OpenCPN Partial API docs
This is the complete list of members for EncCell, including all inherited members.
Chart(pugi::xml_node &xmldata) (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
coast_guard_districts (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
coverage (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
cscale (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
edtn (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
EncCell(pugi::xml_node &xmldata) (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
GetChartFilename(bool to_check=false) (defined in Chart) | Chart | virtual |
GetChartTitle() (defined in Chart) | Chart | inlinevirtual |
GetDownloadLocation() (defined in Chart) | Chart | inlinevirtual |
GetManualDownloadUrl() (defined in Chart) | Chart | inlinevirtual |
GetUpdateDatetime() (defined in Chart) | Chart | inlinevirtual |
isdt (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
lnm (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
manual_download_url (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
NeedsManualDownload() (defined in Chart) | Chart | inlinevirtual |
nm (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
number (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
reference_file (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
regions (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
src_chart (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
states (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
status (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
target_filename (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
title (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
uadt (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
updn (defined in EncCell) | EncCell | |
zipfile_datetime (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
zipfile_datetime_iso8601 (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
zipfile_location (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
zipfile_size (defined in Chart) | Chart | |
~Chart() (defined in Chart) | Chart | virtual |