Celestial Navigation
Looking for the Celestial Navigation Plugin?
Celestial navigation a. k. k astronavigation is about:
Identification of celestial bodies.
Nautical Almanac, including sun and moon phenomena.
Sights: correction of the observed altitude and calculation of line of position (type of LoP: Marcq Saint Hilaire).
Celestial Fix. GPX file output that serves as an input to OpenCPN. Complete solution: fix, circles of position, confidence ellipse.
Some more backround: http://straitofmagellan.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/celestial-navigation-101-lesson-1.html
More in-depth explanation: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pp89of9q9fk4rbi/rotmatricesCoP.zip/file
The astronavigation Windows package.

The Running Fix problem is easily solved using Astronavigation.exe

Fix and confidence ellipse. Coastal scale.
Software is available for free, for non-commercial use at: http://sites.google.com/site/navigationalalgorithms/ (Only for Windows)