| chartdldr_pi (void *ppimgr) |
int | Init (void) |
bool | DeInit (void) |
int | GetAPIVersionMajor () |
int | GetAPIVersionMinor () |
int | GetPlugInVersionMajor () |
int | GetPlugInVersionMinor () |
wxBitmap * | GetPlugInBitmap () |
| FIXME static wxBitmap* LoadSVG(const wxString filename, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height) { if (!gFrame) return new wxBitmap(width, height); // We are headless.
wxString | GetCommonName () |
wxString | GetShortDescription () |
wxString | GetLongDescription () |
void | OnSetupOptions (void) |
void | OnCloseToolboxPanel (int page_sel, int ok_apply_cancel) |
void | ShowPreferencesDialog (wxWindow *parent) |
bool | SaveConfig (void) |
bool | ProcessFile (const wxString &aFile, const wxString &aTargetDir, bool aStripPath=true, wxDateTime aMTime=wxDateTime::Now()) |
bool | ExtractZipFiles (const wxString &aZipFile, const wxString &aTargetDir, bool aStripPath=true, wxDateTime aMTime=wxDateTime::Now(), bool aRemoveZip=false) |
bool | ExtractUnarrFiles (const wxString &aRarFile, const wxString &aTargetDir, bool aStripPath=true, wxDateTime aMTime=wxDateTime::Now(), bool aRemoveRar=false) |
void | UpdatePrefs (ChartDldrPrefsDlgImpl *dialog) |
void | SetSourceId (int id) |
int | GetSourceId () |
wxString | GetBaseChartDir () |
| opencpn_plugin_113 (void *pmgr) |
virtual bool | KeyboardEventHook (wxKeyEvent &event) |
virtual void | OnToolbarToolDownCallback (int id) |
virtual void | OnToolbarToolUpCallback (int id) |
| opencpn_plugin_112 (void *pmgr) |
virtual bool | MouseEventHook (wxMouseEvent &event) |
virtual void | SendVectorChartObjectInfo (wxString &chart, wxString &feature, wxString &objname, double lat, double lon, double scale, int nativescale) |
| opencpn_plugin_111 (void *pmgr) |
| opencpn_plugin_110 (void *pmgr) |
virtual void | LateInit (void) |
| opencpn_plugin_19 (void *pmgr) |
| opencpn_plugin_18 (void *pmgr) |
virtual bool | RenderOverlay (wxDC &dc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp) |
virtual bool | RenderGLOverlay (wxGLContext *pcontext, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp) |
virtual void | SetPluginMessage (wxString &message_id, wxString &message_body) |
virtual void | SetPositionFixEx (PlugIn_Position_Fix_Ex &pfix) |
virtual bool | RenderOverlay (wxMemoryDC *pmdc, PlugIn_ViewPort *vp) |
| opencpn_plugin (void *pmgr) |
virtual void | SetDefaults (void) |
virtual int | GetToolbarToolCount (void) |
virtual int | GetToolboxPanelCount (void) |
virtual void | SetupToolboxPanel (int page_sel, wxNotebook *pnotebook) |
virtual void | SetCursorLatLon (double lat, double lon) |
virtual void | SetCurrentViewPort (PlugIn_ViewPort &vp) |
virtual void | SetPositionFix (PlugIn_Position_Fix &pfix) |
virtual void | SetNMEASentence (wxString &sentence) |
| Receive all NMEA 0183 sentences from OpenCPN.
virtual void | SetAISSentence (wxString &sentence) |
| Receive all AIS sentences from OpenCPN.
virtual void | ProcessParentResize (int x, int y) |
virtual void | SetColorScheme (PI_ColorScheme cs) |
virtual void | OnToolbarToolCallback (int id) |
virtual void | OnContextMenuItemCallback (int id) |
virtual void | UpdateAuiStatus (void) |
virtual wxArrayString | GetDynamicChartClassNameArray (void) |
Definition at line 70 of file chartdldr_pi.h.
wxBitmap * chartdldr_pi::GetPlugInBitmap |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
FIXME static wxBitmap* LoadSVG(const wxString filename, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height) { if (!gFrame) return new wxBitmap(width, height); // We are headless.
#ifdef ANDROID return loadAndroidSVG(filename, width, height); #elif defined(ocpnUSE_SVG) wxSVGDocument svgDoc; if (svgDoc.Load(filename)) return new wxBitmap(svgDoc.Render(width, height, NULL, true, true)); else return new wxBitmap(width, height); #else return new wxBitmap(width, height); #endif }
wxBitmap* opencpn_plugin::GetPlugInBitmap() { auto bitmap = PluginLoader::getInstance()->GetPluginDefaultIcon(); return const_cast<wxBitmap*>(bitmap); }
Reimplemented from opencpn_plugin.
Definition at line 245 of file chartdldr_pi.cpp.