29#include <wx/tokenzr.h>
32#include "model/config_vars.h"
35#include <wx/filename.h>
36#include <wx/fileconf.h>
37#include <wx/statline.h>
47#include <wx/listimpl.cpp>
48#include <wx/progdlg.h>
50#include "model/ais_decoder.h"
52#include "model/cutil.h"
53#include "model/geodesic.h"
54#include "model/georef.h"
55#include "model/multiplexer.h"
56#include "model/nav_object_database.h"
57#include "model/route.h"
58#include "model/routeman.h"
59#include "model/select.h"
60#include "model/track.h"
63#include "CanvasConfig.h"
73#include "NMEALogWindow.h"
75#include "ocpn_frame.h"
76#include "OCPNPlatform.h"
82#include "glChartCanvas.h"
91extern int g_restore_stackindex;
92extern int g_restore_dbindex;
93extern LayerList *pLayerList;
95extern int g_nbrightness;
96extern bool g_bShowStatusBar;
97extern bool g_bUIexpert;
98extern bool g_bFullscreen;
100extern wxString g_SENCPrefix;
101extern wxString g_UserPresLibData;
103extern wxString *pInit_Chart_Dir;
104extern wxString gWorldMapLocation;
105extern wxString gWorldShapefileLocation;
107extern bool s_bSetSystemTime;
108extern bool g_bDisplayGrid;
109extern bool g_bPlayShipsBells;
110extern int g_iSoundDeviceIndex;
111extern bool g_bFullscreenToolbar;
112extern bool g_bShowLayers;
113extern bool g_bTransparentToolbar;
114extern bool g_bPermanentMOBIcon;
116extern bool g_bShowDepthUnits;
117extern bool g_bAutoAnchorMark;
118extern bool g_bskew_comp;
119extern bool g_bopengl;
120extern bool g_bSoftwareGL;
121extern bool g_bsmoothpanzoom;
123extern bool g_bShowOutlines;
124extern bool g_bShowActiveRouteHighway;
125extern bool g_bShowRouteTotal;
126extern int g_nAWDefault;
129extern int g_nframewin_x;
130extern int g_nframewin_y;
131extern int g_nframewin_posx;
132extern int g_nframewin_posy;
133extern bool g_bframemax;
134extern int g_route_prop_x, g_route_prop_y;
135extern int g_route_prop_sx, g_route_prop_sy;
137extern wxString g_VisibleLayers;
138extern wxString g_InvisibleLayers;
141extern bool g_bShowLiveETA;
142extern double g_defaultBoatSpeed;
144extern int g_S57_dialog_sx, g_S57_dialog_sy;
146extern int g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible;
147extern bool g_bNavAidRadarRingsShown;
148extern float g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep;
149extern int g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits;
150extern int g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber;
151extern float g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep;
152extern int g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits;
153extern wxColour g_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour;
154extern bool g_bWayPointPreventDragging;
155extern bool g_bConfirmObjectDelete;
156extern wxColour g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour;
158extern bool g_bEnableZoomToCursor;
159extern wxString g_toolbarConfig;
160extern double g_TrackIntervalSeconds;
161extern double g_TrackDeltaDistance;
163extern bool g_bGDAL_Debug;
164extern bool g_bDebugCM93;
165extern bool g_bDebugS57;
167extern double g_ownship_predictor_minutes;
168extern double g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles;
170extern bool g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc;
171extern int g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec;
173extern s52plib *ps52plib;
175extern int g_cm93_zoom_factor;
176extern bool g_b_legacy_input_filter_behaviour;
177extern bool g_bShowDetailSlider;
178extern int g_detailslider_dialog_x, g_detailslider_dialog_y;
180extern int g_OwnShipIconType;
181extern double g_n_ownship_length_meters;
182extern double g_n_ownship_beam_meters;
183extern double g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y;
184extern double g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x;
185extern int g_n_ownship_min_mm;
187extern bool g_bPreserveScaleOnX;
188extern bool g_bsimplifiedScalebar;
190extern bool g_bUseGLL;
192extern wxString g_locale;
193extern wxString g_localeOverride;
195extern bool g_bCourseUp;
196extern bool g_bLookAhead;
197extern int g_COGAvgSec;
198extern bool g_bShowChartBar;
200extern int g_MemFootMB;
202extern wxString g_AW1GUID;
203extern wxString g_AW2GUID;
204extern int g_BSBImgDebug;
206extern wxString g_config_version_string;
207extern wxString g_config_version_string;
209extern bool g_bDebugGPSD;
211extern int g_navobjbackups;
213extern bool g_bQuiltEnable;
214extern bool g_bFullScreenQuilt;
215extern bool g_bQuiltStart;
217extern int g_SkewCompUpdatePeriod;
219extern int g_maintoolbar_x;
220extern int g_maintoolbar_y;
221extern long g_maintoolbar_orient;
223extern int g_lastClientRectx;
224extern int g_lastClientRecty;
225extern int g_lastClientRectw;
226extern int g_lastClientRecth;
228extern bool g_bHighliteTracks;
229extern int g_cog_predictor_width;
230extern int g_ais_cog_predictor_width;
232extern wxColour g_colourTrackLineColour;
233extern wxString g_default_wp_icon;
235extern ChartGroupArray *g_pGroupArray;
237extern bool g_bDebugOGL;
238extern wxString g_uploadConnection;
240extern std::vector<std::string> TideCurrentDataSet;
241extern wxString g_TCData_Dir;
243extern bool g_bresponsive;
245extern bool g_bGLexpert;
247extern int g_SENC_LOD_pixels;
248extern ArrayOfMmsiProperties g_MMSI_Props_Array;
250extern int g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster;
251extern int g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector;
253extern bool g_bAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly;
254extern double g_display_size_mm;
255extern std::vector<size_t> g_config_display_size_mm;
256extern bool g_config_display_size_manual;
258extern bool g_benable_rotate;
259extern bool g_bEmailCrashReport;
261extern int g_default_font_size;
263extern bool g_bAutoHideToolbar;
264extern int g_nAutoHideToolbar;
265extern int g_GUIScaleFactor;
266extern int g_ChartScaleFactor;
267extern int g_ShipScaleFactor;
269extern int g_iENCToolbarPosX;
270extern int g_iENCToolbarPosY;
272extern bool g_bSpaceDropMark;
274extern bool g_bShowMenuBar;
275extern bool g_bShowCompassWin;
277extern wxString g_uiStyle;
279extern wxString g_gpx_path;
281extern unsigned int g_canvasConfig;
288static const long long lNaN = 0xfff8000000000000;
289#define NAN (*(double *)&lNaN)
299int GetRandomNumber(
int range_min,
int range_max) {
300 long u = (long)wxRound(
301 ((
double)rand() / ((
double)(RAND_MAX) + 1) * (range_max - range_min)) +
307void appendOSDirSlash(wxString *pString);
317 wxPanel *GetSettingsPanel();
321 wxString templateFileName;
323 wxString m_description;
326OCPNConfigObject::OCPNConfigObject() { Init(); }
int canvas_config) {
330 m_canvasConfig = canvas_config;
333OCPNConfigObject::~OCPNConfigObject() {}
335void OCPNConfigObject::Init() { m_canvasConfig = 0; }
337#include <wx/listimpl.cpp>
350 bool RemoveConfig(wxString GUID);
352 void SetRootConfigNode(
354 bool SaveFile(
const wxString filename);
355 bool LoadFile(
const wxString filename);
360OCPNConfigCatalog::OCPNConfigCatalog() : pugi::xml_document() {}
362OCPNConfigCatalog::~OCPNConfigCatalog() {}
364void OCPNConfigCatalog::SetRootConfigNode(
void) {
365 if (!strlen(m_config_root.name())) {
366 m_config_root = append_child(
367 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"version") =
368 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"creator") =
369 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"xmlns:xsi") =
370 "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
371 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"xmlns") =
372 "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1";
373 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"xmlns:gpxx") =
374 "http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3";
375 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"xsi:schemaLocation") =
376 "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 "
377 "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd";
378 m_config_root.append_attribute(
"xmlns:opencpn") =
382bool OCPNConfigCatalog::IsOpenCPN() {
384 attr = attr.next_attribute())
385 if (!strcmp(attr.name(),
"creator") && !strcmp(attr.value(),
390bool OCPNConfigCatalog::SaveFile(
const wxString filename) {
391 save_file(filename.fn_str(),
" ");
395bool OCPNConfigCatalog::LoadFile(
const wxString filename) {
396 load_file(filename.fn_str());
397 m_config_root = this->child(
402 unsigned int flags) {
405 node.append_attribute(
"GUID") = config->m_GUID.mb_str();
408 wxCharBuffer abuf = config->m_title.ToUTF8();
410 node.append_attribute(
"title") = abuf.data();
412 node.append_attribute(
"title") = _T(
"Substitute Title");
414 abuf = config->m_description.ToUTF8();
416 node.append_attribute(
"description") = abuf.data();
418 node.append_attribute(
"description") = _T(
"Substitute Description");
420 node.append_attribute(
"templateFile") = config->templateFileName.mb_str();
425bool OCPNConfigCatalog::RemoveConfig(wxString GUID) {
426 for (
pugi::xml_node child = m_config_root.first_child(); child;) {
428 const char *guid = child.attribute(
430 if (!strcmp(guid, GUID.mb_str())) {
431 child.parent().remove_child(child);
446 wxWindowID
const wxPoint &pos,
const wxSize &size)
447 : wxPanel(parent, id, pos, size, wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
451 wxBoxSizer *mainSizer =
new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
454 mainSizer->Add(
new wxStaticText(
this, wxID_ANY, _(
455 mainSizer->Add(
new wxStaticText(
this, wxID_ANY, config->m_title));
457 mainSizer->Add(
new wxStaticLine(
this, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 1);
459 mainSizer->Add(
new wxStaticText(
this, wxID_ANY, _(
460 mainSizer->Add(
new wxStaticText(
this, wxID_ANY, config->m_description));
462 SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, 6 * GetCharHeight()));
465 wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSystemColour::wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW));
470ConfigPanel::~ConfigPanel() {}
472void ConfigPanel::OnConfigPanelMouseSelected(wxMouseEvent &event) {
477wxString ConfigPanel::GetConfigGUID() {
return m_config->m_GUID; }
489void ConfigMgr::Shutdown() {
496ConfigMgr::ConfigMgr() {
503ConfigMgr::~ConfigMgr() {
508void ConfigMgr::Init() {
510 appendOSDirSlash(&m_configDir);
511 m_configDir.append(_T(
512 appendOSDirSlash(&m_configDir);
513 if (!wxFileName::DirExists(m_configDir)) {
514 wxFileName::Mkdir(m_configDir);
518 appendOSDirSlash(&m_configCatalogName);
519 m_configCatalogName.append(_T(
520 appendOSDirSlash(&m_configCatalogName);
521 m_configCatalogName.append(_T(
524 if (!wxFileExists(m_configCatalogName)) {
525 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Creating new Configs catalog: ") + m_configCatalogName);
528 cat->SetRootConfigNode();
529 cat->SaveFile(m_configCatalogName);
535 configList =
new ConfigObjectList;
538 wxString t_title = _(
"Recovery Template");
540 _(
"Apply this template to return to a known safe configuration");
541 CreateNamedConfig(t_title, t_desc,
542 _T(
545bool ConfigMgr::LoadCatalog() {
546 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Loading Configs catalog: ") + m_configCatalogName);
547 m_configCatalog->LoadFile(m_configCatalogName);
560 object =
object.next_sibling()) {
561 if (!strcmp(
"config")) {
564 wxString::FromUTF8(
567 for (ConfigObjectList::Node *node = configList->GetFirst(); node;
568 node = node->GetNext()) {
570 if (look->m_GUID == testGUID) {
580 wxString::FromUTF8(
582 wxString::FromUTF8(
583 newConfig->m_description =
584 wxString::FromUTF8(
585 newConfig->templateFileName =
586 wxString::FromUTF8(
589 configList->Append(newConfig);
597bool ConfigMgr::SaveCatalog() {
598 m_configCatalog->SaveFile(m_configCatalogName);
603wxString ConfigMgr::CreateNamedConfig(
const wxString &title,
604 const wxString &description,
609 if (title.IsEmpty())
return GUID;
619 pConfig->m_GUID = GUID;
620 pConfig->m_title = title;
621 pConfig->m_description = description;
623 if (UUID.IsEmpty()) {
625 pConfig->templateFileName = _T(
"OCPNTemplate-") + GUID + _T(
628 wxString templateFullFileName = GetConfigDir() + pConfig->templateFileName;
629 if (!SaveTemplate(templateFullFileName)) {
630 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Unable to save template titled: ") + title +
631 _T(
" as file: ") + templateFullFileName);
638 if (!m_configCatalog->AddConfig(pConfig, 0)) {
639 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Unable to add config to catalog...Title: ") + title);
645 configList->Append(pConfig);
647 if (UUID.IsEmpty()) SaveCatalog();
652bool ConfigMgr::DeleteConfig(wxString GUID) {
654 if (!cfg)
return false;
657 wxString templateFullFileName = GetConfigDir() + cfg->templateFileName;
658 if (wxFileExists(templateFullFileName)) wxRemoveFile(templateFullFileName);
661 bool rv = m_configCatalog->RemoveConfig(GUID);
663 if (rv) SaveCatalog();
666 bool bDel = configList->DeleteObject(cfg);
667 if (bDel)
delete cfg;
672wxPanel *ConfigMgr::GetConfigPanel(wxWindow *parent, wxString GUID) {
673 wxPanel *retPanel = NULL;
688 for (ConfigObjectList::Node *node = configList->GetFirst(); node;
689 node = node->GetNext()) {
691 if (look->m_GUID == GUID) {
700wxString ConfigMgr::GetTemplateTitle(wxString GUID) {
701 for (ConfigObjectList::Node *node = configList->GetFirst(); node;
702 node = node->GetNext()) {
704 if (look->m_GUID == GUID) {
705 return look->m_title;
710 return wxEmptyString;
713wxArrayString ConfigMgr::GetConfigGUIDArray() {
714 wxArrayString ret_val;
716 for (ConfigObjectList::Node *node = configList->GetFirst(); node;
717 node = node->GetNext()) {
719 ret_val.Add(look->m_GUID);
725bool ConfigMgr::ApplyConfigGUID(wxString GUID) {
731 wxString thisConfig = GetConfigDir() + config->templateFileName;
734 if (GUID.StartsWith(_T(
"11111111"))) {
736 *GetpSharedDataLocation() + _T(
742 fconf.LoadMyConfigRaw(
745 fconf.LoadCanvasConfigs(
747 if (ps52plib && ps52plib->m_bOK) fconf.LoadS57Config();
756wxString ConfigMgr::GetUUID(
void) {
761 int time_hi_and_version;
762 int clock_seq_hi_and_rsv;
768 uuid.time_low = GetRandomNumber(
771 uuid.time_mid = GetRandomNumber(0, 65535);
772 uuid.time_hi_and_version = GetRandomNumber(0, 65535);
773 uuid.clock_seq_hi_and_rsv = GetRandomNumber(0, 255);
774 uuid.clock_seq_low = GetRandomNumber(0, 255);
775 uuid.node_hi = GetRandomNumber(0, 65535);
776 uuid.node_low = GetRandomNumber(0, 2147483647);
780 uuid.clock_seq_hi_and_rsv = (uuid.clock_seq_hi_and_rsv & 0x3F) | 0x80;
784 uuid.time_hi_and_version = (uuid.time_hi_and_version & 0x0fff) | 0x4000;
786 str.Printf(_T(
"%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%04x%08x"), uuid.time_low,
787 uuid.time_mid, uuid.time_hi_and_version, uuid.clock_seq_hi_and_rsv,
788 uuid.clock_seq_low, uuid.node_hi, uuid.node_low);
793bool ConfigMgr::SaveTemplate(wxString fileName) {
808 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings" ));
810 conf->Write(_T (
"InlandEcdis" ), g_bInlandEcdis);
811 conf->Write(_T (
"UIexpert" ), g_bUIexpert);
812 conf->Write(_T (
"SpaceDropMark" ), g_bSpaceDropMark);
814 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowStatusBar" ), g_bShowStatusBar);
816 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowMenuBar" ), g_bShowMenuBar);
818 conf->Write(_T (
"DefaultFontSize" ), g_default_font_size);
820 conf->Write(_T (
"Fullscreen" ), g_bFullscreen);
821 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowCompassWindow" ), g_bShowCompassWin);
822 conf->Write(_T (
"SetSystemTime" ), s_bSetSystemTime);
823 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowGrid" ), g_bDisplayGrid);
824 conf->Write(_T (
"PlayShipsBells" ), g_bPlayShipsBells);
825 conf->Write(_T (
"SoundDeviceIndex" ), g_iSoundDeviceIndex);
826 conf->Write(_T (
"FullscreenToolbar" ), g_bFullscreenToolbar);
828 conf->Write(_T (
"PermanentMOBIcon" ), g_bPermanentMOBIcon);
829 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowLayers" ), g_bShowLayers);
830 conf->Write(_T (
"AutoAnchorDrop" ), g_bAutoAnchorMark);
831 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowChartOutlines" ), g_bShowOutlines);
832 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteTotal" ), g_bShowRouteTotal);
833 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteHighway" ), g_bShowActiveRouteHighway);
834 conf->Write(_T (
"SDMMFormat" ), g_iSDMMFormat);
835 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowChartBar" ), g_bShowChartBar);
837 conf->Write(_T (
"GUIScaleFactor" ), g_GUIScaleFactor);
838 conf->Write(_T (
"ChartObjectScaleFactor" ), g_ChartScaleFactor);
839 conf->Write(_T (
"ShipScaleFactor" ), g_ShipScaleFactor);
841 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowTrue" ), g_bShowTrue);
842 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowMag" ), g_bShowMag);
843 conf->Write(_T (
"UserMagVariation" ),
844 wxString::Format(_T(
"%.2f"), g_UserVar));
846 conf->Write(_T (
"CM93DetailFactor" ), g_cm93_zoom_factor);
847 conf->Write(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosX" ), g_detailslider_dialog_x);
848 conf->Write(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosY" ), g_detailslider_dialog_y);
849 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowCM93DetailSlider" ), g_bShowDetailSlider);
851 conf->Write(_T (
"SkewToNorthUp" ), g_bskew_comp);
853 conf->Write(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactor" ), g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster);
854 conf->Write(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactorVector" ), g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector);
856 conf->Write(_T (
"SmoothPanZoom" ), g_bsmoothpanzoom);
858 conf->Write(_T (
"CourseUpMode" ), g_bCourseUp);
859 if (!g_bInlandEcdis) conf->Write(_T (
"LookAheadMode" ), g_bLookAhead);
860 conf->Write(_T (
"COGUPAvgSeconds" ), g_COGAvgSec);
861 conf->Write(_T (
"UseMagAPB" ), g_bMagneticAPB);
863 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorMinutes" ), g_ownship_predictor_minutes);
864 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorWidth" ), g_cog_predictor_width);
865 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorMiles" ), g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles);
866 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipIconType" ), g_OwnShipIconType);
867 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipLength" ), g_n_ownship_length_meters);
868 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipWidth" ), g_n_ownship_beam_meters);
869 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetX" ), g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x);
870 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetY" ), g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y);
871 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipMinSize" ), g_n_ownship_min_mm);
872 conf->Write(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalc" ), g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc);
873 conf->Write(_T (
874 g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec);
876 conf->Write(_T (
"RouteArrivalCircleRadius" ),
877 wxString::Format(_T(
"%.3f"), g_n_arrival_circle_radius));
878 conf->Write(_T (
"ChartQuilting" ), g_bQuiltEnable);
880 conf->Write(_T (
"StartWithTrackActive" ), g_bTrackCarryOver);
881 conf->Write(_T (
"AutomaticDailyTracks" ), g_bTrackDaily);
882 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackRotateAt" ), g_track_rotate_time);
883 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackRotateTimeType" ), g_track_rotate_time_type);
884 conf->Write(_T (
"HighlightTracks" ), g_bHighliteTracks);
886 conf->Write(_T (
"InitialStackIndex" ), g_restore_stackindex);
887 conf->Write(_T (
"InitialdBIndex" ), g_restore_dbindex);
889 conf->Write(_T (
"AnchorWatch1GUID" ), g_AW1GUID);
890 conf->Write(_T (
"AnchorWatch2GUID" ), g_AW2GUID);
892 conf->Write(_T (
"ToolbarX" ), g_maintoolbar_x);
893 conf->Write(_T (
"ToolbarY" ), g_maintoolbar_y);
894 conf->Write(_T (
"ToolbarOrient" ), g_maintoolbar_orient);
896 conf->Write(_T (
"iENCToolbarX" ), g_iENCToolbarPosX);
897 conf->Write(_T (
"iENCToolbarY" ), g_iENCToolbarPosY);
899 if (!g_bInlandEcdis) {
900 conf->Write(_T (
"GlobalToolbarConfig" ), g_toolbarConfig);
901 conf->Write(_T (
"DistanceFormat" ), g_iDistanceFormat);
902 conf->Write(_T (
"SpeedFormat" ), g_iSpeedFormat);
903 conf->Write(_T (
"WindSpeedFormat" ), g_iWindSpeedFormat);
904 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowDepthUnits" ), g_bShowDepthUnits);
907 conf->Write(_T (
"MobileTouch" ), g_btouch);
908 conf->Write(_T (
"ResponsiveGraphics" ), g_bresponsive);
910 conf->Write(_T (
"AutoHideToolbar" ), g_bAutoHideToolbar);
911 conf->Write(_T (
"AutoHideToolbarSecs" ), g_nAutoHideToolbar);
914 for (
const auto &mm : g_config_display_size_mm) {
915 st0.Append(wxString::Format(_T (
"%zu," ), mm));
918 conf->Write(_T (
"DisplaySizeMM" ), st0);
919 conf->Write(_T (
"DisplaySizeManual" ), g_config_display_size_manual);
921 conf->Write(_T (
"PlanSpeed" ), wxString::Format(_T(
"%.2f"), g_PlanSpeed));
925 LayerList::iterator it;
927 for( it = ( *pLayerList ).begin(); it != ( *pLayerList ).end(); ++it, ++index ) {
929 if( lay->IsVisibleOnChart() ) vis += ( lay->m_LayerName ) + _T(
931 invis += ( lay->m_LayerName ) + _T(
933 conf->Write( _T (
"VisibleLayers" ), vis );
934 conf->Write( _T (
"InvisibleLayers" ), invis );
937 conf->Write(_T (
"Locale" ), g_locale);
938 conf->Write(_T (
"LocaleOverride" ), g_localeOverride);
941 conf->Write(_T(
"LiveETA" ), g_bShowLiveETA);
942 conf->Write(_T(
"DefaultBoatSpeed" ), g_defaultBoatSpeed);
945 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/ObjectFilter" ));
948 for (
unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < ps52plib->pOBJLArray->GetCount();
950 OBJLElement *pOLE = (OBJLElement *)(ps52plib->pOBJLArray->Item(iPtr));
952 wxString st1(_T (
"viz" ));
954 strncpy(name, pOLE->OBJLName, 6);
956 st1.Append(wxString(name, wxConvUTF8));
957 conf->Write(st1, pOLE->nViz);
963 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
967 conf->Write(_T (
"nColorScheme" ), (
970 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AIS" ));
972 conf->Write(_T (
"bNoCPAMax" ), g_bCPAMax);
973 conf->Write(_T (
"NoCPAMaxNMi" ), g_CPAMax_NM);
974 conf->Write(_T (
"bCPAWarn" ), g_bCPAWarn);
975 conf->Write(_T (
"CPAWarnNMi" ), g_CPAWarn_NM);
976 conf->Write(_T (
"bTCPAMax" ), g_bTCPA_Max);
977 conf->Write(_T (
"TCPAMaxMinutes" ), g_TCPA_Max);
978 conf->Write(_T (
"bMarkLostTargets" ), g_bMarkLost);
979 conf->Write(_T (
"MarkLost_Minutes" ), g_MarkLost_Mins);
980 conf->Write(_T (
"bRemoveLostTargets" ), g_bRemoveLost);
981 conf->Write(_T (
"RemoveLost_Minutes" ), g_RemoveLost_Mins);
982 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowCOGArrows" ), g_bShowCOG);
983 conf->Write(_T (
"CogArrowMinutes" ), g_ShowCOG_Mins);
984 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowTargetTracks" ), g_bAISShowTracks);
985 conf->Write(_T (
"TargetTracksMinutes" ), g_AISShowTracks_Mins);
987 conf->Write(_T (
"bHideMooredTargets" ), g_bHideMoored);
988 conf->Write(_T (
"MooredTargetMaxSpeedKnots" ), g_ShowMoored_Kts);
990 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISAlertDialog" ), g_bAIS_CPA_Alert);
991 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISAlertAudio" ), g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Audio);
992 conf->Write(_T (
"AISAlertAudioFile" ), g_sAIS_Alert_Sound_File);
993 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISAlertSuppressMoored" ),
994 g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Suppress_Moored);
995 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowAreaNotices" ), g_bShowAreaNotices);
996 conf->Write(_T (
"bDrawAISSize" ), g_bDrawAISSize);
997 conf->Write(_T (
"bDrawAISRealtime" ), g_bDrawAISRealtime);
998 conf->Write(_T (
"AISRealtimeMinSpeedKnots" ), g_AIS_RealtPred_Kts);
999 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowAISName" ), g_bShowAISName);
1000 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowAISTargetNameScale" ), g_Show_Target_Name_Scale);
1001 conf->Write(_T (
"bWplIsAprsPositionReport" ), g_bWplUsePosition);
1002 conf->Write(_T (
"WplSelAction" ), g_WplAction);
1003 conf->Write(_T (
"AISCOGPredictorWidth" ), g_ais_cog_predictor_width);
1004 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowScaledTargets" ), g_bAllowShowScaled);
1005 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumber" ), g_ShowScaled_Num);
1006 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSOG" ), g_ScaledNumWeightSOG);
1007 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightCPA" ), g_ScaledNumWeightCPA);
1008 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightTCPA" ), g_ScaledNumWeightTCPA);
1009 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightRange" ), g_ScaledNumWeightRange);
1010 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSizeOfTarget" ),
1011 g_ScaledNumWeightSizeOfT);
1012 conf->Write(_T (
"AISScaledSizeMinimal" ), g_ScaledSizeMinimal);
1013 conf->Write(_T (
"AISShowScaled"), g_bShowScaled);
1015 conf->Write(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeX" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_sx);
1016 conf->Write(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeY" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_sy);
1017 conf->Write(_T (
"AlertDialogPosX" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_x);
1018 conf->Write(_T (
"AlertDialogPosY" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_y);
1019 conf->Write(_T (
"QueryDialogPosX" ), g_ais_query_dialog_x);
1020 conf->Write(_T (
"QueryDialogPosY" ), g_ais_query_dialog_y);
1021 conf->Write(_T (
"AISTargetListPerspective" ), g_AisTargetList_perspective);
1022 conf->Write(_T (
"AISTargetListRange" ), g_AisTargetList_range);
1023 conf->Write(_T (
"AISTargetListSortColumn" ), g_AisTargetList_sortColumn);
1024 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISTargetListSortReverse" ), g_bAisTargetList_sortReverse);
1025 conf->Write(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnSpec" ), g_AisTargetList_column_spec);
1026 conf->Write(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnOrder" ), g_AisTargetList_column_order);
1027 conf->Write(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeX" ), g_S57_dialog_sx);
1028 conf->Write(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeY" ), g_S57_dialog_sy);
1029 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowClass" ), g_bAISRolloverShowClass);
1030 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCOG" ), g_bAISRolloverShowCOG);
1031 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCPA" ), g_bAISRolloverShowCPA);
1032 conf->Write(_T (
"bAISAlertAckTimeout" ), g_bAIS_ACK_Timeout);
1033 conf->Write(_T (
"AlertAckTimeoutMinutes" ), g_AckTimeout_Mins);
1035 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1037 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowS57Text" ), ps52plib->GetShowS57Text());
1038 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowS57ImportantTextOnly" ),
1039 ps52plib->GetShowS57ImportantTextOnly());
1040 if (!g_bInlandEcdis)
1041 conf->Write(_T (
"nDisplayCategory" ),
1042 (
1043 conf->Write(_T (
"nSymbolStyle" ), (
1044 conf->Write(_T (
"nBoundaryStyle" ), (
1046 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowSoundg" ), ps52plib->m_bShowSoundg);
1047 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowMeta" ), ps52plib->m_bShowMeta);
1048 conf->Write(_T (
"bUseSCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSCAMIN);
1049 conf->Write(_T (
"bUseSUPER_SCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSUPER_SCAMIN);
1050 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowAtonText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowAtonText);
1051 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowLightDescription" ), ps52plib->m_bShowLdisText);
1052 conf->Write(_T (
"bExtendLightSectors" ), ps52plib->m_bExtendLightSectors);
1053 conf->Write(_T (
"bDeClutterText" ), ps52plib->m_bDeClutterText);
1054 conf->Write(_T (
"bShowNationalText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowNationalTexts);
1056 conf->Write(_T (
1057 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SAFETY_CONTOUR));
1058 conf->Write(_T (
1059 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SHALLOW_CONTOUR));
1060 conf->Write(_T (
1061 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_DEEP_CONTOUR));
1062 conf->Write(_T (
1063 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES));
1064 conf->Write(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), ps52plib->m_nDepthUnitDisplay);
1067 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Others" ));
1070 conf->Write(_T (
"ShowRadarRings" ), (
bool)(g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible >
1072 conf->Write(_T (
"RadarRingsNumberVisible" ),
1073 g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible);
1074 g_bNavAidRadarRingsShown = g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible > 0;
1075 conf->Write(_T (
"RadarRingsStep" ), g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep);
1076 conf->Write(_T (
"RadarRingsStepUnits" ), g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits);
1077 conf->Write(_T (
"RadarRingsColour" ),
1078 g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
1081 conf->Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsNumber" ), g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber);
1082 conf->Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStep" ), g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep);
1083 conf->Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStepUnits" ),
1084 g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits);
1085 conf->Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsColour" ),
1086 g_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
1088 conf->Write(_T (
"ConfirmObjectDeletion" ), g_bConfirmObjectDelete);
1091 conf->Write(_T (
"WaypointPreventDragging" ), g_bWayPointPreventDragging);
1093 conf->Write(_T (
"EnableZoomToCursor" ), g_bEnableZoomToCursor);
1095 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackIntervalSeconds" ), g_TrackIntervalSeconds);
1096 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackDeltaDistance" ), g_TrackDeltaDistance);
1097 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackPrecision" ), g_nTrackPrecision);
1099 conf->Write(_T (
"RouteLineWidth" ), g_route_line_width);
1100 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackLineWidth" ), g_track_line_width);
1101 conf->Write(_T (
"TrackLineColour" ),
1102 g_colourTrackLineColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
1103 conf->Write(_T (
"DefaultWPIcon" ), g_default_wp_icon);
1108 conf->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AuxFontKeys" ));
1111 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < keyArray.GetCount(); i++) {
1113 key.Printf(_T(
"Key%i"), i);
1114 wxString keyval = keyArray[i];
1115 conf->Write(key, keyval);
1120 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/X11Fonts" ));
1124 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/GTKFonts" ));
1128 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/MSWFonts" ));
1132 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/MacFonts" ));
1136 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/QTFonts" ));
1139 conf->DeleteGroup(font_path);
1141 conf->SetPath(font_path);
1145 for (
int i = 0; i < nFonts; i++) {
1146 wxString cfstring(FontMgr::Get().GetConfigString(i));
1148 conf->Write(cfstring, valstring);
1152 conf->SaveCanvasConfigs();
1161bool ConfigMgr::CheckTemplateGUID(wxString GUID) {
1166 rv = CheckTemplate(GetConfigDir() + config->templateFileName);
1172#define CHECK_INT(s, t) \
1174 if (!conf.Read(s, &read_int)) wxLogMessage(s); \
1175 if ((int)*t != read_int) return false;
1177#define CHECK_STR(s, t) \
1179 conf.Read(s, &val); \
1180 if (!t.IsSameAs(val)) return false;
1182#define CHECK_STRP(s, t) \
1183 conf.Read(s, &val); \
1184 if (!t->IsSameAs(val)) return false;
1186#define CHECK_FLT(s, t, eps) \
1187 conf.Read(s, &val); \
1188 val.ToDouble(&dval); \
1189 if (fabs(dval - *t) > eps) return false;
1191bool ConfigMgr::CheckTemplate(wxString fileName) {
1201 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings" ));
1203 CHECK_INT(_T (
"UIexpert" ), &g_bUIexpert);
1207 CHECK_INT(_T (
"InlandEcdis" ), &g_bInlandEcdis);
1209 CHECK_INT(_T(
"SpaceDropMark" ), &g_bSpaceDropMark);
1214 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugGDAL" ), &g_bGDAL_Debug );
1215 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugNMEA" ), &g_nNMEADebug );
1216 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugOpenGL" ), &g_bDebugOGL );
1220 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugCM93" ), &g_bDebugCM93 );
1221 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugS57" ), &g_bDebugS57 );
1222 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugBSBImg" ), &g_BSBImgDebug );
1223 CHECK_INT( _T (
"DebugGPSD" ), &g_bDebugGPSD );
1226 CHECK_INT(_T (
"DefaultFontSize"), &g_default_font_size);
1229 CHECK_INT(_T (
"UseGarminHostUpload" ), &g_bGarminHostUpload);
1231 CHECK_INT(_T (
"UseNMEA_GLL" ), &g_bUseGLL);
1233 CHECK_INT(_T (
"AutoHideToolbar" ), &g_bAutoHideToolbar);
1234 CHECK_INT(_T (
"AutoHideToolbarSecs" ), &g_nAutoHideToolbar);
1236 CHECK_INT(_T (
"UseSimplifiedScalebar" ), &g_bsimplifiedScalebar);
1238 CHECK_INT(_T (
"DisplaySizeMM" ), &g_display_size_mm);
1239 CHECK_INT(_T (
"DisplaySizeManual" ), &g_config_display_size_manual);
1241 CHECK_INT(_T (
"GUIScaleFactor" ), &g_GUIScaleFactor);
1243 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ChartObjectScaleFactor" ), &g_ChartScaleFactor);
1244 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShipScaleFactor" ), &g_ShipScaleFactor);
1246 CHECK_INT(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Avg" ), &g_bfilter_cogsog);
1247 CHECK_INT(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Sec" ), &g_COGFilterSec);
1249 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowTrue" ), &g_bShowTrue);
1250 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowMag" ), &g_bShowMag);
1252 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"UserMagVariation" ), &g_UserVar, 0.1)
1254 CHECK_INT(_T ( "UseMagAPB" ), &g_bMagneticAPB);
1256 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ScreenBrightness" ), &g_nbrightness);
1258 CHECK_INT(_T ( "MemFootprintTargetMB" ), &g_MemFootMB);
1260 CHECK_INT(_T ( "WindowsComPortMax" ), &g_nCOMPortCheck);
1262 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ChartQuilting" ), &g_bQuiltEnable);
1263 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ChartQuiltingInitial" ), &g_bQuiltStart);
1265 CHECK_INT(_T ( "CourseUpMode" ), &g_bCourseUp);
1266 CHECK_INT(_T ( "COGUPAvgSeconds" ), &g_COGAvgSec);
1269 CHECK_INT(_T ( "OpenGL" ), &g_bopengl);
1270 CHECK_INT(_T ( "SoftwareGL" ), &g_bSoftwareGL);
1272 CHECK_INT(_T( "NMEAAPBPrecision" ), &g_NMEAAPBPrecision);
1274 CHECK_STR(_T( "TalkerIdText" ), g_TalkerIdText);
1275 CHECK_INT(_T( "MaxWaypointNameLength" ), &g_maxWPNameLength);
1276 CHECK_INT(_T( "MbtilesMaxLayers" ), &g_mbtilesMaxLayers);
1280 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OpenGLExpert" ), &g_bGLexpert);
1281 CHECK_INT(_T (
"UseAcceleratedPanning" ),
1282 &g_GLOptions.m_bUseAcceleratedPanning);
1283 CHECK_INT(_T (
"GPUTextureCompression" ), &g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompression);
1284 CHECK_INT(_T (
"GPUTextureCompressionCaching" ),
1285 &g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching);
1286 CHECK_INT(_T (
"PolygonSmoothing" ), &g_GLOptions.m_GLPolygonSmoothing);
1287 CHECK_INT(_T (
"LineSmoothing" ), &g_GLOptions.m_GLLineSmoothing);
1288 CHECK_INT(_T (
"GPUTextureDimension" ), &g_GLOptions.m_iTextureDimension);
1289 CHECK_INT(_T (
"GPUTextureMemSize" ), &g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize);
1292 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SmoothPanZoom" ), &g_bsmoothpanzoom);
1294 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ToolbarX"), &g_maintoolbar_x);
1295 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ToolbarY" ), &g_maintoolbar_y);
1296 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ToolbarOrient" ), &g_maintoolbar_orient);
1297 CHECK_STR(_T (
"GlobalToolbarConfig" ), g_toolbarConfig);
1299 CHECK_INT(_T (
"iENCToolbarX"), &g_iENCToolbarPosX);
1300 CHECK_INT(_T (
"iENCToolbarY"), &g_iENCToolbarPosY);
1302 CHECK_STR(_T (
"AnchorWatch1GUID" ), g_AW1GUID);
1303 CHECK_STR(_T (
"AnchorWatch2GUID" ), g_AW2GUID);
1305 CHECK_INT(_T (
"MobileTouch" ), &g_btouch);
1306 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ResponsiveGraphics" ), &g_bresponsive);
1308 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactor" ), &g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster);
1309 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactorVector" ), &g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector);
1311 CHECK_INT(_T (
"CM93DetailFactor" ), &g_cm93_zoom_factor);
1312 CHECK_INT(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosX" ), &g_detailslider_dialog_x);
1313 CHECK_INT(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosY" ), &g_detailslider_dialog_y);
1314 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowCM93DetailSlider" ), &g_bShowDetailSlider);
1316 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SENC_LOD_Pixels" ), &g_SENC_LOD_pixels);
1318 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SkewCompUpdatePeriod" ), &g_SkewCompUpdatePeriod);
1320 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowStatusBar" ), &g_bShowStatusBar);
1322 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowMenuBar" ), &g_bShowMenuBar);
1324 CHECK_INT(_T (
"Fullscreen" ), &g_bFullscreen);
1325 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowCompassWindow" ), &g_bShowCompassWin);
1326 CHECK_INT(_T (
"PlayShipsBells" ), &g_bPlayShipsBells);
1327 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SoundDeviceIndex" ), &g_iSoundDeviceIndex);
1328 CHECK_INT(_T (
"FullscreenToolbar" ), &g_bFullscreenToolbar);
1330 CHECK_INT(_T (
"PermanentMOBIcon" ), &g_bPermanentMOBIcon);
1331 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowLayers" ), &g_bShowLayers);
1332 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowDepthUnits" ), &g_bShowDepthUnits);
1333 CHECK_INT(_T (
"AutoAnchorDrop" ), &g_bAutoAnchorMark);
1334 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteHighway" ), &g_bShowActiveRouteHighway);
1335 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteTotal" ), &g_bShowRouteTotal);
1336 CHECK_STR(_T (
"MostRecentGPSUploadConnection" ), g_uploadConnection);
1337 CHECK_INT(_T (
"ShowChartBar" ), &g_bShowChartBar);
1338 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SDMMFormat" ),
1342 CHECK_INT(_T (
"DistanceFormat" ),
1343 &g_iDistanceFormat);
1345 CHECK_INT(_T (
"SpeedFormat" ),
1348 _T (
"WindSpeedFormat" ),
1349 &g_iWindSpeedFormat);
1352 CHECK_INT(_T (
"LiveETA" ), &g_bShowLiveETA);
1353 CHECK_INT(_T (
"DefaultBoatSpeed" ), &g_defaultBoatSpeed);
1355 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorMinutes" ), &g_ownship_predictor_minutes);
1356 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorWidth" ), &g_cog_predictor_width);
1357 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorMiles" ), &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles);
1359 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnShipIconType" ), &g_OwnShipIconType);
1360 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"OwnShipLength" ), &g_n_ownship_length_meters, 0.1);
1361 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"OwnShipWidth" ), &g_n_ownship_beam_meters, 0.1);
1362 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetX" ), &g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x, 0.1);
1363 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetY" ), &g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y, 0.1);
1364 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnShipMinSize" ), &g_n_ownship_min_mm);
1365 CHECK_INT(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalc" ), &g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc);
1366 CHECK_INT(_T (
1367 &g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec);
1369 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"RouteArrivalCircleRadius" ), &g_n_arrival_circle_radius, .01);
1371 CHECK_INT(_T (
"FullScreenQuilt" ), &g_bFullScreenQuilt);
1373 CHECK_INT(_T (
"StartWithTrackActive" ), &g_bTrackCarryOver);
1374 CHECK_INT(_T (
"AutomaticDailyTracks" ), &g_bTrackDaily);
1375 CHECK_INT(_T (
"TrackRotateAt" ), &g_track_rotate_time);
1376 CHECK_INT(_T (
"TrackRotateTimeType" ), &g_track_rotate_time_type);
1377 CHECK_INT(_T (
"HighlightTracks" ), &g_bHighliteTracks);
1379 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"PlanSpeed" ), &g_PlanSpeed, 0.1)
1384 CHECK_INT(_T ( "PreserveScaleOnX" ), &g_bPreserveScaleOnX);
1386 CHECK_STR(_T ( "Locale" ), g_locale);
1387 CHECK_STR(_T ( "LocaleOverride" ), g_localeOverride);
1390 CHECK_INT(_T ( "KeepNavobjBackups" ), &g_navobjbackups);
1400 CHECK_INT(_T ( "LegacyInputCOMPortFilterBehaviour" ),
1401 &g_b_legacy_input_filter_behaviour);
1403 CHECK_INT(_T( "AdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly" ),
1404 &g_bAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly);
1406 CHECK_INT(_T ( "EnableRotateKeys" ), &g_benable_rotate);
1407 CHECK_INT(_T ( "EmailCrashReport" ), &g_bEmailCrashReport);
1409 CHECK_INT(_T ( "EnableAISNameCache" ), &g_benableAISNameCache);
1411 CHECK_INT(_T ( "EnableUDPNullHeader" ), &g_benableUDPNullHeader);
1413 conf.SetPath(_T ( "/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1415 CHECK_INT(_T ( "FrameWinX" ), &g_nframewin_x);
1416 CHECK_INT(_T ( "FrameWinY" ), &g_nframewin_y);
1417 CHECK_INT(_T ( "FrameWinPosX" ), &g_nframewin_posx);
1418 CHECK_INT(_T ( "FrameWinPosY" ), &g_nframewin_posy);
1419 CHECK_INT(_T ( "FrameMax" ), &g_bframemax);
1421 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ClientPosX" ), &g_lastClientRectx);
1422 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ClientPosY" ), &g_lastClientRecty);
1423 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ClientSzX" ), &g_lastClientRectw);
1424 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ClientSzY" ), &g_lastClientRecth);
1426 CHECK_INT(_T( "RoutePropSizeX" ), &g_route_prop_sx);
1427 CHECK_INT(_T( "RoutePropSizeY" ), &g_route_prop_sy);
1428 CHECK_INT(_T( "RoutePropPosX" ), &g_route_prop_x);
1429 CHECK_INT(_T( "RoutePropPosY" ), &g_route_prop_y);
1432 &g_nDepthUnitDisplay);
1435 conf.SetPath(_T ( "/Settings/AIS" ));
1436 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bNoCPAMax" ), &g_bCPAMax);
1437 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "NoCPAMaxNMi" ), &g_CPAMax_NM, .01)
1438 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bCPAWarn" ), &g_bCPAWarn);
1439 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "CPAWarnNMi" ), &g_CPAWarn_NM, .01)
1440 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bTCPAMax" ), &g_bTCPA_Max);
1441 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "TCPAMaxMinutes" ), &g_TCPA_Max, 1)
1442 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bMarkLostTargets" ), &g_bMarkLost);
1443 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "MarkLost_Minutes" ), &g_MarkLost_Mins, 1)
1444 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bRemoveLostTargets" ), &g_bRemoveLost);
1445 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "RemoveLost_Minutes" ), &g_RemoveLost_Mins, 1)
1446 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bShowCOGArrows" ), &g_bShowCOG);
1447 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bSyncCogPredictors" ), &g_bSyncCogPredictors);
1448 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "CogArrowMinutes" ), &g_ShowCOG_Mins, 1);
1449 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bShowTargetTracks" ), &g_bAISShowTracks);
1450 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "TargetTracksMinutes" ), &g_AISShowTracks_Mins, 1)
1451 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "TargetTracksLimit" ), &g_AISShowTracks_Limit, 300)
1452 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bHideMooredTargets" ), &g_bHideMoored)
1453 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "MooredTargetMaxSpeedKnots" ), &g_ShowMoored_Kts, .1)
1454 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bShowScaledTargets"), &g_bAllowShowScaled);
1455 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumber" ), &g_ShowScaled_Num);
1456 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumberWeightSOG" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightSOG);
1457 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumberWeightCPA" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightCPA);
1458 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumberWeightTCPA" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightTCPA);
1459 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumberWeightRange" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightRange);
1460 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledNumberWeightSizeOfTarget" ),
1461 &g_ScaledNumWeightSizeOfT);
1462 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISScaledSizeMinimal" ), &g_ScaledSizeMinimal);
1463 CHECK_INT(_T( "AISShowScaled"), &g_bShowScaled);
1464 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bShowAreaNotices" ), &g_bShowAreaNotices);
1465 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bDrawAISSize" ), &g_bDrawAISSize);
1466 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bDrawAISRealtime" ), &g_bDrawAISRealtime);
1467 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "AISRealtimeMinSpeedKnots" ), &g_AIS_RealtPred_Kts, .1);
1468 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bShowAISName" ), &g_bShowAISName);
1469 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISAlertDialog" ), &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert);
1470 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ShowAISTargetNameScale" ), &g_Show_Target_Name_Scale);
1471 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bWplIsAprsPositionReport" ), &g_bWplUsePosition);
1472 CHECK_INT(_T ( "WplSelAction" ), &g_WplAction);
1473 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISCOGPredictorWidth" ), &g_ais_cog_predictor_width);
1474 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISAlertAudio" ), &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Audio);
1475 CHECK_STR(_T ( "AISAlertAudioFile" ), g_sAIS_Alert_Sound_File);
1476 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISAlertSuppressMoored" ),
1477 &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Suppress_Moored);
1478 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISAlertAckTimeout" ), &g_bAIS_ACK_Timeout);
1479 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "AlertAckTimeoutMinutes" ), &g_AckTimeout_Mins, 1)
1480 CHECK_STR(_T ( "AISTargetListPerspective" ), g_AisTargetList_perspective);
1481 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISTargetListRange" ), &g_AisTargetList_range);
1482 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AISTargetListSortColumn" ), &g_AisTargetList_sortColumn);
1483 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISTargetListSortReverse" ), &g_bAisTargetList_sortReverse);
1484 CHECK_STR(_T ( "AISTargetListColumnSpec" ), g_AisTargetList_column_spec);
1485 CHECK_STR(_T ("AISTargetListColumnOrder"), g_AisTargetList_column_order);
1486 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISRolloverShowClass" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowClass);
1487 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISRolloverShowCOG" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowCOG);
1488 CHECK_INT(_T ( "bAISRolloverShowCPA" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowCPA);
1490 CHECK_INT(_T ( "S57QueryDialogSizeX" ), &g_S57_dialog_sx);
1491 CHECK_INT(_T ( "S57QueryDialogSizeY" ), &g_S57_dialog_sy);
1492 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AlertDialogSizeX" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_sx);
1493 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AlertDialogSizeY" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_sy);
1494 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AlertDialogPosX" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_x);
1495 CHECK_INT(_T ( "AlertDialogPosY" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_y);
1496 CHECK_INT(_T ( "QueryDialogPosX" ), &g_ais_query_dialog_x);
1497 CHECK_INT(_T ( "QueryDialogPosY" ), &g_ais_query_dialog_y);
1499 conf.SetPath(_T ( "/Directories" ));
1500 CHECK_STR(_T ( "PresentationLibraryData" ), g_UserPresLibData)
1503 CHECK_STR(_T ( "SENCFileLocation" ), g_SENCPrefix)
1505 CHECK_STR(_T ( "GPXIODir" ), g_gpx_path);
1506 CHECK_STR(_T ( "TCDataDir" ), g_TCData_Dir);
1507 CHECK_STR(_T ( "BasemapDir"), gWorldMapLocation);
1508 CHECK_STR(_T ( "BaseShapefileDir"), gWorldShapefileLocation);
1514 conf.SetPath ( _T (
"/Settings/AuxFontKeys" ) );
1519 bool bContk = conf,GetFirstEntry( strk, dummyk );
1520 bool bNewKey =
1522 Read( strk, &kval );
1523 bNewKey = FontMgr::Get().
1525 DeleteEntry( strk );
1528 bContk = GetNextEntry( strk, dummyk );
1533 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/X11Fonts" ));
1537 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GTKFonts" ));
1541 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/MSWFonts" ));
1545 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/MacFonts" ));
1549 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/QTFonts" ));
1552 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Others" ));
1555 CHECK_INT(_T (
"RadarRingsNumberVisible" ), &g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible)
1556 CHECK_INT(_T (
"RadarRingsStep" ), &g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep)
1558 CHECK_INT(_T (
"RadarRingsStepUnits" ), &g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits);
1566 CHECK_INT(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsNumber" ), &g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber)
1568 CHECK_FLT(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStep" ), &g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep, .1)
1570 CHECK_INT(_T ( "WaypointRangeRingsStepUnits" ),
1571 &g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits);
1578 CHECK_INT(_T ( "ConfirmObjectDeletion" ), &g_bConfirmObjectDelete);
1581 CHECK_INT(_T ( "WaypointPreventDragging" ), &g_bWayPointPreventDragging);
1583 CHECK_INT(_T ( "EnableZoomToCursor" ), &g_bEnableZoomToCursor);
1585 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "TrackIntervalSeconds" ), &g_TrackIntervalSeconds, 1)
1587 CHECK_FLT(_T ( "TrackDeltaDistance" ), &g_TrackDeltaDistance, .1)
1589 CHECK_INT(_T ( "TrackPrecision" ), &g_nTrackPrecision);
1593 CHECK_INT(_T ( "RouteLineWidth" ), &g_route_line_width);
1594 CHECK_INT(_T ( "TrackLineWidth" ), &g_track_line_width);
1600 CHECK_STR(_T ( "DefaultWPIcon" ), g_default_wp_icon)
1604#define CHECK_BFN(s, t) \
1605 conf.Read(s, &read_int); \
1607 bval0 = read_int != 0; \
1608 if (bval != bval0) return false;
1610#define CHECK_IFN(s, t) \
1611 conf.Read(s, &read_int); \
1612 if (read_int != t) return false;
1614#define CHECK_FFN(s, t) \
1615 conf.Read(s, &dval); \
1616 if (fabs(dval - t) > 0.1) return false;
1623 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1625 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowS57Text" ), ps52plib->GetShowS57Text());
1627 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowS57ImportantTextOnly" ),
1628 ps52plib->GetShowS57ImportantTextOnly());
1629 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowLightDescription" ), ps52plib->m_bShowLdisText);
1630 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bExtendLightSectors" ), ps52plib->m_bExtendLightSectors);
1631 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowSoundg" ), ps52plib->m_bShowSoundg);
1632 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowMeta" ), ps52plib->m_bShowMeta);
1633 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bUseSCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSCAMIN);
1634 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bUseSUPERSCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSUPER_SCAMIN);
1635 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowAtonText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowAtonText);
1636 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bDeClutterText" ), ps52plib->m_bDeClutterText);
1637 CHECK_BFN(_T (
"bShowNationalText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowNationalTexts);
1638 CHECK_IFN(_T (
"nDisplayCategory" ), ps52plib->GetDisplayCategory());
1639 CHECK_IFN(_T (
"nSymbolStyle" ), ps52plib->m_nSymbolStyle);
1640 CHECK_IFN(_T (
"nBoundaryStyle" ), ps52plib->m_nBoundaryStyle);
1641 CHECK_FFN(_T (
1642 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SAFETY_CONTOUR));
1643 CHECK_FFN(_T (
1644 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SHALLOW_CONTOUR));
1645 CHECK_FFN(_T (
1646 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_DEEP_CONTOUR));
1647 CHECK_FFN(_T (
1648 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES));
1649 CHECK_INT(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), &g_nDepthUnitDisplay);
1655 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/ObjectFilter" ));
1657 unsigned int iOBJMax = conf.GetNumberOfEntries();
1659 if (iOBJMax != ps52plib->pOBJLArray->GetCount())
return false;
1666 bool bCont = conf.GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1668 conf.Read(str, &val);
1671 bool bfound =
1672 if (str.StartsWith(_T (
"viz" ), &sObj)) {
1673 for (
unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < ps52plib->pOBJLArray->GetCount();
1675 pOLE = (OBJLElement *)(ps52plib->pOBJLArray->Item(iPtr));
1676 if (!strncmp(pOLE->OBJLName, sObj.mb_str(), 6)) {
1678 if (pOLE->nViz != val) {
1684 if (!bfound)
return false;
1686 bCont = conf.GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1691 conf.SetPath(_T (
"/MmsiProperties" ));
1692 int iPMax = conf.GetNumberOfEntries();
1697 bool bCont = conf.GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1699 conf.Read(str, &val);
1701 bool bfound =
1702 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < g_MMSI_Props_Array.GetCount(); j++) {
1704 if (pProps->Serialize().IsSameAs(val)) {
1709 if (!bfound)
return false;
1711 bCont = conf.GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
Global state for AIS decoder.
Manages the user configuration matrix.
Represents a panel for displaying and editing a configuration.
wxString GetFullConfigDesc(int i) const
Gets description of font at index i.
bool AddAuxKey(wxString key)
Adds new plugin-defined font configuration key.
int GetNumFonts(void) const
Gets the total number of font configurations currently loaded.
wxArrayString & GetAuxKeyArray()
Gets array of plugin-defined font configuration keys.
Represents a layer of chart objects in OpenCPN.
PlugIn Object Definition/API.