlon)
void ShowMarkPropertiesDialog (RoutePoint *markPoint)
void ShowRoutePropertiesDialog (wxString title, Route *selected)
void ShowTrackPropertiesDialog (Track *selected)
void DrawTCWindow (int x, int y, void *pIDX)
void UpdateGPSCompassStatusBox (bool b_force_new)
ocpnCompassGetCompass ()
wxColour GetFogColor ()
void ShowChartInfoWindow (int x, int dbIndex)
void HideChartInfoWindow (void)
void ShowCompositeInfoWindow (int x, int n_charts, int scale, const std::vector< int > &index_vector)
void StartMeasureRoute ()
void CancelMeasureRoute ()
bool DoCanvasUpdate (void)
void SelectQuiltRefdbChart (int db_index, bool b_autoscale=true)
void SelectQuiltRefChart (int selected_index)
double GetBestVPScale (ChartBase *pchart)
void selectCanvasChartDisplay (int type, int family)
void RemoveChartFromQuilt (int dbIndex)
void HandlePianoClick (int selected_index, const std::vector< int > &selected_dbIndex_array)
void HandlePianoRClick (int x, int y, int selected_index, const std::vector< int > &selected_dbIndex_array)
void HandlePianoRollover (int selected_index, const std::vector< int > &selected_dbIndex_array, int n_charts, int scale)
void ClearPianoRollover ()
void UpdateCanvasControlBar (void)
void FormatPianoKeys (void)
void PianoPopupMenu (int x, int y, int selected_index, const std::vector< int > &selected_dbIndex_array)
void OnPianoMenuDisableChart (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnPianoMenuEnableChart (wxCommandEvent &event)
bool IsPianoContextMenuActive ()
bool DoCanvasCOGSet (void)
void ApplyGlobalSettings ()
void SetShowGPSCompassWindow (bool bshow)
bool GetShowGPSCompassWindow ()
void FreezePiano ()
void ThawPiano ()
void StartChartDragInertia ()
void DrawBlinkObjects (void)
void StartRoute (void)
void FinishRoute (void)
bool CheckEdgePan (int x, int y, bool bdragging, int margin, int delta)
int GetMinAvailableGshhgQuality ()
int GetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality ()
RouteGetSelectedRoute () const
TrackGetSelectedTrack () const
RoutePointGetSelectedRoutePoint () const
void SetAISCanvasDisplayStyle (int StyleIndx)
void TouchAISToolActive (void)
void UpdateAISTBTool (void)
void SelectChartFromStack (int index, bool bDir=false, ChartTypeEnum New_Type=CHART_TYPE_DONTCARE, ChartFamilyEnum New_Family=CHART_FAMILY_DONTCARE)
void SelectdbChart (int dbindex)
void DoCanvasStackDelta (int direction)
void ProcessNewGUIScale ()
wxRect GetScaleBarRect ()
void RenderAlertMessage (wxDC &dc, const ViewPort &vp)
std::vector< int > GetQuiltNoshowIindexArray ()
double GetDisplayScale ()
 Get the ratio of physical to logical pixel for the display.
void ResetOwnshipOffset ()

Public Attributes

int m_canvasIndex
int m_groupIndex
bool m_bMeasure_Active
wxString m_active_upload_port
bool m_bFollow
wxCursor * pCursorPencil
wxCursor * pCursorArrow
wxCursor * pCursorCross
wxCursor * pPlugIn_Cursor
wxBitmap * pscratch_bm
bool m_brepaint_piano
double m_cursor_lon
 The longitude at the mouse cursor position in degrees.
double m_cursor_lat
 The latitude at the mouse cursor position in degrees.
wxPoint r_rband
double m_prev_rlat
double m_prev_rlon
bool m_bShowNavobjects
int m_routeState
int m_upMode
bool m_bLookAhead
bool m_FinishRouteOnKillFocus
bool m_bMeasure_DistCircle
bool m_bAppendingRoute
int m_nMeasureState
bool m_b_paint_enable
std::vector< int > m_tile_noshow_index_array
std::vector< int > m_tile_yesshow_index_array
std::vector< int > m_quilt_noshow_index_array


class glChartCanvas

Detailed Description

Chart display canvas.

Manages the display of charts and overlays. Handles chart loading, panning, zooming, and rendering of charts, routes, tracks, etc.

Definition at line 135 of file chcanv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChartCanvas()

ChartCanvas::ChartCanvas ( wxFrame *  frame,
int  canvasIndex 

Definition at line 409 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ~ChartCanvas()

ChartCanvas::~ChartCanvas ( )

Definition at line 821 of file chcanv.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddTileOverlayIndexToNoShow()

void ChartCanvas::AddTileOverlayIndexToNoShow ( int  index)

Definition at line 13862 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ApplyCanvasConfig()

void ChartCanvas::ApplyCanvasConfig ( canvasConfig pcc)

Definition at line 1178 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ApplyGlobalSettings()

void ChartCanvas::ApplyGlobalSettings ( )

Definition at line 1228 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CancelMeasureRoute()

void ChartCanvas::CancelMeasureRoute ( )

Definition at line 2609 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CancelMouseRoute()

void ChartCanvas::CancelMouseRoute ( )

Definition at line 12105 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CanvasApplyLocale()

void ChartCanvas::CanvasApplyLocale ( )

Definition at line 973 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ canvasChartsRefresh()

void ChartCanvas::canvasChartsRefresh ( int  dbi_hint)

Definition at line 1461 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ canvasRefreshGroupIndex()

void ChartCanvas::canvasRefreshGroupIndex ( void  )

Definition at line 1337 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CheckEdgePan()

bool ChartCanvas::CheckEdgePan ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  bdragging,
int  margin,
int  delta 

Definition at line 7275 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CheckGroup()

bool ChartCanvas::CheckGroup ( int  igroup)

Definition at line 1427 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CheckGroupValid()

void ChartCanvas::CheckGroupValid ( bool  showMessage = true,
bool  switchGroup0 = true 

Definition at line 1236 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ClearbFollow()

void ChartCanvas::ClearbFollow ( void  )

Definition at line 4831 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ClearPianoRollover()

void ChartCanvas::ClearPianoRollover ( )

Definition at line 14083 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ClearQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray()

void ChartCanvas::ClearQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray ( )

Definition at line 2551 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ClearS52PLIBStateHash()

void ChartCanvas::ClearS52PLIBStateHash ( )

Definition at line 280 of file chcanv.h.

◆ ConfigureChartBar()

void ChartCanvas::ConfigureChartBar ( )

Definition at line 1269 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ CreateMUIBar()

void ChartCanvas::CreateMUIBar ( )

Definition at line 7054 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DestroyMuiBar()

void ChartCanvas::DestroyMuiBar ( )

Definition at line 7103 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoCanvasCOGSet()

bool ChartCanvas::DoCanvasCOGSet ( void  )

Definition at line 3418 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoCanvasStackDelta()

void ChartCanvas::DoCanvasStackDelta ( int  direction)

Definition at line 13452 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoCanvasUpdate()

bool ChartCanvas::DoCanvasUpdate ( void  )

Definition at line 1531 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoMovement()

void ChartCanvas::DoMovement ( long  dt)

Definition at line 3635 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoRotateCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::DoRotateCanvas ( double  rotation)

Definition at line 4804 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoTiltCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::DoTiltCanvas ( double  tilt)

Definition at line 4814 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoTimedMovement()

void ChartCanvas::DoTimedMovement ( )

Definition at line 3617 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoTimedMovementTarget()

void ChartCanvas::DoTimedMovementTarget ( )

Definition at line 3613 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoTimedMovementVP()

void ChartCanvas::DoTimedMovementVP ( )

Definition at line 3573 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DoZoomCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::DoZoomCanvas ( double  factor,
bool  can_zoom_to_cursor = true 

Internal function that implements the actual zoom operation.

This function handles the core zoom functionality including scale calculations, chart selection and viewport updates.

factorThe zoom factor to apply:
  • factor > 1: Zoom in, e.g. 2.0 makes objects twice as large
  • factor < 1: Zoom out, e.g. 0.5 makes objects half as large
can_zoom_to_cursorIf true, zoom operation will be centered on cursor position. If false, zoom operation centers on viewport center.

Definition at line 4624 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DrawBlinkObjects()

void ChartCanvas::DrawBlinkObjects ( void  )

Definition at line 12674 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ DrawTCWindow()

void ChartCanvas::DrawTCWindow ( int  x,
int  y,
void *  pIDX 

Definition at line 13300 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ EnablePaint()

void ChartCanvas::EnablePaint ( bool  b_enable)

Definition at line 2500 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ FindClosestCanvasChartdbIndex()

int ChartCanvas::FindClosestCanvasChartdbIndex ( int  scale)

Definition at line 2466 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ FindValidUploadPort()

wxString ChartCanvas::FindValidUploadPort ( )

Definition at line 13344 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ FinishRoute()

void ChartCanvas::FinishRoute ( void  )

Definition at line 10684 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ FormatPianoKeys()

void ChartCanvas::FormatPianoKeys ( void  )

Definition at line 14200 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ FreezePiano()

void ChartCanvas::FreezePiano ( )

Definition at line 679 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetAbsoluteMinScalePpm()

double ChartCanvas::GetAbsoluteMinScalePpm ( )

Definition at line 445 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetAlertString()

wxString ChartCanvas::GetAlertString ( )

Definition at line 564 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetAttenAIS()

bool ChartCanvas::GetAttenAIS ( )

Definition at line 558 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetBestStartScale()

double ChartCanvas::GetBestStartScale ( int  dbi_hint,
const ViewPort vp 

Definition at line 5182 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetBestVPScale()

double ChartCanvas::GetBestVPScale ( ChartBase pchart)

Definition at line 2012 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetbFollow()

bool ChartCanvas::GetbFollow ( )

Definition at line 292 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetbShowCurrent()

bool ChartCanvas::GetbShowCurrent ( )

Definition at line 464 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetbShowTide()

bool ChartCanvas::GetbShowTide ( )

Definition at line 466 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetbTCUpdate()

bool ChartCanvas::GetbTCUpdate ( )

Definition at line 462 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCanvasChartNativeScale()

int ChartCanvas::GetCanvasChartNativeScale ( )

Definition at line 2435 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasHeight()

int ChartCanvas::GetCanvasHeight ( )

Definition at line 426 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCanvasPixPoint()

void ChartCanvas::GetCanvasPixPoint ( double  x,
double  y,
double &  lat,
double &  lon 

Convert canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) to latitude/longitude.

Uses BSB chart geo-referencing for compatible raster charts when conditions permit, otherwise falls back to viewport projection estimation.

xX-coordinate in physical pixels
yY-coordinate in physical pixels
lat[out] Reference to receive the resulting latitude at the given (x, y) coordinates.
lon[out] Reference to receive the resulting longitude at the given (x, y) coordinates.

Definition at line 4543 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasPointPix()

bool ChartCanvas::GetCanvasPointPix ( double  rlat,
double  rlon,
wxPoint *  r 

Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) rounded to nearest integer.

Uses GetDoubleCanvasPointPixVP internally and rounds results using wxRound (std::lround). This means 3.7 becomes 4, -3.7 becomes -4.

rlatLatitude in degrees
rlonLongitude in degrees
r[out] Pointer to wxPoint to receive the canvas pixel coordinates in physical pixels, as rounded integer values.
true if conversion successful, false if coordinates are invalid or out of bounds.

Definition at line 4518 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasPointPixVP()

bool ChartCanvas::GetCanvasPointPixVP ( ViewPort vp,
double  rlat,
double  rlon,
wxPoint *  r 

Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates rounded to nearest integer using specified viewport.

Uses GetDoubleCanvasPointPixVP internally and rounds results using wxRound (std::lround). This means 3.7 becomes 4, -3.7 becomes -4.

vpViewPort containing projection parameters and canvas settings
rlatLatitude in degrees
rlonLongitude in degrees
r[out] Pointer to wxPoint to receive the canvas pixel coordinates in physical pixels, as rounded integer values.
true if conversion successful, false if:
  • Coordinates would be on other side of the world (resulting in NaN)
  • Resulting pixel values would be too large (>1e6) In these cases, r is set to INVALID_COORD

Definition at line 4522 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasRangeMeters()

double ChartCanvas::GetCanvasRangeMeters ( )

Definition at line 2226 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetCanvasScaleFactor()

double ChartCanvas::GetCanvasScaleFactor ( )

Return the number of logical pixels per meter for the screen.

The name of this function is misleading. It should be renamed to GetCanvasLogicalPixelsPerMeter() or similar. It looks like some callers are expecting the physical pixels per meter, which is incorrect.

Definition at line 439 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCanvasTrueScale()

double ChartCanvas::GetCanvasTrueScale ( )

Return the physical pixels per meter at chart center, accounting for latitude distortion.

Definition at line 444 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCanvasWidth()

int ChartCanvas::GetCanvasWidth ( )

Definition at line 425 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetChartAtCursor()

ChartBase * ChartCanvas::GetChartAtCursor ( )

Definition at line 2445 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetColorScheme()

ColorScheme ChartCanvas::GetColorScheme ( )

Definition at line 419 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCompass()

ocpnCompass * ChartCanvas::GetCompass ( )

Definition at line 640 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetCursorLatLon()

void ChartCanvas::GetCursorLatLon ( double *  lat,
double *  lon 

Definition at line 4456 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetDisplayScale()

double ChartCanvas::GetDisplayScale ( )

Get the ratio of physical to logical pixel for the display.

On standard displays, one logical pixel equals one physical pixel, so this value is 1.0. On high-DPI/Retina displays, one logical pixel may equal multiple physical pixels:

  • MacBook Pro Retina: 2.0 (2x2 physical pixels per logical pixel)
  • Other HiDPI displays: May be 1.5, 1.75, etc.

Definition at line 774 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetDisplaySizeMM()

double ChartCanvas::GetDisplaySizeMM ( )

Get the width of the screen in millimeters.

Definition at line 221 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetDoubleCanvasPointPix()

void ChartCanvas::GetDoubleCanvasPointPix ( double  rlat,
double  rlon,
wxPoint2DDouble *  r 

Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) with double precision.

Returns unrounded floating point pixel coordinates. When used with drawing functions that take integer coordinates, values will be truncated.

rlatLatitude in degrees
rlonLongitude in degrees
r[out] Pointer to wxPoint2DDouble to receive the canvas pixel coordinates as unrounded floating point values

Definition at line 4463 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetDoubleCanvasPointPixVP()

void ChartCanvas::GetDoubleCanvasPointPixVP ( ViewPort vp,
double  rlat,
double  rlon,
wxPoint2DDouble *  r 

Convert latitude/longitude to canvas pixel coordinates (physical pixels) with double precision, using specified viewport.

Returns unrounded floating point pixel coordinates. When used with drawing functions that take integer coordinates, values will be truncated.

vpViewPort containing projection parameters and canvas settings
rlatLatitude in degrees
rlonLongitude in degrees
r[out] Pointer to wxPoint2DDouble to receive the canvas pixel coordinates as unrounded floating point values

Definition at line 4468 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetENCDisplayCategory()

int ChartCanvas::GetENCDisplayCategory ( )

Definition at line 580 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetFirstQuiltChart()

ChartBase * ChartCanvas::GetFirstQuiltChart ( )

Definition at line 2535 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetFogColor()

wxColour ChartCanvas::GetFogColor ( )

Definition at line 642 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetLargestScaleQuiltChart()

ChartBase * ChartCanvas::GetLargestScaleQuiltChart ( )

Definition at line 2531 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetLookahead()

bool ChartCanvas::GetLookahead ( )

Definition at line 387 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality()

int ChartCanvas::GetMaxAvailableGshhgQuality ( )

Definition at line 733 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetMinAvailableGshhgQuality()

int ChartCanvas::GetMinAvailableGshhgQuality ( )

Definition at line 730 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetMUIBar()

MUIBar * ChartCanvas::GetMUIBar ( )

Definition at line 562 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetMUIBarRect()

wxRect ChartCanvas::GetMUIBarRect ( )

Definition at line 14417 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetNextContextMenuId()

int ChartCanvas::GetNextContextMenuId ( )

Definition at line 12111 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetNextQuiltChart()

ChartBase * ChartCanvas::GetNextQuiltChart ( )

Definition at line 2539 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetOverlayChartAtCursor()

ChartBase * ChartCanvas::GetOverlayChartAtCursor ( )

Definition at line 2456 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetpCurrentStack()

ChartStack * ChartCanvas::GetpCurrentStack ( )

Definition at line 266 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetPiano()

Piano * ChartCanvas::GetPiano ( )

Definition at line 450 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetPianoHeight()

int ChartCanvas::GetPianoHeight ( )

Definition at line 1262 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetPixPerMM()

double ChartCanvas::GetPixPerMM ( )

Get the number of logical pixels per millimeter on the screen.

Definition at line 470 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetpVP()

ViewPort * ChartCanvas::GetpVP ( )

Definition at line 446 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetQuiltCandidatedbIndexArray()

std::vector< int > ChartCanvas::GetQuiltCandidatedbIndexArray ( bool  flag1 = true,
bool  flag2 = true 

Definition at line 2555 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltChartCount()

int ChartCanvas::GetQuiltChartCount ( )

Definition at line 2541 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltEclipsedStackdbIndexArray()

std::vector< int > ChartCanvas::GetQuiltEclipsedStackdbIndexArray ( )

Definition at line 2572 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltExtendedStackdbIndexArray()

std::vector< int > & ChartCanvas::GetQuiltExtendedStackdbIndexArray ( )

Definition at line 2564 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltFullScreendbIndexArray()

std::vector< int > & ChartCanvas::GetQuiltFullScreendbIndexArray ( )

Definition at line 2568 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltIndexArray()

std::vector< int > ChartCanvas::GetQuiltIndexArray ( void  )

Definition at line 2511 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltMaxErrorFactor()

double ChartCanvas::GetQuiltMaxErrorFactor ( )

Definition at line 2578 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltMode()

bool ChartCanvas::GetQuiltMode ( void  )

Definition at line 2521 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltNoshowIindexArray()

std::vector< int > ChartCanvas::GetQuiltNoshowIindexArray ( )

Definition at line 762 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetQuiltRefChartdbIndex()

int ChartCanvas::GetQuiltRefChartdbIndex ( void  )

Definition at line 2560 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetQuiltReferenceChartIndex()

int ChartCanvas::GetQuiltReferenceChartIndex ( void  )

Definition at line 2523 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetScaleBarRect()

wxRect ChartCanvas::GetScaleBarRect ( )

Definition at line 755 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetScaleText()

wxString ChartCanvas::GetScaleText ( )

Definition at line 554 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetScaleValue()

double ChartCanvas::GetScaleValue ( )

Definition at line 555 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetSelectedRoute()

Route * ChartCanvas::GetSelectedRoute ( ) const

Definition at line 736 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetSelectedRoutePoint()

RoutePoint * ChartCanvas::GetSelectedRoutePoint ( ) const

Definition at line 738 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetSelectedTrack()

Track * ChartCanvas::GetSelectedTrack ( ) const

Definition at line 737 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowAIS()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowAIS ( )

Definition at line 556 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowChartbar()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowChartbar ( )

Definition at line 545 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowDepthUnits()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowDepthUnits ( )

Definition at line 539 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCAnchor()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCAnchor ( )

Definition at line 583 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCBuoyLabels()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCBuoyLabels ( )

Definition at line 574 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCDataQual()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCDataQual ( )

Definition at line 586 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCDepth()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCDepth ( )

Definition at line 568 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCLightDesc()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCLightDesc ( )

Definition at line 571 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCLights()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCLights ( )

Definition at line 577 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowENCText()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowENCText ( )

Definition at line 565 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowFocusBar()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowFocusBar ( )

Definition at line 561 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowGPSCompassWindow()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowGPSCompassWindow ( )

Definition at line 678 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowGrid()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowGrid ( )

Definition at line 541 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowOutlines()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowOutlines ( )

Definition at line 543 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetShowVisibleSectors()

bool ChartCanvas::GetShowVisibleSectors ( )

Definition at line 468 of file chcanv.h.

◆ getTCWin()

TCWin * ChartCanvas::getTCWin ( )

Definition at line 403 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetTideBitmap()

wxBitmap & ChartCanvas::GetTideBitmap ( )

Definition at line 383 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetUpMode()

int ChartCanvas::GetUpMode ( )

Definition at line 386 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetVP()

ViewPort & ChartCanvas::GetVP ( )

Definition at line 2620 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ GetVPChartScale()

float ChartCanvas::GetVPChartScale ( )

Return the ViewPort chart scale denominator (e.g., 50000 for a 1:50000 scale).

Definition at line 431 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetVPRotation()

double ChartCanvas::GetVPRotation ( void  )

Definition at line 285 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetVPScale()

float ChartCanvas::GetVPScale ( )

Return the ViewPort scale factor, in physical pixels per meter.

Definition at line 428 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetVPSkew()

double ChartCanvas::GetVPSkew ( void  )

Definition at line 286 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetVPTilt()

double ChartCanvas::GetVPTilt ( void  )

Definition at line 287 of file chcanv.h.

◆ GetWorldBackgroundChart()

GSHHSChart * ChartCanvas::GetWorldBackgroundChart ( )

Definition at line 458 of file chcanv.h.

◆ HandlePianoClick()

void ChartCanvas::HandlePianoClick ( int  selected_index,
const std::vector< int > &  selected_dbIndex_array 

Definition at line 13876 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ HandlePianoRClick()

void ChartCanvas::HandlePianoRClick ( int  x,
int  y,
int  selected_index,
const std::vector< int > &  selected_dbIndex_array 

Definition at line 14016 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ HandlePianoRollover()

void ChartCanvas::HandlePianoRollover ( int  selected_index,
const std::vector< int > &  selected_dbIndex_array,
int  n_charts,
int  scale 

Definition at line 14029 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ HideChartInfoWindow()

void ChartCanvas::HideChartInfoWindow ( void  )

Definition at line 7242 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ HideGlobalToolbar()

void ChartCanvas::HideGlobalToolbar ( )

Definition at line 10736 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ InvalidateAllQuiltPatchs()

void ChartCanvas::InvalidateAllQuiltPatchs ( void  )

Definition at line 2527 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ InvalidateGL()

void ChartCanvas::InvalidateGL ( )

Definition at line 2427 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ InvalidateQuilt()

void ChartCanvas::InvalidateQuilt ( void  )

Definition at line 2576 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ IsChartLargeEnoughToRender()

bool ChartCanvas::IsChartLargeEnoughToRender ( ChartBase chart,
ViewPort vp 

Definition at line 2586 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ IsChartQuiltableRef()

bool ChartCanvas::IsChartQuiltableRef ( int  db_index)

Definition at line 2582 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ isMarkEditing()

bool ChartCanvas::isMarkEditing ( void  )

Definition at line 456 of file chcanv.h.

◆ IsMeasureActive()

bool ChartCanvas::IsMeasureActive ( )

Definition at line 382 of file chcanv.h.

◆ IsPianoContextMenuActive()

bool ChartCanvas::IsPianoContextMenuActive ( )

Definition at line 674 of file chcanv.h.

◆ IsPrimaryCanvas()

bool ChartCanvas::IsPrimaryCanvas ( )

Definition at line 198 of file chcanv.h.

◆ IsQuiltDelta()

bool ChartCanvas::IsQuiltDelta ( void  )

Definition at line 2507 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ isRouteEditing()

bool ChartCanvas::isRouteEditing ( void  )

Definition at line 453 of file chcanv.h.

◆ IsTileOverlayIndexInNoShow()

bool ChartCanvas::IsTileOverlayIndexInNoShow ( int  index)

Definition at line 13856 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ IsTileOverlayIndexInYesShow()

bool ChartCanvas::IsTileOverlayIndexInYesShow ( int  index)

Definition at line 13850 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ JaggyCircle()

void ChartCanvas::JaggyCircle ( ocpnDC dc,
wxPen  pen,
int  x,
int  y,
int  radius 

Definition at line 6678 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ JumpToPosition()

void ChartCanvas::JumpToPosition ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  scale 

Definition at line 4899 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ LoadVP()

void ChartCanvas::LoadVP ( ViewPort vp,
bool  b_adjust = true 

Definition at line 5148 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ LostMouseCapture()

void ChartCanvas::LostMouseCapture ( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &  event)

Definition at line 10016 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventChartBar()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventChartBar ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7429 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventIENCBar()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventIENCBar ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7454 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventMUIBar()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventMUIBar ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7468 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventOverlayWindows()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventOverlayWindows ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7401 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventProcessCanvas()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventProcessCanvas ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Processes mouse events for core chart panning and zooming operations.

This method handles the main chart navigation interactions:

  • Mouse wheel zooming with configurable sensitivity and optional smoothing.
  • Left-click chart centering. Centers chart on click point in non-drag scenarios.
  • Click-and-drag panning. Updates chart position continuously during drag.
eventThe mouse event to process
true if event was processed, false to allow focus shifting between canvases.
Interacts with route creation and measurement tools active states

Definition at line 9798 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventProcessObjects()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventProcessObjects ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 8006 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventSetup()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventSetup ( wxMouseEvent &  event,
bool  b_handle_dclick = true 


Definition at line 7481 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ MouseEventToolbar()

bool ChartCanvas::MouseEventToolbar ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 7439 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnDeferredFocusTimerEvent()

void ChartCanvas::OnDeferredFocusTimerEvent ( wxTimerEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2649 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnKeyChar()

void ChartCanvas::OnKeyChar ( wxKeyEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2654 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnKeyDown()

void ChartCanvas::OnKeyDown ( wxKeyEvent &  event)

Definition at line 2694 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnKeyUp()

void ChartCanvas::OnKeyUp ( wxKeyEvent &  event)

Definition at line 3283 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnKillFocus()

void ChartCanvas::OnKillFocus ( wxFocusEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent)

Definition at line 1053 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnPaint()

void ChartCanvas::OnPaint ( wxPaintEvent &  event)

Definition at line 11308 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnPianoMenuDisableChart()

void ChartCanvas::OnPianoMenuDisableChart ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 14278 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnPianoMenuEnableChart()

void ChartCanvas::OnPianoMenuEnableChart ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 14267 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnRouteFinishTimerEvent()

void ChartCanvas::OnRouteFinishTimerEvent ( wxTimerEvent &  event)

Definition at line 1086 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnSetFocus()

void ChartCanvas::OnSetFocus ( wxFocusEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent)

Definition at line 1076 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ OnToolLeftClick()

void ChartCanvas::OnToolLeftClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 13534 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ PaintCleanup()

void ChartCanvas::PaintCleanup ( )

Definition at line 11963 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ PanCanvas()

bool ChartCanvas::PanCanvas ( double  dx,
double  dy 

Pans (moves) the canvas by the specified physical pixels in x and y directions.

Definition at line 5019 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ PianoPopupMenu()

void ChartCanvas::PianoPopupMenu ( int  x,
int  y,
int  selected_index,
const std::vector< int > &  selected_dbIndex_array 

Definition at line 14202 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ PopupMenuHandler()

void ChartCanvas::PopupMenuHandler ( wxCommandEvent &  event)

Definition at line 10655 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ProcessNewGUIScale()

void ChartCanvas::ProcessNewGUIScale ( )

Definition at line 7046 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ RebuildCursors()

void ChartCanvas::RebuildCursors ( )

Definition at line 896 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ Refresh()

void ChartCanvas::Refresh ( bool  eraseBackground = true,
const wxRect *  rect = (const wxRect *)NULL 

Definition at line 12124 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ReloadVP()

void ChartCanvas::ReloadVP ( bool  b_adjust = true)

Definition at line 5142 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ RemoveChartFromQuilt()

void ChartCanvas::RemoveChartFromQuilt ( int  dbIndex)

Definition at line 14318 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ RenderAlertMessage()

void ChartCanvas::RenderAlertMessage ( wxDC &  dc,
const ViewPort vp 

Definition at line 14426 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ResetOwnshipOffset()

void ChartCanvas::ResetOwnshipOffset ( )

Definition at line 775 of file chcanv.h.

◆ ResetWorldBackgroundChart()

void ChartCanvas::ResetWorldBackgroundChart ( )

Definition at line 459 of file chcanv.h.

◆ RotateCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::RotateCanvas ( double  dir)

Definition at line 4789 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ selectCanvasChartDisplay()

void ChartCanvas::selectCanvasChartDisplay ( int  type,
int  family 

Definition at line 13791 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SelectChartFromStack()

void ChartCanvas::SelectChartFromStack ( int  index,
bool  bDir = false,
ChartTypeEnum  New_Type = CHART_TYPE_DONTCARE,
ChartFamilyEnum  New_Family = CHART_FAMILY_DONTCARE 

Definition at line 13691 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SelectdbChart()

void ChartCanvas::SelectdbChart ( int  dbindex)

Definition at line 13748 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SelectQuiltRefChart()

void ChartCanvas::SelectQuiltRefChart ( int  selected_index)

Definition at line 2004 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SelectQuiltRefdbChart()

void ChartCanvas::SelectQuiltRefdbChart ( int  db_index,
bool  b_autoscale = true 

Definition at line 1987 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetAISCanvasDisplayStyle()

void ChartCanvas::SetAISCanvasDisplayStyle ( int  StyleIndx)

Definition at line 13617 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetAlertString()

void ChartCanvas::SetAlertString ( wxString  str)

Definition at line 563 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetAttenAIS()

void ChartCanvas::SetAttenAIS ( bool  show)

Definition at line 13611 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetbFollow()

void ChartCanvas::SetbFollow ( void  )

Definition at line 4843 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetbShowCurrent()

void ChartCanvas::SetbShowCurrent ( bool  f)

Definition at line 463 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetbShowTide()

void ChartCanvas::SetbShowTide ( bool  f)

Definition at line 465 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetbTCUpdate()

void ChartCanvas::SetbTCUpdate ( bool  f)

Definition at line 461 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetCanvasCursor()

void ChartCanvas::SetCanvasCursor ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 9987 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetCanvasRangeMeters()

void ChartCanvas::SetCanvasRangeMeters ( double  range)

Definition at line 2236 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetColorScheme()

void ChartCanvas::SetColorScheme ( ColorScheme  cs)

Definition at line 3711 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetCursor()

bool ChartCanvas::SetCursor ( const wxCursor &  c)

Definition at line 12115 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetCursorStatus()

void ChartCanvas::SetCursorStatus ( double  cursor_lat,
double  cursor_lon 

Definition at line 4322 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetDisplaySizeMM()

void ChartCanvas::SetDisplaySizeMM ( double  size)

Set the width of the screen in millimeters.

Definition at line 2361 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetENCDisplayCategory()

void ChartCanvas::SetENCDisplayCategory ( int  category)

Definition at line 14375 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetFirstAuto()

void ChartCanvas::SetFirstAuto ( bool  b_auto)

Definition at line 295 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetGroupIndex()

void ChartCanvas::SetGroupIndex ( int  index,
bool  autoswitch = false 

Definition at line 1339 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetMUIBarPosition()

void ChartCanvas::SetMUIBarPosition ( )

Definition at line 7074 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetOwnShipState()

void ChartCanvas::SetOwnShipState ( ownship_state_t  state)

Definition at line 472 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndex()

void ChartCanvas::SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndex ( int  dbIndex)

Definition at line 2543 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray()

void ChartCanvas::SetQuiltChartHiLiteIndexArray ( std::vector< int >  hilite_array)

Definition at line 2547 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetQuiltMode()

void ChartCanvas::SetQuiltMode ( bool  b_quilt)

Definition at line 2516 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetQuiltRefChart()

void ChartCanvas::SetQuiltRefChart ( int  dbIndex)

Definition at line 5176 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowAIS()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowAIS ( bool  show)

Definition at line 13605 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowDepthUnits()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowDepthUnits ( bool  show)

Definition at line 540 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetShowENCAnchor()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCAnchor ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14409 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCBuoyLabels()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCBuoyLabels ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14396 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCDataQual()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCDataQual ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14359 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCDepth()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCDepth ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14380 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCLightDesc()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCLightDesc ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14388 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCLights()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCLights ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14401 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowENCText()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowENCText ( bool  show)

Definition at line 14367 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowFocusBar()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowFocusBar ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 560 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetShowGPS()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowGPS ( bool  show)

Definition at line 1244 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowGPSCompassWindow()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowGPSCompassWindow ( bool  bshow)

Definition at line 1254 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetShowGrid()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowGrid ( bool  show)

Definition at line 542 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetShowOutlines()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowOutlines ( bool  show)

Definition at line 544 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetShowVisibleSectors()

void ChartCanvas::SetShowVisibleSectors ( bool  val)

Definition at line 467 of file chcanv.h.

◆ SetupCanvasQuiltMode()

void ChartCanvas::SetupCanvasQuiltMode ( void  )

Definition at line 2057 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetupGlCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::SetupGlCanvas ( )

Definition at line 978 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetUpMode()

void ChartCanvas::SetUpMode ( int  mode)

Definition at line 3391 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetUserOwnship()

bool ChartCanvas::SetUserOwnship ( )

Definition at line 2245 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetViewPoint() [1/2]

bool ChartCanvas::SetViewPoint ( double  lat,
double  lon 

Set the viewport center point.

Centers the view on a specific lat/lon position.

latLatitude in degrees
lonLongitude in degrees
true if view was changed successfully

Definition at line 5312 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetViewPoint() [2/2]

bool ChartCanvas::SetViewPoint ( double  lat,
double  lon,
double  scale_ppm,
double  skew,
double  rotation,
int  projection = 0,
bool  b_adjust = true,
bool  b_refresh = true 

Set the viewport center point, scale, skew, rotation and projection.

latLatitude of viewport center in degrees.
lonLongitude of viewport center in degrees.
scale_ppmRequested viewport scale in physical pixels per meter. This is the desired rendering scale before projection effects.
skewChart skew angle in radians.
rotationViewport rotation in radians.
projectionProjection type (default=0). If 0, maintains current projection.
b_adjustAllow small viewport adjustments for performance.
b_refreshRequest screen refresh after change.

Definition at line 5321 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetViewPointByCorners()

bool ChartCanvas::SetViewPointByCorners ( double  latSW,
double  lonSW,
double  latNE,
double  lonNE 

Definition at line 5275 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetVP()

void ChartCanvas::SetVP ( ViewPort vp)

Definition at line 2622 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetVPProjection()

bool ChartCanvas::SetVPProjection ( int  projection)

Definition at line 5298 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetVPRotation()

bool ChartCanvas::SetVPRotation ( double  angle)

Definition at line 5317 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ SetVPScale()

bool ChartCanvas::SetVPScale ( double  sc,
bool  b_refresh = true 

Sets the viewport scale while maintaining the center point.

Changes the chart display scale while preserving the current view center, orientation, skew, and projection settings. This is typically used for zoom operations.

scaleThe new viewport scale to set (pixels per meter)
refreshWhether to refresh the display after changing the scale
bool True if the scale change was successful

Definition at line 5293 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowAISTargetList()

void ChartCanvas::ShowAISTargetList ( void  )

Definition at line 10748 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowChartInfoWindow()

void ChartCanvas::ShowChartInfoWindow ( int  x,
int  dbIndex 

Definition at line 7195 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowCompositeInfoWindow()

void ChartCanvas::ShowCompositeInfoWindow ( int  x,
int  n_charts,
int  scale,
const std::vector< int > &  index_vector 

Definition at line 7110 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowCurrents()

void ChartCanvas::ShowCurrents ( bool  bShow)

Definition at line 1308 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowGlobalToolbar()

void ChartCanvas::ShowGlobalToolbar ( )

Definition at line 10742 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowMarkPropertiesDialog()

void ChartCanvas::ShowMarkPropertiesDialog ( RoutePoint markPoint)

Definition at line 10301 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowObjectQueryWindow()

void ChartCanvas::ShowObjectQueryWindow ( int  x,
int  y,
float  zlat,
float  zlon 

Definition at line 10020 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowRoutePropertiesDialog()

void ChartCanvas::ShowRoutePropertiesDialog ( wxString  title,
Route selected 

Definition at line 10359 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowTides()

void ChartCanvas::ShowTides ( bool  bShow)

Definition at line 1283 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ShowTrackPropertiesDialog()

void ChartCanvas::ShowTrackPropertiesDialog ( Track selected)

Definition at line 10403 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartChartDragInertia()

void ChartCanvas::StartChartDragInertia ( )

Definition at line 3438 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartMeasureRoute()

void ChartCanvas::StartMeasureRoute ( )

Definition at line 2592 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartRoute()

void ChartCanvas::StartRoute ( void  )

Definition at line 10664 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartTimedMovement()

bool ChartCanvas::StartTimedMovement ( bool  stoptimer = true)

Definition at line 3539 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartTimedMovementTarget()

void ChartCanvas::StartTimedMovementTarget ( )

Definition at line 3611 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StartTimedMovementVP()

void ChartCanvas::StartTimedMovementVP ( double  target_lat,
double  target_lon,
int  nstep 

Definition at line 3557 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StopMovement()

void ChartCanvas::StopMovement ( )

Definition at line 3521 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StopMovementTarget()

void ChartCanvas::StopMovementTarget ( )

Definition at line 3615 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ StopMovementVP()

void ChartCanvas::StopMovementVP ( )

Definition at line 3607 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ThawPiano()

void ChartCanvas::ThawPiano ( )

Definition at line 680 of file chcanv.h.

◆ TogglebFollow()

void ChartCanvas::TogglebFollow ( void  )

Definition at line 4824 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ToggleCanvasQuiltMode()

void ChartCanvas::ToggleCanvasQuiltMode ( void  )

Definition at line 13426 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ToggleChartOutlines()

void ChartCanvas::ToggleChartOutlines ( void  )

Definition at line 3374 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ToggleCPAWarn()

void ChartCanvas::ToggleCPAWarn ( )

Definition at line 6936 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ToggleLookahead()

void ChartCanvas::ToggleLookahead ( )

Definition at line 3385 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ TouchAISToolActive()

void ChartCanvas::TouchAISToolActive ( void  )

Definition at line 13658 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ TriggerDeferredFocus()

void ChartCanvas::TriggerDeferredFocus ( )

Definition at line 2633 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UnlockQuilt()

void ChartCanvas::UnlockQuilt ( )

Definition at line 2509 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ Update()

void ChartCanvas::Update ( )

Definition at line 12177 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateAIS()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateAIS ( )

Definition at line 6874 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateAISTBTool()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateAISTBTool ( void  )

Definition at line 13660 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateAlerts()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateAlerts ( )

Definition at line 6824 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateCanvasControlBar()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateCanvasControlBar ( void  )

Definition at line 14091 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateCanvasOnGroupChange()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateCanvasOnGroupChange ( void  )

Definition at line 5262 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateCanvasS52PLIBConfig()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateCanvasS52PLIBConfig ( )

Definition at line 11228 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateFollowButtonState()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateFollowButtonState ( void  )

Definition at line 4875 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateGPSCompassStatusBox()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateGPSCompassStatusBox ( bool  b_force_new)

Definition at line 13668 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ UpdateShips()

void ChartCanvas::UpdateShips ( )

Definition at line 6776 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ WarpPointerDeferred()

void ChartCanvas::WarpPointerDeferred ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 11220 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ZoomCanvas()

void ChartCanvas::ZoomCanvas ( double  factor,
bool  can_zoom_to_cursor = true,
bool  stoptimer = true 

Perform a smooth zoom operation on the chart canvas by the specified factor.

The zoom can either be centered on the cursor position or the center of the viewport.

factorThe zoom factor to apply:
  • factor > 1: Zoom in, e.g. 2.0 makes objects twice as large
  • factor < 1: Zoom out, e.g. 0.5 makes objects half as large
can_zoom_to_cursorIf true, zoom operation will be centered on current cursor position. If false, zoom operation centers on current viewport center.
stoptimerIf true, stops any ongoing movement/zoom operations before starting this zoom. If false, allows this zoom to blend with existing operations.

Definition at line 4604 of file chcanv.cpp.

◆ ZoomCanvasSimple()

void ChartCanvas::ZoomCanvasSimple ( double  factor)

Perform an immediate zoom operation without smooth transitions.

This is a simplified version of ZoomCanvas that applies the zoom immediately without animation or cursor-centering logic. Typically used for programmatic zooming.

factorThe zoom factor to apply:
  • factor > 1: Zoom in, e.g. 2.0 makes objects twice as large
  • factor < 1: Zoom out, e.g. 0.5 makes objects half as large

Definition at line 4599 of file chcanv.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ glChartCanvas

friend class glChartCanvas

Definition at line 136 of file chcanv.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_active_upload_port

wxString ChartCanvas::m_active_upload_port

Definition at line 608 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_b_paint_enable

bool ChartCanvas::m_b_paint_enable

Definition at line 753 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bAppendingRoute

bool ChartCanvas::m_bAppendingRoute

Definition at line 725 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bFollow

bool ChartCanvas::m_bFollow

Definition at line 684 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bLookAhead

bool ChartCanvas::m_bLookAhead

Definition at line 703 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bMeasure_Active

bool ChartCanvas::m_bMeasure_Active

Definition at line 603 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bMeasure_DistCircle

bool ChartCanvas::m_bMeasure_DistCircle

Definition at line 724 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_brepaint_piano

bool ChartCanvas::m_brepaint_piano

Definition at line 691 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_bShowNavobjects

bool ChartCanvas::m_bShowNavobjects

Definition at line 700 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_canvasIndex

int ChartCanvas::m_canvasIndex

Definition at line 590 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_canvasMenu

CanvasMenuHandler* ChartCanvas::m_canvasMenu

Definition at line 729 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_cursor_lat

double ChartCanvas::m_cursor_lat

The latitude at the mouse cursor position in degrees.

Definition at line 695 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_cursor_lon

double ChartCanvas::m_cursor_lon

The longitude at the mouse cursor position in degrees.

Definition at line 693 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_FinishRouteOnKillFocus

bool ChartCanvas::m_FinishRouteOnKillFocus

Definition at line 723 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_groupIndex

int ChartCanvas::m_groupIndex

Definition at line 601 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_nMeasureState

int ChartCanvas::m_nMeasureState

Definition at line 726 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_pMeasureRoute

Route* ChartCanvas::m_pMeasureRoute

Definition at line 727 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_pMouseRoute

Route* ChartCanvas::m_pMouseRoute

Definition at line 602 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_pQuilt

Quilt* ChartCanvas::m_pQuilt

Definition at line 606 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_prev_pMousePoint

RoutePoint* ChartCanvas::m_prev_pMousePoint

Definition at line 699 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_prev_rlat

double ChartCanvas::m_prev_rlat

Definition at line 697 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_prev_rlon

double ChartCanvas::m_prev_rlon

Definition at line 698 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_quilt_noshow_index_array

std::vector<int> ChartCanvas::m_quilt_noshow_index_array

Definition at line 760 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_routeState

int ChartCanvas::m_routeState

Definition at line 701 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_singleChart

ChartBase* ChartCanvas::m_singleChart

Definition at line 605 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_tile_noshow_index_array

std::vector<int> ChartCanvas::m_tile_noshow_index_array

Definition at line 758 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_tile_yesshow_index_array

std::vector<int> ChartCanvas::m_tile_yesshow_index_array

Definition at line 759 of file chcanv.h.

◆ m_upMode

int ChartCanvas::m_upMode

Definition at line 702 of file chcanv.h.

◆ parent_frame

MyFrame* ChartCanvas::parent_frame

Definition at line 728 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pCursorArrow

wxCursor* ChartCanvas::pCursorArrow

Definition at line 686 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pCursorCross

wxCursor* ChartCanvas::pCursorCross

Definition at line 687 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pCursorPencil

wxCursor* ChartCanvas::pCursorPencil

Definition at line 685 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pCwin

TCWin* ChartCanvas::pCwin

Definition at line 689 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pPlugIn_Cursor

wxCursor* ChartCanvas::pPlugIn_Cursor

Definition at line 688 of file chcanv.h.

◆ pscratch_bm

wxBitmap* ChartCanvas::pscratch_bm

Definition at line 690 of file chcanv.h.

◆ r_rband

wxPoint ChartCanvas::r_rband

Definition at line 696 of file chcanv.h.

◆ undo

Undo* ChartCanvas::undo

Definition at line 384 of file chcanv.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: