OpenCPN Partial API docs
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ChartGEO Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ChartGEO:
ChartBaseBSB ChartBase

Public Member Functions

InitReturn Init (const wxString &name, ChartInitFlag init_flags)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChartBaseBSB
void FreeLineCacheRows (int start=0, int end=-1)
bool HaveLineCacheRow (int row)
virtual ThumbDataGetThumbData (int tnx, int tny, float lat, float lon)
virtual ThumbDataGetThumbData ()
virtual bool UpdateThumbData (double lat, double lon)
int GetNativeScale ()
double GetNormalScaleMin (double canvas_scale_factor, bool b_allow_overzoom)
double GetNormalScaleMax (double canvas_scale_factor, int canvas_width)
virtual int latlong_to_pix_vp (double lat, double lon, double &pixx, double &pixy, ViewPort &vp)
virtual int vp_pix_to_latlong (ViewPort &vp, double pixx, double pixy, double *lat, double *lon)
bool RenderRegionViewOnDC (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &Region)
virtual bool RenderRegionViewOnGL (const wxGLContext &glc, const ViewPort &VPoint, const OCPNRegion &RectRegion, const LLRegion &Region)
virtual bool AdjustVP (ViewPort &vp_last, ViewPort &vp_proposed)
virtual double GetNearestPreferredScalePPM (double target_scale_ppm)
 Find the nearest preferred viewport scale (in pixels/meter) for this chart.
virtual void GetValidCanvasRegion (const ViewPort &VPoint, OCPNRegion *pValidRegion)
virtual LLRegion GetValidRegion ()
virtual bool GetChartExtent (Extent *pext)
void SetColorScheme (ColorScheme cs, bool bApplyImmediate)
wxImage * GetImage ()
void SetVPRasterParms (const ViewPort &vpt)
virtual void ComputeSourceRectangle (const ViewPort &vp, wxRect *pSourceRect)
virtual double GetRasterScaleFactor (const ViewPort &vp)
virtual bool GetChartBits (wxRect &source, unsigned char *pPix, int sub_samp)
virtual int GetSize_X ()
virtual int GetSize_Y ()
virtual void latlong_to_chartpix (double lat, double lon, double &pixx, double &pixy)
virtual void chartpix_to_latlong (double pixx, double pixy, double *plat, double *plon)
double GetPPM ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChartBase
virtual void Activate (void)
virtual void Deactivate (void)
virtual OcpnProjType GetChartProjectionType ()
virtual wxDateTime GetEditionDate (void)
virtual wxString GetPubDate ()
wxString GetFullPath () const
wxString GetHashKey () const
wxString GetName ()
wxString GetDescription ()
wxString GetID ()
wxString GetSE ()
wxString GetDepthUnits ()
wxString GetSoundingsDatum ()
wxString GetDatumString ()
wxString GetExtraInfo ()
double GetChart_Error_Factor ()
ChartTypeEnum GetChartType ()
ChartFamilyEnum GetChartFamily ()
double GetChartSkew ()
virtual ChartDepthUnitType GetDepthUnitType (void)
virtual bool IsReadyToRender ()
virtual int GetCOVREntries ()
virtual int GetCOVRTablePoints (int iTable)
virtual int GetCOVRTablenPoints (int iTable)
virtual float * GetCOVRTableHead (int iTable)
virtual int GetNoCOVREntries ()
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablePoints (int iTable)
virtual int GetNoCOVRTablenPoints (int iTable)
virtual float * GetNoCOVRTableHead (int iTable)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ChartBaseBSB
wxRect GetSourceRect ()
virtual bool GetAndScaleData (unsigned char *ppn, size_t data_size, wxRect &source, int source_stride, wxRect &dest, int dest_stride, double scale_factor, ScaleTypeEnum scale_type)
bool RenderViewOnDC (wxMemoryDC &dc, const ViewPort &VPoint)
bool IsCacheValid ()
void InvalidateCache ()
bool IsRenderCacheable (wxRect &source, wxRect &dest)
void CreatePaletteEntry (char *buffer, int palette_index)
PaletteDir GetPaletteDir (void)
int * GetPalettePtr (BSB_Color_Capability)
double GetClosestValidNaturalScalePPM (double target_scale, double scale_factor_min, double scale_factor_max)
 Find closest valid scale that's a power of 2 multiple of chart's native scale.
virtual void InvalidateLineCache ()
virtual bool CreateLineIndex (void)
virtual wxBitmap * CreateThumbnail (int tnx, int tny, ColorScheme cs)
virtual int BSBGetScanline (unsigned char *pLineBuf, int y, int xs, int xl, int sub_samp)
bool GetViewUsingCache (wxRect &source, wxRect &dest, const OCPNRegion &Region, ScaleTypeEnum scale_type)
bool GetView (wxRect &source, wxRect &dest, ScaleTypeEnum scale_type)
virtual int BSBScanScanline (wxInputStream *pinStream)
virtual int ReadBSBHdrLine (wxInputStream *, char *, int)
virtual int AnalyzeRefpoints (bool b_testSolution=true)
virtual bool AnalyzeSkew (void)
virtual bool SetMinMax (void)
InitReturn PreInit (const wxString &name, ChartInitFlag init_flags, ColorScheme cs)
InitReturn PostInit (void)
double AdjustLongitude (double lon)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ChartBaseBSB
int Size_X
int Size_Y
int m_Chart_DU
double m_cph
double m_proj_parameter
double m_dx
double m_dy
wxString m_bsb_ver
bool m_b_SHOM
bool m_b_apply_dtm
int m_datum_index
double m_dtm_lat
double m_dtm_lon
wxRect cache_rect
wxRect cache_rect_scaled
bool cached_image_ok
ScaleTypeEnum cache_scale_method
double m_cached_scale_ppm
wxRect m_last_vprect
wxRect Rsrc
double m_raster_scale_factor
int nRefpoint
int nColorSize
int * pline_table
wxInputStream * ifs_hdr
wxInputStream * ifss_bitmap
wxBufferedInputStream * ifs_bitmap
wxString * pBitmapFilePath
unsigned char * ifs_buf
unsigned char * ifs_bufend
int ifs_bufsize
unsigned char * ifs_lp
int ifs_file_offset
int nFileOffsetDataStart
int m_nLineOffset
GeoRef cPoints
double wpx [12]
double wpy [12]
double pwx [12]
double pwy [12]
int wpx_type
int wpy_type
int pwx_type
int pwy_type
int n_wpx
int n_wpy
int n_pwx
int n_pwy
bool bHaveEmbeddedGeoref
opncpnPalettepPalettes [N_BSB_COLORS]
BSB_Color_Capability m_mapped_color_index
int m_bilinear_limit
bool bUseLineCache
float m_LonMax
float m_LonMin
float m_LatMax
float m_LatMin
int * pPalette
PaletteDir palette_direction
bool bGeoErrorSent
double m_ppm_avg
OCPNRegion m_last_region
int m_b_cdebug
double m_proj_lat
double m_proj_lon
ViewPort m_vp_render_last
wxCriticalSection m_critSect
wxULongLong m_filesize
- Protected Attributes inherited from ChartBase
int m_Chart_Scale
ChartTypeEnum m_ChartType
ChartFamilyEnum m_ChartFamily
wxString m_FullPath
wxString m_Name
wxString m_Description
wxString m_ID
wxString m_SE
wxString m_SoundingsDatum
wxString m_datum_str
wxString m_ExtraInfo
wxString m_PubYear
wxString m_DepthUnits
OcpnProjType m_projection
ChartDepthUnitType m_depth_unit_id
wxDateTime m_EdDate
ColorScheme m_global_color_scheme
bool bReadyToRender
double Chart_Error_Factor
double m_lon_datum_adjust
double m_lat_datum_adjust
double m_Chart_Skew
int m_nCOVREntries
int * m_pCOVRTablePoints
float ** m_pCOVRTable
int m_nNoCOVREntries
int * m_pNoCOVRTablePoints
float ** m_pNoCOVRTable

Detailed Description

Definition at line 369 of file chartimg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChartGEO()

ChartGEO::ChartGEO ( )

Definition at line 295 of file chartimg.cpp.

◆ ~ChartGEO()

ChartGEO::~ChartGEO ( )

Definition at line 297 of file chartimg.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Init()

InitReturn ChartGEO::Init ( const wxString &  name,
ChartInitFlag  init_flags 

Reimplemented from ChartBaseBSB.

Definition at line 299 of file chartimg.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: