Manual Maintenance

If you discover any shortcoming in this manual, please enhance it by submitting a patch. For simple bug-fixing changes this is a simple task.

Bigger changes are of course also more then welcome.

Small bugfixes

To edit a page in the manual, click the "Edit this Page" link which is displayed at every page top-right.

The link will display a Github UI where the page can be edited (click the pen icon). The changes can be previewed.

When the changes are saved, Github will create a Pull Request which basically requests that the manual maintainers accepts you changes.

That’s it!

Larger changes

For larger changes it’s easier to follow the ordinary git/GitHub workflow. This starts with forking

After this follow the usual procedure to create a pull request (PR).

The pages are written in Asciidoc, a simple markup language. Smaller changes are possible to do without any Asciidoc knowledge. For bigger changes, these are important resources: