26#ifndef __CANVCONFIG_H__
27#define __CANVCONFIG_H__
58 void LoadFromLegacyConfig(wxFileConfig *conf);
83 int nENCDisplayCategory;
85 bool bShowENCBuoyLabels;
86 bool bShowENCLightDescriptions;
88 bool bShowENCVisibleSectorLights;
89 bool bShowENCAnchorInfo;
90 bool bShowENCDataQuality;
canvasConfig *, arrayofCanvasConfigPtr);
Encapsulates persistent canvas configuration.
double iLat
Latitude of the center of the chart, in degrees.
bool bShowOutlines
Display chart outlines.
wxSize canvasSize
Canvas dimensions.
void Reset()
Resets all configuration options to default values.
bool bShowDepthUnits
Display depth unit indicators.
double iLon
Longitude of the center of the chart, in degrees.
double iRotation
Initial rotation angle in radians.
bool bCourseUp
Orient display to course up.
bool bQuilt
Enable chart quilting.
bool bFollow
Enable vessel following mode.
double iScale
Initial chart scale factor.
bool bShowENCText
Display ENC text elements.
bool bShowAIS
Display AIS targets.
bool bShowGrid
Display coordinate grid.
ChartCanvas * canvas
Pointer to associated chart canvas.
bool bShowCurrents
Display current information.
bool bShowTides
Display tide information.
bool bLookahead
Enable lookahead mode.
bool bHeadUp
Orient display to heading up.
bool bAttenAIS
Enable AIS target attenuation.