| GribV1Record (ZUFILE *file, int id_) |
| GribV1Record (const GribRecord &rec) |
| GribRecord (const GribRecord &rec) |
| Copy constructor performs a deep copy of the GribRecord.
void | multiplyAllData (double k) |
void | Substract (const GribRecord &rec, bool positive=true) |
void | Average (const GribRecord &rec) |
bool | isOk () const |
bool | isDataKnown () const |
bool | isEof () const |
bool | isDuplicated () const |
zuchar | getDataType () const |
| Returns the type of meteorological parameter stored in this grid.
void | setDataType (const zuchar t) |
zuchar | getLevelType () const |
| Returns the type of vertical level for this grid's data.
zuint | getLevelValue () const |
| Returns the numeric value associated with the level type.
zuint | getDataCenterModel () const |
| Returns the numerical weather prediction model/center that produced this data.
zuchar | getIdCenter () const |
| Returns the originating center ID as defined by WMO (World Meteorological Organization).
zuchar | getIdModel () const |
| Returns the model/process ID within the originating center.
zuchar | getIdGrid () const |
| Returns the grid definition template number.
std::string | getKey () const |
int | getPeriodP1 () const |
| Returns the start of the period (P1) used for this record.
int | getPeriodP2 () const |
| Returns the end of the period (P2) used for this record.
zuint | getPeriodSec () const |
| Returns the forecast period in seconds from reference time.
zuchar | getTimeRange () const |
| Returns the time range indicator that defines how P1 and P2 should be interpreted.
int | getNi () const |
| Returns the number of points in the longitude (i) direction of the grid.
int | getNj () const |
| Returns the number of points in the latitude (j) direction of the grid.
double | getDi () const |
| Returns the grid spacing in longitude (i) direction in degrees.
double | getDj () const |
| Returns the grid spacing in latitude (j) direction in degrees.
double | getValue (int i, int j) const |
| Returns the data value at a specific grid point.
void | setValue (zuint i, zuint j, double v) |
double | getInterpolatedValue (double px, double py, bool numericalInterpolation=true, bool dir=false) const |
| Get spatially interpolated value at exact lat/lon position.
double | getX (int i) const |
| Converts grid index i to longitude in degrees.
double | getY (int j) const |
| Converts grid index j to latitude in degrees.
void | getXY (int i, int j, double *x, double *y) const |
| Converts grid indices to longitude/latitude coordinates.
double | getLatMin () const |
double | getLonMin () const |
double | getLatMax () const |
double | getLonMax () const |
bool | hasValue (int i, int j) const |
bool | isDefined (int i, int j) const |
time_t | getRecordRefDate () const |
const char * | getStrRecordRefDate () const |
time_t | getRecordCurrentDate () const |
const char * | getStrRecordCurDate () const |
void | setRecordCurrentDate (time_t t) |
void | print () |
bool | isFilled () |
void | setFilled (bool val=true) |
static GribRecord * | InterpolatedRecord (const GribRecord &rec1, const GribRecord &rec2, double d, bool dir=false) |
| Creates a new GribRecord by temporally interpolating between two time points.
static GribRecord * | Interpolated2DRecord (GribRecord *&rety, const GribRecord &rec1x, const GribRecord &rec1y, const GribRecord &rec2x, const GribRecord &rec2y, double d) |
| Creates temporally interpolated records for vector fields (wind, currents).
static GribRecord * | MagnitudeRecord (const GribRecord &rec1, const GribRecord &rec2) |
static void | Polar2UV (GribRecord *pDIR, GribRecord *pSPEED) |
| Converts wind or current values from polar (direction/speed) to cartesian (U/V) components.
static std::string | makeKey (int dataType, int levelType, int levelValue) |
static bool | getInterpolatedValues (double &M, double &A, const GribRecord *GRX, const GribRecord *GRY, double px, double py, bool numericalInterpolation=true) |
| Gets spatially interpolated wind or current vector values at a specific latitude/longitude point.
time_t | makeDate (zuint year, zuint month, zuint day, zuint hour, zuint min, zuint sec) |
static bool | GetInterpolatedParameters (const GribRecord &rec1, const GribRecord &rec2, double &La1, double &Lo1, double &La2, double &Lo2, double &Di, double &Dj, int &im1, int &jm1, int &im2, int &jm2, int &Ni, int &Nj, int &rec1offi, int &rec1offj, int &rec2offi, int &rec2offj) |
int | id |
| Unique identifier for this record.
bool | ok |
| Indicates record validity.
bool | knownData |
| Indicates whether the data type in this record is recognized by the parser.
bool | waveData |
| Differentiates wave-related parameters (height, direction, period) from other meteorological data for specialized processing.
bool | IsDuplicated |
| Indicates if this record was created through copying rather than direct reading.
bool | eof |
| Signals when the end of the GRIB file has been reached during parsing.
std::string | dataKey |
| Unique string identifier constructed from data type, level type, and level value.
char | strRefDate [32] |
char | strCurDate [32] |
int | dataCenterModel |
| Identifies the numerical weather model that produced this data.
bool | m_bfilled |
| Indicates whether the data array has been populated.
zuchar | editionNumber |
| GRIB edition number, indicating the version of the GRIB specification used.
zuchar | idCenter |
| Originating center ID as defined by WMO common table C-1.
zuchar | idModel |
| Model identifier within the originating center.
zuchar | idGrid |
| Grid identifier used by the originating center.
zuchar | dataType |
| Parameter identifier as defined by GRIB tables.
zuchar | levelType |
| Vertical level type indicator.
zuint | levelValue |
| Numeric value associated with levelType.
bool | hasBMS |
| Indicates presence of a bitmap section.
zuint | refyear |
| Components of the reference time for this forecast.
zuint | refmonth |
zuint | refday |
zuint | refhour |
zuint | refminute |
zuint | periodP1 |
| Time range indicators for this forecast step.
zuint | periodP2 |
zuchar | timeRange |
| Statistical processing indicator.
zuint | periodsec |
| Forecast period in seconds.
time_t | refDate |
| Unix timestamp of model initialization time.
time_t | curDate |
| Unix timestamp of when this forecast is valid.
zuchar | NV |
zuchar | PV |
zuchar | gridType |
zuint | Ni |
zuint | Nj |
double | La1 |
double | Lo1 |
| Grid origin coordinates.
double | La2 |
double | Lo2 |
| Grid end coordinates.
double | latMin |
double | lonMin |
double | latMax |
double | lonMax |
double | Di |
double | Dj |
zuchar | resolFlags |
zuchar | scanFlags |
bool | hasDiDj |
bool | isEarthSpheric |
bool | isUeastVnorth |
bool | isScanIpositive |
bool | isScanJpositive |
bool | isAdjacentI |
zuint | BMSsize |
zuchar * | BMSbits |
double * | data |
Definition at line 37 of file GribV1Record.h.