OpenCPN Partial API docs
No Matches
ocpnDC Member List

This is the complete list of members for ocpnDC, including all inherited members.

BuildShaders() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
CalcBoundingBox(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
Clear() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
ConfigureBrush() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
ConfigurePen() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
dc (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
DestroyClippingRegion() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCinline
DrawBitmap(const wxBitmap &bitmap, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, bool usemask) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawCircle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord radius) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawCircle(const wxPoint &pt, wxCoord radius) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCinline
DrawEllipse(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawGLThickLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, wxPen pen, bool b_hiqual) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawGLThickLines(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset, wxPen pen, bool b_hiqual) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawLine(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, bool b_hiqual=true)ocpnDC
DrawLines(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, bool b_hiqual=true) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawPolygon(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, float scale=1.0, float angle=0.0) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawPolygonTessellated(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
DrawRoundedRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h, wxCoord rr) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
drawrrhelperGLES2(wxCoord x0, wxCoord y0, wxCoord r, int quadrant, int steps) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
DrawText(const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, float angle=0.0) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GetBrush() const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GetDC() const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCinline
GetFont() const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GetPen() const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GetSize(wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height) const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GetTextExtent(const wxString &string, wxCoord *w, wxCoord *h, wxCoord *descent=NULL, wxCoord *externalLeading=NULL, wxFont *font=NULL) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
GLDrawBlendData(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h, int format, const unsigned char *data) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
Init() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
m_brush (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_buseTex (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_canvasIndex (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
m_dpi_factor (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_font (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_glcanvas (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_glchartCanvas (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_pen (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_textforegroundcolour (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
m_vp (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
ocpnDC(glChartCanvas &canvas) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
ocpnDC(wxGLCanvas &canvas) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
ocpnDC(wxDC &pdc) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
ocpnDC() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
ResetBoundingBox() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetBackground(const wxBrush &brush) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetBrush(const wxBrush &brush) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetDPIFactor(double factor) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCinline
SetFont(const wxFont &font) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetGLAttrs(bool highQuality) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCstatic
SetGLCanvas(glChartCanvas *canvas) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetGLStipple() const (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetPen(const wxPen &pen) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetTextForeground(const wxColour &colour) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
SetVP(ViewPort vp) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
StrokeCircle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord radius) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
StrokeLine(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
StrokeLine(wxPoint a, wxPoint b) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCinline
StrokeLines(int n, wxPoint *points) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
StrokePolygon(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset=0, wxCoord yoffset=0, float scale=1.0) (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC
workBuf (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
workBufIndex (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
workBufSize (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDCprotected
~ocpnDC() (defined in ocpnDC)ocpnDC