InitReturn | Init (const wxString &name, ChartInitFlag flags) |
void | Activate (void) |
void | Deactivate (void) |
double | GetNormalScaleMin (double canvas_scale_factor, bool b_allow_overzoom) |
double | GetNormalScaleMax (double canvas_scale_factor, int canvas_width) |
int | GetNativeScale (void) |
wxString | GetPubDate () |
void | SetVPParms (const ViewPort &vpt) |
void | GetValidCanvasRegion (const ViewPort &VPoint, OCPNRegion *pValidRegion) |
LLRegion | GetValidRegion () |
ThumbData * | GetThumbData (int tnx, int tny, float lat, float lon) |
ThumbData * | GetThumbData () |
bool | AdjustVP (ViewPort &vp_last, ViewPort &vp_proposed) |
bool | RenderRegionViewOnDC (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &Region) |
virtual bool | RenderRegionViewOnGL (const wxGLContext &glc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &RectRegion, const LLRegion &Region) |
void | SetColorScheme (ColorScheme cs, bool bApplyImmediate) |
bool | RenderNextSmallerCellOutlines (ocpnDC &dc, ViewPort &vp, ChartCanvas *cc) |
void | GetPointPix (ObjRazRules *rzRules, float rlat, float rlon, wxPoint *r) |
void | GetPixPoint (int pixx, int pixy, double *plat, double *plon, ViewPort *vpt) |
void | GetPointPix (ObjRazRules *rzRules, wxPoint2DDouble *en, wxPoint *r, int nPoints) |
ListOfObjRazRules * | GetObjRuleListAtLatLon (float lat, float lon, float select_radius, ViewPort *VPoint, int selection_mask=MASK_ALL) |
S57ObjectDesc * | CreateObjDescription (const ObjRazRules *obj) |
std::unordered_map< unsigned, VE_Element * > & | Get_ve_hash (void) |
std::unordered_map< unsigned, VC_Element * > & | Get_vc_hash (void) |
void | UpdateLUPs (s57chart *pOwner) |
void | ForceEdgePriorityEvaluate (void) |
std::list< S57Obj * > * | GetAssociatedObjects (S57Obj *obj) |
cm93chart * | GetCurrentSingleScaleChart () |
void | SetSpecialOutlineCellIndex (int cell_index, int object_id, int subcell) |
void | SetSpecialCellIndexOffset (int cell_index, int object_id, int subcell, int xoff, int yoff) |
void | CloseandReopenCurrentSubchart (void) |
void | InvalidateCache () |
bool | UpdateThumbData (double lat, double lon) |
void | SetNativeScale (int s) |
virtual bool | RenderOverlayRegionViewOnDC (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &Region) |
virtual bool | RenderRegionViewOnDCNoText (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &Region) |
virtual bool | RenderRegionViewOnDCTextOnly (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &Region) |
virtual double | GetNearestPreferredScalePPM (double target_scale_ppm) |
void | SetFullExtent (Extent &ext) |
bool | GetChartExtent (Extent *pext) |
void | SetColorScheme (ColorScheme cs, bool bApplyImmediate=true) |
int | _insertRules (S57Obj *obj, LUPrec *LUP, s57chart *pOwner) |
bool | DoesLatLonSelectObject (float lat, float lon, float select_radius, S57Obj *obj) |
bool | IsPointInObjArea (float lat, float lon, float select_radius, S57Obj *obj) |
virtual ListOfObjRazRules * | GetLightsObjRuleListVisibleAtLatLon (float lat, float lon, ViewPort *VPoint) |
wxString | GetObjectAttributeValueAsString (S57Obj *obj, int iatt, wxString curAttrName) |
wxString | CreateObjDescriptions (ListOfObjRazRules *rule) |
int | BuildRAZFromSENCFile (const wxString &SENCPath) |
wxString | buildSENCName (const wxString &name) |
bool | GetNearestSafeContour (double safe_cnt, double &next_safe_cnt) |
float * | GetLineVertexBuffer (void) |
void | ClearRenderedTextCache () |
double | GetCalculatedSafetyContour (void) |
virtual bool | RenderOverlayRegionViewOnGL (const wxGLContext &glc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &RectRegion, const LLRegion &Region) |
virtual bool | RenderRegionViewOnGLNoText (const wxGLContext &glc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &RectRegion, const LLRegion &Region) |
virtual bool | RenderViewOnGLTextOnly (const wxGLContext &glc, const ViewPort &VPoint) |
virtual bool | IsCacheValid () |
virtual void | ClearDepthContourArray (void) |
virtual void | BuildDepthContourArray (void) |
int | ValidateAndCountUpdates (const wxFileName file000, const wxString CopyDir, wxString &LastUpdateDate, bool b_copyfiles) |
wxString | GetISDT (void) |
InitReturn | PostInit (ChartInitFlag flags, ColorScheme cs) |
char | GetUsageChar (void) |
int | FindOrCreateSenc (const wxString &name, bool b_progress=true) |
void | DisableBackgroundSENC () |
void | EnableBackgroundSENC () |
virtual OcpnProjType | GetChartProjectionType () |
virtual wxDateTime | GetEditionDate (void) |
wxString | GetFullPath () const |
wxString | GetHashKey () const |
wxString | GetName () |
wxString | GetDescription () |
wxString | GetID () |
wxString | GetSE () |
wxString | GetDepthUnits () |
wxString | GetSoundingsDatum () |
wxString | GetDatumString () |
wxString | GetExtraInfo () |
double | GetChart_Error_Factor () |
ChartTypeEnum | GetChartType () |
ChartFamilyEnum | GetChartFamily () |
double | GetChartSkew () |
virtual ChartDepthUnitType | GetDepthUnitType (void) |
virtual bool | IsReadyToRender () |
virtual int | GetCOVREntries () |
virtual int | GetCOVRTablePoints (int iTable) |
virtual int | GetCOVRTablenPoints (int iTable) |
virtual float * | GetCOVRTableHead (int iTable) |
virtual int | GetNoCOVREntries () |
virtual int | GetNoCOVRTablePoints (int iTable) |
virtual int | GetNoCOVRTablenPoints (int iTable) |
virtual float * | GetNoCOVRTableHead (int iTable) |
Represents a composite CM93 chart covering multiple scales.
Manages multiple cm93chart objects at different scales, providing a seamless multi-scale chart. Handles scale transitions, rendering, and querying across different chart scales.
Definition at line 424 of file cm93.h.