35#include "model/comm_drv_n2k.h"
const std::string& s)
41CommDriverN2K::~CommDriverN2K() {}
43bool CommDriverN2K::SendMessage(std::shared_ptr<const NavMsg> msg,
44 std::shared_ptr<const NavAddr> addr) {
50std::shared_ptr<NavAddr2000> CommDriverN2K::GetAddress(
const N2kName& name) {
Common interface for all drivers.
const std::string iface
Physical device for 0183, else a unique string.
virtual void SetListener(DriverListener &l) override
Set the entity which will receive incoming data.
Interface implemented by transport layer and possible other parties like test code which should handl...
Where messages are sent to or received from.
N2k uses CAN which defines the basic properties of messages.