42#include <wx/bmpcbox.h>
44#include <wx/filename.h>
45#include <wx/graphics.h>
47#include <wx/listbook.h>
48#include <wx/listimpl.cpp>
49#include <wx/progdlg.h>
50#include <wx/sstream.h>
52#include <wx/timectrl.h>
53#include <wx/tokenzr.h>
55#include "model/ais_decoder.h"
58#include "model/config_vars.h"
59#include "model/conn_params.h"
60#include "model/cutil.h"
61#include "model/geodesic.h"
62#include "model/georef.h"
63#include "model/idents.h"
64#include "model/multiplexer.h"
65#include "model/nav_object_database.h"
66#include "model/navutil_base.h"
67#include "model/own_ship.h"
69#include "model/route.h"
70#include "model/routeman.h"
71#include "model/select.h"
72#include "model/track.h"
75#include "CanvasConfig.h"
88#include "NMEALogWindow.h"
89#include "observable_globvar.h"
91#include "ocpn_frame.h"
92#include "OCPNPlatform.h"
93#include "OCPN_Sound.h"
96#include "snd_config.h"
100#include "glChartCanvas.h"
104#include "androidUTIL.h"
112extern double g_ChartNotRenderScaleFactor;
113extern int g_restore_stackindex;
114extern int g_restore_dbindex;
115extern RouteList *pRouteList;
116extern std::vector<Track *> g_TrackList;
117extern LayerList *pLayerList;
119extern double vLat, vLon;
120extern double kLat, kLon;
121extern ColorScheme global_color_scheme;
122extern int g_nbrightness;
123extern bool g_bShowStatusBar;
124extern bool g_bUIexpert;
125extern bool g_bFullscreen;
127extern wxString g_SENCPrefix;
128extern wxString g_UserPresLibData;
130extern wxString *pInit_Chart_Dir;
131extern wxString gWorldMapLocation;
132extern wxString gWorldShapefileLocation;
134extern bool s_bSetSystemTime;
135extern bool g_bDisplayGrid;
136extern bool g_bPlayShipsBells;
137extern int g_iSoundDeviceIndex;
138extern bool g_bFullscreenToolbar;
139extern bool g_bShowLayers;
140extern bool g_bTransparentToolbar;
141extern bool g_bPermanentMOBIcon;
143extern bool g_bShowDepthUnits;
144extern bool g_bAutoAnchorMark;
145extern bool g_bskew_comp;
146extern bool g_bopengl;
147extern bool g_bSoftwareGL;
148extern bool g_bsmoothpanzoom;
149extern bool g_fog_overzoom;
150extern double g_overzoom_emphasis_base;
151extern bool g_oz_vector_scale;
152extern double g_plus_minus_zoom_factor;
153extern bool g_bShowOutlines;
154extern bool g_bShowActiveRouteHighway;
155extern bool g_bShowRouteTotal;
156extern int g_nAWDefault;
159extern int g_nframewin_x;
160extern int g_nframewin_y;
161extern int g_nframewin_posx;
162extern int g_nframewin_posy;
163extern bool g_bframemax;
165extern wxString g_VisibleLayers;
166extern wxString g_InvisibleLayers;
167extern wxString g_VisiNameinLayers;
168extern wxString g_InVisiNameinLayers;
170extern wxArrayString *pMessageOnceArray;
173extern bool g_bShowLiveETA;
174extern double g_defaultBoatSpeed;
175extern double g_defaultBoatSpeedUserUnit;
177extern bool g_bUseOnlyConfirmedAISName;
178extern int g_ScaledNumWeightSOG;
180extern int g_S57_dialog_sx, g_S57_dialog_sy;
181int g_S57_extradialog_sx, g_S57_extradialog_sy;
183extern int g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible;
184extern bool g_bNavAidRadarRingsShown;
185extern float g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep;
186extern int g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits;
187extern bool g_bWayPointPreventDragging;
188extern bool g_bConfirmObjectDelete;
189extern wxColour g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour;
191extern bool g_bEnableZoomToCursor;
192extern wxString g_toolbarConfig;
193extern double g_TrackIntervalSeconds;
195extern int g_nCacheLimit;
196extern int g_memCacheLimit;
198extern bool g_bGDAL_Debug;
199extern bool g_bDebugCM93;
200extern bool g_bDebugS57;
202extern double g_ownship_predictor_minutes;
203extern int g_cog_predictor_style;
204extern wxString g_cog_predictor_color;
205extern int g_cog_predictor_endmarker;
206extern int g_cog_predictor_width;
207extern int g_ownship_HDTpredictor_style;
208extern wxString g_ownship_HDTpredictor_color;
209extern int g_ownship_HDTpredictor_endmarker;
210extern int g_ownship_HDTpredictor_width;
211extern double g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles;
213extern bool g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc;
214extern int g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec;
216extern bool g_bShowMenuBar;
217extern bool g_bShowCompassWin;
219extern s52plib *ps52plib;
221extern int g_cm93_zoom_factor;
222extern bool g_b_legacy_input_filter_behaviour;
223extern bool g_bShowDetailSlider;
224extern int g_detailslider_dialog_x, g_detailslider_dialog_y;
226extern bool g_bUseGreenShip;
228extern int g_OwnShipIconType;
229extern double g_n_ownship_length_meters;
230extern double g_n_ownship_beam_meters;
231extern double g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y;
232extern double g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x;
233extern int g_n_ownship_min_mm;
234extern int g_maxzoomin;
236extern bool g_bShowShipToActive;
237extern int g_shipToActiveStyle;
238extern int g_shipToActiveColor;
240extern bool g_bPreserveScaleOnX;
241extern bool g_bsimplifiedScalebar;
243extern bool g_bUseGLL;
245extern wxString g_locale;
246extern wxString g_localeOverride;
248extern bool g_bCourseUp;
249extern bool g_bLookAhead;
250extern int g_COGAvgSec;
251extern bool g_bShowChartBar;
253extern int g_MemFootMB;
255extern wxString g_AW1GUID;
256extern wxString g_AW2GUID;
257extern int g_BSBImgDebug;
259extern int n_NavMessageShown;
260extern wxString g_config_version_string;
262extern wxString g_CmdSoundString;
264extern bool g_bDebugGPSD;
268extern bool g_bQuiltEnable;
269extern bool g_bFullScreenQuilt;
270extern bool g_bQuiltStart;
272extern int g_SkewCompUpdatePeriod;
274extern int g_maintoolbar_x;
275extern int g_maintoolbar_y;
276extern long g_maintoolbar_orient;
278extern int g_lastClientRectx;
279extern int g_lastClientRecty;
280extern int g_lastClientRectw;
281extern int g_lastClientRecth;
283extern bool g_bHighliteTracks;
284extern int g_cog_predictor_width;
285extern int g_ais_cog_predictor_width;
287extern wxColour g_colourTrackLineColour;
288extern wxString g_default_wp_icon;
290extern ChartGroupArray *g_pGroupArray;
292extern bool g_bDebugOGL;
293extern int g_tcwin_scale;
294extern wxString g_uploadConnection;
297extern std::vector<std::string> TideCurrentDataSet;
298extern wxString g_TCData_Dir;
300extern bool g_bresponsive;
302extern bool g_bGLexpert;
304extern int g_SENC_LOD_pixels;
305extern ArrayOfMmsiProperties g_MMSI_Props_Array;
307extern int g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster;
308extern int g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector;
310extern bool g_bShowTrackPointTime;
312extern bool g_bAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly;
313extern double g_display_size_mm;
314extern std::vector<size_t> g_config_display_size_mm;
315extern bool g_config_display_size_manual;
317extern bool g_benable_rotate;
318extern bool g_bEmailCrashReport;
320extern int g_default_font_size;
321extern wxString g_default_font_facename;
323extern bool g_bAutoHideToolbar;
324extern int g_nAutoHideToolbar;
325extern int g_GUIScaleFactor;
326extern int g_ChartScaleFactor;
327extern float g_MarkScaleFactorExp;
329extern int g_ShipScaleFactor;
330extern float g_ShipScaleFactorExp;
331extern int g_ENCSoundingScaleFactor;
332extern int g_ENCTextScaleFactor;
334extern int g_iENCToolbarPosX;
335extern int g_iENCToolbarPosY;
336extern bool g_bRollover;
338extern bool g_bSpaceDropMark;
340extern bool g_bShowTide;
341extern bool g_bShowCurrent;
343extern wxString g_uiStyle;
344extern bool g_btrackContinuous;
349extern unsigned int g_canvasConfig;
350extern wxString g_lastAppliedTemplateGUID;
352extern int g_route_prop_x, g_route_prop_y;
353extern int g_route_prop_sx, g_route_prop_sy;
354extern int g_AndroidVersionCode;
356extern wxString g_ObjQFileExt;
360bool g_bShowMuiZoomButtons =
362double g_mouse_zoom_sensitivity;
363int g_mouse_zoom_sensitivity_ui;
370static const long long lNaN = 0xfff8000000000000;
371#define NAN (*(double *)&lNaN)
376wxString GetLayerName(
int id) {
377 wxString name(_T(
"unknown layer"));
378 if (
id <= 0)
return (name);
379 LayerList::iterator it;
381 for (it = (*pLayerList).begin(); it != (*pLayerList).end(); ++it, ++index) {
383 if (lay->m_LayerID ==
return (lay->m_LayerName);
389void appendOSDirSlash(wxString *pString);
const wxString &LocalFileName)
397 : wxFileConfig(_T (
""), _T (
""), LocalFileName, _T (
400 wxFileName config_file(LocalFileName);
402 config_file.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
403 m_sNavObjSetFile += _T (
"navobj.xml" );
404 m_sNavObjSetChangesFile = m_sNavObjSetFile + _T (
".changes" );
406 m_pNavObjectInputSet = NULL;
407 m_pNavObjectChangesSet = NavObjectChanges::getInstance();
410MyConfig::~MyConfig() {}
412void MyConfig::CreateRotatingNavObjBackup() {
418 if (wxFileExists(m_sNavObjSetFile)) {
419 int month = wxDateTime::Now().GetMonth() + 1;
421 wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.m%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), month);
422 if (!wxFileExists(fn)) {
423 wxCopyFile(m_sNavObjSetFile, fn);
426 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = 1; i <= month - 3; i++) {
427 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.m%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
428 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
432 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = month + 1; i <= 12; i++) {
433 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.m%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
434 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
439 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = month + 1; i <= 12 - month; i++) {
440 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.m%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
441 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
447 wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t week = wxDateTime::Now().GetWeekOfYear();
448 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.w%u"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), week);
449 if (!wxFileExists(fn)) {
450 wxCopyFile(m_sNavObjSetFile, fn);
453 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = 1; i <= week - 4; i++) {
454 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.w%u"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
455 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
459 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = week + 1; i <= 53; i++) {
460 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.w%u"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
461 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
466 for (wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t i = week + 1; i <= 53 - week; i++) {
467 fn = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.w%u"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
468 if (wxFileExists(fn)) {
479 if (g_navobjbackups > 0) {
481 wxString oldname = m_sNavObjSetFile;
482 wxString newname = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.1"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str());
484 wxFileOffset s_diff = 1;
485 if (::wxFileExists(newname)) {
486 if (f.Open(oldname)) {
491 if (f.Open(newname)) {
492 s_diff -= f.Length();
498 for (
int i = g_navobjbackups - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
499 oldname = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i);
501 wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i + 1);
502 if (wxFile::Exists(oldname)) wxCopyFile(oldname, newname);
505 wxULongLong size = wxFileName::GetSize(m_sNavObjSetFile);
506 if (wxFile::Exists(m_sNavObjSetFile) && size > 0) {
507 newname = wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.1"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str());
508 wxCopyFile(m_sNavObjSetFile, newname);
514 for (
int i = g_navobjbackups + 1; i <= 99; i++)
516 wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i)))
517 wxRemoveFile(wxString::Format(_T(
"%s.%d"), m_sNavObjSetFile.c_str(), i));
522int MyConfig::LoadMyConfig() {
523 int display_width, display_height;
524 display_width = g_monitor_info[g_current_monitor].width;
525 display_height = g_monitor_info[g_current_monitor].height;
529 g_TalkerIdText = _T(
530 g_maxWPNameLength = 6;
531 g_NMEAAPBPrecision = 3;
534 g_GLOptions.m_bUseAcceleratedPanning =
535 g_GLOptions.m_GLPolygonSmoothing =
536 g_GLOptions.m_GLLineSmoothing =
537 g_GLOptions.m_iTextureDimension = 512;
538 g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize = 128;
540 g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize =
541 wxMax(128, g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize);
542 g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching =
543 g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompression;
547 g_maintoolbar_orient = wxTB_HORIZONTAL;
548 g_iENCToolbarPosX = -1;
549 g_iENCToolbarPosY = -1;
550 g_restore_dbindex = -1;
551 g_ChartNotRenderScaleFactor = 1.5;
552 g_detailslider_dialog_x = 200L;
553 g_detailslider_dialog_y = 200L;
554 g_SENC_LOD_pixels = 2;
555 g_SkewCompUpdatePeriod = 10;
557 g_bShowStatusBar = 1;
558 g_bShowCompassWin = 1;
559 g_iSoundDeviceIndex = -1;
560 g_bFullscreenToolbar = 1;
561 g_bTransparentToolbar = 0;
563 g_bShowDepthUnits = 1;
564 g_bShowActiveRouteHighway = 1;
566 g_defaultBoatSpeed = 6.0;
567 g_ownship_predictor_minutes = 5;
568 g_cog_predictor_style = 105;
569 g_cog_predictor_color = _T(
"rgb(255,0,0)" );
570 g_cog_predictor_endmarker = 1;
571 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_style = 105;
572 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_color = _T(
"rgb(255,0,0)" );
573 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_endmarker = 1;
574 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_width = 0;
575 g_cog_predictor_width = 3;
576 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles = 1;
577 g_n_ownship_min_mm = 2;
578 g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec = 1;
579 g_bFullScreenQuilt = 1;
580 g_track_rotate_time_type = TIME_TYPE_COMPUTER;
581 g_bHighliteTracks = 1;
582 g_bPreserveScaleOnX = 1;
584 g_benableAISNameCache =
585 g_n_arrival_circle_radius = 0.05;
586 g_plus_minus_zoom_factor = 2.0;
587 g_mouse_zoom_sensitivity = 1.5;
589 g_AISShowTracks_Mins = 20;
590 g_AISShowTracks_Limit = 300.0;
591 g_ShowScaled_Num = 10;
592 g_ScaledNumWeightSOG = 50;
593 g_ScaledNumWeightCPA = 60;
594 g_ScaledNumWeightTCPA = 25;
595 g_ScaledSizeMinimal = 50;
596 g_ScaledNumWeightRange = 75;
597 g_ScaledNumWeightSizeOfT = 25;
598 g_Show_Target_Name_Scale = 250000;
599 g_bWplUsePosition = 0;
601 g_ais_cog_predictor_width = 3;
602 g_ais_alert_dialog_sx = 200;
603 g_ais_alert_dialog_sy = 200;
604 g_ais_alert_dialog_x = 200;
605 g_ais_alert_dialog_y = 200;
606 g_ais_query_dialog_x = 200;
607 g_ais_query_dialog_y = 200;
608 g_AisTargetList_range = 40;
609 g_AisTargetList_sortColumn = 2;
610 g_S57_dialog_sx = 400;
611 g_S57_dialog_sy = 400;
612 g_S57_extradialog_sx = 400;
613 g_S57_extradialog_sy = 400;
622 g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible = 0;
623 g_bNavAidRadarRingsShown =
624 g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep = 1.0;
625 g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits = 0;
626 g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour = *wxRED;
627 g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber = 0;
628 g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep = 1.0;
629 g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits = 0;
630 g_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour = wxColour(*wxRED);
631 g_bConfirmObjectDelete =
633 g_TrackIntervalSeconds = 60.0;
634 g_TrackDeltaDistance = 0.10;
635 g_route_line_width = 2;
636 g_track_line_width = 2;
637 g_colourTrackLineColour = wxColour(243, 229, 47);
640 g_default_wp_icon = _T(
641 g_default_routepoint_icon = _T(
645 g_ObjQFileExt = _T(
648 int ret_Val = LoadMyConfigRaw();
652 g_ChartScaleFactorExp =
653 g_Platform->GetChartScaleFactorExp(g_ChartScaleFactor);
654 g_ShipScaleFactorExp =
655 g_Platform->GetChartScaleFactorExp(g_ShipScaleFactor);
656 g_MarkScaleFactorExp =
657 g_Platform->GetMarkScaleFactorExp(g_ChartScaleFactor);
659 g_COGFilterSec = wxMin(g_COGFilterSec, MAX_COGSOG_FILTER_SECONDS);
660 g_COGFilterSec = wxMax(g_COGFilterSec, 1);
661 g_SOGFilterSec = g_COGFilterSec;
663 if (!g_bShowTrue && !g_bShowMag) g_bShowTrue =
667 if (g_bInlandEcdis) g_bLookAhead = 1;
669 if (g_bdisable_opengl) g_bopengl =
673 g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize =
674 wxMax(128, g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize);
675 g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching =
676 g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompression;
680 g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster = wxMin(g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster, 5);
681 g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster = wxMax(g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster, -5);
682 g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector = wxMin(g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector, 5);
683 g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector = wxMax(g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector, -5);
684 g_cm93_zoom_factor = wxMin(g_cm93_zoom_factor, CM93_ZOOM_FACTOR_MAX_RANGE);
686 wxMax(g_cm93_zoom_factor, (-CM93_ZOOM_FACTOR_MAX_RANGE));
688 if ((g_detailslider_dialog_x < 0) ||
689 (g_detailslider_dialog_x > display_width))
690 g_detailslider_dialog_x = 5;
691 if ((g_detailslider_dialog_y < 0) ||
692 (g_detailslider_dialog_y > display_height))
693 g_detailslider_dialog_y = 5;
695 g_defaultBoatSpeedUserUnit = toUsrSpeed(g_defaultBoatSpeed, -1);
696 g_n_ownship_min_mm = wxMax(g_n_ownship_min_mm, 2);
698 if (g_navobjbackups > 99) g_navobjbackups = 99;
699 if (g_navobjbackups < 0) g_navobjbackups = 0;
700 g_n_arrival_circle_radius = wxClip(g_n_arrival_circle_radius, 0.001, 0.6);
702 g_selection_radius_mm = wxMax(g_selection_radius_mm, 0.5);
703 g_selection_radius_touch_mm = wxMax(g_selection_radius_touch_mm, 1.0);
705 g_Show_Target_Name_Scale = wxMax(5000, g_Show_Target_Name_Scale);
707 if ((g_ais_alert_dialog_x < 0) || (g_ais_alert_dialog_x > display_width))
708 g_ais_alert_dialog_x = 5;
709 if ((g_ais_alert_dialog_y < 0) || (g_ais_alert_dialog_y > display_height))
710 g_ais_alert_dialog_y = 5;
711 if ((g_ais_query_dialog_x < 0) || (g_ais_query_dialog_x > display_width))
712 g_ais_query_dialog_x = 5;
713 if ((g_ais_query_dialog_y < 0) || (g_ais_query_dialog_y > display_height))
714 g_ais_query_dialog_y = 5;
716 SwitchInlandEcdisMode(g_bInlandEcdis);
718 global_color_scheme =
728int MyConfig::LoadMyConfigRaw(
bool bAsTemplate) {
732 int display_width, display_height;
733 display_width = g_monitor_info[g_current_monitor].width;
734 display_height = g_monitor_info[g_current_monitor].height;
737 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings" ));
738 Read(
"ActiveRoute", &g_active_route);
739 Read(
"PersistActiveRoute", &g_persist_active_route);
740 Read(_T (
"LastAppliedTemplate" ), &g_lastAppliedTemplateGUID);
741 Read(_T (
"CompatOS" ), &g_compatOS);
742 Read(_T (
"CompatOsVersion" ), &g_compatOsVersion);
745 Read(_T (
"ConfigVersionString" ), &g_config_version_string);
746 Read(_T(
"CmdSoundString"), &g_CmdSoundString, wxString(OCPN_SOUND_CMD));
747 if (wxIsEmpty(g_CmdSoundString)) g_CmdSoundString = wxString(OCPN_SOUND_CMD);
748 Read(_T (
"NavMessageShown" ), &n_NavMessageShown);
750 Read(_T (
"AndroidVersionCode" ), &g_AndroidVersionCode);
752 Read(_T (
"UIexpert" ), &g_bUIexpert);
754 Read(_T (
"UIStyle" ), &g_uiStyle);
756 Read(_T (
"NCacheLimit" ), &g_nCacheLimit);
758 Read(_T (
"InlandEcdis" ),
762 Read(_T(
"SpaceDropMark" ), &g_bSpaceDropMark);
765 Read(_T (
"MEMCacheLimit" ), &mem_limit);
767 g_memCacheLimit = mem_limit * 1024;
769 Read(_T (
"UseModernUI5" ), &g_useMUI);
771 Read(_T(
"NCPUCount" ), &g_nCPUCount);
773 Read(_T (
"DebugGDAL" ), &g_bGDAL_Debug);
774 Read(_T (
"DebugNMEA" ), &g_nNMEADebug);
775 Read(_T (
"AnchorWatchDefault" ), &g_nAWDefault);
776 Read(_T (
"AnchorWatchMax" ), &g_nAWMax);
777 Read(_T (
"GPSDogTimeout" ), &gps_watchdog_timeout_ticks);
778 Read(_T (
"DebugCM93" ), &g_bDebugCM93);
779 Read(_T (
"DebugS57" ),
781 Read(_T (
"DebugBSBImg" ), &g_BSBImgDebug);
782 Read(_T (
"DebugGPSD" ), &g_bDebugGPSD);
783 Read(_T (
"MaxZoomScale" ), &g_maxzoomin);
784 g_maxzoomin = wxMax(g_maxzoomin, 50);
786 Read(_T (
"DefaultFontSize"), &g_default_font_size);
787 Read(_T (
"DefaultFontFacename"), &g_default_font_facename);
789 Read(_T (
"UseGreenShipIcon" ), &g_bUseGreenShip);
791 Read(_T (
"AutoHideToolbar" ), &g_bAutoHideToolbar);
792 Read(_T (
"AutoHideToolbarSecs" ), &g_nAutoHideToolbar);
794 Read(_T (
"UseSimplifiedScalebar" ), &g_bsimplifiedScalebar);
795 Read(_T (
"ShowTide" ), &g_bShowTide);
796 Read(_T (
"ShowCurrent" ), &g_bShowCurrent);
799 Read(_T (
"DisplaySizeMM" ), &size_mm);
801 Read(_T (
"SelectionRadiusMM" ), &g_selection_radius_mm);
802 Read(_T (
"SelectionRadiusTouchMM" ), &g_selection_radius_touch_mm);
805 g_config_display_size_mm.clear();
806 wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(size_mm,
807 while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) {
808 wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
811 size = std::stoi(token.ToStdString());
812 }
catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
815 if (size > 100 && size < 2000) {
816 g_config_display_size_mm.push_back(size);
818 g_config_display_size_mm.push_back(0);
821 Read(_T (
"DisplaySizeManual" ), &g_config_display_size_manual);
824 Read(_T (
"GUIScaleFactor" ), &g_GUIScaleFactor);
826 Read(_T (
"ChartObjectScaleFactor" ), &g_ChartScaleFactor);
827 Read(_T (
"ShipScaleFactor" ), &g_ShipScaleFactor);
828 Read(_T (
"ENCSoundingScaleFactor" ), &g_ENCSoundingScaleFactor);
829 Read(_T (
"ENCTextScaleFactor" ), &g_ENCTextScaleFactor);
830 Read(_T (
"ObjQueryAppendFilesExt" ), &g_ObjQFileExt);
833 Read(
"CatalogCustomURL", &g_catalog_custom_url);
834 Read(
"CatalogChannel", &g_catalog_channel);
836 Read(
"NetmaskBits", &g_netmask_bits);
840 Read(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Avg" ), &g_bfilter_cogsog);
841 Read(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Sec" ), &g_COGFilterSec);
842 Read(_T (
"GPSIdent" ), &g_GPS_Ident);
843 Read(_T (
"UseGarminHostUpload" ), &g_bGarminHostUpload);
844 Read(_T (
"UseNMEA_GLL" ), &g_bUseGLL);
845 Read(_T (
"UseMagAPB" ), &g_bMagneticAPB);
846 Read(_T (
"TrackContinuous" ), &g_btrackContinuous,
847 Read(_T (
"FilterTrackDropLargeJump" ), &g_trackFilterMax, 1000);
850 Read(_T (
"ShowTrue" ), &g_bShowTrue);
851 Read(_T (
"ShowMag" ), &g_bShowMag);
854 Read(_T (
"UserMagVariation" ), &umv);
855 if (umv.Len()) umv.ToDouble(&g_UserVar);
857 Read(_T (
"ScreenBrightness" ), &g_nbrightness);
859 Read(_T (
"MemFootprintTargetMB" ), &g_MemFootMB);
861 Read(_T (
"WindowsComPortMax" ), &g_nCOMPortCheck);
863 Read(_T (
"ChartQuilting" ), &g_bQuiltEnable);
864 Read(_T (
"ChartQuiltingInitial" ), &g_bQuiltStart);
866 Read(_T (
"CourseUpMode" ), &g_bCourseUp);
867 Read(_T (
"COGUPAvgSeconds" ), &g_COGAvgSec);
868 Read(_T (
"LookAheadMode" ), &g_bLookAhead);
869 Read(_T (
"SkewToNorthUp" ), &g_bskew_comp);
871 Read(_T(
"NMEAAPBPrecision" ), &g_NMEAAPBPrecision);
873 Read(_T(
"TalkerIdText" ), &g_TalkerIdText);
874 Read(_T(
"MaxWaypointNameLength" ), &g_maxWPNameLength);
875 Read(_T(
"MbtilesMaxLayers" ), &g_mbtilesMaxLayers);
877 Read(_T(
"ShowTrackPointTime" ), &g_bShowTrackPointTime,
881 Read(_T (
"OpenGLExpert" ), &g_bGLexpert,
882 Read(_T (
"UseAcceleratedPanning" ), &g_GLOptions.m_bUseAcceleratedPanning,
884 Read(_T (
"GPUTextureCompression" ), &g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompression);
885 Read(_T (
"GPUTextureCompressionCaching" ),
886 &g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching);
887 Read(_T (
"PolygonSmoothing" ), &g_GLOptions.m_GLPolygonSmoothing);
888 Read(_T (
"LineSmoothing" ), &g_GLOptions.m_GLLineSmoothing);
889 Read(_T (
"GPUTextureDimension" ), &g_GLOptions.m_iTextureDimension);
890 Read(_T (
"GPUTextureMemSize" ), &g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize);
891 Read(_T (
"DebugOpenGL" ), &g_bDebugOGL);
892 Read(_T (
"OpenGL" ), &g_bopengl);
893 Read(_T (
"SoftwareGL" ), &g_bSoftwareGL);
897 Read(_T (
"SmoothPanZoom" ), &g_bsmoothpanzoom);
899 Read(_T (
"ToolbarX"), &g_maintoolbar_x);
900 Read(_T (
"ToolbarY" ), &g_maintoolbar_y);
901 Read(_T (
"ToolbarOrient" ), &g_maintoolbar_orient);
902 Read(_T (
"GlobalToolbarConfig" ), &g_toolbarConfig);
904 Read(_T (
"iENCToolbarX"), &g_iENCToolbarPosX);
905 Read(_T (
"iENCToolbarY"), &g_iENCToolbarPosY);
907 Read(_T (
"AnchorWatch1GUID" ), &g_AW1GUID);
908 Read(_T (
"AnchorWatch2GUID" ), &g_AW2GUID);
910 Read(_T (
"InitialStackIndex" ), &g_restore_stackindex);
911 Read(_T (
"InitialdBIndex" ), &g_restore_dbindex);
913 Read(_T (
"ChartNotRenderScaleFactor" ), &g_ChartNotRenderScaleFactor);
915 Read(_T (
"MobileTouch" ), &g_btouch);
920 g_bresponsive =
922 g_bresponsive =
925 Read(_T (
"EnableRolloverBlock" ), &g_bRollover);
927 Read(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactor" ), &g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster);
928 Read(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactorVector" ), &g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector);
929 Read(_T (
"PlusMinusZoomFactor" ), &g_plus_minus_zoom_factor, 2.0);
930 Read(
"MouseZoomSensitivity", &g_mouse_zoom_sensitivity, 1.3);
931 g_mouse_zoom_sensitivity_ui =
933 Read(_T (
"CM93DetailFactor" ), &g_cm93_zoom_factor);
935 Read(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosX" ), &g_detailslider_dialog_x);
936 Read(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosY" ), &g_detailslider_dialog_y);
937 Read(_T (
"ShowCM93DetailSlider" ), &g_bShowDetailSlider);
939 Read(_T (
"SENC_LOD_Pixels" ), &g_SENC_LOD_pixels);
941 Read(_T (
"SkewCompUpdatePeriod" ), &g_SkewCompUpdatePeriod);
943 Read(_T (
"SetSystemTime" ), &s_bSetSystemTime);
944 Read(_T (
"ShowStatusBar" ), &g_bShowStatusBar);
946 Read(_T (
"ShowMenuBar" ), &g_bShowMenuBar);
948 Read(_T (
"Fullscreen" ), &g_bFullscreen);
949 Read(_T (
"ShowCompassWindow" ), &g_bShowCompassWin);
950 Read(_T (
"ShowGrid" ), &g_bDisplayGrid);
951 Read(_T (
"PlayShipsBells" ), &g_bPlayShipsBells);
952 Read(_T (
"SoundDeviceIndex" ), &g_iSoundDeviceIndex);
953 Read(_T (
"FullscreenToolbar" ), &g_bFullscreenToolbar);
954 Read(_T (
"PermanentMOBIcon" ), &g_bPermanentMOBIcon);
955 Read(_T (
"ShowLayers" ), &g_bShowLayers);
956 Read(_T (
"ShowDepthUnits" ), &g_bShowDepthUnits);
957 Read(_T (
"AutoAnchorDrop" ), &g_bAutoAnchorMark);
958 Read(_T (
"ShowChartOutlines" ), &g_bShowOutlines);
959 Read(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteHighway" ), &g_bShowActiveRouteHighway);
960 Read(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteTotal" ), &g_bShowRouteTotal);
961 Read(_T (
"MostRecentGPSUploadConnection" ), &g_uploadConnection);
962 Read(_T (
"ShowChartBar" ), &g_bShowChartBar);
963 Read(_T (
"SDMMFormat" ),
967 Read(_T (
"DistanceFormat" ),
970 Read(_T (
"SpeedFormat" ),
972 Read(_T (
"WindSpeedFormat" ),
973 &g_iWindSpeedFormat);
974 Read(_T (
"TemperatureFormat"), &g_iTempFormat);
977 Read(_T (
"LiveETA" ), &g_bShowLiveETA);
978 Read(_T (
"DefaultBoatSpeed" ), &g_defaultBoatSpeed);
980 Read(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorMinutes" ), &g_ownship_predictor_minutes);
981 Read(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorStyle" ), &g_cog_predictor_style);
982 Read(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorColor" ), &g_cog_predictor_color);
983 Read(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorEndmarker" ), &g_cog_predictor_endmarker);
984 Read(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorWidth" ), &g_cog_predictor_width);
985 Read(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorStyle" ), &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_style);
986 Read(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorColor" ), &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_color);
987 Read(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorEndmarker" ),
988 &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_endmarker);
989 Read(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorWidth" ), &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_width);
990 Read(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorMiles" ), &g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles);
992 Read(_T (
"OwnShipIconType" ), &g_OwnShipIconType);
993 Read(_T (
"OwnShipLength" ), &g_n_ownship_length_meters);
994 Read(_T (
"OwnShipWidth" ), &g_n_ownship_beam_meters);
995 Read(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetX" ), &g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x);
996 Read(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetY" ), &g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y);
997 Read(_T (
"OwnShipMinSize" ), &g_n_ownship_min_mm);
998 Read(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalc" ), &g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc);
999 Read(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalcDampSec"), &g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec);
1000 Read(_T (
"ShowDirectRouteLine"), &g_bShowShipToActive);
1001 Read(_T (
"DirectRouteLineStyle"), &g_shipToActiveStyle);
1002 Read(_T(
"DirectRouteLineColor" ), &g_shipToActiveColor);
1005 Read(_T (
"RouteArrivalCircleRadius" ), &racr);
1006 if (racr.Len()) racr.ToDouble(&g_n_arrival_circle_radius);
1008 Read(_T (
"FullScreenQuilt" ), &g_bFullScreenQuilt);
1010 Read(_T (
"StartWithTrackActive" ), &g_bTrackCarryOver);
1011 Read(_T (
"AutomaticDailyTracks" ), &g_bTrackDaily);
1012 Read(_T (
"TrackRotateAt" ), &g_track_rotate_time);
1013 Read(_T (
"TrackRotateTimeType" ), &g_track_rotate_time_type);
1014 Read(_T (
"HighlightTracks" ), &g_bHighliteTracks);
1017 Read(_T (
"PlanSpeed" ), &stps);
1018 if (!stps.IsEmpty()) stps.ToDouble(&g_PlanSpeed);
1020 Read(_T (
"VisibleLayers" ), &g_VisibleLayers);
1021 Read(_T (
"InvisibleLayers" ), &g_InvisibleLayers);
1022 Read(_T (
"VisNameInLayers" ), &g_VisiNameinLayers);
1023 Read(_T (
"InvisNameInLayers" ), &g_InVisiNameinLayers);
1025 Read(_T (
"PreserveScaleOnX" ), &g_bPreserveScaleOnX);
1027 Read(_T (
"ShowMUIZoomButtons" ), &g_bShowMuiZoomButtons);
1029 Read(_T (
"Locale" ), &g_locale);
1030 Read(_T (
"LocaleOverride" ), &g_localeOverride);
1033 Read(_T (
"KeepNavobjBackups" ), &g_navobjbackups);
1035 NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().SetSize(Read(_T(
"NMEALogWindowSizeX"), 600L),
1036 Read(_T(
"NMEALogWindowSizeY"), 400L));
1037 NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().SetPos(Read(_T(
"NMEALogWindowPosX"), 10L),
1038 Read(_T(
"NMEALogWindowPosY"), 10L));
1039 NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().CheckPos(display_width, display_height);
1043 Read(_T (
"LegacyInputCOMPortFilterBehaviour" ),
1044 &g_b_legacy_input_filter_behaviour);
1047 Read(_T(
"AdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly" ),
1048 &g_bAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly);
1049 Read(
"EnableRootMenuDebug", &g_enable_root_menu_debug);
1051 Read(_T (
"EnableRotateKeys" ), &g_benable_rotate);
1052 Read(_T (
"EmailCrashReport" ), &g_bEmailCrashReport);
1054 g_benableAISNameCache =
1055 Read(_T (
"EnableAISNameCache" ), &g_benableAISNameCache);
1057 Read(_T (
"EnableUDPNullHeader" ), &g_benableUDPNullHeader);
1059 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1061 Read(_T (
"FrameWinX" ), &g_nframewin_x);
1062 Read(_T (
"FrameWinY" ), &g_nframewin_y);
1063 Read(_T (
"FrameWinPosX" ), &g_nframewin_posx);
1064 Read(_T (
"FrameWinPosY" ), &g_nframewin_posy);
1065 Read(_T (
"FrameMax" ), &g_bframemax);
1067 Read(_T (
"ClientPosX" ), &g_lastClientRectx);
1068 Read(_T (
"ClientPosY" ), &g_lastClientRecty);
1069 Read(_T (
"ClientSzX" ), &g_lastClientRectw);
1070 Read(_T (
"ClientSzY" ), &g_lastClientRecth);
1072 Read(_T(
"RoutePropSizeX" ), &g_route_prop_sx);
1073 Read(_T(
"RoutePropSizeY" ), &g_route_prop_sy);
1074 Read(_T(
"RoutePropPosX" ), &g_route_prop_x);
1075 Read(_T(
"RoutePropPosY" ), &g_route_prop_y);
1078 Read(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), &read_int);
1079 if (read_int >= 0) {
1080 read_int = wxMax(read_int, 0);
1081 read_int = wxMin(read_int, 2);
1082 g_nDepthUnitDisplay = read_int;
1086 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Audio" ));
1089 wxString sound_dir = g_Platform->GetSharedDataDir();
1090 sound_dir.Append(_T(
1091 sound_dir.Append(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator());
1093 g_AIS_sound_file = sound_dir + _T(
1094 g_DSC_sound_file = sound_dir + _T(
1095 g_SART_sound_file = sound_dir + _T(
1096 g_anchorwatch_sound_file = sound_dir + _T(
1098 Read(_T (
"AISAlertSoundFile" ), &g_AIS_sound_file);
1099 Read(_T (
"DSCAlertSoundFile" ), &g_DSC_sound_file);
1100 Read(_T (
"SARTAlertSoundFile" ), &g_SART_sound_file);
1101 Read(_T (
"AnchorAlarmSoundFile" ), &g_anchorwatch_sound_file);
1103 Read(_T (
"bAIS_GCPA_AlertAudio" ), &g_bAIS_GCPA_Alert_Audio);
1104 Read(_T (
"bAIS_SART_AlertAudio" ), &g_bAIS_SART_Alert_Audio);
1105 Read(_T (
"bAIS_DSC_AlertAudio" ), &g_bAIS_DSC_Alert_Audio);
1106 Read(_T (
"bAnchorAlertAudio" ), &g_bAnchor_Alert_Audio);
1110 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AIS" ));
1112 g_bUseOnlyConfirmedAISName =
1113 Read(_T (
"UseOnlyConfirmedAISName" ), &g_bUseOnlyConfirmedAISName);
1115 Read(_T (
"bNoCPAMax" ), &g_bCPAMax);
1117 Read(_T (
"NoCPAMaxNMi" ), &s);
1118 s.ToDouble(&g_CPAMax_NM);
1120 Read(_T (
"bCPAWarn" ), &g_bCPAWarn);
1122 Read(_T (
"CPAWarnNMi" ), &s);
1123 s.ToDouble(&g_CPAWarn_NM);
1125 Read(_T (
"bTCPAMax" ), &g_bTCPA_Max);
1127 Read(_T (
"TCPAMaxMinutes" ), &s);
1128 s.ToDouble(&g_TCPA_Max);
1130 Read(_T (
"bMarkLostTargets" ), &g_bMarkLost);
1132 Read(_T (
"MarkLost_Minutes" ), &s);
1133 s.ToDouble(&g_MarkLost_Mins);
1135 Read(_T (
"bRemoveLostTargets" ), &g_bRemoveLost);
1137 Read(_T (
"RemoveLost_Minutes" ), &s);
1138 s.ToDouble(&g_RemoveLost_Mins);
1140 Read(_T (
"bShowCOGArrows" ), &g_bShowCOG);
1142 Read(_T (
"bSyncCogPredictors"), &g_bSyncCogPredictors);
1144 Read(_T (
"CogArrowMinutes" ), &s);
1145 s.ToDouble(&g_ShowCOG_Mins);
1147 Read(_T (
"bShowTargetTracks" ), &g_bAISShowTracks);
1149 if (Read(_T (
"TargetTracksLimit" ), &s)) {
1150 s.ToDouble(&g_AISShowTracks_Limit);
1151 g_AISShowTracks_Limit = wxMax(300.0, g_AISShowTracks_Limit);
1153 if (Read(_T (
"TargetTracksMinutes" ), &s)) {
1154 s.ToDouble(&g_AISShowTracks_Mins);
1155 g_AISShowTracks_Mins = wxMax(1.0, g_AISShowTracks_Mins);
1156 g_AISShowTracks_Mins = wxMin(g_AISShowTracks_Limit, g_AISShowTracks_Mins);
1159 Read(_T (
"bHideMooredTargets" ), &g_bHideMoored);
1160 if (Read(_T (
"MooredTargetMaxSpeedKnots" ), &s))
1161 s.ToDouble(&g_ShowMoored_Kts);
1163 g_SOGminCOG_kts = 0.2;
1164 if (Read(_T (
"SOGMinimumForCOGDisplay" ), &s)) s.ToDouble(&g_SOGminCOG_kts);
1166 Read(_T (
"bShowScaledTargets"), &g_bAllowShowScaled);
1167 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumber" ), &g_ShowScaled_Num);
1168 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSOG" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightSOG);
1169 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightCPA" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightCPA);
1170 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightTCPA" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightTCPA);
1171 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightRange" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightRange);
1172 Read(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSizeOfTarget" ), &g_ScaledNumWeightSizeOfT);
1173 Read(_T (
"AISScaledSizeMinimal" ), &g_ScaledSizeMinimal);
1174 Read(_T(
"AISShowScaled"), &g_bShowScaled);
1176 Read(_T (
"bShowAreaNotices" ), &g_bShowAreaNotices);
1177 Read(_T (
"bDrawAISSize" ), &g_bDrawAISSize);
1178 Read(_T (
"bDrawAISRealtime" ), &g_bDrawAISRealtime);
1179 Read(_T (
"bShowAISName" ), &g_bShowAISName);
1180 Read(_T (
"AISRealtimeMinSpeedKnots" ), &g_AIS_RealtPred_Kts, 0.7);
1181 Read(_T (
"bAISAlertDialog" ), &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert);
1182 Read(_T (
"ShowAISTargetNameScale" ), &g_Show_Target_Name_Scale);
1183 Read(_T (
"bWplIsAprsPositionReport" ), &g_bWplUsePosition);
1184 Read(_T (
"WplSelAction"), &g_WplAction);
1185 Read(_T (
"AISCOGPredictorWidth" ), &g_ais_cog_predictor_width);
1187 Read(_T (
"bAISAlertAudio" ), &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Audio);
1188 Read(_T (
"AISAlertAudioFile" ), &g_sAIS_Alert_Sound_File);
1189 Read(_T (
"bAISAlertSuppressMoored" ), &g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Suppress_Moored);
1191 Read(_T (
"bAISAlertAckTimeout" ), &g_bAIS_ACK_Timeout);
1192 if (Read(_T (
"AlertAckTimeoutMinutes" ), &s)) s.ToDouble(&g_AckTimeout_Mins);
1194 Read(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeX" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_sx);
1195 Read(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeY" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_sy);
1196 Read(_T (
"AlertDialogPosX" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_x);
1197 Read(_T (
"AlertDialogPosY" ), &g_ais_alert_dialog_y);
1198 Read(_T (
"QueryDialogPosX" ), &g_ais_query_dialog_x);
1199 Read(_T (
"QueryDialogPosY" ), &g_ais_query_dialog_y);
1201 Read(_T (
"AISTargetListPerspective" ), &g_AisTargetList_perspective);
1202 Read(_T (
"AISTargetListRange" ), &g_AisTargetList_range);
1203 Read(_T (
"AISTargetListSortColumn" ), &g_AisTargetList_sortColumn);
1204 Read(_T (
"bAISTargetListSortReverse" ), &g_bAisTargetList_sortReverse);
1205 Read(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnSpec" ), &g_AisTargetList_column_spec);
1206 Read(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnOrder"), &g_AisTargetList_column_order);
1208 Read(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowClass" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowClass);
1209 Read(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCOG" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowCOG);
1210 Read(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCPA" ), &g_bAISRolloverShowCPA);
1212 Read(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeX" ), &g_S57_dialog_sx);
1213 Read(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeY" ), &g_S57_dialog_sy);
1214 Read(_T (
"S57QueryExtraDialogSizeX" ), &g_S57_extradialog_sx);
1215 Read(_T (
"S57QueryExtraDialogSizeY" ), &g_S57_extradialog_sy);
1217 wxString strpres(_T (
"PresentationLibraryData" ));
1219 SetPath(_T (
"/Directories" ));
1220 Read(strpres, &valpres);
1221 if (!valpres.IsEmpty()) g_UserPresLibData = valpres;
1223 wxString strs(_T (
"SENCFileLocation" ));
1224 SetPath(_T (
"/Directories" ));
1227 if (!vals.IsEmpty()) g_SENCPrefix = vals;
1229 SetPath(_T (
"/Directories" ));
1231 Read(_T (
"InitChartDir" ), &vald);
1233 wxString dirnamed(vald);
1234 if (!dirnamed.IsEmpty()) {
1235 if (pInit_Chart_Dir->IsEmpty())
1237 pInit_Chart_Dir->Clear();
1238 pInit_Chart_Dir->Append(vald);
1242 Read(_T (
"GPXIODir" ), &g_gpx_path);
1243 Read(_T (
"TCDataDir" ), &g_TCData_Dir);
1244 Read(_T (
"BasemapDir"), &gWorldMapLocation);
1245 Read(_T (
"BaseShapefileDir"), &gWorldShapefileLocation);
1246 Read(_T (
"pluginInstallDir"), &g_winPluginDir);
1247 wxLogMessage(
"winPluginDir, read from ini file: %s",
1248 g_winPluginDir.mb_str().data());
1250 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1252 if (Read(_T (
"nColorScheme" ), &read_int))
1253 global_color_scheme = (ColorScheme)read_int;
1256 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/NMEADataSource" ));
1258 wxString connectionconfigs;
1259 Read(_T(
"DataConnections" ), &connectionconfigs);
1260 if (!connectionconfigs.IsEmpty()) {
1261 wxArrayString confs = wxStringTokenize(connectionconfigs, _T(
1262 TheConnectionParams().clear();
1263 for (
size_t i = 0; i < confs.Count(); i++) {
1266 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Skipped invalid DataStream config"));
1270 TheConnectionParams().push_back(prm);
1275 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1278 double st_lat, st_lon;
1279 if (Read(_T (
"VPLatLon" ), &st)) {
1280 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf,%lf", &st_lat, &st_lon);
1283 if (fabs(st_lon) < 360.) {
1284 while (st_lon < -180.) st_lon += 360.;
1286 while (st_lon > 180.) st_lon -= 360.;
1291 if (fabs(st_lat) < 90.0) vLat = st_lat;
1293 s.Printf(_T (
"Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon %g, %g" ), vLat, vLon);
1297 double st_view_scale, st_rotation;
1298 if (Read(wxString(_T (
"VPScale" )), &st)) {
1299 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf", &st_view_scale);
1301 st_view_scale = fmax(st_view_scale, .001 / 32);
1302 st_view_scale = fmin(st_view_scale, 4);
1305 if (Read(wxString(_T (
"VPRotation" )), &st)) {
1306 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf", &st_rotation);
1308 st_rotation = fmin(st_rotation, 360);
1309 st_rotation = fmax(st_rotation, 0);
1314 if (Read(_T (
"OwnShipLatLon" ), &sll)) {
1315 sscanf(sll.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf,%lf", &lat, &lon);
1318 if (fabs(lon) < 360.) {
1319 while (lon < -180.) lon += 360.;
1321 while (lon > 180.) lon -= 360.;
1326 if (fabs(lat) < 90.0) gLat = lat;
1328 s.Printf(_T (
"Setting Ownship Lat/Lon %g, %g" ), gLat, gLon);
1335 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AuxFontKeys" ));
1340 bool bContk = GetFirstEntry(strk, dummyk);
1341 bool bNewKey =
1344 bNewKey = FontMgr::Get().
1345 if (!bAsTemplate && !bNewKey) {
1349 bContk = GetNextEntry(strk, dummyk);
1353 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/X11Fonts" ));
1357 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GTKFonts" ));
1361 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/MSWFonts" ));
1365 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/MacFonts" ));
1369 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/QTFonts" ));
1375 wxArrayString deleteList;
1377 bool bCont = GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1381 if (str.StartsWith(_T(
"Font"))) {
1384 deleteList.Add(str);
1385 wxString oldKey = pval.BeforeFirst(_T(
1389 if (pval.IsEmpty() || pval.StartsWith(_T(
":"))) {
1390 deleteList.Add(str);
1394 bCont = GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1397 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < deleteList.Count(); i++) {
1398 DeleteEntry(deleteList[i]);
1403 SetPath(_T (
"/TideCurrentDataSources" ));
1404 if (GetNumberOfEntries()) {
1405 TideCurrentDataSet.clear();
1408 bool bCont = GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1415 if (std::find(TideCurrentDataSet.begin(), TideCurrentDataSet.end(),
1416 val.ToStdString()) == TideCurrentDataSet.end()) {
1417 TideCurrentDataSet.push_back(val.ToStdString());
1419 bCont = GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1424 LoadConfigGroups(g_pGroupArray);
1429 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Others" ));
1432 Read(_T (
"RadarRingsNumberVisible" ), &val);
1433 if (val.Length() > 0) g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible = atoi(val.mb_str());
1434 g_bNavAidRadarRingsShown = g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible > 0;
1436 Read(_T (
"RadarRingsStep" ), &val);
1437 if (val.Length() > 0) g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep = atof(val.mb_str());
1439 Read(_T (
"RadarRingsStepUnits" ), &g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits);
1441 wxString l_wxsOwnshipRangeRingsColour;
1442 Read(_T (
"RadarRingsColour" ), &l_wxsOwnshipRangeRingsColour);
1443 if (l_wxsOwnshipRangeRingsColour.Length())
1444 g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour.Set(l_wxsOwnshipRangeRingsColour);
1447 Read(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsNumber" ), &val);
1448 if (val.Length() > 0) g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber = atoi(val.mb_str());
1450 Read(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStep" ), &val);
1451 if (val.Length() > 0) g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep = atof(val.mb_str());
1453 Read(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStepUnits" ), &g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits);
1455 wxString l_wxsWaypointRangeRingsColour;
1456 Read(_T(
"WaypointRangeRingsColour" ), &l_wxsWaypointRangeRingsColour);
1457 g_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour.Set(l_wxsWaypointRangeRingsColour);
1459 if (!Read(_T(
"WaypointUseScaMin"), &g_bUseWptScaMin)) g_bUseWptScaMin =
1460 if (!Read(_T(
"WaypointScaMinValue"), &g_iWpt_ScaMin))
1461 g_iWpt_ScaMin = 2147483646;
1462 if (!Read(_T(
"WaypointUseScaMinOverrule"), &g_bOverruleScaMin))
1463 g_bOverruleScaMin =
1464 if (!Read(_T(
"WaypointsShowName"), &g_bShowWptName)) g_bShowWptName =
1465 if (!Read(_T(
"UserIconsFirst"), &g_bUserIconsFirst)) g_bUserIconsFirst =
1468 bool b300RadarRings =
1469 if (Read(_T (
"ShowRadarRings" ), &b300RadarRings)) {
1470 if (!b300RadarRings) g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible = 0;
1473 Read(_T (
"ConfirmObjectDeletion" ), &g_bConfirmObjectDelete);
1476 g_bWayPointPreventDragging =
1477 Read(_T (
"WaypointPreventDragging" ), &g_bWayPointPreventDragging);
1479 g_bEnableZoomToCursor =
1480 Read(_T (
"EnableZoomToCursor" ), &g_bEnableZoomToCursor);
1483 Read(_T (
"TrackIntervalSeconds" ), &val);
1484 if (val.Length() > 0) {
1485 double tval = atof(val.mb_str());
1486 if (tval >= 2.) g_TrackIntervalSeconds = tval;
1490 Read(_T (
"TrackDeltaDistance" ), &val);
1491 if (val.Length() > 0) {
1492 double tval = atof(val.mb_str());
1493 if (tval >= 0.05) g_TrackDeltaDistance = tval;
1496 Read(_T (
"TrackPrecision" ), &g_nTrackPrecision);
1498 Read(_T (
"NavObjectFileName" ), m_sNavObjSetFile);
1500 Read(_T (
"RouteLineWidth" ), &g_route_line_width);
1501 Read(_T (
"TrackLineWidth" ), &g_track_line_width);
1503 wxString l_wxsTrackLineColour;
1504 if (Read(_T(
"TrackLineColour" ), &l_wxsTrackLineColour))
1505 g_colourTrackLineColour.Set(l_wxsTrackLineColour);
1507 Read(_T (
"TideCurrentWindowScale" ), &g_tcwin_scale);
1508 Read(_T (
"DefaultWPIcon" ), &g_default_wp_icon);
1509 Read(_T (
"DefaultRPIcon" ), &g_default_routepoint_icon);
1511 SetPath(_T (
"/MmsiProperties" ));
1512 int iPMax = GetNumberOfEntries();
1514 g_MMSI_Props_Array.Empty();
1517 bool bCont = pConfig->GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1519 pConfig->Read(str, &val);
1522 g_MMSI_Props_Array.Add(pProps);
1524 bCont = pConfig->GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1531void MyConfig::LoadS57Config() {
1532 if (!ps52plib)
1536 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1538 Read(_T (
"bShowS57Text" ), &read_int, 1);
1539 ps52plib->SetShowS57Text(!(read_int == 0));
1541 Read(_T (
"bShowS57ImportantTextOnly" ), &read_int, 0);
1542 ps52plib->SetShowS57ImportantTextOnly(!(read_int == 0));
1544 Read(_T (
"bShowLightDescription" ), &read_int, 0);
1545 ps52plib->SetShowLdisText(!(read_int == 0));
1547 Read(_T (
"bExtendLightSectors" ), &read_int, 0);
1548 ps52plib->SetExtendLightSectors(!(read_int == 0));
1550 Read(_T (
"nDisplayCategory" ), &read_int, (
enum _DisCat)STANDARD);
1551 ps52plib->SetDisplayCategory((
enum _DisCat)read_int);
1553 Read(_T (
"nSymbolStyle" ), &read_int, (
enum _LUPname)PAPER_CHART);
1554 ps52plib->m_nSymbolStyle = (LUPname)read_int;
1556 Read(_T (
"nBoundaryStyle" ), &read_int, PLAIN_BOUNDARIES);
1557 ps52plib->m_nBoundaryStyle = (LUPname)read_int;
1559 Read(_T (
"bShowSoundg" ), &read_int, 1);
1560 ps52plib->m_bShowSoundg = !(read_int == 0);
1562 Read(_T (
"bShowMeta" ), &read_int, 0);
1563 ps52plib->m_bShowMeta = !(read_int == 0);
1565 Read(_T (
"bUseSCAMIN" ), &read_int, 1);
1566 ps52plib->m_bUseSCAMIN = !(read_int == 0);
1568 Read(_T (
"bUseSUPER_SCAMIN" ), &read_int, 0);
1569 ps52plib->m_bUseSUPER_SCAMIN = !(read_int == 0);
1571 Read(_T (
"bShowAtonText" ), &read_int, 1);
1572 ps52plib->m_bShowAtonText = !(read_int == 0);
1574 Read(_T (
"bDeClutterText" ), &read_int, 0);
1575 ps52plib->m_bDeClutterText = !(read_int == 0);
1577 Read(_T (
"bShowNationalText" ), &read_int, 0);
1578 ps52plib->m_bShowNationalTexts = !(read_int == 0);
1580 Read(_T (
"ENCSoundingScaleFactor" ), &read_int, 0);
1581 ps52plib->m_nSoundingFactor = read_int;
1583 Read(_T (
"ENCTextScaleFactor" ), &read_int, 0);
1584 ps52plib->m_nTextFactor = read_int;
1586 if (Read(_T (
"S52_MAR_SAFETY_CONTOUR" ), &dval, 3.0)) {
1587 S52_setMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SAFETY_CONTOUR, dval);
1588 S52_setMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SAFETY_DEPTH,
1592 if (Read(_T (
"S52_MAR_SHALLOW_CONTOUR" ), &dval, 2.0))
1593 S52_setMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SHALLOW_CONTOUR, dval);
1595 if (Read(_T (
"S52_MAR_DEEP_CONTOUR" ), &dval, 6.0))
1596 S52_setMarinerParam(S52_MAR_DEEP_CONTOUR, dval);
1598 if (Read(_T (
"S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES" ), &dval, 0.0))
1599 S52_setMarinerParam(S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES, dval);
1601 ps52plib->UpdateMarinerParams();
1603 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
1604 Read(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), &read_int, 1);
1605 read_int = wxMax(read_int, 0);
1606 read_int = wxMin(read_int, 2);
1607 ps52plib->m_nDepthUnitDisplay = read_int;
1608 g_nDepthUnitDisplay = read_int;
1614 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/ObjectFilter" ));
1616 int iOBJMax = GetNumberOfEntries();
1624 bool bCont = pConfig->GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1626 pConfig->Read(str, &val);
1628 bool bNeedNew =
1630 if (str.StartsWith(_T (
"viz" ), &sObj)) {
1631 for (
unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < ps52plib->pOBJLArray->GetCount();
1633 pOLE = (OBJLElement *)(ps52plib->pOBJLArray->Item(iPtr));
1634 if (!strncmp(pOLE->OBJLName, sObj.mb_str(), 6)) {
1642 pOLE = (OBJLElement *)calloc(
sizeof(OBJLElement), 1);
1643 memcpy(pOLE->OBJLName, sObj.mb_str(), OBJL_NAME_LEN);
1646 ps52plib->pOBJLArray->Add((
void *)pOLE);
1649 bCont = pConfig->GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1655static bool ReloadPendingChanges(
const wxString &changes_path) {
1656 wxULongLong size = wxFileName::GetSize(changes_path);
1661 auto pNavObjectChangesSet = NavObjectChanges::getTempInstance();
1662 pNavObjectChangesSet->Init(changes_path);
1663 auto res = pNavObjectChangesSet->load_file(changes_path.fn_str());
1668 if (::wxFileExists(changes_path)) ::wxRemoveFile(changes_path);
1670 if (size == 0 || res.status != pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
1671 wxLogMessage(changes_path +
" seems corrupted, not applying it.");
1672 pNavObjectChangesSet->reset();
1676 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Applying NavObjChanges"));
1677 pNavObjectChangesSet->ApplyChanges();
1681wxString MyConfig::FindNewestUsableBackup()
const {
1682 wxString newest_backup;
1684 for (
int i = 1; i <= g_navobjbackups; i++) {
1685 wxString backup = m_sNavObjSetFile +
"." + wxString::Format(
"%d", i);
1686 if (wxFileExists(backup) && wxFileName::GetSize(backup) > 461 &&
1687 doc.load_file(backup.fn_str()).status ==
1688 pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
1689 newest_backup = backup;
1693 return newest_backup;
1696void MyConfig::LoadNavObjects() {
1698 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Loading navobjects from navobj.xml"));
1700 if (NULL == m_pNavObjectInputSet)
1704 wxString newest_backup;
1705 if (::wxFileExists(m_sNavObjSetFile)) {
1706 if (wxFileName::GetSize(m_sNavObjSetFile) <
1711 wxLogMessage(
"Navobjects file exists, but seems truncated!");
1712 newest_backup = FindNewestUsableBackup();
1713 if (wxFileExists(newest_backup)) {
1714 wxLogMessage(
"We do have a backup " + newest_backup +
1715 " that looks healthy and will use it.");
1716 wxCopyFile(newest_backup, m_sNavObjSetFile,
1720 newest_backup = FindNewestUsableBackup();
1721 if (wxFileExists(newest_backup)) {
1722 wxLogMessage(
"We do have a backup " + newest_backup +
1723 " that looks healthy and will use it.");
1724 wxCopyFile(newest_backup, m_sNavObjSetFile,
1727 "No navobjects.xml file or usable backup exist, will create a new "
1731 bool success =
1734 if (::wxFileExists(m_sNavObjSetFile) &&
1735 m_pNavObjectInputSet->load_file(m_sNavObjSetFile.fn_str()).status ==
1736 pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
1737 CreateRotatingNavObjBackup();
1740 success = m_pNavObjectInputSet->LoadAllGPXObjects(
false, wpt_dups);
1745 wxString corrupted_file =
1747 wxDateTime::Now().Format(
1748 wxRenameFile(m_sNavObjSetFile, corrupted_file,
1749 wxLogMessage(
"Error while loading navobjects from " + m_sNavObjSetFile +
1750 ", the corrupted file was renamed to " + corrupted_file);
1757 newest_backup = FindNewestUsableBackup();
1759 m_pNavObjectInputSet->reset();
1760 if (wxFileExists(newest_backup) &&
1761 m_pNavObjectInputSet->load_file(newest_backup.fn_str()).status ==
1762 pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
1763 success = m_pNavObjectInputSet->LoadAllGPXObjects(
false, wpt_dups);
1764 wxLogMessage(
"We do have a healthy backup " + newest_backup +
1765 " and did load it.");
1768 "No usable backup found, a new navobj.xml file will be created.");
1769 m_pNavObjectInputSet->reset();
1773 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Done loading navobjects, %d duplicate waypoints ignored"),
1777 _T(
"Failed to load navobjects, creating a new navobj.xml file."));
1779 delete m_pNavObjectInputSet;
1781 if (::wxFileExists(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile)) {
1782 if (ReloadPendingChanges(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile)) {
1786 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->Init(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile);
1789 active_route.Notify();
1792bool MyConfig::LoadLayers(wxString &path) {
1793 wxArrayString file_array;
1797 if (dir.IsOpened()) {
1799 bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename);
1802 filename.Prepend(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator());
1803 filename.Prepend(path);
1804 wxFileName f(filename);
1806 if (f.GetExt().IsSameAs(wxT(
1807 file_array.Add(filename);
1809 if (wxDir::Exists(filename)) {
1810 wxDir dir(filename);
1811 if (dir.IsOpened()) {
1812 nfiles = dir.GetAllFiles(filename, &file_array,
1818 if (file_array.GetCount()) {
1820 l->m_LayerID = ++g_LayerIdx;
1821 l->m_LayerFileName = file_array[0];
1822 if (file_array.GetCount() <= 1)
1823 wxFileName::SplitPath(file_array[0], NULL, NULL, &(l->m_LayerName),
1826 wxFileName::SplitPath(filename, NULL, NULL, &(l->m_LayerName), NULL,
1829 bool bLayerViz = g_bShowLayers;
1831 if (g_VisibleLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName)) bLayerViz =
1832 if (g_InvisibleLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName)) bLayerViz =
1834 l->m_bHasVisibleNames = wxCHK_UNDETERMINED;
1835 if (g_VisiNameinLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName))
1836 l->m_bHasVisibleNames = wxCHK_CHECKED;
1837 if (g_InVisiNameinLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName))
1838 l->m_bHasVisibleNames = wxCHK_UNCHECKED;
1840 l->m_bIsVisibleOnChart = bLayerViz;
1843 laymsg.Printf(wxT(
"New layer %d: %s"), l->m_LayerID,
1844 l->m_LayerName.c_str());
1845 wxLogMessage(laymsg);
1847 pLayerList->Insert(l);
1851 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < file_array.GetCount(); i++) {
1852 wxString file_path = file_array[i];
1854 if (::wxFileExists(file_path)) {
1856 if (pSet->load_file(file_path.fn_str()).status !=
1857 pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
1858 wxLogMessage(
"Error loading GPX file " + file_path);
1861 long nItems = pSet->LoadAllGPXObjectsAsLayer(
1862 l->m_LayerID, bLayerViz, l->m_bHasVisibleNames);
1863 l->m_NoOfItems += nItems;
1864 l->m_LayerType = _(
1867 objmsg.Printf(wxT(
"Loaded GPX file %s with %ld items."),
1868 file_path.c_str(), nItems);
1869 wxLogMessage(objmsg);
1876 cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
1879 g_bLayersLoaded =
1884bool MyConfig::LoadChartDirArray(ArrayOfCDI &ChartDirArray) {
1886 SetPath(_T (
"/ChartDirectories" ));
1887 int iDirMax = GetNumberOfEntries();
1889 ChartDirArray.Empty();
1892 int nAdjustChartDirs = 0;
1894 bool bCont = pConfig->GetFirstEntry(str, dummy);
1896 pConfig->Read(str, &val);
1898 wxString dirname(val);
1899 if (!dirname.IsEmpty()) {
1914 if (dirname.Find(_T (
"SampleCharts" )) ==
1919 pConfig->DeleteEntry(str);
1920 wxString new_dir = dirname.Mid(dirname.Find(_T (
"SampleCharts" )));
1921 new_dir.Prepend(g_Platform->GetSharedDataDir());
1926 cdi.fullpath = dirname.BeforeFirst(
1927 cdi.magic_number = dirname.AfterFirst(
1929 ChartDirArray.Add(cdi);
1933 bCont = pConfig->GetNextEntry(str, dummy);
1936 if (nAdjustChartDirs) pConfig->UpdateChartDirs(ChartDirArray);
1942void MyConfig::AddNewRoute(
Route *r) { m_pNavObjectChangesSet->AddNewRoute(r); }
1944void MyConfig::UpdateRoute(
Route *r) { m_pNavObjectChangesSet->UpdateRoute(r); }
1946void MyConfig::DeleteConfigRoute(
Route *pr) {
1947 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->DeleteConfigRoute(pr);
1950void MyConfig::AddNewTrack(
Track *pt) {
1951 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->AddNewTrack(pt);
1954void MyConfig::UpdateTrack(
Track *pt) {
1955 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->UpdateTrack(pt);
1958void MyConfig::DeleteConfigTrack(
Track *pt) {
1959 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->DeleteConfigTrack(pt);
1962void MyConfig::AddNewWayPoint(
RoutePoint *pWP,
int crm) {
1963 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->AddNewWayPoint(pWP);
1966void MyConfig::UpdateWayPoint(
RoutePoint *pWP) {
1967 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->UpdateWayPoint(pWP);
1970void MyConfig::DeleteWayPoint(
RoutePoint *pWP) {
1971 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->DeleteWayPoint(pWP);
1974void MyConfig::AddNewTrackPoint(
TrackPoint *pWP,
const wxString &parent_GUID) {
1975 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->AddNewTrackPoint(pWP, parent_GUID);
1978bool MyConfig::UpdateChartDirs(ArrayOfCDI &dir_array) {
1982 SetPath(_T (
"/ChartDirectories" ));
1983 int iDirMax = GetNumberOfEntries();
1987 for (
int i = 0; i < iDirMax; i++) {
1988 GetFirstEntry(key, dummy);
1989 DeleteEntry(key,
1993 iDirMax = dir_array.GetCount();
1995 for (
int iDir = 0; iDir < iDirMax; iDir++) {
1998 wxString dirn = cdi.fullpath;
1999 dirn.Append(_T(
2000 dirn.Append(cdi.magic_number);
2002 str_buf.Printf(_T (
"ChartDir%d" ), iDir + 1);
2004 Write(str_buf, dirn);
2016void MyConfig::CreateConfigGroups(ChartGroupArray *pGroupArray) {
2017 if (!pGroupArray)
2019 SetPath(_T (
"/Groups" ));
2020 Write(_T (
"GroupCount" ), (
2022 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < pGroupArray->GetCount(); i++) {
2025 s.Printf(_T(
"Group%d"), i + 1);
2026 s.Prepend(_T (
"/Groups/" ));
2029 Write(_T (
"GroupName" ), pGroup->m_group_name);
2030 Write(_T (
"GroupItemCount" ), (
2032 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < pGroup->m_element_array.size(); j++) {
2034 sg.Printf(_T(
"Group%d/Item%d"), i + 1, j);
2035 sg.Prepend(_T (
"/Groups/" ));
2037 Write(_T (
"IncludeItem" ), pGroup->m_element_array[j].m_element_name);
2040 wxArrayString u = pGroup->m_element_array[j].m_missing_name_array;
2042 for (
unsigned int k = 0; k < u.GetCount(); k++) {
2046 Write(_T (
"ExcludeItems" ), t);
2052void MyConfig::DestroyConfigGroups(
void) {
2053 DeleteGroup(_T (
"/Groups" ));
2056void MyConfig::LoadConfigGroups(ChartGroupArray *pGroupArray) {
2057 SetPath(_T (
"/Groups" ));
2058 unsigned int group_count;
2059 Read(_T (
"GroupCount" ), (
int *)&group_count, 0);
2061 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < group_count; i++) {
2064 s.Printf(_T(
"Group%d"), i + 1);
2065 s.Prepend(_T (
"/Groups/" ));
2069 Read(_T (
"GroupName" ), &t);
2070 pGroup->m_group_name = t;
2072 unsigned int item_count;
2073 Read(_T (
"GroupItemCount" ), (
int *)&item_count);
2074 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < item_count; j++) {
2076 sg.Printf(_T(
"Group%d/Item%d"), i + 1, j);
2077 sg.Prepend(_T (
"/Groups/" ));
2081 Read(_T (
"IncludeItem" ), &v);
2085 if (Read(_T (
"ExcludeItems" ), &u)) {
2087 wxStringTokenizer tk(u, _T(
2088 while (tk.HasMoreTokens()) {
2089 wxString token = tk.GetNextToken();
2090 pelement.m_missing_name_array.Add(token);
2094 pGroup->m_element_array.push_back(std::move(pelement));
2096 pGroupArray->Add(pGroup);
2100void MyConfig::LoadCanvasConfigs(
bool bApplyAsTemplate) {
2103 auto &config_array = ConfigMgr::Get().GetCanvasConfigArray();
2105 SetPath(_T (
"/Canvas" ));
2108 if (!HasEntry(_T (
"CanvasConfig" ))) {
2110 pcc->LoadFromLegacyConfig(
2111 config_array.Add(pcc);
2116 Read(_T (
"CanvasConfig" ), (
int *)&g_canvasConfig, 0);
2119 if (config_array.GetCount() == 0) {
2120 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 1);
2123 LoadConfigCanvas(pcca, bApplyAsTemplate);
2124 config_array.Add(pcca);
2126 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 2);
2129 LoadConfigCanvas(pcca, bApplyAsTemplate);
2130 config_array.Add(pcca);
2133 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 1);
2135 LoadConfigCanvas(pcca, bApplyAsTemplate);
2137 if (config_array.GetCount() > 1) {
2139 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 2);
2141 LoadConfigCanvas(pcca, bApplyAsTemplate);
2143 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 2);
2146 LoadConfigCanvas(pcca, bApplyAsTemplate);
2147 config_array.Add(pcca);
2152void MyConfig::LoadConfigCanvas(
canvasConfig *cConfig,
bool bApplyAsTemplate) {
2154 double st_lat, st_lon;
2156 if (!bApplyAsTemplate) {
2158 cConfig->
2159 cConfig->
2161 if (Read(_T (
"canvasVPLatLon" ), &st)) {
2162 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf,%lf", &st_lat, &st_lon);
2165 if (fabs(st_lon) < 360.) {
2166 while (st_lon < -180.) st_lon += 360.;
2168 while (st_lon > 180.) st_lon -= 360.;
2170 cConfig->
iLon = st_lon;
2173 if (fabs(st_lat) < 90.0) cConfig->
iLat = st_lat;
2179 double st_view_scale;
2180 if (Read(wxString(_T (
"canvasVPScale" )), &st)) {
2181 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf", &st_view_scale);
2183 st_view_scale = fmax(st_view_scale, .001 / 32);
2184 st_view_scale = fmin(st_view_scale, 4);
2185 cConfig->
iScale = st_view_scale;
2189 if (Read(wxString(_T (
"canvasVPRotation" )), &st)) {
2190 sscanf(st.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),
"%lf", &st_rotation);
2192 st_rotation = fmin(st_rotation, 360);
2193 st_rotation = fmax(st_rotation, 0);
2194 cConfig->
iRotation = st_rotation * PI / 180.;
2197 Read(_T (
"canvasInitialdBIndex" ), &cConfig->DBindex, 0);
2198 Read(_T (
"canvasbFollow" ), &cConfig->
bFollow, 0);
2200 Read(_T (
"canvasCourseUp" ), &cConfig->
bCourseUp, 0);
2201 Read(_T (
"canvasHeadUp" ), &cConfig->
bHeadUp, 0);
2202 Read(_T (
"canvasLookahead" ), &cConfig->
bLookahead, 0);
2205 Read(_T (
"ActiveChartGroup" ), &cConfig->GroupID, 0);
2208 if (cConfig->GroupID && bApplyAsTemplate) {
2209 if (cConfig->GroupID > (
int)g_pGroupArray->GetCount()) cConfig->GroupID = 0;
2212 Read(_T (
"canvasShowTides" ), &cConfig->
bShowTides, 0);
2213 Read(_T (
"canvasShowCurrents" ), &cConfig->
bShowCurrents, 0);
2215 Read(_T (
"canvasQuilt" ), &cConfig->
bQuilt, 1);
2216 Read(_T (
"canvasShowGrid" ), &cConfig->
bShowGrid, 0);
2217 Read(_T (
"canvasShowOutlines" ), &cConfig->
bShowOutlines, 0);
2220 Read(_T (
"canvasShowAIS" ), &cConfig->
bShowAIS, 1);
2221 Read(_T (
"canvasAttenAIS" ), &cConfig->
bAttenAIS, 0);
2224 Read(_T (
"canvasShowENCText" ), &cConfig->
bShowENCText, 1);
2225 Read(_T (
"canvasENCDisplayCategory" ), &cConfig->nENCDisplayCategory,
2227 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowDepths" ), &cConfig->bShowENCDepths, 1);
2228 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowBuoyLabels" ), &cConfig->bShowENCBuoyLabels, 1);
2229 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowLightDescriptions" ),
2230 &cConfig->bShowENCLightDescriptions, 1);
2231 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowLights" ), &cConfig->bShowENCLights, 1);
2232 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowVisibleSectorLights" ),
2233 &cConfig->bShowENCVisibleSectorLights, 0);
2234 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowAnchorInfo" ), &cConfig->bShowENCAnchorInfo, 0);
2235 Read(_T (
"canvasENCShowDataQuality" ), &cConfig->bShowENCDataQuality, 0);
2238 Read(_T (
"canvasSizeX" ), &sx, 0);
2239 Read(_T (
"canvasSizeY" ), &sy, 0);
2243void MyConfig::SaveCanvasConfigs() {
2244 auto &config_array = ConfigMgr::Get().GetCanvasConfigArray();
2246 SetPath(_T (
"/Canvas" ));
2247 Write(_T (
"CanvasConfig" ), (
2252 switch (g_canvasConfig) {
2256 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 1);
2259 if (config_array.GetCount() > 0) {
2260 pcc = config_array.Item(0);
2262 SaveConfigCanvas(pcc);
2269 if (config_array.GetCount() > 1) {
2270 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 1);
2272 pcc = config_array.Item(0);
2274 SaveConfigCanvas(pcc);
2277 s.Printf(_T(
"/Canvas/CanvasConfig%d"), 2);
2279 pcc = config_array.Item(1);
2281 SaveConfigCanvas(pcc);
2288void MyConfig::SaveConfigCanvas(
canvasConfig *cConfig) {
2295 st1.Printf(_T (
"%10.4f,%10.4f" ), vp.
clat, vp.
2296 Write(_T (
"canvasVPLatLon" ), st1);
2298 Write(_T (
"canvasVPScale" ), st1);
2299 st1.Printf(_T (
"%i" ), ((
rotation * 180 / PI)) % 360);
2300 Write(_T (
"canvasVPRotation" ), st1);
2303 int restore_dbindex = 0;
2305 if (pcs) restore_dbindex = pcs->GetCurrentEntrydbIndex();
2306 if (cConfig->
2307 restore_dbindex = cConfig->
2308 Write(_T (
"canvasInitialdBIndex" ), restore_dbindex);
2310 Write(_T (
"canvasbFollow" ), cConfig->
2311 Write(_T (
"ActiveChartGroup" ), cConfig->
2313 Write(_T (
"canvasQuilt" ), cConfig->
2314 Write(_T (
"canvasShowGrid" ), cConfig->
2315 Write(_T (
"canvasShowOutlines" ), cConfig->
2316 Write(_T (
"canvasShowDepthUnits" ), cConfig->
2318 Write(_T (
"canvasShowAIS" ), cConfig->
2319 Write(_T (
"canvasAttenAIS" ), cConfig->
2321 Write(_T (
"canvasShowTides" ), cConfig->
2322 Write(_T (
"canvasShowCurrents" ), cConfig->
2325 Write(_T (
"canvasShowENCText" ), cConfig->
2326 Write(_T (
"canvasENCDisplayCategory" ),
2327 cConfig->
2328 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowDepths" ), cConfig->
2329 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowBuoyLabels" ),
2330 cConfig->
2331 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowLightDescriptions" ),
2332 cConfig->
2333 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowLights" ), cConfig->
2334 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowVisibleSectorLights" ),
2335 cConfig->
2336 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowAnchorInfo" ),
2337 cConfig->
2338 Write(_T (
"canvasENCShowDataQuality" ),
2339 cConfig->
2340 Write(_T (
"canvasCourseUp" ),
2341 cConfig->
canvas->GetUpMode() == COURSE_UP_MODE);
2342 Write(_T (
"canvasHeadUp" ), cConfig->
canvas->GetUpMode() == HEAD_UP_MODE);
2343 Write(_T (
"canvasLookahead" ), cConfig->
2345 int width = cConfig->
2353 Write(_T (
"canvasSizeX" ), width);
2354 Write(_T (
"canvasSizeY" ), cConfig->
2358void MyConfig::UpdateSettings() {
2366 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings" ));
2368 Write(_T (
"LastAppliedTemplate" ), g_lastAppliedTemplateGUID);
2369 Write(_T (
"CompatOS" ), g_compatOS);
2370 Write(_T (
"CompatOsVersion" ), g_compatOsVersion);
2371 Write(_T (
"ConfigVersionString" ), g_config_version_string);
2372 if (wxIsEmpty(g_CmdSoundString)) g_CmdSoundString = wxString(OCPN_SOUND_CMD);
2373 Write(_T(
"CmdSoundString" ), g_CmdSoundString);
2374 Write(_T (
"NavMessageShown" ), n_NavMessageShown);
2375 Write(_T (
"InlandEcdis" ), g_bInlandEcdis);
2377 Write(_T (
"AndroidVersionCode" ), g_AndroidVersionCode);
2379 Write(_T (
"UIexpert" ), g_bUIexpert);
2380 Write(_T(
"SpaceDropMark" ), g_bSpaceDropMark);
2384 Write(_T (
"ShowStatusBar" ), g_bShowStatusBar);
2386 Write(_T (
"ShowMenuBar" ), g_bShowMenuBar);
2388 Write(_T (
"DefaultFontSize" ), g_default_font_size);
2389 Write(_T (
"DefaultFontFacename" ), g_default_font_facename);
2391 Write(_T (
"Fullscreen" ), g_bFullscreen);
2392 Write(_T (
"ShowCompassWindow" ), g_bShowCompassWin);
2393 Write(_T (
"SetSystemTime" ), s_bSetSystemTime);
2394 Write(_T (
"ShowGrid" ), g_bDisplayGrid);
2395 Write(_T (
"PlayShipsBells" ), g_bPlayShipsBells);
2396 Write(_T (
"SoundDeviceIndex" ), g_iSoundDeviceIndex);
2397 Write(_T (
"FullscreenToolbar" ), g_bFullscreenToolbar);
2398 Write(_T (
"TransparentToolbar" ), g_bTransparentToolbar);
2399 Write(_T (
"PermanentMOBIcon" ), g_bPermanentMOBIcon);
2400 Write(_T (
"ShowLayers" ), g_bShowLayers);
2401 Write(_T (
"AutoAnchorDrop" ), g_bAutoAnchorMark);
2402 Write(_T (
"ShowChartOutlines" ), g_bShowOutlines);
2403 Write(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteTotal" ), g_bShowRouteTotal);
2404 Write(_T (
"ShowActiveRouteHighway" ), g_bShowActiveRouteHighway);
2405 Write(_T (
"SDMMFormat" ), g_iSDMMFormat);
2406 Write(_T (
"MostRecentGPSUploadConnection" ), g_uploadConnection);
2407 Write(_T (
"ShowChartBar" ), g_bShowChartBar);
2409 Write(_T (
"GUIScaleFactor" ), g_GUIScaleFactor);
2410 Write(_T (
"ChartObjectScaleFactor" ), g_ChartScaleFactor);
2411 Write(_T (
"ShipScaleFactor" ), g_ShipScaleFactor);
2412 Write(_T (
"ENCSoundingScaleFactor" ), g_ENCSoundingScaleFactor);
2413 Write(_T (
"ENCTextScaleFactor" ), g_ENCTextScaleFactor);
2414 Write(_T (
"ObjQueryAppendFilesExt" ), g_ObjQFileExt);
2417 Write(_T(
"CatalogCustomURL"), g_catalog_custom_url);
2418 Write(_T(
"CatalogChannel"), g_catalog_channel);
2420 Write(
"NetmaskBits", g_netmask_bits);
2421 Write(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Avg" ), g_bfilter_cogsog);
2422 Write(_T (
"FilterNMEA_Sec" ), g_COGFilterSec);
2424 Write(_T (
"TrackContinuous" ), g_btrackContinuous);
2426 Write(_T (
"ShowTrue" ), g_bShowTrue);
2427 Write(_T (
"ShowMag" ), g_bShowMag);
2428 Write(_T (
"UserMagVariation" ), wxString::Format(_T(
"%.2f"), g_UserVar));
2430 Write(_T (
"CM93DetailFactor" ), g_cm93_zoom_factor);
2431 Write(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosX" ), g_detailslider_dialog_x);
2432 Write(_T (
"CM93DetailZoomPosY" ), g_detailslider_dialog_y);
2433 Write(_T (
"ShowCM93DetailSlider" ), g_bShowDetailSlider);
2435 Write(_T (
"SkewToNorthUp" ), g_bskew_comp);
2436 if (!g_bdisable_opengl) {
2438 Write(_T (
"OpenGL" ), g_bopengl);
2440 Write(_T (
"SoftwareGL" ), g_bSoftwareGL);
2442 Write(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactor" ), g_chart_zoom_modifier_raster);
2443 Write(_T (
"ZoomDetailFactorVector" ), g_chart_zoom_modifier_vector);
2445 Write(_T (
"FogOnOverzoom" ), g_fog_overzoom);
2446 Write(_T (
"OverzoomVectorScale" ), g_oz_vector_scale);
2447 Write(_T (
"OverzoomEmphasisBase" ), g_overzoom_emphasis_base);
2448 Write(_T (
"PlusMinusZoomFactor" ), g_plus_minus_zoom_factor);
2449 Write(
2451 Write(_T (
"ShowMUIZoomButtons" ), g_bShowMuiZoomButtons);
2455 Write(_T (
"UseAcceleratedPanning" ), g_GLOptions.m_bUseAcceleratedPanning);
2457 Write(_T (
"GPUTextureCompression" ), g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompression);
2458 Write(_T (
"GPUTextureCompressionCaching" ),
2459 g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching);
2460 Write(_T (
"GPUTextureDimension" ), g_GLOptions.m_iTextureDimension);
2461 Write(_T (
"GPUTextureMemSize" ), g_GLOptions.m_iTextureMemorySize);
2462 Write(_T (
"PolygonSmoothing" ), g_GLOptions.m_GLPolygonSmoothing);
2463 Write(_T (
"LineSmoothing" ), g_GLOptions.m_GLLineSmoothing);
2465 Write(_T (
"SmoothPanZoom" ), g_bsmoothpanzoom);
2467 Write(_T (
"CourseUpMode" ), g_bCourseUp);
2468 if (!g_bInlandEcdis) Write(_T (
"LookAheadMode" ), g_bLookAhead);
2469 Write(_T (
"COGUPAvgSeconds" ), g_COGAvgSec);
2470 Write(_T (
"UseMagAPB" ), g_bMagneticAPB);
2472 Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorMinutes" ), g_ownship_predictor_minutes);
2473 Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorStyle" ), g_cog_predictor_style);
2474 Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorColor" ), g_cog_predictor_color);
2475 Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorEndmarker" ), g_cog_predictor_endmarker);
2476 Write(_T (
"OwnshipCOGPredictorWidth" ), g_cog_predictor_width);
2477 Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorStyle" ), g_ownship_HDTpredictor_style);
2478 Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorColor" ), g_ownship_HDTpredictor_color);
2479 Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorEndmarker" ),
2480 g_ownship_HDTpredictor_endmarker);
2481 Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorWidth" ), g_ownship_HDTpredictor_width);
2482 Write(_T (
"OwnshipHDTPredictorMiles" ), g_ownship_HDTpredictor_miles);
2484 Write(_T (
"OwnShipIconType" ), g_OwnShipIconType);
2485 Write(_T (
"OwnShipLength" ), g_n_ownship_length_meters);
2486 Write(_T (
"OwnShipWidth" ), g_n_ownship_beam_meters);
2487 Write(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetX" ), g_n_gps_antenna_offset_x);
2488 Write(_T (
"OwnShipGPSOffsetY" ), g_n_gps_antenna_offset_y);
2489 Write(_T (
"OwnShipMinSize" ), g_n_ownship_min_mm);
2490 Write(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalc" ), g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc);
2491 Write(_T (
"OwnShipSogCogCalcDampSec"), g_own_ship_sog_cog_calc_damp_sec);
2492 Write(_T (
"ShowDirectRouteLine"), g_bShowShipToActive);
2493 Write(_T (
"DirectRouteLineStyle"), g_shipToActiveStyle);
2494 Write(_T (
"DirectRouteLineColor" ), g_shipToActiveColor);
2499 Write(_T (
"RouteArrivalCircleRadius" ),
2500 wxString::Format(_T(
"%.2f"), g_n_arrival_circle_radius));
2502 Write(_T (
"ChartQuilting" ), g_bQuiltEnable);
2504 Write(_T (
"NMEALogWindowSizeX" ), NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().GetSizeW());
2505 Write(_T (
"NMEALogWindowSizeY" ), NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().GetSizeH());
2506 Write(_T (
"NMEALogWindowPosX" ), NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().GetPosX());
2507 Write(_T (
"NMEALogWindowPosY" ), NMEALogWindow::GetInstance().GetPosY());
2509 Write(_T (
"PreserveScaleOnX" ), g_bPreserveScaleOnX);
2511 Write(_T (
"StartWithTrackActive" ), g_bTrackCarryOver);
2512 Write(_T (
"AutomaticDailyTracks" ), g_bTrackDaily);
2513 Write(_T (
"TrackRotateAt" ), g_track_rotate_time);
2514 Write(_T (
"TrackRotateTimeType" ), g_track_rotate_time_type);
2515 Write(_T (
"HighlightTracks" ), g_bHighliteTracks);
2517 Write(_T (
"InitialStackIndex" ), g_restore_stackindex);
2518 Write(_T (
"InitialdBIndex" ), g_restore_dbindex);
2520 Write(_T(
"NMEAAPBPrecision" ), g_NMEAAPBPrecision);
2522 Write(_T(
"TalkerIdText"), g_TalkerIdText);
2523 Write(_T(
"ShowTrackPointTime"), g_bShowTrackPointTime);
2525 Write(_T (
"AnchorWatch1GUID" ), g_AW1GUID);
2526 Write(_T (
"AnchorWatch2GUID" ), g_AW2GUID);
2528 Write(_T (
"ToolbarX" ), g_maintoolbar_x);
2529 Write(_T (
"ToolbarY" ), g_maintoolbar_y);
2532 Write(_T (
"iENCToolbarX" ), g_iENCToolbarPosX);
2533 Write(_T (
"iENCToolbarY" ), g_iENCToolbarPosY);
2535 if (!g_bInlandEcdis) {
2536 Write(_T (
"GlobalToolbarConfig" ), g_toolbarConfig);
2537 Write(_T (
"DistanceFormat" ), g_iDistanceFormat);
2538 Write(_T (
"SpeedFormat" ), g_iSpeedFormat);
2539 Write(_T (
"WindSpeedFormat" ), g_iWindSpeedFormat);
2540 Write(_T (
"ShowDepthUnits" ), g_bShowDepthUnits);
2541 Write(_T (
"TemperatureFormat" ), g_iTempFormat);
2543 Write(_T (
"GPSIdent" ), g_GPS_Ident);
2544 Write(
"ActiveRoute", g_active_route);
2545 Write(
"PersistActiveRoute", g_persist_active_route);
2546 Write(_T (
"UseGarminHostUpload" ), g_bGarminHostUpload);
2548 Write(_T (
"MobileTouch" ), g_btouch);
2549 Write(_T (
"ResponsiveGraphics" ), g_bresponsive);
2550 Write(_T (
"EnableRolloverBlock" ), g_bRollover);
2552 Write(_T (
"AutoHideToolbar" ), g_bAutoHideToolbar);
2553 Write(_T (
"AutoHideToolbarSecs" ), g_nAutoHideToolbar);
2556 for (
const auto &mm : g_config_display_size_mm) {
2557 st0.Append(wxString::Format(_T (
"%zu," ), mm));
2560 Write(_T (
"DisplaySizeMM" ), st0);
2561 Write(_T (
"DisplaySizeManual" ), g_config_display_size_manual);
2563 Write(_T (
"SelectionRadiusMM" ), g_selection_radius_mm);
2564 Write(_T (
"SelectionRadiusTouchMM" ), g_selection_radius_touch_mm);
2566 st0.Printf(_T (
"%g" ), g_PlanSpeed);
2567 Write(_T (
"PlanSpeed" ), st0);
2569 if (g_bLayersLoaded) {
2570 wxString vis, invis, visnames, invisnames;
2571 LayerList::iterator it;
2573 for (it = (*pLayerList).begin(); it != (*pLayerList).end(); ++it, ++index) {
2575 if (lay->IsVisibleOnChart())
2576 vis += (lay->m_LayerName) + _T(
2578 invis += (lay->m_LayerName) + _T(
2580 if (lay->HasVisibleNames() == wxCHK_CHECKED) {
2581 visnames += (lay->m_LayerName) + _T(
2582 }
else if (lay->HasVisibleNames() == wxCHK_UNCHECKED) {
2583 invisnames += (lay->m_LayerName) + _T(
2586 Write(_T (
"VisibleLayers" ), vis);
2587 Write(_T (
"InvisibleLayers" ), invis);
2588 Write(_T (
"VisNameInLayers" ), visnames);
2589 Write(_T (
"InvisNameInLayers" ), invisnames);
2591 Write(_T (
"Locale" ), g_locale);
2592 Write(_T (
"LocaleOverride" ), g_localeOverride);
2594 Write(_T (
"KeepNavobjBackups" ), g_navobjbackups);
2595 Write(_T (
"LegacyInputCOMPortFilterBehaviour" ),
2596 g_b_legacy_input_filter_behaviour);
2597 Write(_T(
"AdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly" ),
2598 g_bAdvanceRouteWaypointOnArrivalOnly);
2599 Write(
"EnableRootMenuDebug", g_enable_root_menu_debug);
2602 Write(_T(
"LiveETA" ), g_bShowLiveETA);
2603 Write(_T(
"DefaultBoatSpeed" ), g_defaultBoatSpeed);
2607 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/ObjectFilter" ));
2610 for (
unsigned int iPtr = 0; iPtr < ps52plib->pOBJLArray->GetCount();
2612 OBJLElement *pOLE = (OBJLElement *)(ps52plib->pOBJLArray->Item(iPtr));
2614 wxString st1(_T (
"viz" ));
2616 strncpy(name, pOLE->OBJLName, 6);
2618 st1.Append(wxString(name, wxConvUTF8));
2619 Write(st1, pOLE->nViz);
2625 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
2642 st1.Printf(_T (
"%10.4f, %10.4f" ), gLat, gLon);
2643 Write(_T (
"OwnShipLatLon" ), st1);
2646 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
2647 if (!g_bInlandEcdis)
2648 Write(_T (
"nColorScheme" ), (
2650 Write(_T (
"FrameWinX" ), g_nframewin_x);
2651 Write(_T (
"FrameWinY" ), g_nframewin_y);
2652 Write(_T (
"FrameWinPosX" ), g_nframewin_posx);
2653 Write(_T (
"FrameWinPosY" ), g_nframewin_posy);
2654 Write(_T (
"FrameMax" ), g_bframemax);
2656 Write(_T (
"ClientPosX" ), g_lastClientRectx);
2657 Write(_T (
"ClientPosY" ), g_lastClientRecty);
2658 Write(_T (
"ClientSzX" ), g_lastClientRectw);
2659 Write(_T (
"ClientSzY" ), g_lastClientRecth);
2661 Write(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), g_nDepthUnitDisplay);
2663 Write(_T(
"RoutePropSizeX" ), g_route_prop_sx);
2664 Write(_T(
"RoutePropSizeY" ), g_route_prop_sy);
2665 Write(_T(
"RoutePropPosX" ), g_route_prop_x);
2666 Write(_T(
"RoutePropPosY" ), g_route_prop_y);
2669 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Audio" ));
2670 Write(_T (
"AISAlertSoundFile" ), g_AIS_sound_file);
2671 Write(_T (
"DSCAlertSoundFile" ), g_DSC_sound_file);
2672 Write(_T (
"SARTAlertSoundFile" ), g_SART_sound_file);
2673 Write(_T (
"AnchorAlarmSoundFile" ), g_anchorwatch_sound_file);
2675 Write(_T (
"bAIS_GCPA_AlertAudio" ), g_bAIS_GCPA_Alert_Audio);
2676 Write(_T (
"bAIS_SART_AlertAudio" ), g_bAIS_SART_Alert_Audio);
2677 Write(_T (
"bAIS_DSC_AlertAudio" ), g_bAIS_DSC_Alert_Audio);
2678 Write(_T (
"bAnchorAlertAudio" ), g_bAnchor_Alert_Audio);
2681 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AIS" ));
2683 Write(_T (
"bNoCPAMax" ), g_bCPAMax);
2684 Write(_T (
"NoCPAMaxNMi" ), g_CPAMax_NM);
2685 Write(_T (
"bCPAWarn" ), g_bCPAWarn);
2686 Write(_T (
"CPAWarnNMi" ), g_CPAWarn_NM);
2687 Write(_T (
"bTCPAMax" ), g_bTCPA_Max);
2688 Write(_T (
"TCPAMaxMinutes" ), g_TCPA_Max);
2689 Write(_T (
"bMarkLostTargets" ), g_bMarkLost);
2690 Write(_T (
"MarkLost_Minutes" ), g_MarkLost_Mins);
2691 Write(_T (
"bRemoveLostTargets" ), g_bRemoveLost);
2692 Write(_T (
"RemoveLost_Minutes" ), g_RemoveLost_Mins);
2693 Write(_T (
"bShowCOGArrows" ), g_bShowCOG);
2694 Write(_T (
"bSyncCogPredictors" ), g_bSyncCogPredictors);
2695 Write(_T (
"CogArrowMinutes" ), g_ShowCOG_Mins);
2696 Write(_T (
"bShowTargetTracks" ), g_bAISShowTracks);
2697 Write(_T (
"TargetTracksMinutes" ), g_AISShowTracks_Mins);
2699 Write(_T (
"bHideMooredTargets" ), g_bHideMoored);
2700 Write(_T (
"MooredTargetMaxSpeedKnots" ), g_ShowMoored_Kts);
2702 Write(_T (
"bAISAlertDialog" ), g_bAIS_CPA_Alert);
2703 Write(_T (
"bAISAlertAudio" ), g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Audio);
2705 Write(_T (
"AISAlertAudioFile" ), g_sAIS_Alert_Sound_File);
2706 Write(_T (
"bAISAlertSuppressMoored" ), g_bAIS_CPA_Alert_Suppress_Moored);
2707 Write(_T (
"bShowAreaNotices" ), g_bShowAreaNotices);
2708 Write(_T (
"bDrawAISSize" ), g_bDrawAISSize);
2709 Write(_T (
"bDrawAISRealtime" ), g_bDrawAISRealtime);
2710 Write(_T (
"AISRealtimeMinSpeedKnots" ), g_AIS_RealtPred_Kts);
2711 Write(_T (
"bShowAISName" ), g_bShowAISName);
2712 Write(_T (
"ShowAISTargetNameScale" ), g_Show_Target_Name_Scale);
2713 Write(_T (
"bWplIsAprsPositionReport" ), g_bWplUsePosition);
2714 Write(_T (
"WplSelAction" ), g_WplAction);
2715 Write(_T (
"AISCOGPredictorWidth" ), g_ais_cog_predictor_width);
2716 Write(_T (
"bShowScaledTargets" ), g_bAllowShowScaled);
2717 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumber" ), g_ShowScaled_Num);
2718 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSOG" ), g_ScaledNumWeightSOG);
2719 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightCPA" ), g_ScaledNumWeightCPA);
2720 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightTCPA" ), g_ScaledNumWeightTCPA);
2721 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightRange" ), g_ScaledNumWeightRange);
2722 Write(_T (
"AISScaledNumberWeightSizeOfTarget" ), g_ScaledNumWeightSizeOfT);
2723 Write(_T (
"AISScaledSizeMinimal" ), g_ScaledSizeMinimal);
2724 Write(_T (
"AISShowScaled"), g_bShowScaled);
2726 Write(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeX" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_sx);
2727 Write(_T (
"AlertDialogSizeY" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_sy);
2728 Write(_T (
"AlertDialogPosX" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_x);
2729 Write(_T (
"AlertDialogPosY" ), g_ais_alert_dialog_y);
2730 Write(_T (
"QueryDialogPosX" ), g_ais_query_dialog_x);
2731 Write(_T (
"QueryDialogPosY" ), g_ais_query_dialog_y);
2732 Write(_T (
"AISTargetListPerspective" ), g_AisTargetList_perspective);
2733 Write(_T (
"AISTargetListRange" ), g_AisTargetList_range);
2734 Write(_T (
"AISTargetListSortColumn" ), g_AisTargetList_sortColumn);
2735 Write(_T (
"bAISTargetListSortReverse" ), g_bAisTargetList_sortReverse);
2736 Write(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnSpec" ), g_AisTargetList_column_spec);
2737 Write(_T (
"AISTargetListColumnOrder"), g_AisTargetList_column_order);
2739 Write(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeX" ), g_S57_dialog_sx);
2740 Write(_T (
"S57QueryDialogSizeY" ), g_S57_dialog_sy);
2741 Write(_T (
"S57QueryExtraDialogSizeX" ), g_S57_extradialog_sx);
2742 Write(_T (
"S57QueryExtraDialogSizeY" ), g_S57_extradialog_sy);
2744 Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowClass" ), g_bAISRolloverShowClass);
2745 Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCOG" ), g_bAISRolloverShowCOG);
2746 Write(_T (
"bAISRolloverShowCPA" ), g_bAISRolloverShowCPA);
2748 Write(_T (
"bAISAlertAckTimeout" ), g_bAIS_ACK_Timeout);
2749 Write(_T (
"AlertAckTimeoutMinutes" ), g_AckTimeout_Mins);
2751 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/GlobalState" ));
2753 Write(_T (
"bShowS57Text" ), ps52plib->GetShowS57Text());
2754 Write(_T (
"bShowS57ImportantTextOnly" ),
2755 ps52plib->GetShowS57ImportantTextOnly());
2756 if (!g_bInlandEcdis)
2757 Write(_T (
"nDisplayCategory" ), (
2758 Write(_T (
"nSymbolStyle" ), (
2759 Write(_T (
"nBoundaryStyle" ), (
2761 Write(_T (
"bShowSoundg" ), ps52plib->m_bShowSoundg);
2762 Write(_T (
"bShowMeta" ), ps52plib->m_bShowMeta);
2763 Write(_T (
"bUseSCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSCAMIN);
2764 Write(_T (
"bUseSUPER_SCAMIN" ), ps52plib->m_bUseSUPER_SCAMIN);
2765 Write(_T (
"bShowAtonText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowAtonText);
2766 Write(_T (
"bShowLightDescription" ), ps52plib->m_bShowLdisText);
2767 Write(_T (
"bExtendLightSectors" ), ps52plib->m_bExtendLightSectors);
2768 Write(_T (
"bDeClutterText" ), ps52plib->m_bDeClutterText);
2769 Write(_T (
"bShowNationalText" ), ps52plib->m_bShowNationalTexts);
2771 Write(_T (
2772 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SAFETY_CONTOUR));
2773 Write(_T (
2774 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_SHALLOW_CONTOUR));
2775 Write(_T (
2776 S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_DEEP_CONTOUR));
2777 Write(_T (
"S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES" ), S52_getMarinerParam(S52_MAR_TWO_SHADES));
2778 Write(_T (
"S52_DEPTH_UNIT_SHOW" ), ps52plib->m_nDepthUnitDisplay);
2779 Write(_T (
"ENCSoundingScaleFactor" ), g_ENCSoundingScaleFactor);
2780 Write(_T (
"ENCTextScaleFactor" ), g_ENCTextScaleFactor);
2782 SetPath(_T (
"/Directories" ));
2783 Write(_T (
"S57DataLocation" ), _T(
2786 SetPath(_T (
"/Directories" ));
2787 Write(_T (
"InitChartDir" ), *pInit_Chart_Dir);
2788 Write(_T (
"GPXIODir" ), g_gpx_path);
2789 Write(_T (
"TCDataDir" ), g_TCData_Dir);
2790 Write(_T (
"BasemapDir" ), g_Platform->NormalizePath(gWorldMapLocation));
2791 Write(_T (
"BaseShapefileDir" ),
2792 g_Platform->NormalizePath(gWorldShapefileLocation));
2793 Write(_T (
"pluginInstallDir" ), g_Platform->NormalizePath(g_winPluginDir));
2795 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/NMEADataSource" ));
2796 wxString connectionconfigs;
2797 for (
size_t i = 0; i < TheConnectionParams().size(); i++) {
2798 if (i > 0) connectionconfigs.Append(_T(
2799 connectionconfigs.Append(TheConnectionParams()[i]->Serialize());
2801 Write(_T (
"DataConnections" ), connectionconfigs);
2806 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AuxFontKeys" ));
2809 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < keyArray.GetCount(); i++) {
2811 key.Printf(_T(
"Key%i"), i);
2812 wxString keyval = keyArray[i];
2818 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/X11Fonts" ));
2822 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/GTKFonts" ));
2826 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/MSWFonts" ));
2830 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/MacFonts" ));
2834 font_path = (_T (
"/Settings/QTFonts" ));
2837 DeleteGroup(font_path);
2843 for (
int i = 0; i < nFonts; i++) {
2844 wxString cfstring(FontMgr::Get().GetConfigString(i));
2846 Write(cfstring, valstring);
2850 DeleteGroup(_T (
"/TideCurrentDataSources" ));
2851 SetPath(_T (
"/TideCurrentDataSources" ));
2852 unsigned int id = 0;
2853 for (
auto val : TideCurrentDataSet) {
2855 key.Printf(_T(
2856 Write(key, wxString(val));
2860 SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/Others" ));
2863 Write(_T (
"ShowRadarRings" ),
2864 (
bool)(g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible > 0));
2865 Write(_T (
"RadarRingsNumberVisible" ), g_iNavAidRadarRingsNumberVisible);
2866 Write(_T (
"RadarRingsStep" ), g_fNavAidRadarRingsStep);
2867 Write(_T (
"RadarRingsStepUnits" ), g_pNavAidRadarRingsStepUnits);
2868 Write(_T (
"RadarRingsColour" ),
2869 g_colourOwnshipRangeRingsColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
2870 Write(_T(
"WaypointUseScaMin" ), g_bUseWptScaMin);
2871 Write(_T(
"WaypointScaMinValue" ), g_iWpt_ScaMin);
2872 Write(_T(
"WaypointUseScaMinOverrule" ), g_bOverruleScaMin);
2873 Write(_T(
"WaypointsShowName"), g_bShowWptName);
2874 Write(_T(
"UserIconsFirst"), g_bUserIconsFirst);
2877 Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsNumber" ), g_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber);
2878 Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStep" ), g_fWaypointRangeRingsStep);
2879 Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsStepUnits" ), g_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits);
2880 Write(_T (
"WaypointRangeRingsColour" ),
2881 g_colourWaypointRangeRingsColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
2883 Write(_T (
"ConfirmObjectDeletion" ), g_bConfirmObjectDelete);
2886 Write(_T (
"WaypointPreventDragging" ), g_bWayPointPreventDragging);
2888 Write(_T (
"EnableZoomToCursor" ), g_bEnableZoomToCursor);
2890 Write(_T (
"TrackIntervalSeconds" ), g_TrackIntervalSeconds);
2891 Write(_T (
"TrackDeltaDistance" ), g_TrackDeltaDistance);
2892 Write(_T (
"TrackPrecision" ), g_nTrackPrecision);
2894 Write(_T (
"RouteLineWidth" ), g_route_line_width);
2895 Write(_T (
"TrackLineWidth" ), g_track_line_width);
2896 Write(_T (
"TrackLineColour" ),
2897 g_colourTrackLineColour.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX));
2898 Write(_T (
"DefaultWPIcon" ), g_default_wp_icon);
2899 Write(_T (
"DefaultRPIcon" ), g_default_routepoint_icon);
2901 DeleteGroup(_T (
"/MmsiProperties" ));
2902 SetPath(_T (
"/MmsiProperties" ));
2903 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < g_MMSI_Props_Array.GetCount(); i++) {
2905 p.Printf(_T(
"Props%d"), i);
2906 Write(p, g_MMSI_Props_Array[i]->Serialize());
2909 SaveCanvasConfigs();
2912 SendMessageToAllPlugins(
2915void MyConfig::UpdateNavObjOnly() {
2919 pNavObjectSet->CreateAllGPXObjects();
2920 pNavObjectSet->SaveFile(m_sNavObjSetFile);
2922 delete pNavObjectSet;
2925void MyConfig::UpdateNavObj(
bool bRecreate) {
2929 pNavObjectSet->CreateAllGPXObjects();
2930 pNavObjectSet->SaveFile(m_sNavObjSetFile);
2932 delete pNavObjectSet;
2934 if (m_pNavObjectChangesSet->m_changes_file)
2935 fclose(m_pNavObjectChangesSet->m_changes_file);
2937 if (::wxFileExists(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile)) {
2939 wxRemoveFile(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile);
2943 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->Init(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile);
2945 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->reset();
2946 if (m_pNavObjectChangesSet->load_file(m_sNavObjSetChangesFile.fn_str())
2947 .status != pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
2948 wxLogMessage(
"Error while loading " + m_sNavObjSetChangesFile +
2949 ", ignoring contents of the file.");
2950 m_pNavObjectChangesSet->reset();
2955static wxFileName exportFileName(wxWindow *parent,
2956 const wxString suggestedName) {
2959 wxString validName{suggestedName};
2962 validName.Replace(_T(
"/"), _T(
2963 validName.Replace(_T(
":"), _T(
2966 if (!validName.EndsWith(
".gpx")) {
2967 wxFileName fn(validName);
2970 validName = fn.GetFullName();
2973 int response = g_Platform->DoFileSelectorDialog(
2974 parent, &path, _(
"Export GPX file"), g_gpx_path, validName, wxT(
2976 if (response == wxID_OK) {
2977 wxFileName fn(path);
2978 g_gpx_path = fn.GetPath();
2979 fn.SetExt(_T(
2982 if (wxFileExists(fn.GetFullPath())) {
2984 OCPNMessageBox(NULL, _(
"Overwrite existing file?"), _T(
2986 if (answer != wxID_YES)
return ret;
2994bool MyConfig::IsChangesFileDirty() {
2995 return m_pNavObjectChangesSet->IsDirty();
2998bool ExportGPXRoutes(wxWindow *parent, RouteList *pRoutes,
2999 const wxString suggestedName) {
3000 wxFileName fn = exportFileName(parent, suggestedName);
3003 pgpx->AddGPXRoutesList(pRoutes);
3006 wxString fns = androidGetCacheDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
3008 pgpx->SaveFile(fns);
3009 AndroidSecureCopyFile(fns, fn.GetFullPath());
3011 pgpx->SaveFile(fn.GetFullPath());
3022bool ExportGPXTracks(wxWindow *parent, std::vector<Track *> *pTracks,
3023 const wxString suggestedName) {
3024 wxFileName fn = exportFileName(parent, suggestedName);
3027 pgpx->AddGPXTracksList(pTracks);
3029 wxString fns = androidGetCacheDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
3031 pgpx->SaveFile(fns);
3032 AndroidSecureCopyFile(fns, fn.GetFullPath());
3034 pgpx->SaveFile(fn.GetFullPath());
3043bool ExportGPXWaypoints(wxWindow *parent, RoutePointList *pRoutePoints,
3044 const wxString suggestedName) {
3045 wxFileName fn = exportFileName(parent, suggestedName);
3048 pgpx->AddGPXPointsList(pRoutePoints);
3051 wxString fns = androidGetCacheDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
3053 pgpx->SaveFile(fns);
3054 AndroidSecureCopyFile(fns, fn.GetFullPath());
3056 pgpx->SaveFile(fn.GetFullPath());
3066void ExportGPX(wxWindow *parent,
bool bviz_only,
bool blayer) {
3067 wxFileName fn = exportFileName(parent, _T(
3069 ::wxBeginBusyCursor();
3073 wxGenericProgressDialog *pprog =
3074 int count = pWayPointMan->GetWaypointList()->GetCount();
3075 int progStep = count / 32;
3077 pprog =
new wxGenericProgressDialog(
3078 _(
"Export GPX file"), _T(
"0/0"), count, NULL,
3081 pprog->SetSize(400, wxDefaultCoord);
3088 wxRoutePointListNode *node = pWayPointMan->GetWaypointList()->GetFirst();
3091 if (pprog && !(ic % progStep)) {
3093 msg.Printf(_T(
"%d/%d"), ic, count);
3094 pprog->Update(ic, msg);
3098 pr = node->GetData();
3102 if (bviz_only && !pr->m_bIsVisible) b_add =
3104 if (pr->m_bIsInLayer && !blayer) b_add =
3106 if (pr->IsShared() || !WptIsInRouteList(pr)) pgpx->AddGPXWaypoint(pr);
3109 node = node->GetNext();
3112 wxRouteListNode *node1 = pRouteList->GetFirst();
3114 Route *pRoute = node1->GetData();
3118 if (bviz_only && !pRoute->IsVisible()) b_add =
3120 if (pRoute->m_bIsInLayer && !blayer) b_add =
3122 if (b_add) pgpx->AddGPXRoute(pRoute);
3124 node1 = node1->GetNext();
3127 for (
Track *pTrack : g_TrackList) {
3130 if (bviz_only && !pTrack->IsVisible()) b_add =
3132 if (pTrack->m_bIsInLayer && !blayer) b_add =
3134 if (b_add) pgpx->AddGPXTrack(pTrack);
3141 wxString fns = androidGetCacheDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
3143 pgpx->SaveFile(fns);
3144 AndroidSecureCopyFile(fns, fn.GetFullPath());
3146 pgpx->SaveFile(fn.GetFullPath());
3150 ::wxEndBusyCursor();
3156void UI_ImportGPX(wxWindow *parent,
bool islayer, wxString dirpath,
3157 bool isdirectory,
bool isPersistent) {
3158 int response = wxID_CANCEL;
3159 wxArrayString file_array;
3162 if (!islayer || dirpath.IsSameAs(_T(
""))) {
3167 wxFileDialog *popenDialog =
3168 new wxFileDialog(NULL, _(
"Import GPX file"), g_gpx_path, wxT(
3169 wxT(
"GPX files (*.gpx)|*.gpx|All files (*.*)|*.*"),
3170 wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE);
3172 if (g_bresponsive && parent)
3173 popenDialog = g_Platform->AdjustFileDialogFont(parent, popenDialog);
3175 popenDialog->Centre();
3178 if (parent) parent->HideWithEffect(wxSHOW_EFFECT_BLEND);
3181 response = popenDialog->ShowModal();
3184 if (parent) parent->ShowWithEffect(wxSHOW_EFFECT_BLEND);
3187 if (response == wxID_OK) {
3188 popenDialog->GetPaths(file_array);
3191 if (file_array.GetCount()) {
3192 wxFileName fn(file_array[0]);
3193 g_gpx_path = fn.GetPath();
3199 response = g_Platform->DoFileSelectorDialog(
3200 NULL, &path, _(
"Import GPX file"), g_gpx_path, _T(
""), wxT(
3202 file_array.Add(path);
3203 wxFileName fn(path);
3204 g_gpx_path = fn.GetPath();
3210 if (wxDir::GetAllFiles(dirpath, &file_array, wxT(
3213 file_array.Add(dirpath);
3218 if (response == wxID_OK) {
3221 l->m_LayerID = ++g_LayerIdx;
3222 l->m_LayerFileName = file_array[0];
3223 if (file_array.GetCount() <= 1)
3224 wxFileName::SplitPath(file_array[0], NULL, NULL, &(l->m_LayerName),
3227 if (dirpath.IsSameAs(_T(
3228 wxFileName::SplitPath(g_gpx_path, NULL, NULL, &(l->m_LayerName), NULL,
3231 wxFileName::SplitPath(dirpath, NULL, NULL, &(l->m_LayerName), NULL,
3235 bool bLayerViz = g_bShowLayers;
3236 if (g_VisibleLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName)) bLayerViz =
3237 if (g_InvisibleLayers.Contains(l->m_LayerName)) bLayerViz =
3238 l->m_bIsVisibleOnChart = bLayerViz;
3241 l->m_bHasVisibleNames = wxCHK_CHECKED;
3244 laymsg.Printf(wxT(
"New layer %d: %s"), l->m_LayerID,
3245 l->m_LayerName.c_str());
3246 wxLogMessage(laymsg);
3248 pLayerList->Insert(l);
3251 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < file_array.GetCount(); i++) {
3252 wxString path = file_array[i];
3254 if (::wxFileExists(path)) {
3256 if (pSet->load_file(path.fn_str()).status !=
3257 pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) {
3258 wxLogMessage(
"Error loading GPX file " + path);
3265 l->m_NoOfItems = pSet->LoadAllGPXObjectsAsLayer(
3266 l->m_LayerID, l->m_bIsVisibleOnChart, l->m_bHasVisibleNames);
3267 l->m_LayerType = isPersistent ? _(
"Persistent") : _(
3272 wxString destf, f, name, ext;
3273 f = l->m_LayerFileName;
3274 wxFileName::SplitPath(f, NULL, NULL, &name, &ext);
3276 appendOSDirSlash(&destf);
3277 destf.Append(_T(
3278 appendOSDirSlash(&destf);
3279 if (!wxDirExists(destf)) {
3280 if (!wxMkdir(destf, wxS_DIR_DEFAULT))
3281 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Error creating layer directory"));
3284 destf << name << _T(
".") << ext;
3286 if (wxCopyFile(f, destf,
3287 msg.Printf(_T(
"File: %s.%s also added to persistent layers"),
3290 msg.Printf(_T(
"Failed adding %s.%s to persistent layers"), name,
3296 pSet->LoadAllGPXObjects(
3302 wxString::Format(_T(
"%d ") + _(
"duplicate waypoints detected "
3303 "during import and ignored."),
3305 _(
"OpenCPN Info"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK, 10);
3317void SwitchInlandEcdisMode(
bool Switch) {
3319 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Switch InlandEcdis mode On"));
3323 g_iDistanceFormat = 2;
3326 if (ps52plib) ps52plib->SetDisplayCategory(STANDARD);
3327 g_bDrawAISSize =
3328 if (gFrame) gFrame->RequestNewToolbars(
3330 wxLogMessage(_T(
"Switch InlandEcdis mode Off"));
3333 pConfig->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings" ));
3334 pConfig->Read(_T (
"GlobalToolbarConfig" ), &g_toolbarConfig);
3335 pConfig->Read(_T (
"DistanceFormat" ), &g_iDistanceFormat);
3336 pConfig->Read(_T (
"SpeedFormat" ), &g_iSpeedFormat);
3337 pConfig->Read(_T (
"ShowDepthUnits" ), &g_bShowDepthUnits, 1);
3339 pConfig->Read(_T (
"nDisplayCategory" ), &read_int,
3340 (
enum _DisCat)STANDARD);
3341 if (ps52plib) ps52plib->SetDisplayCategory((
enum _DisCat)read_int);
3342 pConfig->SetPath(_T (
"/Settings/AIS" ));
3343 pConfig->Read(_T (
"bDrawAISSize" ), &g_bDrawAISSize);
3344 pConfig->Read(_T (
"bDrawAISRealtime" ), &g_bDrawAISRealtime);
3346 if (gFrame) gFrame->RequestNewToolbars(
3358wxString FormatGPXDateTime(wxDateTime dt) {
3360 return dt.Format(wxT(
3367bool LogMessageOnce(
const wxString &msg) {
3370 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < pMessageOnceArray->GetCount(); i++) {
3371 if (msg.IsSameAs(pMessageOnceArray->Item(i)))
return false;
3375 pMessageOnceArray->Add(msg);
3386wxDateTime toUsrDateTime(
const wxDateTime ts,
const int format,
3388 if (!ts.IsValid()) {
3394 if (std::isnan(lon)) {
3395 dt = wxInvalidDateTime;
3398 ts.Add(wxTimeSpan(wxTimeSpan(0, 0, wxLongLong(lon * 3600. / 15.))));
3413wxDateTime fromUsrDateTime(
const wxDateTime ts,
const int format,
3415 if (!ts.IsValid()) {
3421 if (std::isnan(lon)) {
3422 dt = wxInvalidDateTime;
3424 dt = ts.Subtract(wxTimeSpan(0, 0, wxLongLong(lon * 3600. / 15.)));
3441double fromUsrDistance(
double usr_distance,
int unit) {
3443 if (
unit == -1)
unit = g_iDistanceFormat;
3449 ret = usr_distance / 1.15078;
3452 ret = usr_distance / 1.852;
3455 ret = usr_distance / 1852;
3458 ret = usr_distance / 6076.12;
3466double fromUsrSpeed(
double usr_speed,
int unit) {
3468 if (
unit == -1)
unit = g_iSpeedFormat;
3474 ret = usr_speed / 1.15078;
3477 ret = usr_speed / 1.852;
3480 ret = usr_speed / 0.514444444;
3488double fromUsrWindSpeed(
double usr_wspeed,
int unit) {
3490 if (
unit == -1)
unit = g_iWindSpeedFormat;
3496 ret = usr_wspeed / 0.514444444;
3499 ret = usr_wspeed / 1.15078;
3502 ret = usr_wspeed / 1.852;
3511double fromUsrTemp(
double usr_temp,
int unit) {
3513 if (
unit == -1)
unit = g_iTempFormat;
3519 ret = (usr_temp - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0;
3522 ret = usr_temp - 273.15;
3528wxString formatAngle(
double angle) {
3530 if (g_bShowMag && g_bShowTrue) {
3531 out.Printf(wxT(
"%03.0f %cT (%.0f %cM)"), angle, 0x00B0, toMagnetic(angle),
3533 }
else if (g_bShowTrue) {
3534 out.Printf(wxT(
"%03.0f %cT"), angle, 0x00B0);
3536 out.Printf(wxT(
"%03.0f %cM"), toMagnetic(angle), 0x00B0);
3542void AlphaBlending(
ocpnDC &dc,
int x,
int y,
int size_x,
int size_y,
3543 float radius, wxColour color,
unsigned char transparency) {
3544 wxDC *pdc = dc.GetDC();
3547 wxBitmap obm(size_x, size_y);
3549 mdc1.SelectObject(obm);
3550 mdc1.Blit(0, 0, size_x, size_y, pdc, x, y);
3551 mdc1.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
3552 wxImage oim = obm.ConvertToImage();
3555 wxBitmap olbm(size_x, size_y);
3556 wxMemoryDC oldc(olbm);
3557 if (!oldc.IsOk())
3559 oldc.SetBackground(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
3560 oldc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
3563 if (radius > 0.0) oldc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0, 0, size_x, size_y, radius);
3565 wxImage dest = olbm.ConvertToImage();
3566 unsigned char *dest_data =
3567 (
unsigned char *)malloc(size_x * size_y * 3 *
unsigned char));
3568 unsigned char *bg = oim.GetData();
3569 unsigned char *box = dest.GetData();
3570 unsigned char *d = dest_data;
3577 float alpha = 1.0 - (float)transparency / 255.0;
3578 int sb = size_x * size_y;
3579 for (
int i = 0; i < sb; i++) {
3581 if (*box == 0 && radius > 0.0) a = 1.0;
3582 int r = ((*bg++) * a) + (1.0 - a) * color.Red();
3585 int g = ((*bg++) * a) + (1.0 - a) * color.Green();
3588 int b = ((*bg++) * a) + (1.0 - a) * color.Blue();
3593 dest.SetData(dest_data);
3597 dc.DrawBitmap(dbm, x, y,
3601 dc.CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
3602 dc.CalcBoundingBox(x + size_x, y + size_y);
3607 float radMod = wxMax(radius, 2.0);
3608 wxColour c(color.Red(), color.Green(), color.Blue(), transparency);
3609 dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(c));
3610 dc.SetPen(wxPen(c, 1));
3611 dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, size_x, size_y, radMod);
3613 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
3619void GpxDocument::SeedRandom() {
3623 wxDateTime x = wxDateTime::UNow();
3624 long seed = x.GetMillisecond();
3625 seed *= x.GetTicks();
3629void DimeControl(wxWindow *ctrl) {
3635 if (wxPlatformInfo::Get().CheckOSVersion(10, 14)) {
3643 if (wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSystemColour::wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW).Red() <
3650 if (NULL == ctrl)
3652 wxColour col, window_back_color, gridline, uitext, udkrd, ctrl_back_color,
3654 col = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3655 window_back_color = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3656 ctrl_back_color = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3657 text_color = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3658 uitext = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3659 udkrd = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3660 gridline = GetGlobalColor(_T(
3662 DimeControl(ctrl, col, window_back_color, ctrl_back_color, text_color, uitext,
3666void DimeControl(wxWindow *ctrl, wxColour col, wxColour window_back_color,
3667 wxColour ctrl_back_color, wxColour text_color, wxColour uitext,
3668 wxColour udkrd, wxColour gridline) {
3674 if (wxPlatformInfo::Get().CheckOSVersion(10, 14)) {
3679 ColorScheme cs = global_color_scheme;
3685 static int depth = 0;
3691 window_back_color = wxNullColour;
3693 window_back_color = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW);
3695 col = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX);
3696 uitext = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT);
3699 ctrl->SetBackgroundColour(window_back_color);
3700 if (darkMode) ctrl->SetForegroundColour(text_color);
3703 wxWindowList kids = ctrl->GetChildren();
3704 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < kids.GetCount(); i++) {
3705 wxWindowListNode *node = kids.Item(i);
3706 wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
3708 if (
dynamic_cast<wxListBox *
>(win) ||
dynamic_cast<wxListCtrl *
>(win) ||
3709 dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl *
>(win) ||
3710 dynamic_cast<wxTimePickerCtrl *
>(win)) {
3711 win->SetBackgroundColour(col);
3712 }
else if (
dynamic_cast<wxStaticText *
>(win) ||
3713 dynamic_cast<wxCheckBox *
>(win) ||
3714 dynamic_cast<wxRadioButton *
>(win)) {
3715 win->SetForegroundColour(uitext);
3722 else if (
dynamic_cast<wxBitmapComboBox *
>(win) ||
3723 dynamic_cast<wxChoice *
>(win) ||
dynamic_cast<wxComboBox *
>(win) ||
3724 dynamic_cast<wxTreeCtrl *
>(win)) {
3725 win->SetBackgroundColour(col);
3728 else if (
dynamic_cast<wxScrolledWindow *
>(win) ||
3729 dynamic_cast<wxGenericDirCtrl *
>(win) ||
3730 dynamic_cast<wxListbook *
>(win) ||
dynamic_cast<wxButton *
>(win) ||
3731 dynamic_cast<wxToggleButton *
>(win)) {
3732 win->SetBackgroundColour(window_back_color);
3735 else if (
dynamic_cast<wxNotebook *
>(win)) {
3736 win->SetBackgroundColour(window_back_color);
3737 win->SetForegroundColour(text_color);
3741 else if (
dynamic_cast<wxHtmlWindow *
>(win)) {
3743 win->SetBackgroundColour(ctrl_back_color);
3745 win->SetBackgroundColour(wxNullColour);
3748 else if (
dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
>(win)) {
3749 dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
3751 dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
3752 dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
3753 dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
3754 dynamic_cast<wxGrid *
3757 if (win->GetChildren().GetCount() > 0) {
3760 DimeControl(w, col, window_back_color, ctrl_back_color, text_color,
3761 uitext, udkrd, gridline);
3767#define LUMIMOSITY_NIGHT (-0.8)
3768#define LUMIMOSITY_DUSK (-0.5)
3770wxColor GetDimedColor(
const wxColor &c) {
3771 switch (global_color_scheme) {
3772 case ColorScheme::GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_NIGHT:
3774 wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Red() + c.Red() * LUMIMOSITY_NIGHT, 255)),
3775 wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Green() + c.Green() * LUMIMOSITY_NIGHT, 255)),
3776 wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Blue() + c.Blue() * LUMIMOSITY_NIGHT, 255))));
3777 case ColorScheme::GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_DUSK:
3779 wxColor(wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Red() + c.Red() * LUMIMOSITY_DUSK, 255)),
3780 wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Green() + c.Green() * LUMIMOSITY_DUSK, 255)),
3781 wxMax(0, wxMin(c.Blue() + c.Blue() * LUMIMOSITY_DUSK, 255))));
Global state for AIS decoder.
Represents an individual component within a ChartGroup.
Represents a user-defined collection of logically related charts.
wxString GetFullConfigDesc(int i) const
Gets description of font at index i.
bool AddAuxKey(wxString key)
Adds new plugin-defined font configuration key.
void LoadFontNative(wxString *pConfigString, wxString *pNativeDesc)
Loads font settings from a string descriptor.
static wxString GetFontConfigKey(const wxString &description)
Creates configuration key from UI element name by combining locale with hash.
int GetNumFonts(void) const
Gets the total number of font configurations currently loaded.
wxArrayString & GetAuxKeyArray()
Gets array of plugin-defined font configuration keys.
Wrapper for global variable, supports notification events when value changes.
Represents a layer of chart objects in OpenCPN.
static int config_to_ui(double value)
Convert configuration 1.02..3.0 value to slider scale 1..100.
static double ui_to_config(int slider_pos)
Convert a slider scale 1-100 value to configuration value 1.02..3.0.
Represents a single point in a track.
Represents a track, which is a series of connected track points.
Represents the view port for chart display in OpenCPN.
double view_scale_ppm
Requested view scale in physical pixels per meter (ppm), before applying projections.
double rotation
Rotation angle of the viewport in radians.
double clon
Center longitude of the viewport in degrees.
double clat
Center latitude of the viewport in degrees.
Encapsulates persistent canvas configuration.
double iLat
Latitude of the center of the chart, in degrees.
bool bShowOutlines
Display chart outlines.
wxSize canvasSize
Canvas dimensions.
bool bShowDepthUnits
Display depth unit indicators.
double iLon
Longitude of the center of the chart, in degrees.
double iRotation
Initial rotation angle in radians.
bool bCourseUp
Orient display to course up.
bool bQuilt
Enable chart quilting.
bool bFollow
Enable vessel following mode.
double iScale
Initial chart scale factor.
bool bShowENCText
Display ENC text elements.
bool bShowAIS
Display AIS targets.
bool bShowGrid
Display coordinate grid.
ChartCanvas * canvas
Pointer to associated chart canvas.
bool bShowCurrents
Display current information.
bool bShowTides
Display tide information.
bool bLookahead
Enable lookahead mode.
bool bHeadUp
Orient display to heading up.
bool bAttenAIS
Enable AIS target attenuation.
Device context class that can use either wxDC or OpenGL for drawing.
Global variables reflecting command line options and arguments.
Tools to send data to plugins.